Diagnosis and Management of Fetal Skeletal Abnormalities

Key Points

  • Diagnosis of skeletal anomalies is challenging and requires time and a team approach, including clinical geneticists, paediatricians and pathologists.

  • This chapter deals with the prenatal diagnosis of skeletal anomalies. It gives aids to diagnosis and categorises conditions by sonographic findings to help sonographers narrow the differential diagnoses.

  • Increasingly, with advances in genomic medicine, the definitive diagnosis can be achieved prenatally after targeted molecular genetic or metabolic investigations, sometimes by safe approaches using analysis of cell-free DNA in maternal blood.

  • In the absence of a definitive diagnosis prenatally, expert postmortem examination, including radiology or genome sequencing, should be offered for a diagnosis, which is essential to define recurrence risks (which can vary from 1% to 50%) and appropriate prenatal diagnosis in subsequent pregnancies.

  • Molecular genetic diagnosis facilitates early prenatal diagnosis in subsequent pregnancies, and storage of DNA should be encouraged, particularly in cases with an unknown diagnosis as the genetic aetiology for these conditions is increasingly being defined.

  • This is a rapidly moving field, and discussion with geneticists is helpful to ensure the most up-to-date information is available.


Congenital skeletal anomalies are not uncommon, occurring with an incidence of around 1 in 500. Many are amenable to prenatal detection using ultrasound. The underlying aetiology is varied and includes:

  • Aneuploidy

  • Genetic syndromes

  • Skeletal dysplasias

  • Teratogens

  • Isolated anomalies secondary to disruption

The sonographic detection of a fetus with a skeletal anomaly can present a challenging diagnostic dilemma. Management options can be very varied, and diagnosis may require biochemical, genetic or haematologic investigation. Increasingly more sophisticated imaging, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT), may elucidate features more easily interpreted by postnatal radiologists. Clinical genetic input is invariably useful, not only because the family history or parental examination may yield valuable clues to the diagnosis but also because this is a field that is evolving rapidly. The underlying genetic aetiology of skeletal dysplasias are increasingly known, and new, safer, approaches to prenatal diagnosis based on analysis of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) are being used.

This chapter discusses the normal embryology and sonographic appearances of fetal limb development and go on to suggest a systematic approach to the diagnosis of fetal skeletal anomalies, as well as describing some of the more common conditions in greater detail. Generalised skeletal dysplasias are discussed as well as those groups of conditions associated with more localised limb anomalies, which may or may not be part of a wider genetic syndrome. Accurate sonographic identification of skeletal abnormalities becomes increasingly important as more genes for skeletal conditions are identified, raising the potential for accurate prenatal diagnosis using molecular methods.


Fetal ultrasound diagnosis relies on the identification and accurate description of sonographic findings. Skeletal anomalies are associated with a range of genetic syndromes and dysplasias, and discussion with other specialists (in particular clinical geneticists, radiologists and orthopaedic surgeons) is necessary to try to define both the diagnosis and prognosis to inform accurate parental counselling. To be able to do this efficiently, a good understanding of terminology is required. Normal bone nomenclature is illustrated in Fig. 34.1 . The terminology used in describing abnormalities of the limbs is given in Table 34.1 .

• Fig. 34.1, Bone nomenclature.

TABLE 34.1
Terminology Used in Describing Skeletal Abnormalities
Acheiria Absent hand(s)
Acheiropodia Absent hand(s) and feet
Acromelia Shortening of the distal segments of limbs (i.e., hands and feet)
Adactyly Complete absence of fingers, toes or both
Amelia Complete absence of one or more limbs from the shoulder or pelvic girdle
Apodia Absent foot (feet)
Arthrogryposis Congenital joint contractures
Brachydactyly Short digits
Camptomelia Bent limb
Camptodactyly Bent digit(s)
Clinodactyly Incurved fifth finger
Ectrodactyly Split (cleft) hand(s) or feet, missing central ray(s), lobster claw deformity
Hemimelia Congenital longitudinal absence or deficiency of a forearm or lower leg bone
Kyphosis Dorsal convex curvature of the spine
Kyphoscoliosis Combination of lateral and anteroposterior curvature of the spine
Meromelia Partial absence of a limb Transverse Defect extending across the whole width of the limb
Longitudinal Defects affecting one bone along an axis
Terminal No bony part distal to the defect
Intercalary With recognisable parts distal to the defect
Mesomelia Shortening of the middle segment of a limb (i.e., radius/ulna and tibia/fibula)
Micromelia Shortening of all long bones
Oligodactyly Absent or partially absent digit(s)
Phocomelia Relatively normal hands or feet are attached to the trunk either directly or by extremely shortened long bones
Platyspondyly Flattening of the vertebral bodies
Polydactyly Extra fingers or toes Preaxial Extra digit on the radial or tibial side
Postaxial Extra digit on the ulna of fibular side
Rhizomelia Shortening of the proximal long bones (i.e., femur and humerus)
Syndactyly Fused digital rays Skin Fused skin only
Osseous Bony fusion
Scoliosis Lateral curvature of the spine
Talipes Club-foot Equinovalgus Foot twisted outwards
Equinovarus Foot twisted inwards
Equinus Extended foot

