Plate 4-1



Pectus excavatum is also called funnel chest, chonechondrosternon, or trichterbrust. It is a deformity of the anterior chest wall characterized by depression of the lower sternum and adjacent cartilages. The lowest point of the depression is at the junction of the xiphoid process and the body of the sternum. The trait is inherited and may coexist with other musculoskeletal malformations such as clubfoot, syndactyly, and Klippel-Feil syndrome. The cause of funnel chest remains obscure. A short central tendon and muscular imbalance of the diaphragm have been blamed. Most current writers attribute the deformity to unbalanced growth in the costochondral regions.

Symptoms are very uncommon. However, a child with an obvious deformity may experience unfortunate psychological effects. Funnel chest is usually associated with postural disorders such as forward displacement of the neck and shoulders, upper thoracic kyphosis, and a protuberant abdomen. Functional heart murmurs and benign cardiac arrhythmias are frequently seen in these individuals, and the electrocardiogram may show right-axis deviation because of the displacement of the heart. In older patients, there may be an appreciable incidence of chronic bronchitis and bronchiectasis.

Depression of the sternum begins typically at the junction of the manubrium and the gladiolus. The xiphoid process may be bifid, twisted, or displaced to one side. Costal cartilages are angulated internally, beginning with the second or third and extending caudally to involve the remainder. In general, the defect tends to be symmetric, but one side may be more depressed than the other so that the sternum deviates from the middle line. An estimate of the cavitary volume may be obtained by filling the depression with water while the patient lies supine. Standard radiographic films reveal that the heart is displaced toward the left side, and lateral films show the displacement of the body of the sternum posteriorly.

In patients who are symptomatic or who show a significant progression of pectus excavatum, the deformity should be corrected surgically. Because most of the operations are carried out with a cosmetic end in mind, the results are best when surgery is performed between 3 and 7 years of age. Surgical correction consists of excision of the hypertrophied costal cartilages on both sides; osteotomy of the sternum at the junction of the manubrium and body; and then internal fixation by pins or rods, which are removed later. Fixation by a metal strut or wire is required in older patients to prevent recurrence of the deformity, which, in some degree, may occur despite initial overcorrection.


Also known as pigeon breast, chicken breast, or keel breast, this is a protrusion deformity of the anterior chest wall that is unrelated to pectus excavatum and occurs about one-tenth as often. Two principal types are recognized: (1) chondromanubrial, in which the protuberance is maximal at the xiphoid and the gladiolus is directed posteriorly so that a secondary saucerization is evident, and (2) chondrogladiolar, in which the greatest prominence is at or near the gladiolus. The pathogenesis is no better understood than that of pectus excavatum, but the theory of unbalanced or excessive growth of the cartilages makes sense. Although functional cardiac and respiratory difficulties have been observed, the chief reason for surgical correction is cosmetic. If the deformity is minor, no treatment is required. When operation is necessary, the procedure should be tailored to the particular deformity, taking into account the full life circumstances of the patient. When the deformity causes embarrassment, the surgical procedure is aimed at achieving psychological as well as physiologic improvement.


Failure of fusion of the sternal bands may occur, creating a defect of the anterior chest wall. Separation of the sternum may be complete or incomplete and may be associated with an ectopia cordis. When the defect is incomplete, surgical correction of the abnormality may be accomplished. If the repair cannot be effected by primary approximation of the sternal segments, a prosthesis or a cartilage autograft may be used.

Other deformities of the chest wall occasionally seen include cervical ribs (with or without compression of the brachial plexus and artery), partial absence of ribs, supernumerary ribs, and thoracic-pelvic-phalangeal dystrophy.


Respiratory distress may result from abnormal lung growth caused by restriction by limited rib growth such as from osteochondrodysplasias (e.g., asphyxiating dystrophy, thanatrophic dwarfism, upper airway obstruction [diastrophic dysplasia]) or abnormal bone, cartilage, or collagen development, leading to a small or abnormal thoracic cage (hypophosphatasia, achondrogenesis, osteogenesis imperfecta).

Plate 4-2


Kyphoscoliosis has long been recognized as a cause of cardiorespiratory failure. Only in recent years, however, has the combination of clinical picture, physiologic measurements, and anatomic observations at autopsy clarified the natural history of the cardiorespiratory disorder.

Unless there is independent lung disease, such as bronchitis or emphysema, only patients with severe spinal deformities are candidates for cardiorespiratory failure. Subjects with mild deformities are consistently asymptomatic. In contrast, those with severe degrees of deformity, particularly if considerable dwarfing has occurred, are often restricted in their activities by dyspnea on exertion. They are most prone to cardiorespiratory failure if an upper respiratory infection should supervene. From the point of view of disability and the likelihood of cardiorespiratory failure, the nature of the deformity (i.e., kyphosis, scoliosis, or both) is unimportant when compared with the severity of the deformity and dwarfing.

One approach to classifying individuals with kyphoscoliosis is on the basis of lung volumes. The more normal the total lung capacity, vital capacity, and tidal volume, the more the subject tends to remain asymptomatic. In those with severe reduction in lung volumes, the stage is set for cor pulmonale.

Estimates of the work of breathing, using pressure-volume loops, show an inordinate work load (and energy expenditure) attributable to the severe limitation of distensibility of the chest wall, which produces markedly reduced compliance. As a consequence of the high cost of breathing, the individual adopts a pattern of rapid, shallow breathing. Although this pattern is economical in terms of the work and energy required, it sacrifices alveolar ventilation for the sake of dead-space ventilation. The resultant alveolar hypoventilation brings about arterial hypoxemia, hypercapnia, and respiratory acidosis by hyperventilating the conducting airways and hypoventilating the alveoli. Thus, whereas individuals with asymptomatic kyphoscoliosis consistently manifest normal arterial blood gases, those with severe kyphoscoliosis often have cyanosis and show not only arterial hypoxemia but also hypercapnia. Between these two extremes are patients who remain breathless on exertion and whose arterial blood gases hover at the brink of important hypoxemia and hypercapnia. They are easily toppled into a state of cardiorespiratory failure by a bout of bronchitis or pneumonia.

In asymptomatic persons, the pulmonary arterial pressure is normal at rest and increases to clinically insignificant levels during exercise. In contrast, the pulmonary arterial pressure in those with severe kyphoscoliosis not only may be high at rest but also increases precipitously during modest exercise. The basis for this pulmonary hypertension is generally twofold: (1) a restricted pulmonary vascular bed caused by the compressing and distorting effects of the deformity on the lungs and on the pulmonary vasculature and (2) the pulmonary pressor effects of hypoxia. These two effects are most marked during exercise because of the increase in pulmonary blood flow into the restricted vascular bed and the pulmonary vasoconstriction elicited by the exercise-induced hypoxemia. The patients show enlargement of the right ventricle at autopsy. During an upper respiratory infection, the pulmonary pressor effects of the arterial hypoxemia may be sufficiently severe to increase pulmonary arterial pressure to very high levels to precipitate right ventricular failure.

In patients in whom chronic alveolar hypoventilation has caused sustained pulmonary hypertension, hypercapnia consistently accompanies arterial hypoxemia. Hypercapnia contributes to pulmonary hypertension by way of the respiratory acidosis that it causes because acidosis acts synergistically with hypoxia in causing pulmonary vasoconstriction. However, hypercapnia exerts its predominant effects on the central nervous system rather than on the heart or circulation. In individuals with kyphoscoliosis who have chronic hypercapnia, there is generally no clinical manifestation of the hypercapnia per se. Ventilatory response to inhaled carbon dioxide is depressed compared with that of asymptomatic or individuals with kyphoscoliosis who do not have hypercapnia, reflecting impaired responsiveness to the major chemical stimulus to breathing. As a corollary, greater reliance is placed on the hypoxic drive via the peripheral chemoreceptors. But if a person with kyphoscoliosis develops acute hypercapnia during an upper respiratory infection or exaggerates the preexisting degree of hypercapnia, he or she may manifest personality changes, become unresponsive to conventional stimuli, and lapse into a coma. Accompanying these clinical disorders are cerebral vasodilation, cerebral edema, and an increase in cerebrospinal fluid pressure. The increase in intracranial pressure may be so large as to cause choking of the optic discs, simulating a brain tumor.

Plate 4-3

All of the disturbances in uncomplicated kyphoscoliosis are greatly exaggerated by intrinsic lung disease. Therefore, smoking and its attendant bronchitis increase the risk of respiratory insufficiency in individuals with kyphoscoliosis. Pneumonia may be disastrous.

From these observations, it is possible to reconstruct the pathogenesis of alveolar hypoventilation and cor pulmonale in individuals with kyphoscoliosis. The sequence begins with severe thoracic deformity, reducing the compliance of the thoracic cage and lung expansion. The work and energy cost of breathing are thus greatly increased. To minimize this work, the patient unconsciously adopts a pattern of rapid, shallow breathing, which results in chronic alveolar hypoventilation. Not only do the small, encased lungs contribute to the increased work of breathing, but they also limit the capacity and distensibility of the pulmonary vascular bed. Pulmonary arterial hypertension is caused by a disproportion between the level of pulmonary blood flow—which is normal for the subject's metabolism—and the restricted vascular bed. After arterial hypoxemia is corrected, polycythemia, hypervolemia, and an increase in cardiac output help to sustain the pulmonary hypertension. The end result of the chronic pulmonary hypertension is enlargement of the right ventricle (cor pulmonale). In this situation, any additional mechanism for pulmonary hypertension, particularly an upper respiratory infection, may precipitate heart failure.

Hypercapnia goes hand in hand with arterial hypoxemia. This is generally well tolerated unless alveolar hypoventilation is acutely intensified, so that carbon dioxide elimination is further impaired. The acute increase in arterial Pco 2 may evoke serious derangements in the central nervous system as well as contribute to the pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular failure.

Treatment of cardiorespiratory failure is directed toward reversing the pathogenetic sequence. In this emergency, generally precipitated by an upper respiratory infection, assisted ventilation may be required in conjunction with slightly enriched oxygen mixtures (≤25%-40%) to achieve tolerable levels of blood gases. The ventilatory insensitivity of the chronically hypercapnic patient to an increase in arterial Pco 2 , as well as his or her reliance on hypoxic stimulation of the peripheral chemoreceptors for an important part of the ventilatory drive, imposes a need for caution against using excessively high oxygen mixtures. Respiratory depressants are also hazardous because they may cause breathing to stop completely. Antibiotics and supportive measures usually suffice to tide the patient over the crisis brought on by acute respiratory infection. The goal of treatment is to restore the patient to the clinical state that existed before the acute episode. An individual with kyphoscoliosis who was dyspneic on exertion before an acute episode of cardiorespiratory failure can be expected to return to that condition after the crisis has passed. For many patients who have severe kyphoscoliosis, modest arterial hypoxemia and slight hypercapnia may remain. However, it is remarkable how successful adequate therapy can be in restoring the patient to the precrisis state of health.

Plate 4-4


The diaphragm is a septum that separates the thoracic from the abdominal cavity. A domelike structure, it consists of muscular and tendinous elements having their origin in costal, sternal, and lumbar sources. The sternal portions are two flat bands that arise from the posterior aspect of the body of the sternum. Costal elements arise from the lowest six ribs and interdigitate with the transversus abdominalis muscles. The lumbar portions arise from the lateral and medial lumbar costal arches.

True congenital diaphragmatic hernias (CDHs) resulting from defects in embryogenesis are through (1) the hiatus pleuroperitonealis (foramen of Bochdalek) without an enclosing sac, (2) the dome of the diaphragm, (3) the foramen of Morgagni, or (4) a defect caused by the absence of the left half of the diaphragm. The two more common types of CDHs are those through the foramen of Bochdalek and the foramen of Morgagni. Foramen of Bochdalek hernias constitute approximately 90% of diaphragmatic hernias in infants and young children; the left side is involved in 85% of cases, and 5% are bilateral. In left-sided cases, the stomach, portions of the small and large intestines, the spleen, and the upper pole of the kidney may herniate through the defect into the pleural cavity and ascend freely to the apex of the chest. On the involved side, lung growth is compromised, but there may be hypoplasia on the contralateral side because shifting of the mediastinum toward the uninvolved side causes some compression of that lung as well.

The timing of onset and severity of symptoms depend on the degree of pulmonary hypoplasia. In severe cases, the infant presents immediately after birth with severe respiratory distress and is difficult to resuscitate.

The presumptive diagnosis can be made from the occurrence of cyanosis and dyspnea soon after birth in infants in whom the cardiac impulse is abnormally sited. In addition, peristaltic sounds may be heard in the thorax, and at the same time, the abdomen is found to be soft and scaphoid in contour. Nowadays, most infants with CDH will have been diagnosed antenatally by routine ultrasonography in the second or third trimester. Postnatally, a standard chest radiograph will show a shift of the mediastinum and a space-occupying lesion on the affected side (e.g., bowel loops occupying the left hemithorax). The differential diagnosis includes other causes of neonatal respiratory distress such as eventration of the diaphragm, cystic adenomatoid malformation of the lung, mediastinal cystic teratomas, and loculated hydropneumothorax. Hernias that occur on the right side may be confused with segmental collapse or pleural effusion. However, the posterior location of the mass in the lateral projection and the shift of the heart are helpful findings. The diagnosis can be confirmed by ultrasonography, the position of the nasogastric tube, or a barium meal.

Infants who require resuscitation in the labor suite should be intubated; bag and mask resuscitation must be avoided to prevent gaseous distension of the herniated bowel and further respiratory embarrassment. A nasogastric tube attached to low suction should be inserted. Infants with CDH are at increased risk of pneumothorax, and this can affect either lung because they are both hypoplastic. It was previously assumed that infants with CDH required immediate postoperative repair in the hope that removal of the bowel from the thorax and closure of the diaphragmatic defect would lead to improvement in gas exchange through expansion of the lung. Studies have demonstrated that a period of perioperative stabilization reduces mortality and the need for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. The survival of infants with CDH is approximately 60%, with mortality being caused by pulmonary hypoplasia, pulmonary hypertension, or both. Infants who had a CDH may experience problems at follow-up and reherniation, gastroesophageal reflux, lung function abnormalities, and exercise intolerance even as adolescents. Attempts to repair the hernia in utero have not been promising. Further antenatal interventions have been based on the discovery that obstructing the normal egress of fetal lung fluid enlarges the lungs, reduces the herniated viscera, and accelerates lung growth in experimental models. Temporary occlusion of the trachea has been achieved by external clips and more recently by internal balloon plugs. Appropriately designed randomized trials are required to determine whether such interventions improve long-term outcome.

Congenital defects in the anterior parasternal region (Laney space) may result in the formation of a foramen of Morgagni hernia. These hernias are usually right sided, and most commonly involve the liver and omentum. The hernia must be differentiated from a pericardial cyst. They may be seen as the part of the pentalogy of Cantrell. Anterior hernias are usually asymptomatic in the neonatal period, but when diagnosed coincidentally on a chest radiograph, they should be repaired because strangulation of the abdominal organs may occur.

Plate 4-5


Tracheoesophageal fistula (TOF) and esophageal atresia rarely occur as separate entities, but they are often seen in various combinations: esophageal atresia with upper fistula, lower fistula, and double fistulas. Approximately 10% of infants with esophageal atresia do not have a fistula, but there is a long gap between the esophageal segments. An isolated tracheoesophageal fistula (H or N fistula) can occur without an esophageal atresia. The cause of these congenital anomalies is not well understood. Esophageal atresia is usually sporadic and rarely familial.

Maternal polyhydramnios and a small or absent fetal stomach bubble on antenatal ultrasonography suggest the possibility of esophageal atresia antenatally. Postnatally, the diagnosis can be suspected in a newborn infant who has excessive mucus and cannot handle his or her secretions adequately. Suction provides temporary relief, but the secretions continue to accumulate and overflow, resulting in aspiration and respiratory distress. Feeds are also regurgitated and aspirated. The TOF provides a low-resistance pathway for respiratory gases and gastric distension, and subsequent rupture may further compromise ventilation.

Formerly, the diagnosis was made by using a contrast study with barium or Gastrografin (meglumine diatrizoate); however, there is the danger of aspirating these materials into the lungs. The diagnosis can readily be made by passing a fairly large radiopaque plastic catheter through the nose or mouth into the pouch. When the catheter cannot be advanced into the stomach, the catheter should then be taped in place and put on constant gentle suction. This keeps the pouch free of saliva and minimizes the chances of aspiration pneumonitis. On the chest radiograph, it will be noted that the tip of the catheter is usually opposite T2-T3. If the surgeon prefers a contrast study, no more than 0.5 mL of contrast material should be introduced through the catheter, with the child in the upright position. Radiography will show the typical esophageal obstruction, and the contrast material should then be immediately aspirated.

Initial management is aimed at keeping the airway free of secretions using a 10-Fr double lumen Replogle tube in the proximal pouch on continuous low pressure suction. The ideal surgical procedure consists of disruption of the fistula and an end-to-end anastomosis of the esophagus. If there is a long gap between the esophageal segments, surgery is delayed to allow the pouches to elongate and hypertrophy over a period of up to 3 months. During this time, the infant is fed through a gastrostomy, and the upper pouch is kept clear of secretions.


Tracheal anomalies are very rare. With stricture of the trachea, there is local obstruction of the passage of air. In the absence of cartilage, the trachea can collapse and therefore obstruct on expiration. With deformity of cartilage, there is obstruction on inspiration and expiration. When abnormal bifurcations are present, the right upper or left upper lobe bronchi (or both) arise independently from the trachea.

Clinically, stenosis may be localized or diffuse. The localized form is caused by a web of the respiratory mucosa or by excessive growth of tracheal cartilage. The diffuse form is caused by a congenital absence of elastic fibrous tissue between the cartilage and its rings in the trachea or by an absence of cartilage. Clinically, obstruction of the trachea causes chronic dyspnea; cyanosis, especially on exercise; and repeated attacks of respiratory tract infection. The diagnosis is established by bronchoscopy and by radiography.

For localized obstruction, surgery is advisable, either dilatation or excision with end-to-end anastomosis. Resection and anastomosis of the trachea can be carried out, including up to six tracheal rings. For generalized stenosis, only supportive therapy is available.

Plate 4-6


Three different degrees of arrested development of the lungs may occur: (1) agenesis , in which there is a complete absence of one lung or both lungs and no trace of bronchial or vascular supply or parenchymal tissue; (2) aplasia , in which there is a suppression of all but a rudimentary bronchus ending in a blind pouch and there are no pulmonary vessels and no parenchyma; and (3) hypoplasia , in which there is incomplete development of the lung, which is smaller in weight and volume, and there is a reduced number of airways branches, alveoli, arteries, and veins.

