Elements of the Immune System and Concepts of Intraocular Inflammatory Disease Pathogenesis

Key Concepts

  • T cells play an important role in the pathogenesis of uveitis.

  • The eye is very active immunologically, with ocular resident cells interacting with the immune system.

  • Uveitogenic antigens are expressed in the eye, and immunization of animals with these antigens induces experimental uveitis, which resembles human uveitis in many aspects.


The author thanks Dr. Igal Gery for his extensive review of and input into this chapter.

In an ever-changing field, a review of the immune system is the subject of numerous books, courses, and scientific articles. However, certain principles have been established, and in the main, these have survived the test of time and rigorous scrutiny. The aim of this chapter is to provide the reader with the essentials needed to follow a discussion on the mechanisms proposed for intraocular inflammatory disease; therefore topics relevant to the understanding of that subject are addressed. In addition, selected themes thought to be important in understanding the unique ocular immune environment and pathogenesis are covered.

The development of the immune system is an extraordinary product of evolution. Its goal is to recognize what is different from self, so its initial role is to respond to foreign antigens with an innate immune response that is geared to rapidly clear the body of the foreign invader. “Innate immunity” is restricted to the non–antigen-specific immune response, including phagocytic cells that engulf and destroy invaders (macrophages and polymorphonuclear cells [PMNs]); populations of lymphocytes that include innate lymphoid cells [ILCs], i.e., natural killer [NK] cells and natural killer T cells (NKTCs); and humoral factors, such as the complement system, and the receptors on antigen-presenting cells, such as phagocytes, called toll-like receptors (TLRs), which interact with the invaders’ molecules. This activates the antigen-presenting cell to initiate the “adaptive” immune response. Clearly, the invader may return, in which case the adaptive immune response is in place to respond. The adaptive immune response is antigen specific and deals with the invaders that escaped the innate immune mechanism or have returned. The adaptive immune response consists of both B and T cells, and portions of these populations acquire the properties of the memory cells of the secondary immune response. This adaptive immune response connotes an immune memory, hence the development of a complex way in which high-affinity molecules and cell-surface markers can distinguish between the invader and self. A given of this concept is that self-antigens are not attacked; that is, an immune tolerance exists. Part of our story deals with the immune system’s appropriate response to outside invaders (e.g., Toxoplasma ) and the other part deals with understanding (and trying to explain) the response to autoantigens. The dynamic is not as simple as outlined; in fact, it starts as an appropriate response to a foreign antigen and then changes to an abnormal response against the eye. Many mechanisms, such as molecular mimicry, have been proposed.

Achieving this complex but highly specific immune response requires multiple players. Some of these are reviewed in the first part of this chapter. In the second part, findings and theories of disease mechanisms relevant to ocular diseases are introduced and discussed.

Elements of the immune system

The immune system consists of several cell types, including macrophages, dendritic cells, polymorphonuclear cells, and a variety of lymphocyte lines with specific functions. These components add up to a complex immune circuitry or “ballet,” which, in the vast number of individuals, responds in a way that is beneficial to the organism. The interactions among these cells and their movements are mediated by several families of molecules, including cytokines, chemokines, and adhesion molecules.


Phagocytic cells originate in bone marrow. The concept that phagocytosis is important for the immunologic defense of the organism was proposed by Metchnikoff at the end of the nineteenth century. The macrophage, which is relatively large (15 μm), has an abundant smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum. Lysosomal granules and a well-developed Golgi apparatus are also found. Several functional, histochemical, and morphologic characteristics of these cells can be noted ( Table 1.1 ). In addition to the phagocytic characteristics already alluded to, these cells contain esterases and peroxidases and bear membrane markers that are typical of their cell line (i.e., OKM1 antigen and F4/80). Other cell-surface markers are also present, such as class II antigens, Fc receptors (for antibody), and receptors (for complement). These enzymes and cell markers help identify this class of cells and their state of activation. The presence of esterase is a useful marker to distinguish macrophages from granulocytes and lymphocytes. Monocytes will leave the bloodstream because of either a predetermined maturational process or induced migration into an area as a result of chemotactic substances, often produced during inflammatory events. After taking up residence in various tissues, they become macrophages, which are frequently known by other names ( Fig. 1.1 ) . Dendritic cells, such as Langerhans’ cells, are found in the skin and the cornea and play an important role in presenting antigens to lymphocytes.

Macrophage Characteristics
Histochemical Surface Antigens Receptors Functions
5´-Nucleotidase OKM1 Fc Phagocytosis
Esterase Class II antigens Immunoglobulin M (IgM) Pinocytosis
Alkaline phosphodiesterase Lymphokine Immune activation
Aminopeptidase Lactoferrin Secretory
Insulin Microbicidal
Cb3 Tumoricidal

Fig. 1.1, Macrophage differentiation.

Macrophages play at least three major roles within the immune system. The first is to directly destroy foreign pathogens and clear dying or diseased tissue. Killing of invading microbes is, in part, mediated by a burst of hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ) activity by the activated macrophage. An example with ocular importance is the engulfment of the toxoplasmosis organism, with the macrophage often being a repository for this parasite if killing is inadequate. The second is to activate the immune system. Macrophages, dendritic cells, or other cells with similar characteristics are mandatory for antigen-specific activation of T lymphocytes. Internalizing and processing of the antigen by the macrophage are thought to be integral parts of this mechanism, and the macrophage or the dendritic cell is named antigen-presenting cell (APC). Other cells, such as B cells, can also serve this function. The macrophage and the lymphocyte usually need to be in close contact with each other for this transfer to occur. Another requirement is for the cells to have in common a significant portion of their major histocompatibility complex (MHC), genes that express various cell-surface membranes essential for cellular communication and function. Thus this MHC stimulation leads to the initiation of an immune response, ultimately with both T and B cells potentially participating. Other cell-surface markers are needed for activation. This “two signal” theory has centered on other cell-surface antigens, such as the B7–CD28 complex. The engagement of B7 (on the macrophage side) with CD28 enhances the transcription of cytokine genes. Third, the macrophage is a potent secretory cell. Proteases can be released in abundance, and this can degrade vessel surfaces and perivascular areas. Degradation products that result from these reactions are chemotactic and further enhance an immune response. Interleukin (IL)-1, a monokine with a molecular weight of 15 kilodaltons (kDa), is produced by the macrophage (and other cells) after interaction with exogenous pathogens or internal stimuli, such as immune complexes or T cells. IL-1 release directly affects T-cell growth and aids this cell in releasing its own secretory products. IL-1 is noted to act directly on the central nervous system (CNS), with a by-product being induction of fever. Still other macrophage products stimulate fibroblast migration and division, all of which have potentially important consequences in the eye.

