Diagnosis, evaluation, and monitoring of patent ductus arteriosus in the very preterm infant

Key points

  • Although presence of a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) can easily be confirmed with echocardiography, diagnosis of a hemodynamically significant PDA is more challenging and not standardized.

  • Evaluation of hemodynamic and clinical significance of a PDA should include assessment of the size of the PDA, magnitude of shunt volume, the ability of the heart to accommodate and compensate for the shunt, and the impact of the shunt on the pulmonary and systemic circulations.

  • Clinical characteristics such as gestational and chronologic age, extent of cardiopulmonary support, and presence of other variables that may either enhance or mitigate the potential detrimental effects of a PDA may be useful in the evaluation of the hemodynamic and clinical significance of a PDA.

  • Scoring systems based on clinical characteristics, echocardiography measurements, and other technologies such as near-infrared spectroscopy may be useful in evaluation and monitoring of a PDA in the future.


The diagnosis and management of a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) with cardiorespiratory, and thus clinical, relevance in preterm neonates poses a major challenge in neonatal medicine. It is the most common cardiovascular abnormality in premature infants. Most (∼70%) infants born at a gestational age (GA) of less than 29 weeks will have a persistent PDA by the end of the first postnatal week. PDA is associated with several morbidities and mortality; however, a cause-and-effect relationship between the presence of a PDA and important short- and long-term clinical outcomes has not been definitively established. In addition, there are limitations due to study design of randomized control trials and the retrospective nature of cohort studies reporting clinical outcomes and the impact of various approaches to treatment (conservative, medical, device and surgical). More than 50% have a high rate of open-label treatment in the control arm and high treatment failure rate in the intervention arm. There is considerable heterogeneity in infants included in PDA trials due to lack of a standardized definition of hemodynamic significance, resulting in inclusion of patients who may not benefit from PDA treatment. As a result, the impact of PDA treatment on outcomes and treatment strategies (particularly modality and timing) varies between centers. Finally, there continues to be a lack of physician equipoise such that the most vulnerable infants, potentially at greatest risk of PDA-attributable morbidity, are not always enrolled in clinical trials.

Developmental role of the ductus arteriosus

The ductus arteriosus (DA) connects the main pulmonary artery to the descending aorta and is necessary for fetal survival. In the fetus the left ventricle (LV) receives oxygenated blood, returning from the placenta via the inferior vena cava and through the foramen ovale, and delivers it mainly to the upper part of the body. The right ventricle (RV) receives most blood draining from the superior vena cava (SVC) and a proportionately lower amount of oxygenated blood from the umbilical venous system. Due to high pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR), most (80% to 90% depending on the gestational age of the fetus) of right ventricular output flows from the pulmonary artery to the descending aorta across the DA; hence the DA modulates flow to the lower part of the body. Similarly, the patent foramen ovale (PFO) is the route that modulates the delivery of oxygenated blood to the head and neck. After birth, LV afterload rises suddenly due to loss of the low resistance placental circulation. This is accompanied by lung aeration, which promotes a fall in PVR and an increase in pulmonary blood flow. This results in a change in the organ of gas exchange from the placenta to the lungs. The DA eventually closes (first functionally and then anatomically) over the subsequent days in term infants. However, in preterm infants the DA can remain patent for a prolonged period of time for a variety of reasons.

Regulation of ductal tone and constriction

In term infants closure of the PDA occurs within the first 48 hours after birth. Closure of the DA occurs in two phases. The first phase (within the first hours after birth), termed “functional closure,” involves narrowing of the lumen by smooth muscle constriction. The second phase , termed “anatomic remodeling”, consists of occlusion of the residual lumen by extensive neointimal thickening and loss of muscle media smooth muscle over the next few days.

The rate and degree of initial “functional” closure are determined by the balance between factors (mediators, second messengers and channels, among others) that favor constriction (oxygen, endothelin, calcium channels, catecholamines, and Rho kinase) and those that oppose it (intraluminal pressure, prostaglandins [PGs], nitric oxide [NO], carbon monoxide, potassium channels, cyclic adenosine monophosphate [AMP], and cyclic guanosine monophosphate). PGs play a key role in the regulation of ductal tone, especially during the first few postnatal weeks. Of these, PGE 2 is the most important factor in the regulation of DA tone during fetal development and acts on G protein–coupled E-prostanoid receptors to maintain ductal patency. It is generated from arachidonic acid by cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) and COX-2, the COX component of PG-H 2 synthase, followed by peroxidation by the same enzyme complex and, finally, by the action of PGE synthase (see Chapter 5 ). COX-2 plays a major role in maintaining ductal patency during fetal life. The current approach to medical therapy exploits this mechanism by the use of nonselective COX inhibitors (such as indomethacin and ibuprofen) and also by the use of acetaminophen, a peroxidase inhibitor, to close the DA postnatally.

