Electric shock and lightning injury


  • 1

    Death from electric shock is due to ventricular fibrillation, the lethal arrhythmia occurring at the time of the exposure. Routine admission for ECG monitoring is unnecessary.

  • 2

    Most deaths are caused by low-voltage (<1000 V) exposures.

  • 3

    The amount of current passing through the body is determined mainly by tissue resistance, which is dramatically reduced by moisture.

  • 4

    Electrical injury resembles a crush injury more than a burn. The tissue damage below skin level is invariably more severe than the cutaneous wound would suggest.

  • 5

    There is a diversity of clinical manifestations seen with electrical injury.

  • 6

    Lightning injury is different from high-voltage electrical injury and has a unique range of clinical features. The management is predominantly expectant.

Electric Shock

Introduction and epidemiology

Electricity is an integral part of our everyday world and electric shock is common. Patients may present to the emergency department (ED) with resulting injuries that range from trivial to fatal (termed electrocution). Although permanent disability can occur, it is reassuring to note that if the initial exposure is survived, subsequent death is unlikely. For each death caused by electricity, there are 2 serious injuries and 36 reported electric shocks.

There are approximately 20 electrical fatalities each year in Australia. Victims are predominantly male and young. Death is just as likely to occur at home as in the workplace, most often in summer. Electricians and linesmen are most at risk. The ratio of low-to-high-voltage deaths ranges from 3:1 to 7:1. The presence of water is associated with fatality. Electrical burns represent 3% to 5% of admissions to burns units.

Physics of electricity and pathophysiology of electrical injury (Qtn 1)

Electrical current passing through the body can cause damage in two ways:

  • thermal injury

  • physiological change.

The threshold for perception of an electrical current is 1 mA, which results in a tingling sensation. Current greater than 10 mA can induce muscular tetany and prevent the patient letting go of the current source. Paralysis of respiratory muscles occurs at 20 mA. The threshold for ventricular fibrillation is 100 mA ( Fig. 24.6.1 ). Cardiac standstill and internal organ damage occurs at 2 A. The maximum ‘safe’ current tolerable for 1 s is 50 mA.

Fig. 24.6.1, The levels of electric shock and their effects.

Ohm’s law is fundamental to the understanding of the physics of electricity. This states that the amount of current passing through the body is directly proportional to voltage and inversely proportional to resistance (current [amperes] = voltage [volts] / resistance [ohms]).

Factors that determine the effects of an electrical current passing through the body are:

  • type of current

  • voltage

  • tissue resistance

  • current path

  • contact duration.

Type of current

The vast majority of serious electrical injuries result from alternating current (AC), which is approximately three times as dangerous as direct current (DC). Alternating current can produce tetanic contraction of muscle such that the victim may not be able to let go of the current source. This is not a feature of direct current shock.

Human muscular tissue is sensitive to frequencies between 40 and 150 Hz. As the frequency increases beyond 150 Hz, the response decreases and the current is less dangerous. In Australia, a frequency of 50 Hz is used for household current because this is optimal for the transmission and use of electricity and also has advantages in terms of generation. As such, household current lies directly within the dangerous frequency range. It also spans the vulnerable period of the cardiac electrical potential and is thus capable of causing ventricular fibrillation.


Voltage is the electromotive force in the system. In general terms, the greater the voltage, the more extensive the injury, but it must be remembered that the amount of current passing through the body will also be determined by resistance (Ohm’s law). High voltage is defined as greater than 1000 V. Household voltage in Australia is 240 V. Voltages less than 50 V (50 Hz) have not been proved hazardous. Survival has been reported following shocks of greater than 50,000 V.


Different tissues provide differing resistances to the passage of electrical current. Bone has the highest resistance, followed by, in decreasing order, fat, tendon, skin, muscle, blood vessels and nerves. Skin resistance varies greatly according to moisture, cleanliness, thickness and vascularity. Moist skin may have a resistance of 1000 Ω, and dry, thick, calloused skin may have a resistance of 100,000 Ω. By Ohm’s law, dry skin resistance to a contact with a 240 V potential results in a current of about 2.4 mA, which is just above the threshold for perception. However, the resistance of wet or sweat-soaked skin drops to 1000 Ω, increasing the current flow to 240 mA, which is easily enough to induce ventricular fibrillation. Not surprisingly, moisture has been identified as a key factor in over half of electrocutions.

Current path

Prediction of injuries from knowledge of the current path is unreliable. Mortalities of 60% for hand-to-hand (transthoracic) and 20% for head-to-foot passage of current are quoted, but have not been verified. When current passes hand-to-hand (or hand-to-foot), only about 5% of the total current passes through the heart. If current passes leg-to-leg, no current traverses the heart.

Contact duration

The longer the duration of contact, the greater the potential for injury. Fortunately, most contacts are brief and frequently result in the victim being thrown back from the current source. This may result in a secondary injury, especially if the victim falls from a height.

Unfortunately, exposures to more than 10 mA of alternating current can induce sweating. Moisture decreases skin resistance and increases current flow, thereby reducing the ability to release the current source. This can progress to a fatal exposure.


All members of the community must be encouraged to treat electricity with respect and to practise electrical safety. Licensed electrical contractors should be used to carry out any electrical repairs or installations. Water and electricity should never be mixed.

Residual current devices are useful in providing an additional level of personal protection from electric shock. These devices continuously compare current flow in both active and neutral conductors of an electrical circuit. If current flow becomes sufficiently unbalanced, then some of the current in the active conductor is not returned through the neutral conductor and leaks to earth. These devices operate within 10 to 50 ms and disconnect the electricity supply when they sense harmful leakage, typically 30 mA.

Clinical features

Electrical injury resembles a crush injury more than a burn. Invariably, the damage below skin level is more severe than the cutaneous wound suggests. The current passing through low-resistance structures produces massive necrosis of muscles, vessels, nerves and subcutaneous tissues.

The clinical manifestations differ from thermal burns in the following ways:

  • Τhere are direct effects on the heart and nervous system.

  • Εlectrical injury classically involves deep structures.

  • Τhe small entry and exit wounds do not accurately indicate the extent or depth of tissue damage.

  • Α diversity of clinical manifestations is seen with electrical injury.


As electricity traverses the skin, energy is converted to heat. The smaller the area of contact, the greater the current density, heat production and the consequent skin and adjacent tissue destruction.

Electrothermal burns are best characterized by arc burns, which result from the external passage of current from the contact point to the ground. These may be associated with extensive damage to skin and underlying tissue. Secondary flame burns may occur when the current arc ignites clothing or nearby combustibles.

Electrical burns may range from first degree to third degree. The typical appearance is of a central depressed charred black area surrounded by oedema and erythema. Single or multiple exit wounds may be present.

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