Macrophages also produce IL-12, IL-18, IL-10, and transforming growth factor (TGF)-β. In a feedback mechanism, interferon (IFN)-γ can activate macrophages, and the production of IL-12 by the macrophage plays an important role in T-cell activation. The role of macrophages in the eye remains to be fully explored.

Dendritic Cells

Although macrophages play an important role, it is conjectured that dendritic cells are important macrophage-like cells in tissues. They are a subset of cells, perhaps of different lineage from macrophages, and they can be distinguished by lack of persistent adhesion and by the bearing of an antigen, 33D1, on their surface, features that macrophages do not possess. The major role of dendritic cells is to serve as APCs for both CD4+ and CD8+ cells. Like macrophages, dendritic cells produce IL-12, an important activator of T-cell responsiveness. They are rich in MHC II intracellular compartments, an important factor in antigen presentation. The MHC class II compartments move to the surface of the cell when the dendritic cell matures, stimulated by IFN-γ and the CD40 ligand. Dendritic cells are special in that they inhabit tissues where foreign antigens may enter. Experiments with painting of the skin brought seminal observations. Antigens painted on the skin are “brought” to the draining lymph nodes by the dendritic cells of the skin (Langerhans’ cells) where T-cell activation can occur. What is interesting is the migratory nature of these cells: They constantly carry important information to the peripheral centers of the immune response. Whether dendritic APCs can activate T cells efficiently in the tissues themselves is an open question, and the answer is important to our understanding of immune responses in the eye. Dendritic cells are thought to be the APCs (or one of the major players) in corneal graft rejection. Thus the concept of removing dendritic cells from a graft has been proposed and used in experimental models. However, there is an opposing concept that peripheral immune tolerance, induced by antigens that foster programmed cell death (apoptosis), may depend on presentation of antigen by dendritic cells in the tissue.

T cells

T-cell responses to antigens provide the basis for a large part of the inflammatory process. They are generated in bone marrow and mature in the thymus, the first lymphoid organ to develop. The thymus consists of two compartments, the cortex and the medulla. In the cortex, immature thymocytes develop through a complex process; their T-cell receptors (TCRs; see later) then interact with thymic epithelium, a process that determines their becoming CD4 (“helping”) or CD8 (“cytotoxic”) T cells. Thymocytes that fail this process die by apoptosis (“positive selection”), whereas thymocytes that succeed in this selection migrate to the thymic medulla, where epithelial and dendritic cells express all the body’s major autoantigens. Thymocytes expressing TCRs with strong affinity to autoantigens are deleted (“negative selection”), and the remaining T cells enter the lymphoid system. Importantly, the negative selection is incomplete and T cells specific to autoantigens do escape the negative selection (see later).

A major component of the negative selection system is the autoimmune regulator (AIRE), a protein that is produced by medullary cells and that controls the expression of organ-specific antigens. Loss of the AIRE gene leads to autoimmunity, which is known to occur in humans who develop autoimmune polyglandular syndrome (APS) type I, an autoimmune disease that is inherited in an autosomal recessive fashion. In addition to adrenal insufficiency, mucocutaneous infections, and hypoparathyroidism, these patients can have diabetes, Sjögren syndrome, vitiligo, and uveitis.

The expression of ocular self-antigens in the thymus was investigated in both mice and humans. Egwuagu et al. have shown in different mouse strains an inverted relationship between thymic expression of ocular-specific retinal antigens and the susceptibility to induction of experimental autoimmune uveitis (EAU): Thymic expression of retinal antigens causes lack of responsiveness to these antigens. An example of this phenomenon is shown in Fig. 1.2 . Four inbred strains of mice were evaluated for the expression in their thymus of two uveitogenic antigens, interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein (IRBP) and S-antigen (S-Ag). All four strains were resistant to the induction of uveitis when S-Ag was used as the immunizing antigen, and all four expressed S-Ag in their thymus. However, two of the four strains, B10.A and B10.RIII, did not express IRBP in their thymuses and were susceptible to uveitis induction when IRBP was used as the immunizing antigen. These observations were extended to include other rodents and primates. In the Lewis rat, which is susceptible to both antigens, neither message was found in the thymus. These observations may provide an insight into the propensity for the disease in humans. Takase et al. evaluated 18 human thymus samples taken from patients undergoing surgery for congenital heart disease. They found that there was expression of the four antigens that can induce experimental uveitis (S-Ag, recoverin, RPE65, and IRBP) in the thymuses of the tested patients. However, the expression of the various antigens was very variable, with some thymus samples showing strong expression and others not. The implication of the findings from these studies is that expression of these antigens in the thymus is very variable in humans, similar to what is seen in the differences among various rodent strains.

Fig. 1.2, Transcription of S-antigen (S-Ag) and interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein (IRBP) genes (uveitogenic antigens) in eyes and thymuses of mouse strains. S-Ag and IRBP are abundant in the eyes of all animals and S-Ag is found in the thymuses of all four strains tested. However, IRBP was seen only in thymuses of two strains – BALB/c and AKR/J – and not in those of B10.A or B10.RIII. The last two animals are susceptible to induction of uveitis with IRBP.

T cells with specificity to ocular self-antigens that escape the negative selection are found in the circulation, but do not induce uveitis. This observation is explained by two mechanisms: (1) the inhibitory effect of T-regulatory (Treg) cells, which are normally present in the body; and (2) the retina being isolated from circulating cells by the blood–retina barrier. The normal presence of T cells is indicated by the finding of T cells specific to retinal antigens in healthy individuals with no eye disease.