Low oxygen tension in the fetus is another important factor for maintaining ductal patency. Following birth, the rise in oxygen tension promotes an oxygen-mediated constriction that is facilitated by the inhibition of the potassium voltage channels (K V channels) present on the ductal smooth muscle cells and function to keep the cells in a hyperpolarized state. The presence of oxygen leads to depolarization, which in turn activates L-type calcium channels, allowing an influx of calcium into the smooth muscle cells causing constriction. A counter-mechanism via the mitochondrial electron transport chain serves as the intrinsic oxygen-sensing mechanism that regulates this constrictive effect via formation of reactive oxygen radicals, which inhibit K V channels. Interestingly, in vitro studies using rings of human DA tissue incubated in relatively low oxygen tension conditions (to mimic conditions of prematurity) for several days selectively fail to constrict in response to oxygen. This may explain, at least in part, failure of the DA to close in preterm infants.

The fall in PG levels following birth (due to the loss of placental PG production and increase in its removal by the lungs), accompanied by the rise in oxygen tension, promotes functional closure of the DA over the first 24–48 postnatal hours. After functional DA closure is achieved, the smooth muscle cells migrate from the media to the subendothelial layer, leading to neointimal formation. Expansion of the neointima forms protrusions, or mounds, that permanently occlude the already constricted lumen. , This process results in an interruption of the blood supply to the innermost cellular layer, resulting in hypoxia and cell death. The presence of intramural vasa vasorum is essential to ensure adequate provision of oxygen and nutrition to the thicker wall of the DA at term. During postnatal constriction, the intramural tissue pressure obliterates vasa vasorum flow in the muscle media. The ensuing ischemic and hypoxic insult inhibits local PGE 2 and NO production, induces local production of hypoxia-inducible factors (HIF) like HIF-1α and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and produces smooth muscle apoptosis in the muscle media. In addition, monocytes/macrophages adhere to the ductus wall and appear to be necessary for ductus remodeling.

Resistance to ductal closure in premature infants

In contrast, in preterm infants the DA frequently fails to constrict or undergo anatomic remodeling after birth. In fact, a study by Semberova et al showed that the median time to PDA closure was 71 days in infants <26 weeks’ gestation. There is, however, little information regarding the biological mechanisms that contribute to late spontaneous closure. The incidence of persistent PDA is inversely related to gestational age due to several mechanisms. The intrinsic tone of the extremely immature ductus (<70% of gestation) is decreased compared with the ductus at term. This may be due to the presence of immature smooth muscle myosin isoforms, with a weaker contractile capacity, and to decreased Rho kinase expression and activity. Calcium entry through L-type calcium channels also appears to be impaired in the immature ductus. In addition, the potassium channels, which inhibit ductus contraction, change during gestation from K Ca channels not regulated by oxygen tension to K V channels, which can be inhibited by increased oxygen concentrations. The reduced expression and function of the putative oxygen-sensing K V channels in the immature ductus appear to contribute to ductus patency in several animal species. , ,

In most mammalian species the major factor that prevents the preterm ductus from constricting after birth is its increased sensitivity to the vasodilating effects of PGE 2 and NO. The increased sensitivity of the preterm ductus to PGE 2 is due to increased cyclic AMP signaling. There is both increased cyclic AMP production, due to enhanced PG receptor coupling with adenylyl cyclase, and decreased cyclic AMP degradation by phosphodiesterase in the preterm ductus. , As a result, inhibitors of PG production (e.g., indomethacin, ibuprofen, mefenamic acid, paracetamol) are usually effective agents in promoting ductus closure in the premature infant. Premature infants also have elevated circulating concentrations of PGE 2 due to the decreased ability of the premature lung to clear circulating PGE 2 . In the preterm newborn circulating concentrations of PGE 2 can reach the pharmacologic range during episodes of bacteremia and necrotizing enterocolitis and are often associated with reopening of a previously constricted DA.