The incidence of pulmonary agenesis is low. There is no clear-cut gender predominance; and it does not occur more frequently on one side or the other. Experimental work in rat fetuses has shown that mothers deprived of vitamin A have a greater incidence of pulmonary agenesis in their offspring; however, a similar degree of malnutrition of this type is unlikely to occur in humans. Although absence of the lung is often associated with other congenital defects that terminate life in infancy, many patients with a single lung have lived well into adult life. Sixty percent of patients with agenesis of the lung are found to have other congenital anomalies. The most frequently associated anomalies are patent ductus arteriosus, tetralogy of Fallot, anomalies of the great vessels, and bronchogenic cysts. One normal lung can sustain life because the single lung probably hypertrophies. The condition alone may be asymptomatic, but pulmonary function can more easily be compromised by pneumonia, foreign body, or other insults if there is only one functional lung present. The mortality rate of patients with an absent right lung is 75%, but 25% if the left lung is absent. The difference in mortality rate is caused by the higher frequency of cardiac abnormalities with an absent right lung.

There are many causes of secondary lung hypoplasia, including a reduction in amniotic fluid volume, reduction in intrathoracic space, reduction in fetal breathing movements (neurologic abnormalities or neuromuscular disorders), genetic disorders (trisomy 18 or 21), malnutrition (vitamin A deficiency), maternal smoking, and medications such as glucocorticoid administration.

The finding in cases of agenesis, aplasia, or whole-lung hypoplasia is, as might be expected, total or almost total absence of an aerated lung. The marked loss of volume is indicated by approximation of the ribs, elevation of the ipsilateral hemidiaphragm, and shift of the heart and mediastinum into the unoccupied hemithorax. Because of distension and herniation of the remaining functioning lung tissue across the mediastinum, however, breath sounds may be audible bilaterally, and auscultation alone may not be diagnostic. The diagnosis depends on bronchoscopic and bronchographic determination along with tomography and angiography to demonstrate the absence of the main bronchus on the affected side together with the absence of the pulmonary artery. On histologic study of the hypoplastic lung, a pleural surface can be seen under which there is a small, poorly developed bronchus but no bronchial or alveolar tissue.

Congenital absence of a pulmonary lobe presents similar but less dramatic findings. Physical and radiographic examinations show diminished volume of the affected hemithorax, shift of the heart and mediastinum into the affected side, and ipsilateral elevation of the hemidiaphragm. Bronchography establishes the diagnosis by proving the absence of the bronchus to the missing lobe, and angiography is confirmatory.

Treatment consists in managing intercurrent diseases as they arise. Patients must take precautions to avoid infection, and their prognosis is always guarded because those who survive into adult life have progressively decreased pulmonary function.

Plate 4-7


Congenital lung cysts may be differentiated into three groups— bronchogenic cysts that result from abnormal budding and branching of the tracheobronchial tree during its development, alveolar , and combined forms . Bronchogenic cysts are characterized by respiratory cell mucosa composed of either columnar or cuboidal ciliated cells that line the cavity. They may lie outside the normal lung structure or within it. These cysts do not communicate with the tracheobronchial tree unless they become infected. Bronchogenic cysts must be distinguished from acquired bronchiectasis, which is more common in the dependent portions of the lung; in multiple congenital cysts, the upper lobes are often the site of the disease. The differential diagnosis also includes neurenteric cysts, which are associated with vertebral body anomalies, gastroenteric duplication cysts, congenital lobar emphysema, acquired cysts complicating pulmonary interstitial emphysema, and bronchopulmonary dysplasia.

The cysts are typically located near the carina but may occur in the paratracheal, carinal, hilar, or paraesophageal areas. The location of the cyst is important in determining the clinical presentation. Intrapulmonary cysts with a communication between a cyst and the tracheobronchial tree may incorporate a check valve mechanism, which may result in rapid expansion of the cyst. If they are centrally located, they may produce symptoms (coughing and wheezing, particularly during crying) in the neonatal period because of compression of the trachea or main bronchi. Cysts located in the periphery usually present with infection or hemorrhage later in life or are discovered by chance on a chest radiograph.


This lesion consists of a mass of cysts lined by proliferating bronchial and cuboidal epithelium. It is divided into three types: type I, which includes multiple large, thin-walled cysts; type II, which includes multiple, evenly spaced cysts; and type III, which includes a bulky firm mass with small, evenly spaced cysts. The lesion is now frequently diagnosed by antenatal ultrasonography, but some so detected may regress during the third trimester. Approximately 25% of patients are stillborn; they are usually hydropic and have a type III lesion. Fifty percent are born prematurely. Infants may develop respiratory distress immediately after birth, depending on the size of the lesion; other presentations include recurrent infection, hemoptysis, and an incidental finding on the chest radiograph. The lesion may also be premalignant. Infants with life-threatening respiratory distress require surgery in the perinatal period. The treatment of patients with asymptomatic disease is controversial, but intervention in infancy should be considered because of the increased risk of infection, pneumothorax, and malignancy.


In this condition, there is dilatation of the lymphatic vessels of the lungs and obstruction to their drainage. It may be associated with lymphedema in other portions of the body. Most infants with this problem develop severe respiratory distress at birth, and the majority of them die. Radiologic findings include a ground-glass appearance with fine, diffuse, granular densities representing dilated lymphatics; as with other congenital pulmonary abnormalities, there may be delayed resolution of lung fluid. On examination, the lungs are bulky, with pronounced lobulation, and they contain many thin-walled cystic space–dilated lymphatic vessels.

Plate 4-8


Pulmonary sequestration is a congenital malformation in which a mass of pulmonary tissue has no connection either to the parent tracheobronchial tree or the pulmonary vascular tree and receives its blood supply from a systemic artery. The systemic artery usually arises from the aorta either above or below the diaphragm; occasionally from an intercostal artery; or, rarely, from the brachiocephalic (innominate) artery. The sequestered tissue presents itself in two forms: intralobar and extralobar .


This type comprises a nonfunctioning portion of lung within the visceral pleura of a pulmonary lobe. In the majority of cases, it derives its systemic arterial supply from the descending thoracic aorta or the abdominal aorta. The venous drainage is invariably by way of the pulmonary veins, producing an arterio-arterial communication. Embryologically, it appears to be a failure of the normal pulmonary artery to supply a peripheral portion of the lung; hence, the arterial supply is derived from a persistent ventral branch of the primitive dorsal aorta.


This malformation may represent a secondary and more caudal development from the primitive foregut that is then sealed off and migrates caudally as the lung grows. Venous drainage is to the systemic circulation, usually the azygos, hemiazygos, or caval veins. Anatomically, it is related to the left hemidiaphragm in more than 90% of cases. It may be situated between the diaphragmatic surface of the lower lobe and the diaphragm or within the substance of the diaphragm.

On pathologic examination, the affected mass is cystic, and the spaces are filled either with mucus or, if infected, with purulent material. The cystic spaces are lined by either columnar or flat cuboidal epithelium.

Only 20% of intralobar sequestrations present in the neonatal period; occasionally, there may be heart failure caused by massive arteriovenous shunting. Extralobar sequestration rarely presents in the neonatal period but may be found incidentally at operation to repair a congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Later presentations include secondary infection, pneumonia, pleural effusion, and empyema. When the sequestered lung becomes infected, it often appears to be a chronic pulmonary abscess accompanied by episodes of fever, chest pain, cough, and bloody mucopurulent sputum.

On antenatal ultrasonography, the abnormal lung can be seen as an echogenic intrathoracic or intraabdominal mass. In 50% of cases, there is a pleural effusion, and polyhydramnios is a frequent complication. Postnatally, on radiographic examination the diagnosis should be suspected if there is a dense lesion on the posteromedial part of the left zone of the chest radiograph. Extralobar sequestration is usually seen as a dense triangular lesion close to the diaphragm.

Treatment for either type consists of surgical resection. Because of the threat of secondary infection and hemorrhage, surgery should be recommended even though the patient is asymptomatic at the time. When infection occurs, complete removal is mandatory.

Plate 4-9


This is a rare case of respiratory distress in the neonatal period. The overdistended lobe or lobes cause compression of the remaining normal ipsilateral lung and a marked shift of the mediastinum to the opposite side, so that a ventilatory crisis results with dyspnea, cyanosis, and sometimes circulatory failure.

The pathogenesis of congenital lobar emphysema falls into three categories. In the first group, there are defects in the bronchial cartilage with absent or incomplete rings; the abnormality has also been described in chondroectodermal dysplasia or Ellis-Van Creveld syndrome. In the second group, there is an obvious mechanical cause of bronchial obstruction such as a fold of mucous membrane acting as a ball valve, an aberrant artery or fibrous band, tumors, or a tenacious mucous plug. In the third and largest group, no local pathologic lesions other than overdistension of the lobe can be seen, but unrecognized bronchiolitis has been thought to be a possible cause. In each instance, the lobe inflates normally as the bronchus widens during inspiration, but the obstruction to it during expiration results in air trapping and overdistension.

The upper lobes are most commonly involved (80% of cases), particularly on the left side (43% of cases); the right middle lobe (32%) is second in order of frequency. Multilobar bilateral involvement rarely occurs. Differential diagnosis from endobronchial pneumothorax, diaphragmatic hernias, tension cysts, and endobronchial foreign bodies must be made.

One-third of patients are symptomatic at birth, and approximately half are symptomatic in the first few days after birth. Affected infants may have severe respiratory symptoms and a rapid deterioration, resulting in death. Infants present with increasing dyspnea and recession; cyanosis occurs in 50% of cases and is more obvious on crying. Only 5% of patients are presented after 6 months of age. Physical examination reveals hyperresonance and bulging of the affected hemithorax with a contralateral displacement of the trachea and mediastinum. Hyperlucency of the diseased side is seen on radiography; the ribs are spread farther apart, the diaphragm is lower than normal and flattened, and the uninvolved lobe or lobes may be atelectatic. There is displacement of the mediastinum to the opposite side where the lung appears relatively radiopaque, but the diaphragm is not elevated as seen in atelectasis. In the involved lung, vascular markings may distinguish the abnormality from a pneumothorax.

Lobectomy is indicated for patients who have persistent or progressive respiratory failure, and early lobectomy is required for infants who have significant respiratory distress in the neonatal period. Patients presenting with relatively mild symptoms or diagnosed on chest radiographic examination may be treated conservatively.


Healthy people rarely cough. When they do, it is essentially devoid of any clinical significance. However, when cough is present and persistently troublesome, it can assume great clinical significance. Although cough can become an important factor in spreading infection, this is not the reason why it is one of the most common symptoms for which patients seek medical attention and spend money for medications. They do so because cough adversely affects their quality of life in a variety of ways related to the pressures, velocities, and energy that are generated during vigorous coughing. Although intrathoracic pressures up to 300 mm Hg, expiratory velocities up to 28,000 cm/sec or 500 mph (i.e., 85% of the speed of sound), and intrathoracic energy up to 25 J allow coughing to be an effective means of clearing excessive secretions and foreign material from the lower airways and providing cardiopulmonary resuscitation, these physiologic consequences can lead to physical as well as psychosocial complications. The gamut of complications ranges from cardiovascular, constitutional symptoms, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, musculoskeletal, neurologic, ophthalmologic, psychosocial, quality of life, respiratory, to dermatologic consequences.

Urinary incontinence, rib fractures, syncope, and psychosocial complications such as self-consciousness and the fear of serious disease are particularly bothersome. Coughing-induced urinary incontinence is particularly troublesome in women, especially as they age and in those who have delivered children. Coughing-induced rib fractures may occur in the absence of osteoporosis and typically posterolaterally where the serratus anterior muscle interdigitates with the latissimus dorsi muscle. Syncope caused by coughing can be sudden if the force of the cough causes a concussion wave in the cerebrospinal fluid or more gradual because of hypotension from a decrease in cardiac output.

The modern era of managing cough as a symptom was heralded by the description of a systematic manner of evaluating cough that was based on the putative neuroanatomy of the afferent limb of the cough reflex and the classification of cough based on its duration. Both concepts have been validated ( Plate 4-10 ).

Plate 4-10

As originally proposed, systematically evaluating the locations of the afferent limb of the cough reflex (i.e., anatomic diagnostic approach) would have the best chance of leading to a correct diagnosis. Although involuntary coughing has traditionally been thought to be solely mediated via the vagus nerve, experimental data suggest that other nerves may also be involved. The anatomic diagnostic approach allowed for the discoveries of extrapulmonary causes of cough such as upper airway cough syndrome caused by a variety of rhinosinus conditions and cough caused by gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) without aspiration.

The classification of cough into acute (i.e., <3 weeks), subacute (i.e., 3-8 weeks), and chronic (i.e., >8 weeks) has become one of the most important parts of the workup of cough because it narrows the spectrum of potential diagnostic possibilities ( Plate 4-10 ). The most common causes of acute cough include upper respiratory tract infections (URIs; e.g., the common cold), bacterial sinusitis, Bordetella pertussis infection, exacerbations of asthma, chronic bronchitis, allergic rhinitis, and environmental irritant rhinitis. The most common causes of subacute cough include postinfectious cough (e.g., after B. pertussis infection); bacterial sinusitis; and exacerbation of preexisting conditions such as asthma, rhinosinus diseases, bronchiectasis, and chronic bronchitis. The most common causes of chronic cough include upper airway cough syndrome caused by a variety of rhinosinus conditions, asthma, nonasthmatic eosinophilic bronchitis, GERD, chronic bronchitis, and bronchiectasis.

When the clinician systematically follows a validated diagnostic protocol and prescribes specific treatment in adequate doses directed against the presumptive cause(s) of cough, cough will improve or disappear in the great majority of cases. At least 20% of the time, chronic cough is caused by multiple conditions that simultaneously contribute. The causes of cough can only be determined when it responds to specific treatment.

Plate 4-11


Vocal cord nodules, polyps, and cysts are common causes of hoarseness in people with high voice demands, such as teachers, singers, and young children. Excessive or abusive voice use causes repetitive trauma and inflammation within the superficial layer of the lamina propria (Reinke space), leading to the formation of subepithelial lesions affecting the anterior true vocal cord. Mass effect from these lesions impairs vocal cord vibration and disrupts air flow between the vocal cords during phonation, leading to hoarseness. Treatment requires a multifaceted approach, including elimination of vocally abusive behaviors; optimization of laryngeal hygiene; and medical therapy for associated inflammatory conditions such as allergy, infection, and laryngopharyngeal reflux. Surgical excision using modern phonomicrosurgical techniques is indicated for persistent lesions that do not respond to conservative measures.

Laryngeal granulomas are inflammatory lesions arising from the vocal process of the arytenoid cartilage in the posterior larynx. They may be unilateral or bilateral. The most common cause is endotracheal intubation, and the term intubation granuloma has been previously used. Pressure from the endotracheal tube causes inflammation and erosion of the thin perichondrium overlying the vocal process of the arytenoid cartilage, leading to granuloma formation. Other common causes include chronic cough or throat clearing, excessive voice use, and laryngopharyngeal reflux. These lesions often regress spontaneously after the localized trauma or underlying inflammatory condition has been addressed. Surgical excision with cold steel or the CO 2 laser is reserved for refractory lesions or large granuloma obstructing the posterior glottic airway.

Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP) is a disease of viral origin characterized by multiple exophytic lesions of the aerodigestive tract in both children and adults. Laryngeal involvement is common, leading to progressive hoarseness and airway compromise. Extralaryngeal spread to the trachea and lungs is less common but is associated with increased morbidity and potential mortality. Onset of RRP may occur during either childhood or adulthood, with a bimodal age distribution demonstrating the first peak in children younger than 5 years of age and the second peak between 20 and 30 years of age. Juvenile-onset RRP is more common and is the most aggressive form of the disease. It is acquired through vertical transmission of human papilloma virus from an infected mother in utero or during childbirth. Although benign, these lesions are a source of significant morbidity because of their location within the upper and lower airways, the frequency with which they recur despite aggressive medical and surgical treatment, and the potential for malignant degeneration over time.

Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common malignancy of the larynx. These cancers range from well-differentiated, low-grade tumors such as verrucous carcinoma, which can be treated with surgical excision alone and carries an excellent prognosis, to poorly differentiated, high-grade carcinomas, which have a poor prognosis despite aggressive, multimodality treatment. The location of the tumor also has important implications. Glottic cancers, which arise from the true vocal cords, are often diagnosed at an early stage because even small lesions cause symptomatic hoarseness. They also have a relatively low rate of metastasis to regional lymphatics or distant sites. In contrast, supraglottic cancers, which arise from the epiglottis or false vocal cords, are often diagnosed at a more advanced stage when the tumor is large enough to cause symptomatic dysphagia or airway obstruction. Supraglottic cancers have a high rate of regional lymph node involvement and are more likely to metastasize to the lungs or other distant sites. Subglottic cancers are rare but carry a relatively poor prognosis. Prolonged smoking and alcohol consumption are the most important risk factors for laryngeal cancer, with a synergistic effect when combined.

Plate 4-12


The unique anatomy and delicate tissues of the larynx and trachea predispose these sites to scarring and stenosis in response to injury. Some of the more common causes include prolonged endotracheal intubation, long-term tracheostomy, bacterial or viral infection, systemic inflammatory conditions, neoplasia, and trauma. In many cases, the stenosis is a relatively late sequela of the initial pathologic process and may not be recognized until it progresses to the point of symptomatic airway compromise (stridor or dyspnea) or impaired laryngeal function (hoarseness).

Laryngeal stenosis may occur at any level within the larynx. Supraglottic and glottic stenosis are usually a result of external trauma or prolonged intubation but are also seen with caustic ingestions, inhalation burns, and postsurgical scarring. Subglottic stenosis is the most common form of laryngeal stenosis. Prolonged endotracheal intubation can damage the thin inner perichondrium of the cricoid cartilage, leading to circumferential scarring and cicatrix formation. Long-term tracheostomy tubes can also cause subglottic stenosis as a result of superior migration of the tube and ensuing destruction of the cricoid ring. Other common causes of subglottic stenosis include laryngopharyngeal reflux, Wegener granulomatosis, and a congenital form seen in young children. When a specific cause cannot be identified, the term idiopathic subglottic stenosis (ISS) is used. It is likely that many cases of ISS are caused, at least in part, by unrecognized laryngopharyngeal reflux or autoimmune disorders.

Tracheal stenosis is a potentially devastating sequelae of prolonged endotracheal intubation and tracheostomy in patients with respiratory failure requiring cuffed tubes for mechanical ventilation. In the anterior and lateral tracheal walls, the vertical blood vessels that course between the mucosa and the cartilage rings may be readily compressed by a distending cuff or balloon. Decreased blood supply leads to perichondritis, avascular necrosis, and fragmentation of the tracheal cartilage. The resultant stricture often has a triangular configuration on transverse section because of anterior weakening of the cartilaginous arch with lateral wall collapse. Posteriorly, the membranous trachea is more pliable, and the vascular supply is less likely to be compressed. Thus, in about 50% of cases of postintubation or posttracheostomy balloon stenosis, the posterior tracheal wall is spared.