One important quality possessed by T cells is their immunologic recall or anamnestic capacity after re-exposure to their specific target antigen. The exposure to the antigen increases the number of specific cells and changes them into a “memory” phenotype. A memory T cell to a particular antigen can retain this immunologic memory (see later) essentially for its lifetime. With a repeat encounter, this memory response leads to an immune response that is more rapid and more pronounced than the first. An example is the positive skin response seen after purified protein derivative (PPD) testing.

The central role of the T cell in the immune system cannot be overemphasized. T cells function as pivotal modulators of the immune response by helping production of antibody by B cells and augmenting cell-mediated reactions through the release of molecules, named cytokines, which activate immune-related and other cells. T cells also may downregulate or prevent immune reactions through active suppression. (i.e., Treg cells). The cytotoxic (CD8) T-cell subset plays a major role in transplantation rejection crises. Accumulated evidence supports the importance of T cells in many aspects of the intraocular inflammatory process – from the propagation of disease to its subsequent downregulation.

A state of suspended animation can be induced in T cells; this is termed anergy. For T cells to be activated, several signals need to be given: one through the TCR and the other through costimulatory receptors, such as CD28; the third is the costimulant B7 linking to CD28 (which is on the T cell). If the TCR is activated but the costimulant is not, a growth arrest can be seen in these cells: They simply stop functioning but do not die. A second way this can occur is when a weakly adherent peptide is linked to the TCR, even if costimulation occurs. It would seem to be a mechanism to prevent unwanted or nuisance immune responses. The full response takes place only if all the appropriate interactions have occurred.

T-cell Receptor

Much interest has focused on the TCR. T cells need to produce the TCR on their cell surface to recognize the target immunogenic peptide on the MHCs of APCs. This complex interaction involves either CD4 or CD8 and their TCRs. The TCR is similar in structure to an immunoglobulin, having both α and β chains. The more distal ends of these chains are variable, and the hypervariable regions are termed V (variable) and J (joining) on the α chain and V and D (diversity) regions on the β chain. Compared with the number of immunoglobulin genes, there are fewer V genes and more J genes in the TCR repertoire. It is logically assumed that the target peptide, which has a special shape and therefore fits specifically in a lock-and-key fashion into the groove between the MHC and the TCR, would be the “cement” of this union. It has been suggested that of all the possible combinations of gene arrangements that could possibly produce the variable region believed to cradle the peptide, certain genes within a family seem to be noted more frequently in autoimmune disease. One such group is the Vα family, with Vβ8.2 receiving much attention. A small number of cells have a TCR made up not of α and β chains but, rather, of γ and δ chains (detailed later). In addition to these physiologic mechanisms, T cells may also be activated by “superantigens,” which are bacterial products, such as enterotoxins, or plant products, such as phytohemagglutinin. In addition, T cells may be activated by antibodies to certain surface antigens, mostly CD3 and CD28.

Major Populations of T Cells

The functions that have been briefly described are carried out by several subsets of CD4 T cells, identified by their products and functions. It was observed early on that T cells (and other cells) manifest myriad different molecules on their surface membranes, some of which are expressed uniquely at certain periods of cell activation or function. It was noted that certain monoclonal antibodies directed against these unique proteins bind to specific subsets of cells, thereby permitting a way to identify them ( Table 1.2 ). The antibodies to the CD3 antigen in humans (e.g., OKT3) are directed against an antigen found on all mature human T cells in the circulation; approximately 70% to 80% of lymphocytes in the systemic circulation bear this marker. Antibodies to the CD4 antigen (e.g., OKT4) define the helper subgroup of human T cells (Th cells; about 60%–80% of the total T cells). These CD4+ cells respond to antigens complexed to MHCs of the class II type. The CD4 cells are particularly susceptible to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), with the percentage of this subset decreasing dramatically as this disease progresses. Furthermore, these helper cells are necessary components of the autoimmune response seen in the experimental models of ocular inflammatory disease induced by retinal antigens (see discussion of autoimmunity later in this chapter). Antibodies to the CD8 antigen (i.e., OKT8) distinguish a population that includes cytotoxic T cells, making up about 20% to 30% of the total number of T cells. Antibodies directed against the CD8 antigen block class I histocompatibility-associated reactions.

Selected human leukocyte Differentiation antigens (Incomplete list)
Cluster Designation Main Cellular Distribution Associated Functions
CD3 T cells, thymocytes Signal transduction
CD4 Helper T (Th) cells MHC class II coreceptor
CD8 Suppressor T cells, cytotoxic T cells MHC class I receptor
CD11a Leukocytes LFA-1, adhesion molecule
CD11b Granulocytes, MΦ Mac-1, adhesion molecule
CD11c Granulocytes, MΦ, T cells, B cells α integrin, adhesion molecule
CD19 B cells B-cell activation
CD20 B cells B-cell activation
CD22 B cells B-cell regulatory
CD25 T cells, B cells —α chain of IL-2 receptor (Tac) activation
CD28 T cells Costimulatory T-cell marker
CD45 Leukocytes Maturation
CD54 Endothelial, dendritic, and epithelial cells; activated T and B cells ICAM-1, adhesion molecule; ligand of LFA-1 and Mac-1
CD56 NK cells N-CAM, adhesion molecule
CD68 Macrophages
CD69 NK cells, lymphocytes Signal transmission receptor
CX3CR1 Monocytes Chemoattractant
CXCR3 T cells Cell maturation
CCR7 T cells Migration to inflammation
CCR5 T cells Chemokine receptor
ICAM, intercellular adhesion molecule; IL, interleukin; LFA, lymphocyte function-associated molecule; MHC, major histocompatibility complex; N-CAM, neural cell adhesion molecule; NK, natural killer.

The two major populations of T cells (CD4 and CD8) are further divided into subpopulations that are detailed later. These subpopulations are generated by combinations of cytokines, which are products of other cells, and affect the immune system by the specific cytokines they produce.

T-cell Subsets

The population of Th cells has been further subdivided on the basis of their functional characteristics into several subsets. The major subsets are named Th1, Th2, and Th17. In normal conditions, Th1 cells defend against intracellular pathogens, Th2 cells defend against extracellular parasites and mediate antibody production, and Th17 cells defend against extracellular pathogens. Pathologically, Th1 and Th17 cells are responsible for initiation of “cell-mediated” immune responses, such as foreign tissue rejection and pathogenic autoimmune processes, whereas Th2 cells are involved in allergic responses and in immunoregulation. Th1 cells ( Fig. 1.3 ) produce mostly IFN-γ, IL-2, and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α). The cytokine profile of Th2 cells consists of IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, IL-13, and perhaps TGF-β , and the major cytokines produced by Th17 cells are IL-17, IL-21, and IL-22. In many animal models of human diseases, Th1 and Th17 cells are associated with initiation of disease, whereas Th2 cells are associated with disease downregulation and allergy initiation.