Embryology and Sonographic Appearance of the Normal Fetal Skeleton

In humans, the upper limbs develop a few days in advance of the lower limbs, with the arm buds appearing at about 5.5 postmenstrual weeks. The fetal skeleton then forms in two ways, membranous ossification (clavicle and mandible) and intracartilaginous (endochondral) when ossification occurs by calcium deposition in preexisting cartilage matrix. Fetal ossification begins in the clavicle at around 8 weeks’ gestation followed by the mandible, vertebral bodies and neural arches at around 9 weeks; the frontal bones at 10 to 11 weeks; and the long bones at around 11 weeks. Most skeletal structures can be identified sonographically by 14 to 15 weeks. The appearance of the ossification in the fetal skeleton has been studied both radiographically and sonographically using transabdominal ultrasound. However, probably the most useful indication of which structures should be identified when scanning in early pregnancy comes from a recent radiologic study of human fetuses ( Fig. 34.2 ). Identification of anomalies of skeletal development requires detailed scanning and aids such as charts of normal skeletal size, including length of long bones, clavicles, mandible, scapulae, chest size, orbital diameters, renal size and so on.

• Fig. 34.2, Ossification of the fetal skeleton by gestational age.

Classification of Skeletal Dysplasias

The genetic and pathological aetiology of skeletal anomalies is wide, and there have been several classifications used. These have evolved as understanding of the genetics and pathophysiology of these rare but complex disorders becomes clearer. Classifications can be based on clinical or radiological features (or both), molecular genetic aetiology or the biological structure and function of genes and proteins involved (e.g., defects in structural proteins, metabolic pathways, transcription factors etc.) or a hybrid of both. A classification based on sonographic findings is the most useful classification for the prenatal diagnostician ( Table 34.2 ), but there can be considerable overlap in conditions, so a table listing the common diagnoses with gene location, when known; inheritance; and main sonographic findings is also given ( Table 34.3 ).

TABLE 34.2
Classification of Skeletal Dysplasias According to Major Sonographic Finding
Sonographic finding Condition Other investigations to be considered
Hypomineralised Osteogenesis imperfecta types IIA and IIC
Achondrogenesis type I
Hypophosphatasia (severe neonatal form)
Parental fracture history for possible somatic mosaicism a
Parental ALP and urinary phosphoethanolamine a
Mild hypomineralisation Achondrogenesis type 2
Cleidocranial dysostosis
Osteogenesis imperfecta IIB
Parental history a
Parental history as above
Cloverleaf Thanatophoric dysplasia type II
Occasionally in SRPSs
Antley-Bixler syndrome
Craniosynostosis syndromes (Pfeiffer, Crouzon, Saethre-Chotzen syndromes)

Hypomineralised Achondrogenesis type I
Disorganised Jarcho-Levin syndrome
Spondylocostal dysplasia
Dyssegmental dysplasia
Some chondrodysplasia punctatas
Consider metabolic screening a
Frontal bossing Thanatophoric dysplasia
Acromesomelic dysplasia
Depressed nasal bridge Chondrodysplasia punctatas
Warfarin embryopathy
Drug history, karyotype, ARSE deletion screen (CDPX1) a
Metabolic investigations: very-long-chain fatty acids and sterol profile, CVS for peroxisomal enzyme studies, maternal history of autoimmune disease
Micrognathia SEDC
Stickler syndrome
Campomelic dysplasia
Karyotype a
Cleft lip Majewski syndrome
Oral facial defect IV

Isolated straight, short long bones IUGR
Constitutional short stature
Fetal and maternal Doppler, maternal Down syndrome screening biomarkers, obstetric history
Femoral bowing Campomelic dysplasia
Osteogenesis imperfecta
As above a
Talipes Campomelic dysplasia
Diastrophic dysplasia
NIPD for sex determination a
Stippled epiphyses Rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata
Conradi Hunermann syndrome
X-linked recessive chondrodysplasia punctata
Warfarin embryopathy
Maternal SLE
Drug history, metabolic investigations; very-long-chain fatty acids and sterol profile, CVS peroxisomal enzyme studies, a maternal history of autoimmune disease