The characteristics and extent of tracheal stenosis can be demonstrated radiographically with traditional tomography in the frontal and lateral projections or with computed tomography (CT) images in the coronal and sagittal planes. The stenotic segment may be narrow and weblike, involving only one tracheal ring, or it may be longer, involving two to five tracheal rings with tapering margins. If the affected segment is thin or pliable, obstruction may only occur with inspiration or expiration (tracheomalacia), depending on whether the affected segment is extrathoracic (neck) or intrathoracic (thorax), respectively. Tracheomalacia may result in greater functional impairment than is apparent radiographically. If dynamic collapse is suspected, flowvolume loops demonstrating reduced inspiratory or expiratory flow or fiberoptic bronchoscopy demonstrating inspiratory or expiratory collapse may be useful diagnostic tools. In some cases, multiple stenoses may occur, especially after the use of tubes of different lengths or tubes with double cuffs.

Postintubation and posttracheostomy balloon stenosis remains a serious problem despite the advent of low-pressure cuffs and increased vigilance in the clinical care setting. It has been recommended that the cuff be deflated at intervals to avoid an excessively prolonged compression of the tracheal mucosa. The problem with this method is that the cuff may not empty completely, and if it is reinflated with the minimal fixed volume of air recommended for filling, overinflation may occur. Proper cuff pressures are best achieved by inflating under auscultatory control until there is no leakage of air with positive-pressure ventilation. If stenosis develops despite these measures, surgery in the form of endoscopic laser incision and dilatation or tracheal resection with anastomosis may be necessary.

Plate 4-13


Vocal cord dysfunction (VCD), also known as paradoxical vocal cord motion (PVCM), is a relatively poorly understood laryngeal disorder manifest by inappropriate adduction, or closing, of the vocal cords during inspiration. This is in contrast to the normal respiratory cycle, in which the vocal cords are abducted, or open, during inspiration and only begin to adduct toward the end of exhalation or with the onset of phonation. Physiologically, partial adduction of the vocal cords at the end of the expiratory phase maintains alveolar patency by generating positive end-expiratory pressure. Full adduction of the vocal cords occurs normally during phonation. As air expelled from the lungs encounters a closed glottis, subglottic air pressure increases, which in turn provides the force necessary to vibrate the vocal cords and produce voice. In contrast, paradoxical adduction of the vocal cords during inspiration in patients with VCD results in acute, intermittent episodes of functional airway obstruction.

The most common symptoms of VCD are inspiratory stridor, dyspnea, hoarseness, throat tightening, and cough. Unfortunately, these symptoms are relatively nonspecific and may mimic other conditions such as asthma, epiglottitis, angioedema, or anaphylaxis. Many patients with VCD will have been treated aggressively for presumed asthma without improvement. In contrast to asthma, the airway obstruction in VCD occurs with inspiration rather than expiration, and laryngeal stridor should not be mistaken for bronchial wheezing. Pulmonary function testing can help exclude asthma and support a diagnosis of VCD, with attenuation of the inspiratory flow rate on flow-volume loops. It is common to have both asthma and VCD, in which case methacholine challenge testing is often helpful.

A diagnosis of VCD can be further substantiated with transnasal flexible fiberoptic laryngoscopy. As with pulmonary function testing, this should be done while the patient is symptomatic. Because of the episodic nature of VCD, it may be necessary to first challenge the patient with exercise, sustained vocal tasks, or other known triggers to elicit an acute exacerbation. Flexible laryngoscopy demonstrates a structurally normal larynx with paradoxical adduction of the vocal cords during inspiration. This is more pronounced when breathing in through the mouth rather than the nose, which provides a stronger neural stimulus for vocal cord abduction. Adduction of the anterior two-thirds of the vocal cords with a diamond-shaped posterior glottic gap is most commonly described, although additional findings of false vocal cord adduction and anterior to posterior supraglottic constriction have been reported.

The cause of VCD is poorly understood. Because of the lack of clear organic pathology and the high incidence of underlying psychiatric conditions in these patients, VCD has historically been considered a psychogenic disorder, as evidenced by such antiquated terms as Munchausen's stridor and factitious asthma . Although VCD may be a manifestation of a somatization or conversion disorder in some patients, nonpsychogenic causes must also be considered. Brainstem compression, upper or lower motor neuron injury, and movement disorders have been associated with VCD. Laryngeal hyperresponsiveness secondary to laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) has also been implicated as a potential causative factor in VCD. A diagnosis of LPR is supported by findings of posterior laryngeal erythema, interarytenoid mucosal pachydermy, and posterior pharyngeal cobblestoning on flexible laryngoscopy.

The treatment of VCD involves a multifaceted approach, with identification and elimination of potential irritants or triggers, medical therapy for underlying psychogenic or pathologic conditions, and intensive behavioral therapy with an experienced speech-language pathologist focusing on laryngeal relaxation and diaphragmatic breathing techniques. If necessary, severe attacks may be managed acutely with anxiolytics, heliox, or continuous positive airway pressure ventilation. Most patients with VCD improve with proper treatment and time.


Asthma affects between 5% and 15% of the population in most countries where this has been evaluated. Asthma is a clinical syndrome characterized by variable airflow obstruction, increased responsiveness of the airway to constriction induced by nonspecific inhaled stimuli (airway hyperresponsiveness), and cellular inflammation. Asthmatic symptoms are characteristically episodic and consist of dyspnea, wheezing, cough, and chest tightness caused by airflow obstruction because of airway smooth muscle constriction, airway wall edema, airway inflammation, and hypersecretion by mucous glands. A major feature of the airflow obstruction of asthma is that it is partially or fully reversible either spontaneously or as a result of treatment.


Asthma is a syndrome because, although the clinical presentation is often quite characteristic, its etiologic factors vary. Previous descriptors of asthma included the terms extrinsic asthma , implying that an external stimulus was responsible for causing the disease, and intrinsic asthma , in which no obvious external cause could be identified. It is now recognized that likely all asthma is initiated by some external stimulus, the most commonly identified of which are environmental allergens.

Allergic Asthma

Allergic asthma most often affects children and young adults ( Plate 4-14 ). A personal history of other allergic manifestations (atopy), such as allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, or eczema is common, as is a family history of atopy. Atopy is identified by positive dermal responses to environmental and occupational allergens and elevated serum immunoglobulin E (IgE) levels.

Plate 4-14

Nonallergic Asthma

Nonallergic asthma is usually identified in patients who develop asthma symptoms as adults (see Plate 4-15 ). The symptoms may develop after a respiratory tract infection, and occasionally infective agents such as Chlamydia pneumoniae or Mycoplasma spp. are implicated. Occupational sensitizers are other important causes of nonallergic asthma, and a detailed occupational history is a critical component of the evaluation of the patient. Nonallergic asthma is also commonly associated with comorbidities such as chronic sinusitis, obesity, or gastroesophageal reflux.

Plate 4-15


An important distinction needs to be made between stimuli that are inducers of asthma (cause the disease), such as environmental allergens and occupational sensitizers, and inciters of asthma, which are stimuli that cause exacerbations or transient symptoms (see Plate 4-16 ).

Plate 4-16

Respiratory Viral Infections

Viral infections are important inducers of asthma and have been associated with a number of important clinical consequences in people with asthma, including the development of wheezing-associated illnesses in infants and small children; the development of asthma in the first decade of life; causing acute asthma exacerbations (particularly rhinovirus); and inducing changes in airway physiology, including increasing airway responsiveness.

Environmental Allergens

Allergens are known to both induce asthma and be inciters of asthma symptoms. Indeed, some people with asthma only experience seasonal symptoms when they are exposed to allergens. Patients with allergen sensitivity can experience acute bronchoconstriction within 10 to 15 minutes after allergen inhalation, which usually resolves with 2 hours (the early asthmatic response); however, the bronchoconstriction can recur between 3 to 6 hours later (the late asthmatic response), which develops more slowly and is characterized by severe bronchoconstriction and dyspnea. The late response occurs because of progressively increasing influx of inflammatory cells, particularly basophils and eosinophils, into the airways. The bronchoconstriction usually resolves within 24 hours, but patients are left with increased airway responsiveness, which may persist for more than 1 week.

Occupational Sensitizing Agents

Occupational asthma is a common cause of adult-onset asthma. More than 200 agents have been identified in the workplace, including allergens such as animal dander, wheat flour, psyllium, and enzymes, which cause airway narrowing through IgE-mediated responses, and chemicals (often small molecular weight, e.g., toluene diisocyanate), which cause asthma through non–IgE-mediated mechanisms. Work-related exposures and inhalation accidents are a significant risk for new-onset asthma. When occupational chemical sensitizers are inhaled by a sensitized subject in the laboratory, an early asthmatic response can often be elicited, similar to that induced by allergen. This can be followed by a late asthmatic response. The airway inflammatory responses caused by occupational sensitizers do not appear to differ substantially from other causes of asthma, such as environmental allergens.


Exercise is a very commonly experienced asthma inciter. Bronchoconstriction occurs after exercise, becoming maximal 10 to 20 minutes after the end of exertion, and generally resolves within 1 hour. Bronchoconstriction very rarely occurs during exercise. Bronchoconstriction is caused by the cooling and drying of the airways because the large volumes of air inhaled during exercise are conditioned to body temperature and are fully saturated. Similar symptoms can be experienced by people with asthma who inhale very cold, dry air. Exercise-induced bronchoconstriction can usually be prevented by pretreatment with inhaled β 2 -agonists 5 to 10 minutes before exercise.

Atmospheric Pollutants

A variety of atmospheric pollutants are asthma inciters. These include nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ), sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ), ozone, and inhaled particles smaller than 10 μm in diameter (PM 10 ). Other environmental irritants that can incite asthma symptoms include strong smells, such as perfume, car exhaust fumes, and secondhand tobacco smoke.

Aspirin Sensitivity

A triad of aspirin sensitivity, asthma, and nasal polyposis (Samter triad) has been recognized in approximately 5% of individuals with asthma (although nasal polyposis is not invariably present in asthmatics with aspirin sensitivity). Symptoms of asthma develop within 20 minutes of ingestion of aspirin, which may be very severe and occasionally life threatening. This sensitivity exists to all drugs that are cyclo-oxygenase (COX-1) inhibitors and sometimes also to tartrazine. Acetaminophen and COX-2 inhibitors appear to be safe to use in most aspirin-sensitive individuals with asthma.


Symptoms and Clinical Findings

Symptoms and signs of asthma range from mild, discrete episodes of shortness of breath, wheezing, and cough, which are very intermittent, usually after exposure to an asthma trigger, followed by significant remission, to continuous, chronic symptoms that wax and wane in severity. For any patient, symptoms may be mild, moderate, or severe at any given time, and even patients with mild, intermittent asthma can have severe life-threatening exacerbations. An asthmatic exacerbation can be a terrifying experience, especially for patients who are aware of its potentially progressive nature.

Symptoms of an asthmatic exacerbation most often develop gradually but occasionally can be sudden in onset. Most often asthma exacerbations are preceded by viral upper respiratory tract infections. Many patients complain of a sensation of retrosternal chest tightness. Expiratory and often inspiratory wheezing is audible and is associated with variable degrees of dyspnea. Cough is likely to be present and may be productive of purulent sputum.

In severe asthma exacerbations, the patient prefers to sit upright; visible nasal alar flaring and use of the accessory respiratory muscles reflect the increased work of breathing. Anxiety and apprehension generally relate to the intensity of the exacerbation. Tachypnea may be the result of fear, airway obstruction, or changes in blood and tissue gas tensions or pH. Hypertension and tachycardia both reflect increased catecholamine output, although a pulse rate greater than 110 to 130 beats/min may indicate significant hypoxemia (PaO 2 <60 mm Hg) and the seriousness of the episode. Pulsus paradoxus (≥10 mm Hg) accompanies pulmonary hyperinflation, occurring when the forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV 1 ) is usually below 30% of predicted normal. If severe hypoxemia and hypercapnia with respiratory acidosis occur, the patient is usually cyanotic, fatigued, confused, and agitated. Chest examination reveals a hyperresonant percussion note, a low-lying diaphragm, and other evidence of hyperinflation. Expiration is prolonged. The patient has generalized inspiratory and expiratory wheezing. With low-grade obstruction, wheezing may be slight or even absent but may be accentuated by rapid, deep breathing. When airflow is severely reduced, the chest may become paradoxically silent. This ominous finding may be inadvertently induced or worsened by administration of hypnotics, tranquilizers, or sedatives, which depress respiration. At the point where airflow is so decreased that the chest becomes silent, cough becomes ineffective, and ventilatory failure supervenes. This requires immediate and intensive therapy.


Because asthma is a lifelong disease in most patients, it is important to make the correct diagnosis when symptoms first present. Unfortunately, this is sometimes not done, and patients are inappropriately treated. None of the symptoms of asthma are pathognomonic, and the adage “all that wheezes is not asthma” serves as a reminder that wheezing but also cough, chest tightness, and dyspnea are symptoms of other respiratory or cardiac diseases. The diagnosis of asthma must be made by the presence of the characteristic symptoms associated with the presence of variable airflow obstruction or airway hyperresponsiveness to inhaled bronchoconstrictor mediators.

Variable airflow obstruction is best measured using spirometry with a flow-volume loop and demonstrating a reduced FEV 1 and ratio of FEV 1 to forced vital capacity (FVC), which improves after inhalation of β2agonists ( Plate 4-17 ). An improvement in FEV 1 of more than 12%, with a minimal change of 200 mL, is usually accepted as documentation of reversible airflow obstruction. Some clinics may not have access to spirometry, so variability in peak expired flow (PEF) measurements can also be used for both diagnosis and monitoring asthma. An improvement of more than 20% (or >60 L/min) after inhalation of a β2-agonist or diurnal variation in PEF of more than 20% over 2 weeks of measurements also confirms variable airflow obstruction.

Plate 4-17


For patients with symptoms consistent with asthma but normal lung function, measurements of airway responsiveness to direct airway challenges (e.g., inhaled methacholine and histamine) or indirect airway challenges (e.g., inhaled mannitol or exercise challenge) may help establish a diagnosis of asthma ( Plate 4-17 ). Measurements of airway responsiveness reflect the “sensitivity” of the airways to factors that can cause asthma symptoms, and the test results are usually expressed as the provocative concentration (or dose) of the agonist causing a given decrease in FEV 1 . These tests are sensitive for a diagnosis of asthma but have limited specificity. This means that a negative test result can be useful to exclude a diagnosis of persistent asthma in a patient who is not taking inhaled glucocorticosteroid treatment, but a positive test result does not always mean that a patient has asthma. This is because airway hyperresponsiveness has been described in patients with allergic rhinitis and in those with airflow limitation caused by conditions other than asthma, such as cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).



The primary value of radiography is to exclude other diseases and to determine whether pneumonia, atelectasis, pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, or bronchiectasis exists. In mild asthma, the chest radiograph shows no abnormalities. With severe obstruction, however, a characteristic reversible hyperlucency of the lung is evident, with widening of costal interspaces, depressed diaphragms, and increased retrosternal air. In contrast to pulmonary emphysema, in which vascular branching is attenuated and distorted, vascular caliber and distribution in asthma are generally undisturbed.

Focal atelectasis, a complication of asthma, is caused by impaction of mucus. In children, even complete collapse of a lobe may be observed. Atelectatic shadows may be transient as mucus impaction shifts from one lung zone to another. When sputum is mobilized, these patterns resolve.

Radiography is also useful in evaluating coexisting sinusitis. An upper gastrointestinal series may be indicated if gastroesophageal reflux is suspected. A lung ventilation-perfusion scan or computed tomography angiogram may be required if pulmonary emboli are believed to mimic asthma.


Spontaneously produced as well as induced sputum can be helpful in confirming the diagnosis of asthma and in deciding treatment requirements ( Plate 4-18 ). Spontaneously produced sputum may be mucoid, purulent, or a mixture of both. Importantly, purulent sputum does not always indicate the presence of a bacterial infection in asthmatic patients.

Plate 4-18

Thin spiral bronchiolar casts (Curschmann spirals) in sputum, measuring up to several centimeters in length, are strongly indicative of asthma. Ciliated columnar bronchial epithelial cells are frequently found. Creola bodies are clumps of such bronchial epithelial cells with moving cilia and are seen in severe asthma.

In asthma, both sputum eosinophils and neutrophils may be increased or the cellular infiltrate may be predominantly eosinophilic or neutrophilic or occasionally paucigranulocytic. The importance of a sputum eosinophilia is that it indicates inadequate treatment with or poor adherence to inhaled corticosteroids (ICS). Acute exacerbations of asthma are usually associated with an increase in eosinophil or neutrophil cell numbers in sputum.

Skin Prick Tests

It is important to establish the presence of atopy in asthmatic subjects, particularly, whether environmental allergens are important triggers of asthma symptoms. Preferably, skin tests are performed by a skin prick using aqueous extracts of common antigens, such as molds, pollens, fungi, house dusts, feathers, foods, or animal dander technique ( Plate 4-19 ). If skinsensitizing antibodies to the antigen are present, a wheal-and-flare reaction develops within 15 to 30 minutes; a control test with saline diluent should show little or no reaction.

Plate 4-19

Optimally, both the history and dermal reactivity will give corresponding results. However, some patients have positive histories but negative skin test results. In other patients, negative histories and positive skin test results indicate immunologic reactivity that is clinically insignificant.

Blood Tests

Blood tests are rarely of value in the diagnosis of asthma, but radioallergosorbent tests (RASTs) are used to identify the presence of allergy to specific allergens. Also, blood eosinophil counts may be increased in asthmatic patients, but they are neither sensitive nor specific for a diagnosis.

Exhaled Nitric Oxide

Elevated levels of exhaled nitric oxide (eNO) may indicate eosinophilic inflammation associated with asthma in the right clinical setting, but the clinical utility of this test is still uncertain.


Diseases to be considered in the differential evaluation are depicted in Plate 4-20 . In children, diseases that may be misdiagnosed as asthma also include chronic rhinosinusitis, gastroesophageal reflux, cystic fibrosis, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, congenital malformation causing narrowing of the intrathoracic airways, foreign body aspiration, primary ciliary dyskinesia syndrome, immune deficiency, and congenital heart disease. In adult patients, pulmonary disorders, other than those illustrated in Plate 4-20 , include cystic fibrosis, pneumoconiosis, and systemic vasculitis involving the lungs.