Fig. 1.3, Helper T-cell subsets now recognized.

Importantly, under experimental conditions, Th17 cells may switch to a Th1 phenotype, but Th1 cells maintain their phenotype and do not change.

IL-22 is part of the IL-17 group of cytokines produced during an inflammatory response. Albeit made by lymphocytes, its receptors are present on epithelial cells. Thus it has been suggested that one of its major roles is to be the cross-talk lymphokine between resident tissue cells and infiltrating inflammatory cells, particularly T cells. This proinflammatory cytokine is found in the synovia of patients with rheumatoid arthritis and is upregulated in both Crohn disease and ulcerative colitis , and in both the serum and intraocular fluids of patients with uveitis. ,

Gamma Delta (γδ) T Cells

γδ Τ cells, which constitute a small fraction of peripheral T cells, play important roles in inflammatory processes, such as EAU. Of particular importance is the involvement of γδ Τ cells in mucosal tissue inflammation in the conjunctiva, as shown by St Leger et al., where an inflammatory response to a commensal bacterium is mediated to a large extent by IL-17 produced by γδ cells.

T-regulatory Cells

It is now clear that just as the immune system needs cells to initiate a response, it needs cells to suppress or modify immune responses. One of the ways this need is met is with Treg cells. These cells derive from a naive T-cell population under the influence of cytokines that are different from those involved in Th1, Th17, or Th2 cell development (see Fig. 1.3 ). Treg cells can be found in the thymus or in the peripheral circulation, where a large portion is “induced” (iTregs). An interesting report by Kemper et al. described stimulating CD4+ cells with CD3 and CD46 (a complement regulator) and inducing Treg cells, that is, producing large amounts of IL-10, moderate amounts of TGF-β, and little IL-2. The literature is replete with information about different types of Treg cells, and these cells have been reported in several organs, such as the gut, where peripheral immune tolerance needs to be induced. Certain Treg cells are characterized by their ability to produce IL-10 and TGF-β. They are capable of downregulating both CD4- and CD8-mediated inflammatory responses and apparently require cell-to-cell contact. The majority of Treg cells bear CD25 (the IL-2 receptor) on their cell surface and express the transcription factor forkhead/winged helix (FoxP3), which is a reliable marker for the development and function of naturally occurring Treg cells. When we evaluated the T cells of patients with ocular inflammatory disease, we found that the FoxP3 marker varied considerably among patients and was not a very good indicator of poor Treg cell function. An interesting observation is the noted increase in a subset of NK cells (so-called CD56 “bright”) after daclizumab therapy; this subset makes large amounts of IL-10, indicating the regulatory nature of these cells. The increase is seen when the patient’s disease is well controlled, and it has also been seen in patients with multiple sclerosis receiving daclizumab therapy.

Lymphocytes of Innate Immune System

In addition to adaptive immunity cells and molecules, mentioned earlier, the protection against invasion of pathogenic agents is carried out by components of “innate” immunity that lack antigenic specificity but are capable of providing immunity. The cell populations of the innate immunity are discussed in the following sections.

Innate Lymphoid Cells

The recently discovered ILCs are lymphocytes that lack antigen specificity and are involved in the immune response by releasing cytokines or carry cytotoxic capacity (NK cells; see later). ILCs are mainly tissue resident and play major roles in keeping the homeostasis in these tissues. Unlike T or B cells, ILCs react promptly to stimulations, such as pathogen invasion. ILCs are separated into three major groups (ILC1, ILC2, and ILC3) that selectively collaborate with Th1, Th2, and Th17 lymphocytes in the defense against intracellular pathogens and tumors, large extracellular pathogens and allergens, and extracellular pathogens, respectively.

Natural Killer and Invariant Nature Killer T Cells

NK cells and invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells are major components of the innate immune response, whose main function is to carry out the rejection by cytolytic activity of both tumors and virally infected cells. The main difference between NK cells and iNKT cells is their morphology, with NK cells being large granular lymphocytes, whereas iNKT cells express highly conserved TCRs. Both populations release large amounts of cytokines upon activation. NK cells seem to be involved in the pathogenesis of EAU because the disease was found to be diminished in mice with no NK cells. Grajewski et al. showed that similar to NK cells, iNKT cells ameliorate the EAU process. However, iNKT cells were also found to have a dual effect in the pathogenic process of EAU: The disease was enhanced in iNKT-deficient mice, but activation of these cells also exacerbated the pathologic process.


Intercellular communication, which is crucial for active immune response, is mediated by cytokines, chemokines, and adhesion molecules. Cytokines are produced by lymphocytes, macrophages, and other cells. They are hormone-like proteins capable of amplifying an immune response and of suppressing it. With activation of a T lymphocyte, the production and release of various lymphokines will occur. One of the most important cytokines is IL-2, with a molecular weight of 15 kDa in humans. The release of this lymphokine stimulates lymphocyte growth and augments specific immune responses, including stimulation of Treg cells. Of particular interest are cytokines involved in the inflammatory process. They include proinflammatory cytokines, IFN-γ, IL-1, IL-17, and TNF-α and the anti-inflammatory IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, and TGF-β. Of interest, IFN-γ and TGF-β are active in both activation and suppression of immune responses. The number of lymphokines that have been purified and for which effects have been described continues to grow rapidly. An incomplete list is shown in Table 1.3 and a more recent list has been provided by Akdis et al.