Little is known about the factors responsible for the changes that occur with advanced gestation. A recent study showed gene expression in pathways involved with oxygen-induced constriction, contractile protein maturation, tissue remodeling, and PG and NO signaling alter according to advancing GA. Prenatal administration of glucocorticoids reduces the incidence of PDA in premature humans and animals. Although postnatal glucocorticoid or corticosteroid administration also reduces the incidence of PDA, it is not clear whether this is a direct effect on ductal biology or an indirect effect on ambient conditions which promote ongoing ductal patency. In addition, it is important to recognize that glucocorticoid (dexamethasone) or corticosteroid (hydrocortisone) treatment, especially if it is given in the immediate postnatal period or combined with administration of COX inhibitors, respectively, has been associated with increased incidence of several other neonatal morbidities. , The patient’s genetic background also seems to play a significant role in determining persistent ductus patency. Several single nucleotide polymorphisms in candidate genes have been identified that are associated with PDA in preterm infants: angiotensin receptor (ATR) type 1, interferon-gamma (IFN-γ), estrogen receptor-alpha PvuII, transcription factor AP-2B (TFAP2B), PGI synthase, and TRAF1. Studies suggest that an interaction between preterm birth and TFAP2B may be responsible for the PDAs that occur in some preterm infants: TFAP2B is uniquely expressed in ductus smooth muscle and regulates other genes that are important in ductus smooth muscle development. Mutations in TFAP2B result in patency of the DA in mice and humans and TFAP2B polymorphisms are associated with the PDA in preterm infants (especially those that are unresponsive to indomethacin). Expression of SLCO2A1 and NOS3 genes (involved with PG reuptake/metabolism and NO production, respectively) is decreased in the DA from non-Caucasians. This may lead to an increase in PG and decrease in NO concentrations, thereby making ductal patency more PG dependent and possibly explaining the clinical finding of a better response to indomethacin in non-Caucasians. , , Recently, an association was shown between two single nucleotide polymorphisms in CYP2C9 , rs2153628, and rs1799853, and indomethacin response for the treatment of PDA. Findings suggest that response to indomethacin in the closure of PDA may be influenced by polymorphisms associated with altered indomethacin metabolism. There is, however, little data on the genetic determinants of acetaminophen response.

Neointimal mounds are less well developed and often fail to occlude the lumen in preterm infants (especially those born before 28 weeks’ gestation). The preterm ductus is a much thinner vessel than the full-term ductus; therefore there is no need for vasa vasorum because the vessel wall is nourished with oxygen via diffusion through luminal blood flow (vasa vasorum first appear in the outer ductus wall after 28 weeks’ gestation). As a result, unless the ductus lumen is completely obliterated, the preterm ductus is less likely to develop profound hypoxia as it constricts after birth. Without a strong hypoxic signal, neointimal expansion is markedly diminished, resulting in mounds that fail to occlude the residual lumen , , ,

Pathophysiologic continuum of the ductal shunt in preterm infants

During fetal life, low systemic vascular resistance (SVR) due to the low resistance placenta, combined with elevated PVR, results in pulmonary artery–to-aorta (“right-to-left”) flow across the DA. During normal neonatal transition, increased SVR associated with umbilical cord clamping occurs in parallel to a longitudinal decrease in PVR precipitated by ventilation of the lungs and an increase in pulmonary blood flow. The degree of right-to-left ductal shunt is approximately 50% within 5 minutes of birth, becoming mostly left to right by 10 to 20 minutes, and is entirely left to right by 24 hours of age in most healthy neonates. ,

In preterm neonates the size and direction of the ductal shunt will have a variable impact on pulmonary and systemic hemodynamics. The role of the PDA shunt may be conceptualized within a physiologic continuum that extends from a life-sustaining conduit, neutral bystander, to a pathologic entity. In infants with critical congenital heart disease patency of the DA may be necessary to support pulmonary (e.g., tricuspid atresia) or systemic (e.g., critical aortic stenosis) blood flow. In acute pulmonary hypertension (aPH) of the newborn postnatal failure of pulmonary arterioles to relax (e.g., due to asphyxia, respiratory distress syndrome) results in high PVR and persistence of a right-to-left ductal shunt. The latter shunt may reduce right ventricular afterload and support post-ductal systemic blood flow, albeit with deoxygenated blood. PDA closure in this setting will negatively impact RV function and the adequacy of systemic blood flow. A bidirectional shunt in milder cases of aPH may play a neutral role, merely permitting the noninvasive estimation of the systemic-pulmonary pressure gradient.