Plate 4-20


Spirometry and Ventilatory Function in Asthma

In asthma, the prime physiologic disturbance is obstruction to airflow, which is more marked in expiration. This obstruction is variable in severity and in its site of involvement and is, by definition, reversible to some degree. Various combinations of smooth muscle constriction, inflammation, edema, and mucus hypersecretion produce this airflow impediment. In addition, low lung volumes with terminal airspace collapse may compound the airway obstruction. In the larger airways, the rigid cartilaginous rings help maintain patency. In the peripheral airways, however, there is little opposition to the smooth muscle action because of the paucity of cartilage. Instead, the patency of these airways is influenced by lung volume because they are imbedded in and partially supported by the lung parenchyma.

At the onset of an asthmatic attack, or in mild cases, obstruction is not extensive. As asthma progresses, airways resistance significantly increases. Although inspiratory resistance also increases, the abnormality is more pronounced during expiration because of narrowing or closure of the airways as the lung empties. At this point, further expiratory effort does not produce any increase in expiratory flow rate and may even intensify airway collapse.

Because of these mechanical resistances, the respiratory muscles must produce a greater degree of chest expansion. More important, the elastic recoil of the lungs is insufficient for “passive” expiration. The respiratory muscles, therefore, must now play an active role in expiration. If obstruction is severe, air trapping will occur, with an increase in residual volume (RV) and functional residual capacity (FRC).

Airway obstruction is uneven and results in unequal distribution of gases to alveoli. This and other stimuli result in tachypnea and a consequently shortened respiratory cycle even though the bronchial obstruction requires a lengthened respiratory time for adequate ventilation. These conflicting demands cannot be reconciled while the asthmatic attack continues.

The severity of the obstruction is reflected in the spirometric measurements of expiratory volume and airflow. The FEV 1 , FVC, and inspiratory capacity (IC) are all reduced during an acute attack.

The peripheral airways have a proportionately large total cross-sectional area. For this reason, the resistance of the peripheral airways normally accounts for only 20% of the total airway resistance. Thus, extensive obstruction in these smaller airways may go undetected if the physician relies only on clinical findings. The reduction in FVC and FEV 1 shows a good correlation with the decrease in PaO 2 , although carbon dioxide retention does not occur until the FEV 1 is about 1 L or 25% of the level predicted.

With progressive obstruction, expiration becomes increasingly prolonged. Increases in RV and FRC occur (see Plate 4-39 ). These volume changes may represent an inherent physiologic response by the patient because breathing at higher lung volumes prevents the closure of terminal airways. The overall effect of these events is alveolar hyperinflation, which tends to further increase the diameter of the airways by exerting a greater lateral force on their walls. This hyperinflation may partially preserve gas exchange. It is disadvantageous because much more work is required, resulting in an increase in O 2 consumption. Moreover, such a state compromises IC and vital capacity (VC). The symptoms of dyspnea and fatigue may also arise in part from this process. Finally, the effectiveness of cough is impaired because the velocity of respiratory airflow is seriously reduced.

Plate 4-39

As a result of the nonhomogeneous airway obstruction in asthma, the distribution of inspired air to the terminal respiratory units is not uniform throughout the lungs. Alveoli that are hypoventilated because they are supplied by obstructed airways are interspersed with normal or hyperventilated alveoli; hence, the severity of asthma is directly related to the ratio of poorly ventilated to well-ventilated alveolar groups. Arterial hypoxemia, which is the primary defect in gas exchange in asthma, is caused by this a / c nonhomogeneity ( Plate 4-21 ). As the population of alveolar units with a low a / c ratio increases (because of advancing obstruction), the degree of arterial hypoxemia also intensifies. The a / c disturbance is compounded if some airways are completely obstructed. The right-to-left intrapulmonary shunt effect results in arterial hypoxemia.

Plate 4-21

Carbon dioxide elimination is not impaired when the number of alveolar-capillary units with normal a / c ratios remains large relative to the number of those with low a / c ratios. As airway obstruction progresses, there are more and more hypoventilated alveoli. Simultaneously, appropriate increases in respiratory work, rate, and depth occur. Such a response initially minimizes the increase in physiologic dead space but eventually becomes limited, and alveolar ventilation finally fails to support the metabolic needs of the body. Carbon dioxide retention now occurs together with increasing hypoxemia. This is a state of ventilatory failure, and it commonly arises when the FEV 1 is less than 25% predicted.



Genetic and environmental factors interact in a complex manner to produce both asthma susceptibility and asthma expression. Several genes on chromosome 5q31-33 may be important in the development or progression of the inflammation associated with asthma and atopy, including the cytokines interleukin-3 (IL-3), IL-4, IL-5, IL-9, IL-12, IL-13, and granulocytemacrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF). In addition, a number of other genes may play a role in the development of asthma or its pathogenesis, including the corticosteroid receptor and the β2-adrenergic receptor. Chromosome 5q32 contains the gene for the β2-adrenoceptor, which is highly polymorphic, and a number of variants of this gene have been discovered that alter receptor functioning and response to β-agonists.

Other chromosome regions linked to the development of allergy or asthma include chromosome 11q, which contains the gene for the β chain of the high-affinity IgE receptor (FcɛRIβ). Chromosome 12 also contains several candidate genes, including interferon-γ (INF-γ), stem cell factor (SCF), IGF-1, and the constitutive form of nitric oxide synthase (cNOS). The ADAM 33 gene (a disintegrin and metalloproteinase 33) on chromosome 20p13 has been significantly associated with asthma. ADAM proteins are membrane-anchored proteolytic enzymes. The restricted expression of ADAM 33 to mesenchymal cells and its close association with airways hyperresponsiveness (AHR) suggests it may be operating in airway smooth muscle or in events linked to airway remodeling.

Cellular Inflammation

Persistent airway inflammation is considered the characteristic feature of severe, mild, and even asymptomatic asthma. The characteristic features include infiltration of the airways by inflammatory cells, hypertrophy of the airway smooth muscle, and thickening of the lamina reticularis just below the basement membrane (see Plate 4-22 ).

Plate 4-22

An important feature of the airway inflammatory infiltrate in asthma is its multicellular nature, which is mainly composed of eosinophils but also includes neutrophils, lymphocytes, and other cells in varying degrees. Whereas neutrophils, eosinophils, and T lymphocytes are recruited from the circulation, mast cells are resident cells of the airways. Histologic evidence of mast cell degranulation and eosinophil vacuolation reveals that the inflammatory cells are activated. The mucosal mast cells are not increased but show signs of granule secretion in asthmatic patients. Postmortem studies have shown an apparent reduction in the number of mast cells in the asthmatic bronchi as well as in the lung parenchyma, which reflects mast cell degranulation rather than a true reduction in their numbers.

Eosinophils are considered to be the predominant and most characteristic cells in asthma, as observed from both bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) and bronchial biopsy studies. The bronchial epithelium is infiltrated by eosinophils, which is evident in both large and small airways, with a greater intensity in the proximal airways in acute severe asthma. However, some studies report the virtual absence of eosinophils in severe or fatal asthma, suggesting some heterogeneity in this process. Alveolar macrophages are the most prevalent cells in the human lungs, both in normal subjects and in asthmatic patients and, when activated, secrete a wide array of mediators. Lymphocytes are critical for the development of asthma and are found in the airways of asthmatic subjects in relationship to disease severity. The function and contribution of lymphocytes in asthma are multifactorial and center on their ability to secrete cytokines. Activated T cells are a source of Th2 cytokines (e.g., IL-4, IL-13), which may induce the activated B cell to produce IgE and enhance expression of cellular adhesion molecules, in particular vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) and IL-5, which is essential for eosinophil development and survival in tissues.


Allergic asthma and other allergic diseases, such as allergic rhinitis and anaphylaxis, develop as a result of sensitization to environmental allergens and subsequent immunologically mediated responses when the allergens are encountered. These allergic reactions take place in specific target organs, such as the lungs, gastrointestinal tract, or skin. These immune processes leading to allergic reactions represent the disease state referred to clinically as “atopy.” The immune sequence consists of the sensitization phase followed by a challenge reaction, which produces the clinical syndrome concerned (see Plate 4-23 ).

Plate 4-23

Sensitization to an allergen occurs when the otherwise innocuous allergen is encountered for the first time. Professional antigen-presenting cells (APCs) such as monocytes, macrophages, and immature dendritic cells capture the antigen and degrade it into short immunogenic peptides. Cleaved antigenic fragments are presented to naïve CD4+ T-helper (Th) cells on MHC class II molecules. Depending on a multitude of factors, particularly the cytokine microenvironment, these naïve T-helper cells are subsequently polarized into Th1 or Th2 lymphocytes. Th1 lymphocytes predominantly secrete IL-2, INF-γ, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-β to induce a cellular immune response. In contrast, Th2 lymphocytes secrete IL-4, IL-5, IL-9, and IL-13 cytokines to induce a humoral immune response, particularly the B-cell class switch to allergen-specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) production. In allergic asthma, an imbalance exists between Th1 and Th2 lymphocytes, with a shift in immunity from a Th1 pattern toward a Th2 profile. Accordingly, allergic asthma is often referred to a Th2-mediated disorder, with a persistent Th2-skewed immune response to inhaled allergens ( Plate 4-23 ).

IgE is a γ-l-glycoprotein and is the least abundant antibody in serum, with a concentration of 150 ng/mL compared with 10 mg/mL for IgG in normal individuals. However, IgE concentrations in the circulation may reach more than 10 times the normal level in “atopic” individuals. IgE levels are also increased in patients with parasitic infestations and hyper-IgE-syndrome. Increased serum concentration is not necessarily a specific indicator of the extent or severity of allergy in the individual concerned. The IgE molecules attach to the surfaces of the mast cells or other cells such as basophils. The mast cells containing IgE are distributed in the mucosa of the upper and lower respiratory tract and perivascular connective tissues of the lung.

After sensitization to an allergen has occurred, reexposure of the patient to the allergen may result in an acute allergic reaction, also known as an immediate hypersensitivity reaction ( Plate 4-23 ). IgEsensitized mast cells in contact with the specific antigen secrete preformed and newly synthesized mediators, including histamine, cysteinyl leukotrienes, kinins, prostaglandins and thromboxane, and platelet activating factor. Also, mast cells are sources of proinflammatory cytokines. Each antigen molecule has to bridge at least two of the IgE molecules bound to the surface of the cell. The subsequent airway smooth muscle contraction, vasoconstriction, and hypersecretion of mucus, together with an inflammatory response of increased capillary permeability and cellular infiltration with eosinophils and neutrophils follows, producing asthma symptoms.


The initial knowledge of the pathology of asthma came from postmortem studies of fatal asthma or airways of patients with asthma who have died of other causes or who had undergone lung resections. All showed similar, although variably severe, pathologic changes and provided key directives as to the causes and consequences of the inflammatory reactions in the airway (see Plate 4-24 ).

Plate 4-24

The characteristic mucus plugs in asthmatic airways can cause airway obstruction, leading to ventilation-perfusion mismatch and contributing to hypoxemia. Mucus plugs are composed of mucus, serum proteins, inflammatory cells, and cellular debris, which include desquamated epithelial cells and macrophages often arranged in a spiral pattern (Curschmann spirals). The excessive mucus production in fatal asthma is attributed to hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the submucosal glands. The mucus also contains increased quantities of nucleic acids, glycoproteins, and albumin, making it more viscous. This altered mucous rheology, coupled with the loss of ciliated epithelium, impairs mucociliary clearance.

The airway wall thickness is increased in asthma and is related to disease severity. Compared with nonasthmatic subjects, the airway wall thickness is increased from 50% to 300% in patients with fatal asthma and from 10% to 100% in nonfatal asthma. The greater thickness results from an increase in most tissue compartments, including smooth muscle, epithelium, submucosa, adventitia, and mucosal glands. The inflammatory edema involves the whole airway, particularly the submucosal layer, with marked hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the submucosal glands and goblet cell hyperplasia. Goblet cell hyperplasia and hypertrophy accompany the loss of epithelial cells. There is hyperplasia of the muscularis layer and microvascular vasodilation in the adventitial layers of the airways. Also, morphometric studies have shown that the bronchial lamina propria of asthmatic subjects had a larger number of vessels occupying a larger percentage area than in nonasthmatic subjects and in some circumstances correlated with the severity of disease.


Asthma treatment guidelines have been remarkably consistent in identifying the goals and objectives of asthma treatment. These are to (1) minimize or eliminate asthma symptoms, (2) achieve the best possible lung function, (3) prevent asthma exacerbations, (4) do the above with the fewest possible medications, (5) minimize short- and long-term adverse effects, and (6) educate the patient about the disease and the goals of management. One other important objective should be the prevention of the decline in lung function and the development of fixed airflow obstruction, which occur in some asthmatic patients. In addition to these goals and objectives, each of these documents has described what is meant by the term asthma control . This includes the above objectives but also includes minimizing the need for rescue medications, such as inhaled β 2 agonists, to less than daily use; minimizing the variability of flow rates that is characteristic of asthma; and having normal activities of daily living. Achieving this level of asthma control should be an objective from the very first visit of the patient to the treating physician. The pharmacologic treatment of patients with asthma must only be considered in the context of asthma education and avoidance of inducers of the disease (see Plate 4-25 ).

Plate 4-25

Mild Persistent Asthma

Low doses of inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) can often provide ideal asthma control and reduce the risks of severe asthma exacerbations in both children and adults with mild persistent asthma, and they should be the treatment of choice. ICS are the most effective antiinflammatory medications for asthma treatment. The mechanisms of action of asthma medications are depicted in Plate 4-26 . There is no convincing evidence that regular use of combination therapy with ICS and inhaled long-acting β 2 -agonists (LABA) provides any additional benefit. Leukotriene receptor antagonists (LTRAs) are another treatment option in this population, but they are also less effective than low-dose ICS. There are considerable inter- and intraindividual differences in responses to any therapy. This is also true for response to treatment with ICS and LTRAs in both adults and in children. Although on average, ICS improve almost all asthma outcomes more than LTRAs some patients may show a greater response to LTRAs. Currently, it is not possible to accurately identify these responders based on their clinical, physiologic, or pharmacogenomic characteristics.

Plate 4-26

The other issue that needs to be considered when making a decision to start ICS treatment in patients with mild asthma is the potential for side effects. ICS are not metabolized in the lungs, and every molecule of ICS that is administered into the lungs is absorbed into the systemic circulation. All of the studies in patients with mild persistent asthma have used low doses of ICS (maximal doses, 400 μg/d). A wealth of data are available demonstrating the safety of these low doses, even used long term, in adults. However, a significant reduction in growth velocity has been demonstrated with low doses of ICS in children. This is unlikely to have any effect on the final height of these children because the one study that has followed children treated with ICS to final height did not show any detrimental effect even with a moderate daily ICS doses.

Moderate Persistent Asthma

These patients have asthma that is not well controlled on low doses of ICS. Asthma treatment guidelines recommend that combination therapy with ICS and a LABA is the preferred treatment option in these patients. This is because the use of combination treatment of ICS and LABA for moderate persistent asthma has also been demonstrated to improve all indicators of asthma control compared with ICS alone. It is important to note that the evidence of the enhanced benefit of combination therapy with ICS and LABA in moderate persistent asthma exists mainly in adults with asthma. Another recently described treatment approach for the management of patients with moderate asthma is the use of an inhaler containing the combination of the ICS budesonide and the LABA formoterol, both as maintenance and as relief therapy, which has been shown to reduce the risk of severe asthma exacerbations compared with the other approaches studied with an associated reduction in oral corticosteroid use.

Several studies have compared the clinical benefit when LTRAs are added to ICS in patients with moderate persistent asthma in both adults and children. The addition of LTRAs to ICS may modestly improve asthma control compared with ICS alone, but this strategy cannot be recommended as a substitute for increasing the dose of ICS. In addition, LTRAs have been shown to be less effective than LABAs when combined with ICS. Low-dose theophylline has also been evaluated as an add-on therapy to ICS. The magnitude of benefit achieved is less than for LABAs. Another potential treatment option for patients with moderate asthma is omalizumab, which is a recombinant humanized monoclonal antibody against IgE. This anti-IgE antibody forms complexes with free IgE, thus blocking the interaction between IgE and effector cells and reducing serum concentrations of free IgE. Compared with placebo in patients on moderate to high doses of ICS, omalizumab reduces asthma exacerbations and enables a small but statistically significant reduction in the dose of ICS. However, this treatment has not been compared with proven additive therapies such as LABAs that are less expensive. Therefore, this therapy is currently recommended in international guidelines for patients with moderate to severe asthma.

Severe Persistent Asthma

Patients with severe asthma are those who do not respond adequately to even high doses of ICS and LABAs. This population disproportionately consumes health care resources related to asthma. Physiologically, these patients often have air trapping, airway collapsibility, and a high degree of AHR. Patients with severe difficult-to-treat asthma are most often adult patients with significant comorbidities, including severe rhinosinusitis, gastroesophageal reflux, obesity, and anxiety disorders. Often this population requires oral corticosteroids in addition to ICS in an effort to achieve asthma control.


Episodes of acute severe asthma (asthma exacerbations) are episodes of progressive increase in shortness of breath, cough, wheezing, chest tightness, or some combination and are characterized by airflow obstruction that can be quantified by measurement of PEF or FEV 1 . These measurements are more reliable indicators of the severity of airflow limitation than is the degree of symptoms. Severe exacerbations are potentially life threatening, and their treatment requires close supervision. Patients with severe exacerbations should be encouraged to see their physicians promptly or to proceed to the nearest hospital that provides emergency access for patients with acute asthma. Close objective monitoring of the response to therapy is essential.

The primary therapies for severe asthma exacerbations include repetitive administration of rapid-acting inhaled β 2 -agonists, 2 to 4 puffs every 20 minutes for the first hour (see Plate 4-27 ). After the first hour, the dose of β 2 -agonists required depends on the severity of the exacerbation and the response of the previously administered inhaled β 2 -agonists. A combination of inhaled β 2 -agonist with an anticholinergic (ipratropium bromide) may produce better bronchodilation than either drug alone. Oxygen should be administered by nasal cannula or by mask and should be titrated against pulse oximetry to maintain a satisfactory oxygen saturation of 90% or above (≥95% in children).

Plate 4-27

Systemic glucocorticosteroids speed resolution of exacerbations and should be used in all but the mildest exacerbations, especially if the initial rapid-acting inhaled β 2 -agonist therapy fails to achieve lasting improvement. Oral glucocorticosteroids are usually as effective as those administered intravenously and are preferred because this route of delivery is less invasive. The aims of treatment are to relieve airflow obstruction and hypoxemia as quickly as possible and to plan the prevention of future relapses. Sedation should be strictly avoided during exacerbations of asthma because of the respiratory depressant effect of anxiolytic and hypnotic drugs.