Cytokines: An incomplete list
Type Source Target and Effect
IFN-γ T cells Antiviral effects; promotes expression of MHC II
Antigens on cell surfaces; increases MΦ tumor killing; inhibits some T-cell proliferation
TGF-β T cells, resident ocular cells Suppresses generation of certain T cells; involved in ACAID and oral tolerance
IL-1 Many nucleated cells, high levels in MΦ, keratinocyte, endothelial cells, some T and B cells T- and B-cell proliferation; fibroblasts – proliferation, prostaglandin production; CNS – fever; bone and cartilage resorption; adhesion-molecule expression on endothelium
IL-2 Activated T cells Activates T cells, B cells, MΦ, NK cells
IL-3 T cells Affects hemopoietic lineage that is nonlymphoid eosinophil regulator; similar function to IL-5 GM-CSF
IL-4 T cells Regulates many aspects of B-cell development; affects T cells, mast cells, and MΦ
IL-5 T cells, eosinophils Affects hemopoietic lineage that is nonlymphoid, eosinophil regulator: similar function to IL-3 GM-CSF; induces B-cell differentiation into IgG- and IgM-secreting plasma cells
IL-6 MΦ T cells fibroblasts; endothelial cells, RPE B cells – cofactor for Ig production; T cells – comitogen; proinflammatory in eye
IL-7 Stromal cells in bone marrow and thymus Stimulates early B-cell progenitors; affects immature T cells
IL-8 NK cells, T cells Chemoattractant of neutrophils, basophils, and some T cells; aids in neutrophils adhering to endothelium; induced by IL-1, TNF-α, and endotoxin
IL-9 T cells Supports growth of helper T cells; may be enhancing factor for hematopoiesis in presence of other cytokines
IL-10 T cells, B cells, stimulated MΦ Inhibits production of lymphokines by T helper 1 (Th1) cells
IL-11 Bone marrow stromal cells (fibroblasts) Stimulates cells of myeloid, lymphoid, erythroid, and megakaryocytic lines; induces osteoclast formation; enhances erythrocytopoiesis, antigen-specific antibodies, acute-phase proteins, fever
IL-12 B cells, T cells Induces IFN-γ synthesis; augments T-cell cytotoxic activity with IL-2; is chemotactic for NK cells and stimulates interaction with vascular endothelium; promotes lytic activity of NK cells; antitumor effects regulate proliferation of Th1 cells but not Th2 or Th0 cells
IL-13 T cells Anti-inflammatory activity as IL-4 and IL-10; downregulates IL-12 and IFN-α production and thus favors Th2 T-cell responses; inhibits proliferation of normal ανδ leukemic human B-cell precursors; monocyte chemoattractant
IL-14 T cells Induces B-cell proliferation, malignant B cells; inhibits immunoglobulin secretion
IL-15 Variety of cells Stimulates proliferation of T cells; shares bioactivity of IL-2 and uses components of IL-2 receptor
IFN-α Variety of cells Antiviral
IFN-β Variety of cells Antiviral
IFN-γ T and NK cells Inflammation, activates MΦ
TNF-α Inflammation, tumor killing
TNF-β T cells Inflammation, tumor killing, enhanced phagocytosis
ACAID, anterior chamber acquired immune deviation; CNS, central nervous system; GM-CSF, granulocyte macrophage–colony-stimulating factor; IFN, interferon; Ig, immunoglobulin; MΦ, macrophage; MHC, major histocompatibility complex; NK, natural killer; RPE, retinal pigment epithelium; TGF, transforming growth factor; TNF, tumor necrosis factor.


This family of chemoattractant cytokines is characterized by its ability to induce directional migration of movable cells. They direct cell adhesion, homing, and angiogenesis. There are four major subfamilies of chemokines: CXC (nine of which are found on chromosome 4); CC (11 of which are found on chromosome 17); C (only one well-defined member, lymphotactin, is found on chromosome 11); and CX3C (fractalkine is found on chromosome 16). The nomenclature is based on the cysteine molecules. The CC chemokines have two adjacent cysteines at their amino terminus; the CXC chemokines have their N-terminal cysteines separated by one amino acid; the C chemokines have only two cysteines, one at the terminal end and one downstream; the CX3C chemokines have three amino acids between their two N-terminal cysteines. Each chemokine family has special functions that affect different types of cells. An example of this fine specificity is seen with the CXC family. These chemokines, with a Glu–Leu–Arg sequence near the end of the N terminus, bind well to the CXCR2 on neutrophils. CXC chemokines not possessing that sequence are chemotactic for monocytes and lymphocytes. IL-8 can bind with either CXCR1 or CXCR2 chemokine receptors. Organisms have adapted to these chemokines as well. HIV gp120 binds to CCR5 and CCR3, aiding its entry into the lymphocyte. This area of knowledge is still evolving. Clearly, cell homing has importance in ocular inflammatory disease but probably in other conditions as well, such as diabetes and age-related macular degeneration (AMD), in which the immune components of the disease are just being explored but which may be important areas for therapeutic interventions.

Cell-Adhesion Molecules and Their Role in Lymphocyte Homing and in Disease

Cell-adhesion molecules (CAMs) are cell-surface glycoproteins important for the interaction between cells and for the interaction of cells with the extracellular matrix. CAMs play an integral role in the development of the inflammatory response. These adhesion molecules are especially important for directing leukocytes to areas of inflammation. The upregulation of CAM expression on the vascular endothelium and surrounding area allows inflammatory cells to home to inflamed tissues. CAMs are also involved in the interaction of lymphocytes and APCs, important for lymphocyte stimulation.

CAMs are divided into three structural groups: selectins, integrins, and the immunoglobulin gene superfamily. The selectins are a group of CAMs that appear to mediate the initial adhesion of inflammatory cells to the vascular endothelium, leading to a rolling of the cells along the vascular wall. The integrins and members of the immunoglobulin supergene family then interact to form a more firm adherence between the leukocytes and the vascular endothelium, leading to transendothelial migration of the cells into the inflamed tissue.

E-selectin, also known as endothelial leukocyte adhesion molecule-1 (ELAM-1, CD62E), mediates the attachment of polymorphonuclear leukocytes to endothelial cells in vitro and appears to be important in the recruitment of neutrophils in a local endotoxin response in the skin. We investigated the expression of E-selectin in eyes with endotoxin-induced uveitis (EIU), a useful animal model for the study of acute ocular inflammation, which is characterized by iris hyperemia, miosis, increased aqueous humor protein, and inflammatory cell infiltration into the anterior uvea and anterior chamber. , Inflammatory cells first enter the eye 6 hours after endotoxin injection, and the resultant uveitis peaks within 24 hours. EIU is thought to result from mediators released by activated cells, including macrophages, but the exact mechanism causing infiltration into the eye is not clearly defined. Recent data suggest that CAMs play an important role in the pathogenesis of this animal model of disease and that CAM expression is important for the recruitment of leukocytes into eyes with EIU.