If the DA remains patent after birth, preterm infants who experience the expected fall in PVR may be susceptible to the effects of a large systemic-to-pulmonary (left-to-right) shunt. Blood flows across the PDA continuously in systole and diastole, resulting in volume overload of the pulmonary artery, pulmonary veins, and left heart. Shunt volume ( Q ) is directly proportional to the fourth power of the ductal radius ( r ) and the aortopulmonary pressure gradient and is inversely proportional to the ductal length ( L ) and blood viscosity ( n ). It is important to consider the relative contributions of each component to shunt volume.

Increased pulmonary blood flow (termed pulmonary overcirculation) may lead to alveolar edema, reduced pulmonary compliance, and increased need for respiratory support. Increased blood flow to the left heart results in dilatation and increased end-diastolic pressures in the left ventricle and atrium. In preterm infants with intrinsic immaturity of LV compliance and diastolic function, the increase in end-diastolic pressure may contribute to the evolution of pulmonary venous hypertension and pulmonary hemorrhage. The increase in pulmonary blood flow, due to a large left-to-right shunt, occurs at the expense of systemic blood flow (referred to as ductal steal), which may result in end-organ hypoperfusion and consequential morbidities (e.g. necrotizing enterocolitis, acute tubular necrosis). In addition, ductal steal from the descending aorta, shorter diastolic and coronary perfusion times due to tachycardia, and increased myocardial oxygen demand may result in subendocardial ischemia. This pathophysiologic cascade is thought to explain, at least in part, the relation between a PDA and adverse outcomes.

Myocardial adaptation in preterm infants to patent ductus arteriosus

Cardiac output is the result of the interactions between preload, afterload, intrinsic myocardial contractility, and heart rate. Under normal conditions, and in the absence of a PDA, LV output (LVO) in a neonate is in the range of 150–300 mL/min/kg. The presence of a PDA results in increased pulmonary blood flow and both left atrial (LA) and LV volume loading. In a prospective observational study, using two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography, most infants with a PDA displayed signs of LA dysfunction due to increased volume load. PDA diameter was found to be an independent contributor to poor LA contraction. Studies have consistently shown a higher LV end-diastolic volume (preload) when the DA is open with a predominantly left-to-right shunting pattern. According to the Starling curve, the increase in myocardial muscle fiber stretch from higher preload augments stroke volume. Indeed, most studies have demonstrated increased LVO in the presence of a PDA with a predominant left-to-right shunt. In the presence of a PDA the low-resistance pulmonary vascular bed is in parallel with the systemic vascular bed. This results in a reduction of LV afterload, which, in combination with the increased preload, enhances the myocardium’s ability to increase its stroke volume. Traditionally, the presence of a PFO was thought to alter the effects of a PDA on LV stroke volume by exclusively decompressing the left atrium. Interestingly, a recent study has shown that larger atrial communication in the first week of life may be a surrogate marker of hemodynamically significant PDA rather than shunt volume modulator. The presence of a large atrial communication may in fact increase the risk of ventilator requirement and composite outcome of death or CLD.

There are important differences in both the structure and function of the myocardium between preterm and term neonates, and older children and adults. These differences place the immature myocardium at a disadvantage as far as contractility is concerned. Furthermore, because coronary blood flow takes place primarily during diastole, myocardial performance might be adversely affected if diastolic blood pressure is low in the presence of a high-volume PDA shunt. Previous studies have suggested that myocardial ischemia may occur in the presence of a hemodynamically significant PDA (hsPDA). More recently, studies have demonstrated compromised coronary artery perfusion and the presence of high cardiac-specific troponin levels (indicative of myocardial damage) in the presence of a PDA, suggesting a detrimental effect on myocardial perfusion and potential ischemia. , As premature infants have a less compliant myocardium than term infants, ventricular filling becomes dependent on the late diastolic phase of atrial contraction. In the setting of higher LV preload impaired diastolic function can lead to an increase in LA pressure and secondary pulmonary venous hypertension, potentially creating the biologic milieu that increases the risk of hemorrhagic pulmonary edema.