Patients at high risk of asthma-related death should be encouraged to seek urgent care early in the course of their exacerbations. These patients include those with a previous history of near-fatal asthma requiring intubation and mechanical ventilation, who have had a hospitalization or emergency care visit for asthma in the past year, who are currently using or have recently stopped using oral glucocorticosteroids, who are overdependent on rapid-acting inhaled β 2 -agonists, who have a history of psychiatric disease or psychosocial problems, and who have a history of noncompliance with an asthma medication plan.

The response to treatment may take time, and patients should be closely monitored using clinical as well as objective measurements. The increased treatment should continue until measurements of lung function return to their previous best level or there is a plateau in the response to the inhaled β 2 -agonists, at which time a decision to admit or discharge the patient can be made based on these values. Patients who can be safely discharged will have responded within the first 2 hours, at which time decisions regarding patient disposition can be made. Patients with a pretreatment FEV 1 or peak expiratory flow (PEF) below 25% percent predicted or those with a posttreatment FEV 1 or PEF below 40% percent predicted usually require hospitalization. Patients with posttreatment lung function of 40% to 60% predicted can often be discharged from the emergency setting provided that adequate follow-up is available in the community and their compliance with treatment is assured.

For patients discharged from the emergency department, a minimum of a 7-day course of oral glucocorticosteroids for adults and a shorter course (3-5 days) for children should be prescribed along with continuation of bronchodilator therapy. The bronchodilator can be used on an as-needed basis, based on both symptomatic and objective improvement. Patients should initiate or continue inhaled glucocorticosteroids. The patient's inhaler technique and use of peak flow meter to monitor therapy at home should be reviewed. The factors that precipitated the exacerbation should be identified and strategies for their future avoidance implemented. The patient's response to the exacerbation should be evaluated, and an asthma action plan should be reviewed and written guidance provided.


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a chronic disease that is defined by progressive airflow obstruction that is not completely reversible. COPD is caused by chronic inflammation of the airways and lung parenchyma that develops in response to environmental insults, including cigarette smoke, and manifests clinically with symptoms of cough, dyspnea on exertion, and wheezing. Patients with COPD usually live a number of years with progressive disability and multiple acute exacerbations. Thus, the physician is likely to become involved for many years in the assessment, treatment, and education of a patient with COPD.


COPD is a disorder that is characterized by slow emptying of the lung during a forced expiration (see Plate 4-39 ). In practice, this is measured as the ratio of forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV 1 ) to forced vital capacity (FVC), and the arbitrary definition of airflow obstruction is generally taken to be an FEV 1 /FVC ratio lower than 0.70. Because the rate of emptying of the lung decreases with advancing age, many elderly individuals demonstrate airflow obstruction even in the absence of a clinical diagnosis of COPD. The diagnosis of COPD usually describes individuals who have chronic airflow obstruction associated with tobacco smoke or some other environmental insult, although aging of the lung has many features that are similar to those of COPD.

COPD encompasses several clinical subtypes, including chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and some forms of long-standing asthma. Chronic bronchitis is defined by cough and sputum production for at least 3 months of the year for more than 2 consecutive years in the absence of other kinds of endobronchial disease such as bronchiectasis. In practice, though, most patients with chronic bronchitis have perennial chronic productive coughs that are dismissed as “smokers' cough.” Emphysema is defined as enlargement of the distal airspaces as a consequence of destruction of alveolar septa. The resultant loss of elasticity of the lung (i.e., increased distensibility) causes slowing of maximal airflow, hyperinflation, and air trapping that are the pathophysiologic hallmarks of COPD. Asthma is defined by completely reversible airflow obstruction and airway hyperresponsiveness. Chronic persistent asthma may lead to irreversible airflow obstruction and a subset of those with asthma smoke and have incompletely reversible airflow obstruction, resulting in a population that meets the definition of COPD. Because most patients have features of more than one subtype and because the treatment approaches are similar, physicians and epidemiologists usually do not distinguish among the various subcategories of COPD. In the future, however, as molecular and imaging methods permit finer distinction of COPD subgroups, it may be possible to more precisely tailor treatments and define prognosis for individual patients.

Patients with COPD often seek medical attention after their disease is already severe. Typically, patients have incurred several decades of damage caused by cigarette smoking before they experience dyspnea limiting their functional capacity. Patients may be treated for recurrent lower respiratory tract infections before a diagnosis of COPD is considered. Clinical presentations vary in the severity of the underlying lung disease, the rate of progression of disease, and the frequency of exacerbations.


COPD is the fourth leading cause of death in the United States, and mortality related to COPD is projected to increase as cigarette smoking increases in developing countries. COPD is also among the leading causes of chronic medical disability and health care costs in the United States. Morbidity and mortality attributable to COPD have continued to increase, in contrast with other chronic diseases. COPD accounts for a great burden of health care costs, including direct costs of health care and indirect costs related to missed work and caregiver support. Historically, COPD was described as a disease that predominantly affected white men. However, the prevalence of COPD among women and minorities has grown in recent decades as the rate of increase in white men has leveled off. In the United States, morbidity and mortality from COPD in women now exceeds in men, which is largely attributable to increases in the prevalence of cigarette smoking among women. The most rapid increase in COPD mortality is among elderly women. In developing nations, indoor burning of biomass fuel has been an important risk factor for COPD among women. As tobacco use has become more widespread in the developing world, the prevalence of COPD has risen among both men and women (see Plate 4-28 ).

Plate 4-28


COPD is caused by a combination of environmental exposures and genetic susceptibility. α 1 -Antitrypsin deficiency is the best documented genetic risk factor for COPD and demonstrates the interaction between genetic predisposition and environmental exposures that results in clinical manifestations of COPD. Other genetic associations have been suggested but are not as well substantiated. Inhalational exposures are the major environmental risk factor for COPD, and cigarette smoking is by far the most common risk factor worldwide. Other inhalational exposures include outdoor atmospheric pollution and indoor air pollution from heating and cooking, especially with the use of biomass fuels in developing countries. Occupational exposures and recurrent bronchial infections have also been implicated as pathogenic factors. Socioeconomic status and poor nutrition are other factors that may predispose individuals to developing COPD, and individuals with reduced maximal lung function in early life are more likely to develop COPD later in life.


COPD is a heterogeneous disorder with the unifying feature of incompletely reversible airflow obstruction, demonstrated by slow emptying of the lungs during a forced expiration. The natural history of the decline in FEV 1 in patients with COPD was described by Fletcher and Peto (see Plate 4-28 ). These investigators reported that most cigarette smokers have a relatively normal rate of decline in FEV 1 with aging, but a certain subset of smokers is especially susceptible to cigarette smoke, as demonstrated by an accelerated rate of FEV 1 decline. More recent studies have confirmed that normal nonsmoking adults lose FEV 1 at a rate of 30 mL per year, a consequence of aging-related loss of elastic recoil of the lung. Studies of patients with COPD show an average annual decline of FEV 1 of 45 to 69 mL per year. Smokers that quit may revert to the normal state of decline ( Plate 4-28 ). Persons who develop COPD may start early adulthood with lower levels of lung function and have increased rates of decline. The decline in lung function is asymptomatic for a period of years, and patients adjust their activities to limit strenuous exercise. In middle age, the onset of an intercurrent respiratory infection, ascent to altitude, or progression of the disease beyond a critical threshold may lead to impairment of routine daily activities or even acute respiratory failure. These events lead the patients with COPD to seek medical attention. Thus, the onset of COPD may appear precipitous even though it is the cumulative result of decades of progression.


COPD is a heterogeneous disease that presents with a spectrum of clinical manifestations. Although end-stage COPD has classically been described as having features typical of emphysema or chronic bronchitis, most patients have features of both (see Plates 4-28 to 4-31 ). Although COPD represents a spectrum of clinical presentations, the presence of airflow limitation is a unifying feature, and spirometry serves as a diagnostic tool and a means of assessing disease severity (see Plates 4-39 and 4-42 ). Patients typically have some degree of dyspnea and may also experience cough and wheezing. COPD is progressive, and symptoms and clinical features worsen over time despite available treatments.

Plate 4-30

Plate 4-31

Plate 4-42


The classic representation of a patient with a predominance of emphysema is an asthenic patient with a long history of exertional dyspnea and minimal cough productive of only scant amounts of mucoid sputum (see Plate 4-29 ). Weight loss is common, and the clinical course is characterized by marked, progressive dyspnea.

Plate 4-29

On physical examination, the patient appears distressed and is using accessory muscles of respiration, which serve to lift the sternum in an anterior-superior direction with each inspiration. The sternomastoid muscles are well-developed, but the limbs show evidence of muscle atrophy. The patient has tachypnea, with relatively prolonged expiration through pursed lips, or expiration is begun with a grunting sound. Patients who have active grunting expiration may exhibit well-developed, tense abdominal musculature. The hyperinflation of the chest leads to widening of the costal angle of the lower ribcage and elevation of the lateral clavicles. The flattened diaphragm causes the lateral ribcage to move inward with each breath. While sitting, the patient often leans forward, extending the arms to brace him- or herself in the so-called “tripod” position. Patients who brace themselves on their thighs may develop hyperkeratosis of the upper thighs. The neck veins may be distended during expiration, yet they collapse with inspiration. The lower intercostal spaces and sternal notch retract with each inspiration. The percussion note is hyperresonant, and the breath sounds on auscultation are diminished, with faint, high-pitched crackles early in inspiration, and wheezes heard in expiration. The cardiac impulse, if visible, is seen in the subxiphoid regions, and cardiac dullness is either absent or severely narrowed. The cardiac impulse is best palpated in the subxiphoid region. If pulmonary hypertension is present, a murmur of tricuspid insufficiency may be heard in the subxiphoid region.

The minute ventilation is maintained, the arterial Po 2 is often above 60 mm Hg, and the Pco 2 is low to normal. Pulmonary function testing demonstrates an increased total lung capacity (TLC) and residual volume (RV), with a decreased vital capacity. The DL CO (diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide) is decreased, reflecting the destruction of the alveolar septa causing reduction of capillary surface area. When the DL CO decreases below 50% predicted, many patients with emphysema have arterial oxygen desaturation with exercise.


Patients with a predominance of chronic bronchitis typically have a history of cough and sputum production for many years along with a history of heavy cigarette smoking (see Plate 4-30 ). Initially, the cough may be present only in the winter months, and the patient may seek medical attention only during the more severe of his or her repeated attacks of purulent bronchitis. Over the years, the cough becomes continuous, and episodes of illness increase in frequency, duration, and severity. After the patient begins to experience exertional dyspnea, he or she often seeks medical help and is found to have a severe degree of obstruction. Frequently, such patients do not seek out a physician until the onset of acute or chronic respiratory failure. Many of these patients report nocturnal snoring and daytime hypersomnolence and demonstrate sleep apnea syndrome, which may contribute to the clinical manifestations.

Patients with a predominance of bronchitis are often overweight and cyanotic. There is often no apparent distress at rest; the respiratory rate is normal or only slightly increased. Accessory muscle usage is not apparent. The chest percussion note is normally resonant and, on auscultation, one can usually hear coarse rattles and rhonchi, which change in location and intensity after a deep breath and productive cough. Wheezing may be present during resting breathing or may be elicited with a forced expiration.

The minute ventilation is either normal or only slightly increased. Failure to increase minute ventilation in the face of ventilation-perfusion mismatch leads to hypoxemia. Because of impaired chemosensitivity, such patients do not compensate properly and permit hypercapnia to develop with Paco 2 levels above 45 mm Hg. The low Pao 2 produces desaturation of hemoglobin, which causes hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction and eventually irreversible pulmonary hypertension. Desaturation may lead to visible cyanosis, and hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction leads to right-sided heart failure (see Plate 4-32 ). Because of the chronic systemic inflammatory response that occurs with COPD, these patients often do not have a normal erythrocytic response to hypoxemia, so the serum hemoglobin may be normal, elevated, or even decreased.

Plate 4-32

The TLC is often normal, and the RV is moderately elevated. The vital capacity (VC) is mildly diminished. Maximal expiratory flow rates are invariably low. Lung elastic recoil properties are normal or only slightly impaired; the DL CO is either normal or minimally decreased.


Large Airways Disease (see Plate 4-33 )

Chronic bronchitis is associated with hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the mucus-secreting glands found in the submucosa of the large cartilaginous airways. Because the mass of the submucous glands is approximately 40 times greater than that of the intraepithelial goblet cells, it is thought that these glands produce most airway mucus. The degree of hyperplasia is quantitatively assessed as the ratio of the submucosal gland thickness to the overall thickness of the bronchial wall from the cartilage to the airway lumen. This ratio is known as the Reid index . Although the Reid index is often low in the bronchi of patients who do not have symptoms of COPD during life and is frequently high in those with chronic bronchitis, there is sufficient overlap of Reid index values to suggest that a gradual change in the submucous glands may take place. Thus, the sharp distinction of the clinical definition of chronic bronchitis cannot correlate completely with the pathologic changes in large airways. Although patients with chronic mucus hypersecretion with cough and sputum are more prone to respiratory infections and exacerbations of COPD, the presence of cough and sputum are not, by themselves, indicative of a poor prognosis in the absence of airflow obstruction. The magnitude of airflow obstruction is better correlated with the pathologic involvement of the small airways.

Plate 4-33

Small Airways Disease (see Plate 4-33 )

COPD is also associated with changes in the small airways, those less than 2 mm and between the fourth and twelfth generation of airway branching in the lungs. The changes in the small airways may occur independently of changes in the larger airways. Changes in the small airways occur across a spectrum and may range from bland intraluminal secretions to a more cellular infiltrate, with polymorphonuclear neutrophils, macrophages, CD4 cells and other lymphocyte subtypes. The presence of lymphoid follicles in the small airways demonstrates increased immune surveillance of the mucosal surface. In addition to cellular inflammation, airway wall thickening, including changes in the epithelium, lamina propria, and adventitia, corresponds to disease progression. The diffuse changes in small airways contribute more to the obstruction and maldistribution of inspired gas than do the abnormalities in large airways. Obstruction of small airways with mucous plugs is associated with increased mortality.


The several types of emphysema are classified according to patterns of septal destruction and airspace enlargement within terminal respiratory units, or acini (see Plates 4-34 to 4-36 ). The normal acinus is supplied by a terminal bronchiole . The terminal bronchiole undergoes three orders of branching—first into respiratory bronchioles with alveolated walls, into alveolar ducts , and finally into alveolar sacs .

Plate 4-34

Plate 4-35

Plate 4-36

If the septal destruction and dilatation are limited to the central portion of the acinus in the region of the terminal bronchiole and respiratory bronchioles, the disorder is called centriacinar or centrilobular emphysema (see Plate 4-35 ). Because of septal destruction, there is free communication between all orders of respiratory bronchioles. Alveolar sacs at the periphery of the acinus lose volume as the central portions enlarge. Although centriacinar emphysema is often considered to be a diffuse disease process, there is considerable variation in severity from acinus to acinus within the same segment or lobe. In general, however, more of the acini are affected in the upper lung zones than in the lower zones. Extensive centriacinar emphysema is most often found in those with histories of heavy smoking and chronic bronchitis.

In contrast to centriacinar emphysema, panacinar or panlobular emphysema affects the acinus more uniformly with less variability within an individual segment or lobe (see Plate 4-36 ). There is some tendency for the lower zones to be more severely affected. Panacinar emphysema is the characteristic lesion in α 1 -antitrypsin deficiency, although smokers with α 1 -antitrypsin deficiency may have centriacinar emphysema as well. Panacinar emphysema to a mild degree is a common finding after the fifth decade of life and may be extensive in elderly nonsmoking patients who have age-related “senile” emphysema. In severe smoking-related chronic obstructive airway disease, both centriacinar and panacinar emphysema are ordinarily found along with chronic bronchitic changes in the airways.

When alveolar wall destruction is restricted to the periphery of the acinus, most often in regions just beneath the visceral pleura, the disorder is designated paraseptal emphysema . This form leads to development of subpleural bullae that may result in episodes of spontaneous pneumothorax in otherwise healthy young adults.


COPD is characterized by chronic inflammation in the peripheral airways and the lung parenchyma (see Plates 4-37 and 4-38 ). The predominant cells are macrophages, CD8+ lymphocytes, and neutrophils. The inflammatory mediators leukotriene B4, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), and interleukin-8 (IL-8) are increased in the sputum of patients with COPD and may play an important role. An imbalance between proteases and antiproteases is also likely to be important in the pathogenesis of COPD (see Plate 4-38 ). Macrophages and neutrophils release many different proteases that break down connective tissue, such as elastin, in the lung parenchyma. The proteases may induce direct destruction of lung tissue as well as trigger cascades of intracellular events that lead to apoptotic cell death. Moreover, proteases are potent promoters of mucus cell metaplasia and mucus cell secretion, contributing to chronic bronchitis. Neutrophil elastase, proteinase 3, and cathepsins all produce emphysema in laboratory animals. Neutrophil elastase is inhibited by α 1 antitrypsin and deficiency of this enzyme is the predominant contributor to the emphysema in those with the severe genetic defect. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) from macrophages and neutrophils may also have a key role in inducing emphysema. In the normal state, proteolytic enzymes are counteracted by antiproteases such as α 1 -antitrypsin and serum leukocyte proteinase inhibitor (SLIPI). By inducing inflammation, smoking increases release of proteases in the terminal airspaces in patients in whom COPD develops. Moreover, smoking may also inactivate antiproteases via MMP inhibition of α 1 -antitrypsin, which itself is an inhibitor of a protease that counteracts the actions of MMPs. By reducing α 1 -antitrypsin's inhibition of this protease, known as tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases (TIMP), the actions of MMPs are enhanced. Smoking also leads to increased reactive oxygen species (ROS), which can promote inflammatory gene transcription by breakdown of the inhibitor of the transcription factor nuclear factor kappa-B (NFκB), known as IN-KB. ROS can also inactivate histone deacetylase (HDAC), leading to increased DNA acetylation and gene transcription. Furthermore, CD8+ cells can promote macrophage production of MMPs through interferon-inducible cytokines, such as inducible protein of 10kD (IP-10), interfection-inducible T-cell alpha chemoattractant (l-TAC), and monokine induced by interferon-gamma (MIG). Thus, an insufficient concentration of antiproteases may result in parenchymal damage.

Plate 4-37

Plate 4-38

Oxidative stress may also contribute to the injury characteristic of COPD by oxidation of proteins, cell membranes, and nucleic acids, triggering a cellular stress response that ultimately leads to apoptotic cell death. The inflammation in COPD is not only localized to the lungs but is present on a systemic basis. Patients with COPD have elevated concentrations of C-reactive protein and interleukin-6, even during times of stable symptoms. Weight loss and muscle atrophy in COPD have been associated with increased circulating levels of TNF-α and soluble TNF-α receptors.