ICAM-1 binds not only to Mac-1, but also to lymphocyte function-associated molecule-1 (LFA-1, CD11a/CD18), a second β 2 -integrin expressed on all leukocytes predominantly involved in lymphocyte trafficking. A number of groups have studied how ICAM-1 and LFA-1 affect the development of EIU. In eyes with EIU in C3H/HeN mice, ICAM-1 is first expressed on the ciliary body epithelium 6 hours after endotoxin injection and, later, on the vascular endothelium of the ciliary body and iris and on the corneal endothelium. Elner et al. demonstrated the expression of ICAM-1 (CD54) on the corneal endothelium, and the expression of this cell adhesion molecule also appears to be important to the development of keratic precipitates. In experiments on Lewis rats, we have seen that EIU can be prevented by treating the animals with anti-ICAM-1 or anti-LFA-1 antibody at the time of endotoxin injection, even when administered 6 hours after endotoxin injection when the eyes are already clinically inflamed. Rosenbaum and Boney also showed that antibody to LFA-1 significantly reduced the cellular infiltrate associated with rabbit models of uveitis but that vascular permeability was less affected. An ICAM-neutralizing antibody can inhibit viral infection of the RPE by HTVL-1.

The secretion of cytokines, particularly by infiltrating T lymphocytes, appears to regulate adhesion molecule expression. IFN-γ, IL-1, and TNF induce strong ICAM-1 expression at a transcriptional level, although the response to cytokines varies among cell types. In vitro studies have shown that ICAM-1 expression on the cornea and the RPE is upregulated by cytokines, such as IL-1. , It is clear that one of the major effects of cytokines in the pathogenesis of EIU involves the upregulation of adhesion molecule expression.

CAMs have also been shown to play a critical role in the pathogenesis of EAU. We studied the expression of ICAM-1 and LFA-1 in B10.A mice with EAU. ICAM-1 was first expressed on the vascular endothelium of the retina and ciliary body by 7 days after immunization, whereas infiltrating leukocytes expressing LFA-1 were not observed until 9 days after immunization, and clear histologic evidence of ocular inflammation did not occur until 11 days after immunization.

Treatment with monoclonal antibodies against ICAM-1 and LFA-1 inhibited the development of EAU, suggesting that antiadhesion molecule antibodies could inhibit EAU by interfering with immunization and antigen sensitization and/or by blocking leukocyte homing and migration into the eye. These data indicate that antibodies against ICAM-1 and LFA-1 inhibit EAU by interfering with both the induction and the effector phases of the disease. Adhesion molecules are also involved in the pathogenesis of lens-induced uveitis. Till et al. showed that antibodies against adhesion molecules reduced ocular inflammation in lens-induced uveitis.

Recent studies in humans have shown that cell-adhesion molecules are important in the development of ocular inflammation. We have shown that ICAM-1 is expressed in the retina and choroid of human eyes with posterior uveitis. In addition, we demonstrated increased expression of ICAM-1 in corneas with allograft rejection. As indicated by animal data, clinical trials in 18 patients who received cadaver donor renal allografts showed that immunosuppression with anti-ICAM-1 antibody resulted in significantly less rejection. These data showed not only that CAMs are involved in the pathogenesis of inflammation but also that treatment with drugs to block these adhesion molecules should provide effective therapy for inflammatory disease. We used efalizumab (Raptiva), a CD11a antibody that inhibits binding of LFA-1 to ICAM-1, in the treatment of patients with uveitis in a small pilot study, with positive therapeutic effects .

B Cells

B cells make up the second broad arm of the lymphocyte immune response. Originating in mammals from the same pluripotent stem cells in bone marrow as T cells, the maturational process and role of B cells are quite different. The term B cell originates from the finding that in chickens, antibody-producing cells mature in the bursa of Fabricius, a uniquely avian structure. The mammal equivalent appears to be bone marrow. The role of the B cell is to function as the effector cell in humoral immunity. The unique characteristic of these cells is the presence of surface immunoglobulin on their cell membranes. There are two major subgroups of B cells. Innate-like B1 cells originate in the fetal liver, are long lived, and self-renew. They produce natural antibodies, mostly immunoglobulin M (IgM), in the absence of antigen stimulation. In contrast, B2 cells are crucial for adaptive immunity. They derive from bone marrow and produce high-affinity antibodies in response to exogenous stimuli. They produce immunoglobulins other than IgM (see next section). B2 cells also mediate the anamnestic, rapid, high-affinity antibody response to previously sensitizing antigens. When activated for antibody production B cells undergo morphologic change and are named “plasma cells” that are typical by having a round, eccentric nucleus with coarse clumps of heterochromatin and euchromatin.

The maturation process of B cells is complex and not fully understood. What is clear is that various gene regions that control the B cell’s main product, that is, immunoglobulins, are not physically next to each other. Through a process of translocation, these genes align themselves next to each other, excising intervening genes. IL-7 is an important factor in this maturation process. B cells can be activated through their interaction with CD4+ T cells, which express class II MHC antigens and CD40 ligand on their surface. This process is promoted by T-cell cytokines, including IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, and IL-17.

B cells initially express surface IgM and IgD simultaneously, with differentiation occurring only after appropriate activation. Five major classes of immunoglobulins are identified on the basis of the structure of their heavy chains: α, γ, μ, δ, and ε, corresponding to IgA, IgG, IgM, IgD, and IgE ( Table 1.4 ). The structure of the immunoglobulin demonstrates symmetry, with two heavy chains and two light chains uniformly seen in all classes except IgM and IgA ( Fig. 1.4 ). The production of immunoglobulins usually requires T-cell participation. Many “relevant” antigens are T cell dependent; that is, the addition of antigen to a culture of pure B cells will not induce immunoglobulin production. However, polyclonal B-cell activators, such as lipopolysaccharide, pokeweed mitogen, dextran, and certain viruses, such as Epstein-Barr virus, have the capacity to directly induce B-cell proliferation and immunoglobulin production. For a primary immune response, B cells will produce IgM, which binds complement. With time – and if they encounter these antigens again – B cells will switch immunoglobulin production to IgG, usually during the primary response. This immunoglobulin class switching, which requires a gene rearrangement, is inherent in the B cell and is partly controlled by lymphokines. IL-4 has been associated with a switch to express IgG (in mouse IgG 1 , in human IgG 4 ) and IgE, whereas IFN-γ controls a switch to IgG 2a and TGF-β to IgA.

