Disc Aspiration/Biopsy



  • Fine-needle aspiration of intervertebral disc material ± core biopsy


  • Coagulopathy/anticoagulation studies

    • Prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, international normalized ratio

    • Hemoglobin, hematocrit, and platelet count

  • Suspected osteomyelitis/discitis

    • To confirm infectious organism


  • For thoracic and lumbar levels use “Scotty dog” anatomy

    • Superimpose superior endplate of vertebra below disc to be intervened upon

    • Place “ear” of “Scotty dog” (superior articular process) at center of intervertebral disc by angling AP fluoroscopy plane toward desired side

    • Needle entry should be at junction of middle 1/3 and outer 1/3 of disc (in front of Scotty dog “ear”)

  • CT guidance often preferred for cervical upper/mid thoracic disc aspiration/biopsies

    • Ensure patient can receive iodinated contrast if desired

Post Procedure

  • Careful evaluation for new neurologic symptoms following procedure

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