The final common pathway of inflammatory cytokines, protease-antiprotease imbalance, and oxidative stress is destruction of alveolar epithelial and capillary endothelial cells by a programmed sequence of cell death, or apoptosis. Because the lung requires replacement of its cellular scaffolding on a continuing basis, any process that leads to an imbalance of cell destruction and cell growth can eventually lead to emphysema. Thus, insufficiency of growth factors is also postulated to contribute to the development of emphysema.

The presence of CD8 cells and airway-associated lymphoid follicles in the lung parenchyma in smokers with COPD has raised the possibility that immunologic processes such as autoimmunity or response to chronic viral infection may also contribute to the pathogenesis of COPD.


Serum levels of α 1 -antitrypsin are either deficient or absent in some patients with early onset of emphysema associated with particular genotypes (see Plate 4-38 ). Most people in the normal population have α 1 antitrypsin levels in excess of 250 mg/100 mL of serum along with two M genes, designated as Pi-type MM. Several genes are associated with alterations in serum α 1 -antitrypsin levels, but the most common ones associated with emphysema are the Z and S genes. Individuals who are homozygous ZZ or SS have serum levels of α 1 -antitrypsin of less than 50 mg/100 mL and develop severe panacinar emphysema at an early age, particularly if they smoke or are exposed to occupational dusts. The MZ and MS heterozygotes have intermediate levels of serum α 1 -antitrypsin. Although smokers with MZ or MS genotypes may have slightly increased decline in FEV 1 if they smoke, the risk of developing COPD is not materially increased beyond other smokers.

α 1 -Antitrypsin deficiency is caused by a single amino acid substitution. The Z mutation is caused by a glutamate to lysine mutation at position 342, and the S mutation is caused by a glutamate to valine mutation at position 264. These mutations lead to misfolding of the protein preventing release from the liver, where it is mainly manufactured. The misfolded protein may be destroyed by proteosomal processes, or if it polymerizes, may be stored in the endoplasmic reticulum and not released into the circulation. Excessive liver storage may lead to inflammatory liver disease and cirrhosis, particularly in affected infants and children.

The precise way that antitrypsin deficiency produces emphysema is unclear. In addition to inhibiting trypsin, α 1 -antitrypsin effectively inhibits elastase and collagenase, as well as several other enzymes. α 1 -Antitrypsin is an acute-phase reactant, and the serum levels increase in association with many inflammatory reactions and with estrogen administration in all except homozygotes. It has been proposed, with some supporting experimental evidence, that the structural integrity of lung elastin and collagen depends on this antiprotease, which protects the lung from proteases released from leukocytes. Proteases released by lysed leukocytes in the alveoli may be uninhibited and consequently free to damage the alveolar walls themselves. Alternative theories suggest that the unopposed protease activity may lead to an ongoing immune-mediated inflammatory response or acceleration of natural programmed cell death.


Whether bronchitis or emphysema predominates, by the time a patient with COPD begins to have symptoms, airflow limitation is readily demonstrable as an obstructive ventilatory defect. The most easily measured indexes of obstruction are taken from the volume-time plot of a forced expiratory VC maneuver, classically measured with a spirometer coupled to a rotating drum kymograph. Although volume-measuring spirometers are stable, rugged, and linear instruments, most modern spirometry systems use flow-measuring devices (pneumotachometers) interfaced with a microprocessor that integrates flow over time to produce a time-based record of forced expired volume (see Plate 4-39 ). The FEV 1 is low both as a percentage of the value predicted for a given gender, age, and height category and as a percentage of the patient's own FVC. Depending on the purpose of the pulmonary function test, an obstructive ventilatory defect is defined either as an FEV1/FVC ratio of less than 70% or less than the 95th percentile for the demographic category.

With COPD, static lung volumes are often abnormal. Plate 4-39 depicts the normal lung volumes and those often found in COPD. The functional residual capacity (FRC) is the lung volume at the end of a quiet exhalation and, in normal subjects, is the volume at which the inward recoil of the lung is equal and opposite to the outward recoil of the relaxed chest wall. An elevated FRC in individuals with COPD results from the loss of the static elastic recoil properties of the lung as well as initiation of inspiration before the static balance volume is reached (so-called “dynamic hyperinflation”). TLC is determined by pressures exerted by the diaphragm and muscles of the chest wall in relation to the static elastic recoil properties of both the chest wall and lung. When TLC is elevated in COPD, a significant degree of emphysema is present, although the TLC can also be elevated during acute episodes of asthma. RV is elevated early in the clinical course of COPD and is a sensitive sign of airflow limitation. Early in the course of the disease, elevation of RV is thought to be caused by closure of airways, but late in the disease, emphysematous bullae may also contribute to the elevation in RV. Because the TLC does not increase as much as the RV increases, the VC (i.e., TLC — RV) decreases with advancing COPD.

The measurement of static lung volumes in COPD is subject to some technical issues (see Plate 2-3 ). Resident gas methods using helium dilution or nitrogen may underestimate the true lung volumes because of incomplete gas mixing or washout in regions with impaired ventilation. Plethysmographic lung volumes that depend on Boyle's law relying on the compressibility of resident gas in the lung are more accurate but are subject to overestimation of the true lung volume if the panting frequency is too rapid to permit equilibration of the mouth and alveolar pressures. Because the difference between the resident gas and plethysmographic measure is caused by regions of lung with little or no ventilation, the difference between the two methods has been called “trapped gas” and used as an indicator of COPD severity (see Section 2 ).

In addition to the easily demonstrable obstructive abnormalities during forced exhalation, there are significant alterations in the pressure-flow relationships during ordinary breathing in COPD. This contrasts with exhalation in normal subjects who can increase expiratory flow during tidal breathing (see Plate 4-39 ). Because of the slow emptying of the lung in COPD, the next breath is initiated before the respiratory system can return to the static FRC. This means that the individual breathes at higher lung volumes to maintain adequate expiratory airflow, a condition referred to as dynamic hyperinflation (see Plate 4-39 ). Although breathing at high lung volumes has the advantage of increasing airflow because of the increased lung elastic recoil, it requires an increase in the work of breathing and a decrease in the efficiency of breathing. Increasing respiratory rate accentuates dynamic hyperinflation and can worsen the sensation of dyspnea. Pursed-lip breathing causes patients to slow their respiratory rate and can relieve dyspnea by diminishing dynamic hyperinflation.

The physiologic hallmark of emphysema is a reduction in lung elastic recoil caused by destruction of alveolar septal elements. This causes the pressurevolume curve of the lung to be shifted upward and to the left, resulting in decreased static recoil pressure at a specific lung volume and an increase in the compliance of the lung (see Plates 4-39 and 4-40 ).

Plate 4-40

The surface area of the alveolar-capillary membrane is reduced as a consequence of emphysema. This results in decreased transfer of diffusion-limited gases such as carbon monoxide across the alveolar-capillary membrane. This is measured in the pulmonary function laboratory as the DL CO . The DL CO correlates roughly with the magnitude of reduction in maximum elastic recoil of the lung as well as the anatomic extent of emphysema assessed by imaging with computed tomography (CT). In chronic bronchitis, the DL CO may be preserved, and in asthma, the DL CO tends to be elevated.

With the progression of COPD comes progressive exercise limitation. This is caused by the increased work of breathing as ventilation increases with exercise. With increased respiratory rate, patients develop dynamic hyperinflation, a condition in which the end-expiratory lung volume does not return to the static endexpiratory volume of FRC (see Plate 4-40 ). The hyperinflation that occurs causes an increased work of breathing and exacerbates dyspnea. An indicator of dynamic hyperinflation is the inspiratory capacity (IC), which progressively decreases with increasing ventilation. Measures that reduce dynamic hyperinflation, increasing IC, can improve exercise capacity. These include alterations in breathing pattern, oxygen supplementation, helium inhalation, and use of inhaled bronchodilators, particularly long-acting, and lung volume reduction surgery.


Chronic Bronchitis

On plain chest radiographs, thickening of bronchial walls is often seen as parallel or tapering shadows, referred to as tram tracking or ring shadows of airways that are visualized in cross-section. A generalized increase in lung markings at the bases is also frequently seen and is referred to as dirty lungs . In patients who have been exposed to occupational dusts, these markings may be accentuated but do not necessarily indicate the presence of pneumoconiosis.

The CT may show airway wall thickening or mucoid impactions in patients with COPD even in the absence of emphysema. The magnitude of these abnormalities, however, does not necessarily correlate with the severity of airflow obstruction or the extent of emphysema, and it remains to be seen whether there are prognostic or therapeutic implications of these findings.


In evaluating plain radiographs, a range of findings can represent emphysema. These include attenuation of the pulmonary vasculature peripherally, irregular radiolucency of lung fields, flattening or inversion of the diaphragm as seen on both posteroanterior (PA) and lateral projections, and an increase in the retrosternal space on the lateral projection. The latter two findings have correlated best with the severity of emphysema as assessed at subsequent postmortem examination.

High-resolution CT examination of the chest is now considered the best indicator of the extent and distribution of emphysema (see Plate 4-41 ). Qualitative visual assessments can assess the presence of thinwalled bullae and regions of diminished vascularity. Quantitative assessments use the degree of attenuation of x-rays to estimate the air-tissue ratio as a measure of airspace enlargement. Regions of the lung on thin-section CT scans that approach the radiodensity of air (—1000 Hounsfield units [HU]) are considered to be emphysema. For example, the emphysema index is calculated as the percentage of image voxels in the lung regions that have a density <−950 HU). Other methods rely on the statistical distribution of lung densities, quantifying the severity of emphysema by the lung density at the lowest 15th percentile of voxels.

Plate 4-41


Patient Education

Educating patients about the chronic nature of their disease and preventive measures is an important, ongoing process that will not be completed in one visit. The health care provider should focus on topics that are most pertinent to the needs of the patient and to the stage of disease. Topics that should be covered include the nature and prognosis of COPD, proper use of inhalers and adherence to medications, role of exercise and pulmonary rehabilitation, nutrition, and use of supplemental oxygen. Providing written materials in addition to office-based education is beneficial. Special counseling is needed for patients with α 1 -antitrypsin deficiency and their family members to determine whether genetic testing is necessary or desired. For those with advanced disease, discussions about end-of-life planning and advance directives regarding life support is often welcomed by patients and facilitates communication between the patient and his or her family.


Smoking Cessation

Smoking cessation is the single most effective intervention to slow the progression of COPD. and should be a primary goal emphasized by physicians caring for COPD patients. A smoking history should be obtained at each patient encounter. For patients who smoke, a direct, unambiguous, and personalized smoking cessation message should be given by the physician. Assistance with pharmacologic adjuncts and referral to more intensive smoking counseling groups should be offered. A combination of counseling and pharmacotherapy, including nicotine replacement therapy, varenicline, and bupropion, has been shown to be the most effective means of achieving smoking cessation. Guidelines recommend comprehensive tobacco control programs with consistent, clear, and repeated nonsmoking messages that are delivered at every medical encounter.

The Lung Health Study demonstrated the impact of smoking cessation in a landmark trial of more than 5800 smokers with spirometric signs of early COPD who were randomly assigned to smoking intervention plus placebo, smoking intervention plus bronchodilator, or no intervention. Randomization to the smoking cessation intervention was shown to reduce the rate of decline in FEV 1 and to improve mortality, mainly related to cardiovascular disease and lung cancer. Throughout the study, some patients reverted from being smokers to quitters and vice versa. When patients were followed for 11 years, those who successfully quit smoking had a small initial increase in FEV 1 followed by a slow, normal rate of FEV 1 decline. Quitters who reverted to cigarette smoking showed a more rapid FEV 1 decline than those who were sustained quitters. At 14.5 years, those randomized to the 10-week smoking cessation had a reduced mortality rate compared with those randomized to usual care.

Persons who quit smoking with earlier disease have better outcomes relative to those who continue to smoke than those who quit smoking later in the disease. When the disease is advanced, the inflammatory response persists, and the rate of decline of lung function tends to progress. Because there are many years of asymptomatic decline in lung function, it is possible to diagnose COPD with forced expiratory spirometry before the disease is apparent and to implement aggressive smoking intervention programs. There is no consensus whether it is necessary to screen for COPD among all cigarette smokers, but there is evidence that presentation of a person's FEV 1 in terms of “lung age” does assist in smoking cessation.

Reduce Harmful Environmental Exposures

Reduction of secondhand smoke and other environmental pollutants is important in preventing the progression of COPD. Reducing exposure to indoor and outdoor pollutants requires a combination of public policy to define and uphold air quality standards and steps taken at the individual level to minimize exposure to elevated concentrations of pollutants in the indoor or outdoor environments. Occupational exposures should be ascertained with attention to fumes and dusts, and vigorous measures should be taken to eliminate harmful exposures. Respiratory protective equipment should be worn by COPD patients exposed to heavy dust concentrations. Although there is no level of FEV 1 that absolutely prohibits the use of respiratory protective equipment, some COPD patients will need to change their work environment if they cannot tolerate protective devices.

Minimize Infectious Risks

Although it is not possible to completely eliminate exposure to the many infectious agents, patients should keep away from large crowds and persons with obvious respiratory infections, especially during influenza season. Handwashing or hand sanitization should be emphasized. Patients should be educated about early signs of exacerbations and treated promptly. Some patients may want to keep a prescription or supply of antibiotics or steroids available at home. Pneumococcal vaccination is recommended, although the evidence of its particular efficacy in COPD is lacking. Annual influenza immunization can prevent or attenuate this potentially fatal infection.

Exercise and Rehabilitation

Regular, prudent, self-directed exercise is recommended for all individuals with COPD to prevent the muscle deconditioning that often accompanies the disorder. Individuals should be encouraged to perform at least 20 to 30 minutes of constant low-intensity aerobic exercise such as walking at least three times per week. This is usually feasible even in more severely impaired patients. It is important to instruct patients that they should exercise to a level of dyspnea that is tolerable for the entire exercise period. Supplemental oxygen for exercise is necessary for patients who desaturate with exercise and may benefit some patients without demonstrable oxygen desaturation in terms of exercise capacity and training effect.

Formal rehabilitation programs are established as an effective component of COPD management and should be offered to patients who have substantial limitation in daily activities (see Plate 5-11 ). The goals of pulmonary rehabilitation are to improve quality of life, reduce symptoms, and increase physical and emotional participation in daily activities. To achieve these goals, pulmonary rehabilitation programs use a multidisciplinary approach, including exercise training, nutrition, education, and psychological support. Smoking cessation programs are often linked to pulmonary rehabilitation programs. Exercise training typically consists of bicycle ergometry or treadmill exercise. Upper extremity weight training is often included as a component of strength training. Practical advice on energy conservation and pacing during activities of daily living can be delivered individually or in group sessions. Proper use of inhalers, oxygen supplementation, and good nutrition are goals of education programs.


The goals of treatment of COPD are to prevent progression and complications of the disease, relieve symptoms, improve exercise capacity, improve quality of life, treat exacerbations, and improve survival. In addition to smoking intervention and treatment of hypoxemia with supplemental oxygen, pharmacologic therapy is available for treatment of patients with COPD. See the section on pharmacology ( Plates 5-1 to 5-10 ) for a more detailed description of many of the drugs discussed below.

The current goals of drug therapy are not only to improve lung function, but also to improve quality of life and exercise capacity and to prevent exacerbations. The recommended approach to drug treatment for COPD is to sequentially add agents using the minimum number of agents and the most convenient dosing schedule, starting with the agents having the greatest benefit, best tolerance, and lowest cost (see Plate 4-42 ).

Inhaled bronchodilators, including β-agonists and anticholinergic agents, are the foundation of treatment for patients with COPD. They are given on a regular basis to maintain bronchodilation and on an as-needed basis for relief of symptoms. Both β-agonist and anticholinergic classes are available in short-duration (4-6 hour) and long-duration (12-24 hour) forms. Evidence suggests that long-acting agents are more effective than short-acting agents, but the choice of medication should also account for cost considerations and patient preference. Combination of different classes of bronchodilators is often more effective than increasing the dose of a single agent, and combination inhalers can simplify treatment regimens. Individuals with frequent exacerbations or more severe COPD may benefit from a combination inhaler of corticosteroids and long-acting bronchodilator. Long-acting oral theophylline can also be used as adjunctive therapy. Chronic use of systemic corticosteroids should be reserved for individuals with very frequent or life-threatening exacerbations who cannot tolerate their discontinuation.

Replacement therapy with α 1 -antitrypsin should be considered for individuals with severe deficiency. Observational studies suggest that individuals with moderate degrees of impairment (FEV 1 35%-65% predicted) seem to benefit most in terms of preservation of lung function and improved survival.

Patient education about pharmacotherapy is important to ensure proper use of medications, as well as to enhance adherence. Inhaled agents are administered by metered-dose inhalers or dry powder inhalers or as a nebulized solution. The selection of route of administration is made by cost and convenience of the device because all are similarly effective if used properly. Proper use of inhaled medications is difficult for many patients to learn and retain. Adherence with inhaled medication, particularly when it does not provide immediate symptom relief, is poor. Typically, about half of patients do not take their medication in the dose or quantity prescribed. Reasons for this include a lack of understanding of the role of the medication, failure of the medication to provide meaningful benefit, complexity of the treatment program, and expense of the treatment. Many patients do not want to confide poor adherence to their physician, so it is important for the physician to ascertain this information in a way that does not interfere with the relationship with the patient. If nonadherence is a problem, the treating physician can undertake actions to improve adherence such as simplification of the medication program, education about the benefits of treatment, linking drug use to established habits such as meals or tooth brushing, or prescribing less costly drugs.


COPD exacerbations are characterized by worsening dyspnea, cough, and increased sputum production. There are several formal definitions of a COPD exacerbation, but a useful working definition is that a COPD exacerbation is a worsening of dyspnea, cough, or sputum production that exceeds day-to-day variability and that persists for more than 1 or 2 days. On average, patients with COPD have two to three exacerbations per year, but there is wide variation, and the frequency of exacerbations is only roughly correlated with severity of airflow obstruction. The best predictor of future exacerbations is a history of frequent exacerbations, and these are more common in patients with chronic cough and sputum production. Precipitating events include respiratory and nonrespiratory infections; exposure to respiratory irritants and air pollution; and comorbid conditions such as heart failure, pulmonary embolism, myocardial ischemia, or pneumothorax.

For patients treated at home, increasing the frequency and intensity of inhaled short-acting bronchodilators for several days is effective in mild exacerbations. A nebulizer may be needed for those who have difficulty using inhalers or in those with severe dyspnea. Increasing dyspnea accompanied by a change in the quantity or color of phlegm is usually an indication of bacterial infection and should prompt initiation of antibiotics. A course of corticosteroids, equivalent to 30 to 60 mg of prednisone for 7 to 14 days, will shorten the duration of symptoms for patients with exacerbations managed as outpatients.