Characteristics of human immunoglobulins
From Allansmith M. Unpublished data 1987. Used with permission.
Molecular weight (103) 150 150–300 900 190 180
Heavy chain γ α μ δ
Subclass 1,2,3,4 1,2 1,2
J chain + +
Crosses placenta +
Serum half-life (days) 21 6 5 2 3
Complement activation + +
Serum concentration (mg/dL) 110 25 10 0.001 0.3
Conjunctiva Rich Rich Varies Varies Varies
Cornea Moderate Moderate 0 ? 0
Aqueous Low Low Low ? 0
Iris Low Low Low Varies Varies
Choroid Rich Rich Rich Varies Varies
Retina Low Low Low 0 0

Fig. 1.4, Structure of human immunoglobulin G (IgG) molecule.

Surprisingly, recent studies have revealed that B cells also function as immunoregulatory cells. Wang et al. showed that the cytokine IL-35 induces B cells with immunoregulatory capacity (“Breg” cells), which release the immunosuppressive cytokines IL-10 and IL-35. Furthermore, Bregs were found to inhibit the development of EAU by inhibiting pathogenic Th1 and Th17 and promoting the expansion on Treg cells. Adoptive transfer of Breg cells was found to inhibit the development of EAU.

Classes of Immunoglobulins

More IgA is made than any other immunoglobulin, most of it in the gut. IgG is the major circulating immunoglobulin class found in humans; it is synthesized at a very high rate and makes up about 75% of the total serum immunoglobulins. Plasma cells that produce IgG are found mainly in the spleen and the lymph nodes. Four subclasses of IgG have been identified in humans (G 1 –G 4 ). G 1 and G 3 fix complement readily and can be transmitted to the fetus. The production of these subclasses is not random but reflects the antigen to which the antibody is being made. When doing tests in the serum or the chambers of the eye (aqueous or vitreous), we usually look at IgG production.

IgM is a pentamer made up of the typical antibody structure linked by disulfide bonds and J chains ( Fig. 1.5 ). In conventional responses of B2 cells, IgM is produced in minute amounts. Because of its size, IgM generally stays within the systemic circulation and, unlike IgG, will not cross the blood–brain barrier or the placenta. This antibody is expressed early on the surface of B cells. Therefore initial antibody responses to exogenous pathogens, such as Toxoplasma gondii, are of this class. The observation of an IgM-specific antibody response helps confirm a newly acquired infection. IgM has a complement-binding site and can mediate phagocytosis by fixing C3b, a component of the complement system.

Fig. 1.5, Immunoglobulin M (IgM) pentamer with J chain.

One major role of both IgG and IgM is to interact with both effector cells and the complement system to limit the invasion of exogenous organisms. These immunoglobulins help effector cells through opsonization, which occurs by the antibody coating an invading organism and assisting the phagocytic process. The Fc portion of the antibody molecule then can readily interact with effector cells, such as macrophages, thereby helping effectively resolve the infection. Persons with deficiencies in IgG and IgM are particularly prone to infections by pyogenic organisms, such as Streptococcus and Neisseria species. In addition, both these antibodies will activate the complement pathway, inducing cell lysis by that mechanism as well.

IgA is the major extravascular immunoglobulin, although it comprises only about 10% to 15% of the intravascular total. Two isotypes of IgA are noted: IgA 1 is more commonly seen intravascularly, whereas IgA 2 is somewhat more prevalent in the extravascular space. The IgA-secreting plasma cells are found in the subepithelial spaces of the gut, respiratory tract, tonsils, and salivary and lacrimal glands. IgA is an important component to the defense mechanism of the ocular surface, being found in a dimer linked by a J chain, a polypeptide needed for polymerization. In addition, a secretory component, a unique protein with parts of its molecule having no homology to other proteins, is needed for the IgA to appear in the gut and outside vessels. The secretory component is produced locally by epithelial cells, which then form a complex with the IgA dimer/J chain ( Fig. 1.6 ). This new complex is internalized by mucosal cells and then released on the apical surface of the cell through a proteolytic process. The amount of IgA within the eye is quite small. IgA can fix complement through the alternate pathway and can serve as an opsonin for phagocytosis. IgA appears to exert its major role by preventing entry of pathogens into the internal environment of the organism by binding with the infectious agent. It may also impede the absorption of potential toxins and allergens into the body. Furthermore, it can induce eosinophil degranulation.

Fig. 1.6, Immunoglobulin A (IgA) dimer with J chain and secretory piece.

IgE is slightly heavier than IgG because its heavy chain has an additional constant domain. Mast cells and basophils have Fc receptors for IgE, and IgE is thought to be one of the major mediators of the allergic or anaphylactoid reaction. It appears to be an important defense mechanism against parasites: one way IgE accomplishes this is to prime basophils and mast cells. Although its role in ocular surface disease has been well recognized, this has not been the case for intraocular inflammation.

IgD is found in minute quantities in the serum (0.5% of serum immunoglobulin). It is found simultaneously with IgM on B cells before specific stimulation. Little else is known about this antibody other than that it is a major B-cell membrane receptor for antigen.

Antibodies directed toward specific antigens, particularly cell-surface antigens of the immune system, have provided clinical and basic investigators with a powerful tool with which to identify various components of the immune system, as was described in the section on the T cell. The development of monoclonal antibodies by using hybridoma technology has allowed for the production of these immune probes in almost unlimited quantities. Immortalized myeloma cells can be fused with a B cell committed to the production of an antibody directed toward a relevant antigen. This is usually accomplished with the use of polyethylene glycol, which promotes cell membrane fusion. By careful screening, clones of these fused cells (i.e., hybrid cells or hybridomas) can be identified as producing the antibody needed. These can be isolated and grown, yielding essentially an unlimited source of the antibody derived from one clone of cells and directed against one specific determinant. Monoclonal antibodies have been raised against cell markers of virtually all cellular components of the immune system. Antibodies can now be “humanized” so that only small parts of the variable end remain of mouse origin. The advantage of this is the reduced probability of an immune response against the foreign protein.