Some authors have suggested that because higher preload is associated with a greater stretch of myocardial fibers ; therefore myocardial contractility should increase in the presence of a PDA concurrent with the increased LVO. On the contrary, the lack of change in myocardial contractility, in the presence of a PDA, could also suggest a relative deterioration of myocardial function based on increased demands. However, using a relatively load-independent measure of myocardial contractility, Barlow et al. showed that hsPDA had no effect on contractility. More recent studies, using more advanced functional parameters such as strain analyses, have also failed to demonstrate worsening function in the presence of the PDA. Preservation of LV function occurs despite major changes in LV morphology over the first 4 postnatal weeks. This includes an increase in LA volume, LV end-diastolic volume, sphericity index (indicating a more globular heart), and filling pressure.

The potential impact of a PDA on RV function remains poorly understood. Changes seen in the LV are typically a consequence of pulmonary overcirculation, as described previously. Conversely, systemic hypoperfusion may result in a reduction in RV preload even in the presence of a left-to-right PFO shunt. In addition, prolonged exposure to increased pulmonary blood flow may promote an increase in PVR and a resultant increase in RV afterload. Recent studies have demonstrated reduced RV function as early as day 7 in infants with a large PDA. The clinical relevance of these changes to heart function and morphology and their potential impact on the evolution of PDA-associated morbidities is currently unknown.

Effects of patent ductus arteriosus on blood pressure

Blood pressure (BP) is the product of the interaction between cardiac output and peripheral vascular resistance (see Chapter 3 ). In general, systolic BP is primarily affected by changes in stroke volume, whereas diastolic BP is mainly reflective of changes in peripheral vascular resistance. Traditionally, low diastolic BP has been considered the hallmark of an hsPDA, and many studies have supported this notion. , Studies that specifically looked at the relationship between BP and PDA have shown similar decreases in both systolic and diastolic BP (and therefore no change in the pulse pressure), at least during the first postnatal week. , However, differences in BP and pulse pressure may be influenced by the location of BP measurements, pre- vs post-ductal. Typically, BP is measured from the umbilical arterial catheter (thus post-ductal) in the first postnatal week. Pre-ductal systolic BP is likely to be reflective of the increase in LV preload and higher than post-ductal values in patients with high-volume run-off through the PDA. This may generate discordance in systolic BP measurements, although this physiological hypothesis has yet to be confirmed in clinical trials. Older infants born at weights between 1000 and 1500 g with a PDA have slight, but clinically nonsignificant, decreases in systolic, diastolic, and mean BP. In contrast, infants born at less than 1000 g and with a PDA have both clinically and statistically lower systolic, diastolic, and mean BP but no change in pulse pressure. Because stroke volume increases and vascular resistance decreases in the presence of a PDA, one might expect that systolic BP would be maintained despite the decrease in diastolic pressure. As mentioned previously, the recorded systolic BP in most studies to date is post-ductal, which is not likely to reflect shunt-driven increases in LVO. In addition, cardiac output, ductal shunt volume, and peripheral resistance were not measured in any of these studies, making it difficult to accurately characterize the pulse pressure changes in the pre- vs post-ductal circulation. Therefore the lack of a discordance in pulse pressure from BP measured through an umbilical arterial line (post-ductal) could be used to exclude the presence of a high-volume PDA shunt. In immature animals a decrease in the diastolic and mean BP occurs even when the shunt is small, whereas a significant decrease in systolic BP occurs only when the PDA shunt is moderate or large. In a more recent cohort of 141 preterm infants, born less than 29 weeks’ gestation, systolic BP in infants with a PDA by the first postnatal week was only slightly lower than those without a PDA. It is not clear, however, if the location of BP measurement (pre- vs post-ductal) was consistent. On the contrary, diastolic and mean blood pressure was lower by the end of the first postnatal week, which translates into a higher pulse pressure ( Figure 16.1 ). In this group LVO was higher and diastolic flow in systemic vessels was lower, possibly explaining those findings ( Figure 16.2 ). PDA may also contribute to the development of hypotension, even during the transitional period, in patients with rapid drop in pulmonary vascular resistance. A study found evidence for a possible role of a moderate-large PDA in vasopressor-dependent hypotension. Similarly, PDA is reported to be an independent risk factor for refractory hypotension.

Fig. 16.1, Changes in systolic, diastolic, mean, and pulse pressure in patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) and non-PDA infants over the first week of age.

Fig. 16.2, Patterns of echocardiography markers in infants with and without a patent ductus arteriosus ( PDA ) over the first week of age.

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