Endoscopic Diagnosis of Thoracic Disease

Endoscopy, especially fiberoptic endoscopy, has revolutionized nearly all theaters of medicine in terms of diagnosis and therapeutic intervention. This revolution is particularly true for thoracic surgery, where bronchoscopy and esophagoscopy are essential modalities in the diagnosis, approach, and treatment of tracheal, bronchial, and alimentary tract pathology. As the technology of optics, endoscope instrumentation, and appurtenances such as endoscopic ultrasound and yttrium-aluminum-garnet (YAG) laser have evolved, so have the indications and capabilities of the skilled endoscopist. Although many clinicians may perform endoscopy, thoracic surgeons in particular should be adept and pioneering with these procedures, because new endoscopic technology will continue to enable all aspects of minimally invasive thoracic surgery.


In 1868, Kussmaul intubated a sword swallower's stomach via the esophagus with a 13-mm hollow metal tube. This maneuver proved that the oral cavity, esophagus, and stomach could be simultaneously intubated with one rigid instrument. Mikulicz added one crucial aspect to the tube—a distal light to illuminate the esophagus and stomach—and he was able to visualize gastric motility and view probable malignancies. The fiberoptic endoscope was introduced in 1958. This instrument allowed more patient comfort as well as greater therapeutic possibilities in the distal stomach and proximal small intestine. Although the scope itself has not changed greatly, the adjunctive instruments have dramatically changed the way many disease states can be treated.


For the thoracic surgeon, dysphasia and odynophagia are two of the most common indications for esophageal endoscopy ( Box 5-1 ). Others include reflux, an abnormal esophagogram, trauma, screening, or staging of gastrointestinal or adjacent masses including tracheoesophageal fistulas. Upper gastrointestinal bleeding is another common indication for endoscopy, which has become the first line in management of this clinical scenario. Likewise, esophagoscopy can be a useful tool in evaluating and treating patients with known or suspected complications following surgery of the foregut.

Box 5-1
From the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy: Appropriate use of gastrointestinal endoscopy. Gastrointest Endosc 52:831–837, 2000.
Indications for Upper Endoscopy

  • Persistent nausea and vomiting

  • Upper abdominal pain, heartburn, or acid reflux symptoms (i.e., an acid or burning sensation in the throat or chest)

  • Gastrointestinal bleeding (vomiting blood or blood found in the stool)

  • Difficulty swallowing; food or liquids get stuck in the esophagus

  • Abnormal or unclear findings on an upper gastrointestinal radiograph

  • Removal of a foreign body

  • Follow-up on previously found polyps (growths), tumors, or ulcers

Dysphagia can arise from a number of pathologic processes. Many causes can be distinguished with a careful history that records the duration and persistence of symptoms and accompanying constitutional complaints. Endoscopy allows the surgeon to distinguish between malignant and benign causes of dysphagia with direct endoscopic visualization and pathologic sampling, thereby guiding therapy.

Reflux is another indication for upper endoscopy. The thoracic surgeon searches for any long-term sequelae associated with chronic gastroesophageal reflux disease, such as Barrett esophagus. Esophagoscopy is crucial in the surveillance of known Barrett esophagus because of the link with the development of adenocarcinoma. Many support recommendations for surveillance at 3- to 5-year intervals, but its efficacy in reducing death from esophageal cancer has not been firmly established.

Upper gastrointestinal bleeding is another indication for endoscopy, and the procedure is often used therapeutically, as with bleeding esophageal varices—a difficult problem that can be palliated endoscopically with banding or sclerotherapy.

The most common reason for a thoracic surgeon to perform upper endoscopy is to visualize and biopsy esophageal and proximal stomach masses. Biopsy has a sensitivity of 66% to 96% in esophageal cancers. Seven to 10 biopsies are usually taken throughout the area of the lesion, or randomly in the setting of Barrett esophagitis. For lesions with a tight stricture, the surgeon can use a small-diameter scope, and brushings have been shown to increase the yield of tissue in such cases. After foregut surgery, endoscopy is also useful in the management of postoperative complications for both therapeutic and diagnostic purposes. The role of endoscopic ultrasound in the diagnosis and staging of esophageal disease will be discussed later.

Upper endoscopy can also play a role in the assessment of other mediastinal masses and malignancies that cause esophageal obstructive symptoms. Endoscopy can reveal whether the lesion is causing mass effect or actual erosion through the wall of the esophagus, possibly resulting in a fistula.