Other Cells

Mast Cells

This large (15–20 μm) cell is intimately involved in type I hypersensitivity reactions (see next section). Its most characteristic feature is the presence of large granules in the cytoplasm. It is clear that there are subtypes of mast cells. In humans, mast cells are characterized by the presence or absence of the granule-associated protease chymase. It has been suggested that tryptase-positive, chymase-negative human mast cells are suggestive of mucosal mast cells found in the mouse. Mast cells contain a large number of biologically active agents, including histamine, serotonin, prostaglandins, leukotrienes, chemotactic factors of anaphylaxis, and cytokines and chemokines. Histamine is stored within the mast-cell granules. Once released into the environment, histamine can cause smooth muscle to contract and can increase small vessel permeability, giving the typical “wheal and flare” response noted in skin tests. Serotonin, in humans, appears to have a major effect on vasoconstriction and blood pressure, whereas in rodents, it may also affect vascular permeability. Prostaglandins, a family of lipids, are capable of stimulating a variety of biologic activities, including vasoconstriction and vasodilation. Leukotrienes are compounds produced de novo with antigen stimulation. Leukotriene B 4 is a potent chemotactic factor for both neutrophils and eosinophils, whereas leukotrienes C 4 and D 4 , for example, enhance vascular permeability. At least two chemotactic factors of anaphylaxis attract eosinophils to a site of mast-cell degranulation, whereas other factors attract and immobilize neutrophils.

Mast-cell involvement in several external ocular conditions has been established. However, it is not yet clear what role this cell may play in intraocular inflammatory disorders. Mast cells are present in abundance in the choroid and appear to be related to the susceptibility of at least one experimental model for uveitis (see discussion on autoimmunity). Findings from human studies have supported the hypothesis that many cytokine-dependent processes are implicated in IgE-associated disorders. Many different cytokines and chemokines have been seen in mast cells. These include IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, TNF-α, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1α.

All of these findings link the mast cell to a whole variety of immune processes. It can be speculated that when a mast cell degranulates in the choroid, it also releases chemokines and lymphokines, which may be the initiating factors of what we describe as a T-cell–mediated disorder.

The role of mast cells in the pathogenesis of EAU has been noted in early studies. Mochizuki et al. have noted that rat strain susceptibility to EAU induced with S-Ag was dramatically associated with the number of mast cells in the choroid, and de Kozak et al. have shown that mast cells in the choroid degranulate just before the influx of T cells into the eye, suggesting that these cells “open the door” into the eye for the T cells. This concept is especially provocative because Askenase et al. showed that mast-cell degranulation can be induced not only by IgE antibodies but also by T cells.


These bilobed nucleated cells are about 10 to 15 μm in size and are thought to be terminally differentiated granulocytes. Their most morphologically unique characteristic is the approximately 200 granules that are highly acidophilic (taking up eosin in standard staining procedures) and which are found in the cytoplasm. The granules are almost entirely made up of major basic protein (molecular weight 9 kDa), but other toxic cationic granules include eosinophil-derived neurotoxia, eosinophil cationic protein, and eosinophil peroxidase. A minor percentage of these cells (5%–25%) have IgG receptors, and about half may have complement receptors on their surface membranes, although it is not clear whether receptors for IgE are present. Eosinophils contain an abundant number of enzymes, which are quite similar in nature to those contained in neutrophils. Both cells contain a peroxidase and catalase, both of which can be antimicrobial, but eosinophils lack lysozymes and neutrophils lack the major basic protein. Eosinophils also contain several anti-inflammatory enzymes, such as kininase, arylsulfatase, and histaminase. In addition, eosinophils produce growth factors, such as IL-3 and IL-5; chemokines, such as RANTES and MIP-1; and cytokines, such as TGF-α and TGF-β, VEGF, TNF-α, IL-1α, IL-6, and IL-8.

The eosinophil arises in bone marrow from a myeloid progenitor, perhaps from a separate stem cell than neutrophils. The time spent in the systemic circulation is probably quite short, and the number seen on a routine blood smear is usually very low (≤1% of nucleated cells). These cells can be attracted to an area in the body through the release of mast-cell products and, once localized to an inflammatory site, are capable of performing several functions. The eosinophil may play an immunomodulatory role in the presence of mast-cell and basophil activation.

As mentioned, the eosinophil contains the anti-inflammatory agents histaminase and arylsulfatase, which are capable of neutralizing the effect of histamine release and slow-reacting substance, both products of mast cells. Furthermore, basophil function may be inhibited by prostaglandins E 1 and E 2 , both produced by eosinophils. An additional immunomodulatory mechanism is the capacity of the eosinophil to ingest immunoreactive granules released by mast cells. An extremely important role played by these cells is in the response of the immune system to parasitic organisms. Eosinophils are seen in high numbers at the site of a parasitic infiltration and are known to bind tightly to the organism through receptors. Furthermore, the release of the major basic protein granules or an eosinophil-produced peroxidase complexed with H 2 O 2 and deposited on the parasite’s surface membrane will lead to the death of the invading organism. Major basic protein may play a role in corneal ulceration in severe cases of allergy.


Neutrophils are the most abundant type of white blood cells (WBCs), and it is clear that they play an important role in acute inflammation. They do not live as long as monocytes or lymphocytes and are attracted to inflammatory sites by IL-8, IFN-γ, and C5a. One of their main functions is phagocytosis, in particular killing microbes by using reactive oxygen species (ROS) and hydrolytic enzymes. Although their role in innate immunity seemed clear, some thought-provoking findings have suggested a relationship with IL-17. IL-17 is made by not only by T cells and macrophages but also by neutrophils. Furthermore, IL-17 appears to mobilize lung neutrophils after a bacterial challenge. This would therefore suggest that neutrophils are responding to immune responses from both the innate and the acquired sides of the immune process.

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