For patients admitted to the hospital, intensification of inhaled bronchodilator treatment, systemic corticosteroids, and antibiotics should be administered. Controlled oxygen supplementation should be provided at the lowest level needed to reverse hypoxemia and minimize the induction of hypercapnia. The selection of the oral or intravenous route for antibiotics and corticosteroids is determined by the severity of the illness and the ability of the patient to tolerate oral medication.

Treatment in an intensive care setting should be undertaken for patients with severe life-threatening exacerbations and those who require more constant attention. For patients with respiratory failure, noninvasive mask ventilation has proven to be an effective strategy to avert endotracheal intubation, shorten the duration of illness, and improve outcomes. When noninvasive mask ventilation is not successful in sustaining ventilation or if the patient is too ill to use the mask, endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation are needed to treat respiratory failure. The mechanical ventilator should be set to provide a provide a prolonged duration of expiration to minimize dynamic hyperinflation (“intrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure”), which can lead to dyspnea, ventilator dyscoordination, and barotrauma. Care should be taken not to overventilate the patient and cause alkalemia, which may ultimately impede liberation from the ventilator. Survival after an episode of acute respiratory failure for COPD is about 50% at 2 years after discharge, with about 50% of the patients being readmitted to the hospital within 6 months.


Patients with advanced COPD are prone to developing secondary complications of the disease. The goals of treatment are to restore functional status as quickly and as much as possible and to alleviate distress and discomfort.


Acute worsening of dyspnea may result from a pneumothorax, which patients with bullous emphysema are prone to have. Treatment involves use of high-concentration oxygen and drainage with a catheter or chest tube connected to a valve or vacuum drainage system. Patients with recurrent, life-threatening, or bilateral pneumothorax are candidates for pleurodesis to prevent recurrence.

Cor Pulmonale

The pulmonary vascular bed normally has an impressive reserve that accommodates large increases in cardiac output with minimal elevations of pulmonary artery pressures (see Plate 4-32 ). In COPD, there is a decrease in the total cross-sectional area of the pulmonary vascular bed caused by anatomic changes in the arteries; constriction of smooth muscle in response to alveolar hypoxia; and, to the extent that emphysema is present, a loss of pulmonary capillaries. Therefore, the pressures that must be generated by the right ventricle are elevated, and dilatation and hypertrophy of the right ventricle result. Overt right ventricular failure often occurs in association with endobronchial infections, which leads to worsening hypoxemia and hypercapnia. Such episodes are more frequent in patients in whom bronchitis is dominant.

Patients with cor pulmonale are cyanotic and have distended neck veins that do not collapse with inspiration, hepatic engorgement with a tender and enlarged liver, and pitting edema of the extremities. The heart may or may not appear enlarged on a PA chest radiograph, but pulmonary vessels are prominent. Physical examination may disclose a palpable right ventricular heave and an audible early diastolic gallop that is accentuated by inspiration. On occasion, there is dilatation of the tricuspid ring with secondary tricuspid insufficiency; this disappears with effective treatment. The electrocardiogram may show changes of right ventricular hypertrophy. Echocardiographic findings may be inconsistent, especially because of difficulty obtaining good-quality views of the right ventricle because of overlying hyperinflation of the lungs. Thus, in patients suspected to have pulmonary hypertension, a right-sided heart catheterization is the most definitive means of making the diagnosis.

Treatment of hypoxemia is the mainstay of prevention and treatment of cor pulmonale. Supplemental oxygen should be prescribed to maintain adequate oxygen saturations regardless of the development of hypercapnia (see Plates 5-12 to 5-14 ). The presence of sleep apnea is common in patients with COPD and pulmonary hypertension. Thus, evaluation with a sleep study is often helpful to determine the need for nocturnal oxygen or continuous positive airway pressure (see Plates 4-165 to 4-166 ). In occasional patients who have severe pulmonary hypertension with minimal COPD, pulmonary thromboembolism should be ruled out. Rarely, pulmonary vasodilators may be used when the magnitude of pulmonary hypertension seems disproportionate to the severity of the COPD and hypoxemia.

Plate 4-165

Plate 4-166, L EOG = left electrooculogram; R EOG = right eletrooculogram; Chin EMG = genioglossus electromyogram; EEG f = frontal electroencephalogram; EEG c = central electroencephalogram; EEG o = occipital electroencephalogram; EEG = lead 2 electrocardiogram; Leg EMG = anterior tibialis electromyograms, right and left legs; Airflow th = airflow as measured by a thermocouple; Airflow nc = airflow as measured by a nasal cannula; Effort th = thoracic effort belt; Effort abd = abdominal effort belt; SpO 2 = pulse oximetry


Lung Volume Reduction Surgery (see Plate 5-32 )

Lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS) is a surgical procedure that involves stapled resection of 20% to 30% of the lung bilaterally, usually from the apices (see section on LVRS). Although some patients show substantial physiologic and symptomatic improvement after LVRS, many do not. The group of patients that fares best with LVRS is those who have emphysema predominantly in the upper lung zones and who have low exercise capacity despite pulmonary rehabilitation. These patients have improved survival after LVRS and show improved functional status and quality of life. Conversely, patients without upper lobe predominance (i.e., lower lobe emphysema or homogeneous emphysema) and who have adequate exercise capacity after rehabilitation have worse outcomes after LVRS.

Surgical resection of a single large bulla is rarely indicated for treatment of COPD. Isolated giant bullae are usually the result of an expanding congenital cyst. The generally accepted indication for resection of a single large bulla is that it occupies more than one-third of the hemithorax and causes compression of normal lung. Some believe that a preserved DL CO is an indicator of those most likely to improve after bullectomy.

Lung Transplantation (see Plate 5-33 )

In younger patients with advanced disease, lung transplantation should be a treatment consideration (see Plate 5-33 ). Criteria for lung transplantation referral in patients with COPD is an FEV 1 below 25% predicted, severe hypercapnia, or severe pulmonary hypertension in patients younger than age 60 to 65 years. The traditional recommendation is that patients should be referred for transplantation when their life expectancy is less than 2 years because this is the average waiting time on a transplant recipient list. In recent years, the waiting time has lengthened to closer to 4 years, so this may influence physicians to make earlier referrals. Other comorbid conditions, such as poor nutritional status, obesity, chronic mycobacterial infection, or severe osteoporosis, as well as suboptimal psychosocial support, are considered relative contraindications. Current smoking, recent malignant disease, major organ system failure (particularly renal or chronic hepatitis B or C infections) are considered absolute contraindications. Lung transplantation may be either unilateral or bilateral depending on the availability of donor organs and the preference of the transplant surgeon. Generally, younger patients and those with accompanying bronchiectasis are considered more suitable candidates for bilateral lung transplantation.

In the past, COPD has been the most common indication for lung transplantation, accounting for nearly 40% of all lung transplants and about 50% of single lung transplants. This is accounted for by the high prevalence of COPD as well as the better survival rate for patients with COPD than those with other transplant indications while awaiting donor organs. However, current criteria for prioritization of transplant recipients based on diagnosis rather than waiting time alone are likely to diminish the likelihood that COPD patients will receive donor organs. Early survival for patients with COPD after lung transplant is slightly better than that of other diagnostic groups in the first few years. Overall, 30-day survival is 93%, 3-year survival is 61%, and 5-year survival is 45%.

Plate 4-43


Bronchiectasis is structural damage to conducting airways leading to chronic cough, sputum production, recurrent infective exacerbations, and loss of lung function. Bronchiectasis was first described in 1819 by Laennec as an abnormal dilatation of bronchi and bronchioles caused by a vicious cycle of airway infection and inflammation; this definition still holds true today. Bronchiectasis is being diagnosed with increasing frequency both in the developed and underdeveloped world because of improved diagnostic techniques (high-resolution computed tomography [HRCT] scans) and awareness.


Causes of bronchiectasis may be categorized as an underlying systemic disease or anatomic abnormality, postinfectious or idiopathic. The most common causes differ by age (children vs. adults) and by country.

Systemic Disease

The most important inherited cause of bronchiectasis is cystic fibrosis (CF). CF is reviewed in Plates 4-45 to 4-47 ; the remainder of this review focuses on non-CF bronchiectasis. Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is another well-recognized cause of bronchiectasis. PCD is an autosomal recessive, genetically heterogeneous disorder characterized by oto-sino-pulmonary disease caused by abnormal structure and function of cilia. Patients with PCD present with chronic rhinitis, recurrent otitis media and sinusitis, neonatal respiratory distress, chronic cough, and situs inversus (in ∼50%). Nasal nitric oxide measurements are a valuable screening tool, with low concentrations seen almost uniformly in patients with PCD. Evaluation of ciliary ultrastructure from a nasal scrape remains the best method of diagnosis. Most PCD patients (∼90%) have ultrastructural defects of cilia involving the outer dynein arm (ODA), inner dynein arm (IDA), or both. Genetic diagnosis is becoming increasingly possible. Mutations in DHAI1 and DNAH5 (encoding ODA proteins) are found in about 40% of PCD patients with ODA defects.

Plate 4-45

Plate 4-46

Plate 4-47

α 1 -Antitrypsin disease is increasingly recognized as a cause of bronchiectasis. Although emphysema remains the most common pulmonary feature, 27% of patients in one series had clinically important bronchiectasis.

Immune deficiencies may contribute to bronchiectasis, including IgG subclass deficiencies; hypogammaglobulinemia; or, more rarely, chronic granulomatous disease or other causes of abnormal neutrophil adhesion, respiratory burst, and chemotaxis. HIV/AIDS is also a risk factor for bronchiectasis.

Autoimmune or immune-related diseases such as allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA), collagen vascular diseases (particularly Sjögren syndrome and rheumatoid arthritis) and inflammatory bowel diseases may be associated with bronchiectasis.

Anatomic Abnormality

Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease may have associated bronchiectasis, affecting up to 50% of those with severe but stable disease in one series. Other anatomic lung diseases associated with diffuse bronchiectasis include tracheobronchomegaly (Mounier-Kuhn disease), congenital cartilage deficiency (Williams-Campbell syndrome), and yellow nail syndrome. Obstructive airway lesions, such as endobronchial tumors, granulomatous disease, or foreign bodies, may lead to focal bronchiectasis distal to the obstruction. Other processes, such as unilateral hyperlucent lung (Swyer-James syndrome) and pulmonary sequestration, may also lead to focal bronchiectasis.

Postinfectious Bronchiectasis

The prevalence of postinfectious bronchiectasis plummeted in the developed world with the introduction of antibiotic therapy for lower respiratory infections and routine childhood immunizations. However, it remains the most common cause in the developing world. Although any lower respiratory tract infection can potentially lead to bronchiectasis, infections that place individuals at greatest risk include adenovirus, pertussis, measles, and tuberculosis, as well as Klebsiella pneumoniae , Staphylococcus aureus , and Haemophilus influenzae .

Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM), particularly Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC), are associated with and may cause nodular bronchiectasis. MAC may present with bronchiectasis, particularly of the lingula and right middle lobe, in immunocompetent individuals without preexisting lung disease. The typical patient is an elderly, thin, white woman. A joint statement on NTM disease by the American Thoracic Society and the Infectious Disease Society of America emphasized the role of NTM in bronchiectasis.


The diagnosis of bronchiectasis should be considered in individuals presenting with chronic cough and sputum production. Other symptoms may include dyspnea, hemoptysis, and systemic symptoms such as fatigue or malaise. Among adults, bronchiectasis is more common in women than men. Idiopathic bronchiectasis occurs most frequently in middle-aged women who are lifelong nonsmokers. HRCT is the gold standard for diagnosis of bronchiectasis. Plain radiography is insufficiently sensitive, and contrast bronchography no longer plays a role. The extent of disease on HRCT has been correlated with functional change and clinical outcomes.

Plate 4-44

An underlying cause of bronchiectasis is more frequently identified in children than in adults. In two series from the United Kingdom, among 136 children, the cause of bronchiectasis was identified as an immunodeficiency in 34%, aspiration in 18%, PCD in 16%, and idiopathic in 25%. In two adult series from the United Kingdom, idiopathic bronchiectasis was diagnosed in 25% to 47% of individuals.

Examinations to consider in patients with HRCT-diagnosed bronchiectasis may include a sweat chloride test and CF genetic analysis to evaluate for CF, nasal nitric oxide and nasal scrape for PCD, immunodeficiency evaluation (quantitative immunoglobulins with IgG subclasses, antibody response to vaccines with tetanus, H. influenzae ), barium esophagram for gastroesophageal reflux, α 1 -antitrypsin levels, sputum culture, and acid-fast baeilli (AFB). In focal bronchiectasis, evaluation for an airway lesion should be considered.


The clinical course of non-CF bronchiectasis is highly variable, depending on the underlying cause and management. Some individuals have daily symptoms, frequent exacerbations, and progressive loss of lung function, but others have minimal daily symptoms and relative preservation of lung function. Factors associated with more rapid decline in lung function include colonization with Pseudomonas aeruginosa , more frequent exacerbations, and evidence of systemic inflammation.


There have been few randomized, controlled trials of therapies in individuals with bronchiectasis, partly because of the heterogeneity of the disease. Although the rationale for therapy may be similar in CF and non-CF bronchiectasis, therapies must be tested specifically in this population. For example, because in general, lung function and mortality are less impacted in non-CF bronchiectasis, therapies may be best directed to decreasing exacerbation rates rather than slowing lung function decline. Whereas rhDNase is a mainstay of therapy in CF, it has been demonstrated to have an adverse safety profile in adults with bronchiectasis.

Airway Clearance

Although airway clearance techniques are a mainstay of treatment in non-CF bronchiectasis patients, there are no long-term trials in this population. There is also interest in inhaled hyperosmolar agents such as 7% saline and mannitol to rehydrate airway surface liquid. Mechanical clearance techniques, such as chest physiotherapy and flutter valves, are useful but less proven in non-CF bronchiectasis as important methods of airway clearance.

Antibiotic Therapy

Treatment of exacerbations should be undertaken with antibiotics tailored to the most recent sputum culture. The most common organisms isolated from patients with bronchiectasis include nonenteric gram-negative rods, S. aureus , and nontuberculous mycobacteria. About one-third of adults with bronchiectasis are chronically colonized with P. aeruginosa . For patients with chronic P. aeruginosa colonization, agents include intravenous antibiotics and oral ciprofloxacin. A recent study showed modest microbial benefit but no clinical benefit to the addition of inhaled tobramycin to oral ciprofloxacin for the treatment of acute exacerbations caused by infection with P. aeruginosa .

The role of maintenance or prophylactic antibiotics is unclear. Several small pilot studies with agents, including inhaled tobramycin, inhaled colistin, and rotating oral antibiotics, have suggested potential for microbiologic and clinical stability, but longer term studies with more attention to acquisition of resistant organisms are needed.

Antiinflammatory Therapy

Inhaled corticosteroids may reduce airway inflammation and improve clinical outcomes in adults with bronchiectasis, but the long-term safety profile is unclear. In small pilot studies, oral macrolides (erythromycin and azithromycin) may improve lung function and reduce exacerbations, but larger scale trials are needed. Caution must be taken to avoid improper treatment of unrecognized NTM infection, thus causing the emergence of resistant organisms.


Surgery may be indicated for resection of areas of focal bronchiectasis that have led to uncontrolled infection or hemoptysis.


Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common autosomal recessive life-shortening disease among whites but also affects all races. There are approximately 30,000 individuals in the United States with diagnosed CF. Progress in the understanding of the underlying genetic defect and pathophysiology and the impact of this knowledge on CF care have been rapid over the past 20 years, resulting in remarkable improvements in quality of life and survival. These gains have converted CF from a respiratory and digestive disease of young children to a complex, multisystem disorder extending into adulthood.


CF is caused by mutations in the CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), a 230-kb gene on chromosome 7 encoding a chloride channel expressed in epithelial cells in the sweat duct, airway, pancreatic duct, intestine, biliary tree, and vas deferens. More than 1000 mutations in CFTR have been described, although far fewer have been clearly identified as causing disease. These mutations can be grouped into six classes based on their function ( Plate 4-45 ). The level of functional CFTR is important in determining the manifestations of CF, and the broad spectrum of disease related to CFTR dysfunction is increasingly being recognized ( Plate 4-45 ). Attempts to predict the severity of lung disease, the major cause of morbidity and mortality in CF, from the CFTR genotype have been unsuccessful. It is likely that environmental factors and modifier genes play important roles in determining the phenotype of patients with CF.


Updated guidelines for the diagnosis of CF have recently been published. Although symptoms suggestive of CF include poor weight gain, steatorrhea, rectal prolapse, chronic cough, and recurrent sinusitis, CF is increasingly diagnosed via prenatal or newborn screening. Until the advent of widespread newborn screening for CF, suspicion for CF arose only from the appearance of symptoms or a family history of the disease. But by 2010, newborn screening for CF will be universal throughout the United States, and most individuals will enter the diagnostic algorithm because of a positive newborn screen result. The primary test for establishing the diagnosis of CF remains the sweat chloride test, which is performed by the pilocarpine iontophoresis method. The identification of two CF disease-causing mutations can also establish the diagnosis.


Manifestations of CF may include chronic sinusitis, recurrent nasal polyposis, progressive obstructive pulmonary disease, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, biliary disease, CF-related diabetes, and male infertility. Given the chronic, complex, multisystem nature of the illness, patients with CF should be followed in a specialized CF center, such as those accredited in the United States by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.


Lung disease is the primary cause of morbidity and mortality in people with CF. It is characterized by a vicious cycle of endobronchial bacterial infection and a vigorous host neutrophilic inflammatory response, resulting in progressive structural damage (bronchiectasis) and obstructive lung disease (see Plate 4-46 ). The airways of CF patients become infected with a distinctive spectrum of bacterial pathogens, generally acquired in an age-dependent fashion. Common pathogens at an early age include Staphylococcus aureus and Haemophilus influenzae . Later, infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa becomes increasingly prevalent. At first, P. aeruginosa infection is intermittent and nonmucoid, but it eventually becomes chronic and mucoid in phenotype. Acquisition of P. aeruginosa , particularly mucoid strains, is associated with more rapid clinical deterioration.

Respiratory treatments vary by age and disease severity; guidelines have recently been published. These treatments, although dramatically improving pulmonary outcomes over the past 2 decades, also represent the greatest challenge to patients and families. The inhaled therapies and airway clearance can take more than 1 hour each day and can cause financial hardships. Chronic treatments may include airway clearance techniques; mucolytics such as inhaled rhDNase and hypertonic saline; and in patients chronically infected with P. aeruginosa , oral macrolides and alternate-month inhaled antibiotics.