Upper endoscopy is also important for investigating trauma—blunt, penetrating, or caustic—and for foreign body retrieval. When using endoscopy to remove foreign bodies lodged in the esophagus, the surgeon should be alert to the potential for intraesophageal lesions, which may be responsible for the failure of material to pass through. The thoracic surgeon is frequently asked to document and manage iatrogenic trauma to the esophagus via instrumentation. Although the esophagogram is the mainstay for the diagnosis of perforation, the usefulness of endoscopy for the diagnosis and documentation of the extent of injury should not be underestimated. Cases of esophageal perforation have been reportedly managed with endoscopic techniques—primarily stenting. Most experience comes from extreme cases when patients either are too acutely ill for attempts at repair or have minimal systemic derangement. In these highly select cases, outcomes have been favorable.

Corrosive ingestion is another indication for early (within 36 hours) endoscopic inspection, which can help to identify transmural involvement and subsequent development of strictures.


Most endoscopies can be performed on an outpatient basis with conscious sedation. Patients should receive nothing by mouth (NPO) after midnight for a morning examination, and those with obstructive symptoms should be administered a clear liquid diet for 24 to 48 hours before the examination. When the patient arrives, a peripheral intravenous line and electrocardiograph (ECG) leads should be placed. Because the sedatives can cause respiratory depression, continuous ECG and pulse oximetry monitoring is performed, and blood pressure measurements are obtained frequently during the procedure. Once the monitors are in place, sedation is given to ensure that the patient is comfortable and cooperative. Local anesthesia minimizes the degree of conscious sedation required.

Flexible Esophagoscopy


The most common position for examination of the outpatient is the left lateral decubitus, with the head flexed. A bite block is placed into the mouth to protect the endoscope from the teeth, and the endoscope is introduced under direct vision. The epiglottis and larynx should be seen and advanced over until the piriform sinuses become apparent. If the vocal cords are visualized, any abnormalities should be documented. Gentle pressure is applied against the upper esophageal sphincter at the cricopharyngeus, and the patient is instructed to swallow, which usually results in successful and atraumatic esophageal intubation.

The four normal endoluminal landmarks in the esophagus are as follows: (1) the upper esophageal sphincter at the cricopharyngeus, 15 to 18 cm from the incisors; (2) the aortic arch, usually evident as an indentation on the left anterolateral wall; (3) the left atrium, seen in the distal esophagus as wavelike pulsations of the anterior wall of the esophagus; and (4) the lower esophageal sphincter, which in reality is just a physiologic sphincter and which can be demonstrated by asking the patient to perform a Valsalva maneuver and noting the pinching off of the lumen. The esophagus is generally easy to assess, and very little air insufflation is required to view its entire course.

Once the gastroesophageal junction has been passed, it is easy to advance into the stomach. The stomach should be insufflated with enough air to flatten out the rugae and allow visualization of the entire mucosal surface. The pylorus is visualized, and the scope can be advanced beyond the sphincter when it is relaxed. The duodenum should be inspected to the third portion. Once this has been performed satisfactorily, the scope should be withdrawn slowly to see any potentially missed pathology. In the stomach, retroflexion of the scope allows visualization of the body and cardia of the stomach as well as evaluation of the distal extent of disease for lesions at the level of the gastroesophageal junction. Insufflated air should be suctioned before leaving the confines of the stomach. During the withdrawal, the scope should be pulled back slowly to assess the esophagus carefully. Next, the endoscope is removed and monitoring of the patient continues.


Complications are rare after flexible upper endoscopy. Morbidity rates of 0.13% to 0.092% include cardiovascular reactions to premedication, perforation, and bleeding. Most complications occur within the setting of instrumentation and risk must be placed in context of the underlying pathology or indications for the procedure. Mortality rates are exceedingly rare, quoted at 0.018% to 0.004%.

Rigid Esophagoscopy

Rigid esophagoscopy is a rarely used modality, usually reserved for three instances: trauma, removal of impacted food, and removal of foreign bodies. Rigid esophagoscopes can accommodate larger graspers than the working channel of a standard flexible esophagoscope and do not require insufflation. The scope is held in the examiner's right hand while the left hand keeps the mouth open with the left thumb protecting the upper dentition. During the insertion of the scope, the head is initially held forward, in the “sniffing position” used for tracheal intubation. Once the cricopharyngeus is passed, the head is extended to eliminate the angle of the mouth and the pharynx. The scope can then be advanced carefully throughout the length of the esophagus and proximal stomach. Manipulating the head and cervical spine at the areas of narrowing allows less traumatic passage.

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