Individuals with CF intermittently experience episodes of increased cough, increased sputum production, and decline in lung function, often in conjunction with anorexia and fatigue, termed a pulmonary exacerbation . Milder exacerbations are typically treated with oral or inhaled antibiotics coupled with increased airway clearance. Severe exacerbations or those that fail to resolve with outpatient therapy require treatment with intravenous antibiotics, generally in the inpatient setting. In an effort to slow or avoid the decline in lung function associated with chronic Pseudomonas infection, first acquisition of Pseudomonas spp. is treated with an eradication protocol, which may include oral, inhaled, or intravenous antibiotics, often in combination.

Complications include hemoptysis and pneumothoraces. Bilateral lung transplantation is an option for some CF patients with end-stage lung disease.


Approximately 20% of infants with CF present acute intestinal obstruction caused by meconium ileus in the neonatal period. Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency occurs in approximately 90% of individuals affected with CF. Patients with two severe CFTR mutations (class 1, 2, or 3) present with pancreatic insufficiency, and those with one or more mild mutations (class 4 or 5) may be pancreatic sufficient. Pancreatic insufficiency places CF patients at risk for fat malabsorption, suboptimal nutrition, and inadequate circulating levels of fat-soluble vitamins. CF patients with pancreatic insufficiency are treated with a high-fat, high-calorie diet and pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy in the form of capsules taken with each meal. Patients with pancreatic sufficiency are at increased risk of acute or chronic pancreatitis.

Some level of liver disease is common in CF patients, with the prevalence increasing with advancing age. Abnormalities may include elevated transaminases, hepatosteatosis, or biliary tract disease. Cholelithiasis is also common. A small number of patients develop frank biliary cirrhosis with portal hypertension. Management of CF liver disease often includes ursodeoxycholic acid.


The prevalence of CF-related diabetes also increases with advancing age. The prevalence is 9% at ages 5 to 9 years, increasing to 43% for age older than 30 years. CF-related diabetes is a risk factor for more accelerated decline in lung function and higher mortality. Therefore, routine screening is recommended. Treatment generally involves maintenance of a high-fat, high-calorie diet plus insulin therapy.

Osteopenia is also an increasingly recognized complication of CF. The cause is likely related to poor nutritional status, malabsorption of vitamins K and D, delayed pubertal maturation, steroid exposure, inactivity, and chronic pulmonary inflammation. Routine screening is recommended, and prevention via aggressive nutritional interventions, fat-soluble vitamins, and maximization of pulmonary health is critical.


At least 98% of men with CF are infertile because of absence or atresia of the vas deferens and absent or dilated seminal vesicles. Men with CF can become fathers with artificial insemination procedures. Female reproduction is normal, and an increasing number of women with CF are becoming mothers.


Survival of patients with CF has made continuous, sustained improvements over the past 50 years, with median survival in the United States improving from 8 years in 1969 to more than 37 years today (see Plate 4-47 ). Female survival has been lower than male, but this “gender gap” appears to be closing. Potential contributors to improved survival include CF center care, aggressive nutritional support, and the introduction of new pulmonary therapies. Major quality improvement initiatives, the widespread uptake of newborn screening, and new therapies aimed at restoring CFTR function and combating chronic inflammation are sure to result in continued improvements in quality of life and survival for individuals with CF.

Plate 4-48


Lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer death in the world, with estimated total deaths of 1.18 million by GLOBOCAN of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). In the United States, there will be an estimated 222,000 new diagnoses and 157,000 deaths in 2010. Lung cancer is a lethal disease, with only 6% of all new cases surviving 5 years in the United States. The average 5-year survival rate in Europe is 10% and is 8.9% in developing countries. Lung cancer causes more deaths than the four next most common cancers combined (colorectal, breast, prostate, and pancreas). These numbers are staggering, especially because it was a rare disease in the early 1900s.

Cigarette smoking has been identified as the single most common etiologic agent and is estimated to cause 85% to 90% of all cases. Radon is reported to cause 10% of lung cancers. Other etiologic agents are of less frequency and are primarily occupational exposures (e.g., arsenic, asbestos, chromium, nickel, coal, tar). For a complete list of carcinogens to humans, refer to the IARC ( ). Secondhand smoke increases the risk of lung cancer by 30% or a relative risk of 1.3 versus a never smoker with no secondhand exposure. Lung cancer risk increases with age. Less than 5% of lung cancer occurs before the age of 40 years, and the average age at diagnosis in the United States is 68 years. Family history (genetics) is a risk factor and responsible for a two- to threefold relative risk increase if lung cancer has been diagnosed in a first-degree relative, especially if he or she was at a younger age at diagnosis. The genetic predisposition of lung cancer is a subject of intense research, but to date, a lung cancer gene has not been identified. The gene 15q 24-25 encompasses the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor gene that has a role in nicotine addiction and has been associated with lung cancer risk, but it is currently uncertain if this gene is directly related to lung cancer, independent of nicotine use.

Overwhelming evidence suggests that cigarette smoking is the major cause of lung cancer. The lung cancer epidemic in Western countries parallels the incidence of smoking but lags by about 20 to 30 years. The relative risk among smokers compared with people who have never smoked is 10 to 15 times higher and is dependent on the age of onset of smoking, dose, and duration (pack-years). Stopping smoking has been shown to decrease the relative risk, but the risk does not return to that of someone who has never smoked unless one quits at an early age. Tobacco smoking increases the risk of all major histologic cell types, but the strongest association is with small cell and squamous cell and less strongly with adenocarcinoma. The most common histology in a never smoker is adenocarcinoma.

The frequency of lung cancer in women has risen dramatically in most Western countries over the past 4 to 5 decades. Globally, it is still a male-predominant disease (male : female ratio, 2-3 : 1). However, in the United States, women constitute 45% of all new lung cancer diagnoses. Lung cancer has surpassed breast cancer as the most common cause of cancer death, which occurred in the United States in the mid 1980s. Currently, 72,000 women die of lung cancer versus 40,000 deaths from breast cancer per year. Although there has been some controversy, recent studies have not shown a difference in risk between men and women who have smoked a similar amount. There is no clear evidence of ethnic differences in susceptibility to this disease.

The signs and symptoms of lung cancer are myriad, but the most common are new cough, dyspnea, hemoptysis, chest pain, or weight loss. Paraneoplastic symptoms of lung cancer are discussed later. Symptomatic lung cancer usually results in an abnormal chest radiograph. Approximately 15% to 20% of lung cancers are asymptomatic when they are detected by an incidental chest radiograph or computed tomography scan done for other reasons. Methods of diagnosis include sputum cytology, thoracentesis if pleural fluid is present, bronchoscopy, transthoracic needle aspiration, or needle aspiration and biopsy of distant metastatic sites. In some cases, the diagnosis is made at the time of surgical resection.

The World Health Organization histologic classification of lung tumors is the generally accepted standard. Lung cancer is classified as small cell and non–small cell. Non–small cell lung cancer includes squamous cell, adenocarcinoma, large cell, adenosquamous carcinoma, and sarcomatoid carcinoma. Small cell histology generally has the fastest growth rate, but tumor doubling times can vary tremendously within the same cell type. The slowest growing types have been bronchioloalveolar carcinoma (subtype of adenocarcinoma) and superficial squamous carcinoma (in situ), but again, the variability in growth rate can be enormous.

Plate 4-49


In 2010, the International Union Against Cancer (UICC) and the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) published the revised seventh edition of the TNM (tumor, node, metastasis) staging system. This seventh edition was developed on the basis of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) and proposed changes to the classification from analysis of more than 67,000 cases of non–small cell lung cancer from around the world. This was the largest data set ever analyzed for the purpose of developing and validating a new staging system. The proposed new TNM staging system has also been validated for small cell carcinoma and bronchial carcinoid tumors. The primary determinant of each T, N, and M descriptor, as well as the overall stage grouping, was based on survival. Detailed algorithms were used to identify unique stages in the simplest way with the least overlap. Stages were internally and externally validated for outcomes across the various databases and geographic regions from which the data were gathered.

There were a number of substantial changes made to the former (sixth) staging system:

  • T1 tumors were divided into T1a (tumors ≤2 cm in greatest diameter) and T1b (tumors >2 cm but ≤3 cm in greatest dimension).

  • T2 tumors were divided into T2a (tumors >3 cm but ≤5 cm in greatest diameter) and T2b (tumors >5 cm but ≤7 cm in greatest dimension).

  • Tumors more than 7 cm in greatest dimension are classified as T3.

  • Tumors with additional nodule(s) in the same lobe are classified as T3.

  • Tumors with additional nodule(s) in another ipsilateral lobe are classified as T4.

  • Pleural dissemination (malignant pleural or pericardial effusions, pleural nodules) is classified as M1a.

  • The lymph node classification remained the same, with N1 as intrapulmonary or ipsilateral hilar, N2 as ipsilateral mediastinal or subcarinal, and N3 as contralateral mediastinal or supraclavicular.

  • Incorporated proposed changes to T and M (affects T2, T3, T4, and M1 categories).

  • Reclassify T2aN1 tumors (≤5 cm) as stage IIA (from IIB).

  • Reclassify T2bN0 tumors (>5 cm to 7 cm) as stage IIA (from IB).

  • Reclassify T3 (tumor >7 cm) N0M0 as stage IIB (from IB).

  • Reclassify T4N0 and T4N1 as stage IIIA (from IIIB).

  • Reclassify pleural dissemination (malignant pleural or pericardial effusions, pleural nodules) from T4 to M1a.

  • Subclassify M1 by additional nodules in contralateral lung as M1a.

  • Subclassify M1 by distant metastases (outside the lung/pleura) as M1b.

Because of the addition of new T and M descriptors, the staging definitions have clearly become more complex. However, the new system now provides a more validated system for defining prognosis. In addition, the system also allows common terminology to be used across the world to describe similar patients, which is critical for accurate communication across the medical community and the conduct of worldwide clinical trials. A future goal is the further refinement of the classification system to include the biologic behavior of lung tumors, not just anatomic location, which should promote understanding of tumor biology and provide guidance toward more specific therapies.

Plate 4-50


Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is defined as a malignant epithelial tumor showing keratinization or intracellular bridges (or both) arising from bronchial epithelium. Previously, SCC, sometimes called epidermoid carcinoma , was the most common cell type, but that has changed in the past 1 or 2 decades in the United States, parts of Western Europe, and Japan. Currently, SCCs account for 20% of all lung cancers in the United States ( ). The vast majority of SCC occurs in smokers. Recent Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) data report that SCC accounts for 24% of all cancers in men versus 16% in women. The recent decrease in SCC and increase in adenocarcinoma histology has been attributed to the change in the cigarette, from nonfilter to filter, and the decrease in tar. About 60% to 80% of these cancers arise centrally in mainstem, lobar, or segmental bronchi, but they may present as a peripheral lung lesion.

SCC arises from the bronchial epithelium, and it is thought that the airway abnormality progresses through a series of changes from hyperplasia to dysplasia to carcinoma in situ, which is classified by World Health Organization as preinvasive and a precursor to SCC. Varying degrees of dysplasia have been associated with cumulative genetic alterations, but the critical genetic change(s) before developing frank cancer is still uncertain.

Because of the tendency to occur centrally in the airway, SCC presents more commonly with hemoptysis, new or change in cough, chest pain, or pneumonia caused by bronchial obstruction. The usual radiographic presentation is a central mass or obstructing pneumonia with or without lobar collapse. About 10% to 20% of SCCs present as peripheral lesions. Cavitation may occur in 10% to 15% of all SCCs and is the most common histology associated with cavitation. The cavities are usually thick walled. Cavitation in the lung may also be caused by obstructive pneumonia and abscess formation.

Sputum cytology has the highest diagnostic yield with this cell type because of the predominant central location. Bronchoscopy with brushings and biopsy are diagnostic in more than 90% of SCCs when the cancer is visible endoscopically. The yield for peripheral lesions that are endoscopically negative is significantly less and depends on the size of the tumor. For lesions smaller than 2 cm in diameter, transthoracic needle aspiration has the highest diagnostic yield if a tissue diagnosis is required before surgical resection.

SCC in situ (pre invasive lesion) has an unpredictable course, and the treatment is a topic of current debate. Surgery is the treatment of choice for early-stage disease (stage I or II). Combination chemotherapy and radiotherapy are recommended for good performance score patients with unresectable stage III A or B disease. Stage IV (metastatic disease) is generally treated with systemic chemotherapy, but treatment is noncurative (palliative).

It was previously believed that SCC was more slow-growing than other cell types, but recent analysis of a large international database that controlled for stage of disease does not demonstrate definite survival benefit of SCC versus other non–small cell histologies. In the past, SCCs have been treated the same as all other non–small cell histologies, but recent data show that optimal treatment depends on specific typing.

Plate 4-51


Atypical adenomatous hyperplasia is classified by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a putative precursor of adenocarcinoma (ACA), especially bronchioloalveolar carcinoma (BAC). ACA is defined as a malignant epithelial tumor with glandular differentiation or mucin production. ACA is the most common cell type in the United States and many developed countries. It accounts for 37% of all lung cancers in the Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) database (40% in women; 33% in men; ). ACA histology is associated with cigarette smoking, but the association is not as strong as it is for squamous cell and small cell carcinoma. ACA is the most common histology of lung cancer in never smokers, especially women.

Bronchioloalveolar cell, also called alveolar cell, is classified by the WHO as a subtype of ACA. BACs are mostly moderate or well-differentiated tumors and grow along preexisting alveolar structures (lepidic growth) without evidence of invasion. If there is evidence of invasion, then the tumor is classified as ACA mixed type. Pure BAC by the current classification is a rare tumor; most are ACA mixed type. It is anticipated that pure BAC will be renamed as adenocarcinoma in situ in the new classification.

ACAs are usually peripherally located in the lungs. Because of the peripheral location, more of the patients are asymptomatic, and the lesion is detected on an incidental chest radiograph. Patients may present with a new cough, chest pain, or less commonly hemoptysis. Presenting symptoms caused by distant metastases to the bone, brain, or liver are common with all cell types, especially ACA and large cell carcinoma. Individuals with BAC may present with an asymptomatic solitary pulmonary nodule, pneumonia such as consolidation of the lung, or rarely with a profound bronchorrhea. Bronchorrhea is usually seen in those with extensive bilateral lung involvement.

The most common radiographic presentation is a peripheral lung nodule or mass (mass defined as ≥3 cm) in maximum diameter. It may infrequently present as a central mass and rarely cavitates. ACA is the most common cell type to present with a malignant pleural effusion.

Sputum cytology results are rarely positive. Diagnostic yields with bronchoscopy are less than with squamous cell or small cell carcinoma because of the peripheral location. For lesions that are 2 cm in diameter or larger, the diagnostic yields are approximately 60% to 70%. Transthoracic needle aspirations (TTNAs) are diagnostic in 85% to 90% of all lesions and are the preferred diagnostic test for lesions smaller than 2 cm in diameter. The benefits of TTNA should be balanced against the risk of pneumothorax, especially in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or emphysema. Thoracentesis and pleural fluid cytology is the preferred diagnostic test in individuals with pleural effusion.

The treatment of choice for patients with stage I, II, or IIIA/B is generally the same as for all non–small cell lung cancers. Patients with stage IV (metastatic) disease have generally been treated with systemic chemotherapy as palliative treatment. In recent years, a number of genetic alterations have been identified in the tumor that are changing the treatment approach. Some ACAs have been identified to have a mutation in the intracellular domain of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) gene. The predominant mutations include in frame deletions of exon 19 and missense mutation in exon 21. These mutations have been associated with a high response rate to treatment with the EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) gefitinib and erlotinib. For reasons that are currently unknown, the frequency of the EGFR tyrosine kinase mutations vary in different ethnic populations. The frequency of mutation in North America and Europe is approximately 15% of all ACA versus 30% of ACA in East Asians. These mutations are almost exclusively limited to the ACA cell type.

Recent reports have documented better survival in individuals when these EGFR mutations are treated initially with EGFR TKIs versus conventional chemotherapy. Other studies have shown that KRAS mutations, which occur in 20% to 30% of patients with ACA, confer resistance to treatment with the EGFR inhibitors. Mutations in KRAS and EGFR are almost always mutually exclusive. It is very likely that future identification of genetic mutations or identification of predominant intracellular pathways of malignant cells will influence the choice of treatment of ACA and other histologies. Most recently a mutation of anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) has been identified in 3% to 5% of ACA, and promising new treatment with the tyrosine kinase inhibitor crizotinib has been reported.

Plate 4-52


Large cell carcinoma is a malignant epithelial undifferentiated neoplasm lacking glandular or squamous differentiation and features of small cell carcinoma. It is a diagnosis of exclusion and includes many poorly differentiated non–small cell carcinomas. Several variants are recognized, including neuroendocrine differentiation (large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma [LCNEC]) and basaloid carcinoma), but it is uncertain if this differentiation is of prognostic or therapeutic importance. Large cell carcinoma and its variants can only be diagnosed reliably on surgical material; cytology samples are not generally sufficient. LCNEC is differentiated from atypical carcinoid tumor by having more mitotic figures, usually 11 or more per 2 mm 2 of viable tumor, and large areas of necrosis are common. Neuroendocrine differentiation is confirmed using immunohistochemical markers such as chromogranin, synaptophysin, or CD56. Patients with LCNEC have a worse prognosis than those with atypical carcinoid tumors. Large cell carcinoma is associated with cigarette smoking. This cell type accounted for 4% of all lung cancers in the Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) database. The SEER database listed the cell type of 24% of all lung cancers as “other non–small cell.” These other cancers include non–small cell cancers that pathologists specify as NOS (not otherwise specified). As treatment moves toward specific treatment for specific cell types, it will be important for pathologists to classify the histology as accurately as possible and to decrease the percentages of cases reported as NOS.

The signs and symptoms of this cell type are similar to those of other non–small cell carcinomas. The most common radiographic finding is a large peripheral lung mass. Because of the peripheral location, these cancers may be asymptomatic and detected on an incidental chest radiograph. Because of the rapid growth of this cell type, the radiographic lesion may appear rather suddenly (within a few months) or enlarge rapidly.

Diagnostic procedures are similar to those of other histologic types. Sputum cytology is not generally helpful because of the peripheral location, and bronchoscopic diagnostic yields are similar to those for peripheral adenocarcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas (∼60%-70%). Transthoracic needle aspiration is diagnostic in the majority of cases. These cancers are usually aggressive tumors with a strong tendency for early metastases. Nevertheless, surgery is still the treatment of choice for patients with early-stage disease. Currently, there is no convincing evidence that patients with LCNEC should be treated differently than those with any other large cell carcinoma. Patients with stage III and IV disease are treated the same as those with other non–small cell types. Patients with stage III are treated with combined chemotherapy and thoracic radiotherapy. Survival is similar to that of patients with other non–small cell lung cancers, and patients with stage IV are treated with chemotherapy with palliative intent.

Plate 4-53

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