Limb girdles
Short clavicles Campomelic dysplasia
Cleidocranial dysostosis
Small scapula Campomelic dysplasia

Polydactyly Jeune asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy
Ellis-van Creveld syndrome
Short rib polydactyly syndromes
Short fingers or trident hand Achondroplasia
Acromesomelic dysplasia
Thanatophoric dysplasia

Narrow with short ribs SRPSS
Jeune asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy
Thanatophoric dysplasia
Osteogenesis imperfecta types IIA, C and B
Campomelic dysplasia
Paternal UPD14
Beaded ribs Osteogenesis imperfecta type IIA and C a
Polyhydramnios Achondroplasia
Thanatophoric dysplasia
Paternal UPD14

ALP, Alkaline phosphatase; CVS, chorionic villus sampling; IUGR , intrauterine growth restriction; NIPD, noninvasive prenatal diagnosis; SEDC, spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita; SLE, systemic lupus erythaematosus; SRPS, short rib–polydactyly syndrome; VACTERL, vertebral anomalies, anorectal malformations, cardiovascular anomalies, tracheoesophageal fistula, oesophageal atresia, renal (kidney) or radial anomalies and limb defects; VATER, vertebral anomalies, anorectal malformations, oesophageal atresia, and renal (kidney) or radial anomalies.

a Consider molecular genetic testing.

TABLE 34.3
Skeletal Dysplasias: Gene Location, Inheritance and Sonographic Findings
Diagnosis Gene or location Genetics Gestational age at presentation (wk) Limbs Thorax Spine Skull Other Features
Short Bowed Fingers Joints Ribs
Achondrogenesis IA/IB TRIP11 (1A);
AR 12 +++ Narrow Short, +/- beaded Hypo Hypo Oedema
Achondrogenesis II COL2A1 AD 12 ++ Narrow Short
Achondroplasia FGFR3 AD >24 + +/- mild Short +/- small Frontal bossing
Acromesomelic dysplasia NPR2, GDF5, BMPR1B AR Around 22 + Short +/- small Frontal bossing
Beemer-Langer Unknown AR Around 20 + Poly Small Short Cloverleaf
Campomelic dysplasia SOX9 AD 16–20, var Legs Legs Talipes +/- small Micrognathia, cardiac defects, sex reversal in males
Conradi Hunermann CDP (CDPX2) EBP XLD Var + Stippled Stippled
Diastrophic dysplasia SLC26A2 (DTDST) AR >16 + Hitchhiker thumbs Talipes Micrognathia
Ellis-van Creveld syndrome EVC, LBN (EVC2 AR From 16 + Poly Narrow Short Cardiac anomaly
Hypophosphatasia (severe neonatal form) TNSALP AR >12 ++ ++ Hypo
Jeune asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy IFT80, DYNCH2H1, TTC21B, WDR19 and > 6 others AR From 16, variable + +/- poly Narrow Short CNS anomaly
Kniest syndrome COL2A1 AD Variable + Mild Short Micrognathia, depressed nasal bridge
Majewski syndrome (SRPS2A; SRTD6) NEK1 AR >12 ++ Ovoid tibia Poly Narrow Short ++ Renal, cardiac, CNS, genital
Osteogenesis imperfecta types IIA/C and IIC COL1A1 COL1A2 AD, gm >12 +++ +++ Narrow Short, beaded Hypo
Osteogenesis imperfecta type IIB COL1A1 COL1A2 AD, gm >16 ++ + (Narrow) (Beaded)
Osteogenesis imperfecta type III COL1A1 COL1A2 AD, gm 20 + Legs
Osteogenesis imperfecta type IV COL1A1 COL1A2 AD, gm >20 Mild, femora
Rhizomelic CDP (RCDP1,2,3,5) NB
Overlapping heterogeneous peroxisomal disorders, Zellweger syndrome
PEX7, GNPAT, AGPS, PEX5 AR 20 Rhizomelic stippled Stippled Nasal hypoplasia, cataracts
Saldino-Noonan syndrome (SRPS2B; SRTD3; ATD3) DYNC2H1 AR >12 ++ Poly Narrow Short ++ Renal, cardiac, genital
SEDC COL2A1 AD >12 ++ Short Micrognathia
Thanatophoric dysplasia I FGFR3 AD <16 Severe micromelia (Mild) Short trident Small ++ Short ++ Normal Frontal bossing
Thanatophoric dysplasia II FGFR3 AD <16 Severe micromelia (Mild) Short, trident Small++ Short ++ Cloverleaf Frontal bossing
X-linked recessive
ARSE XLR Variable + stippled Short Stippled Stippled larynx and trachea
AR, Autosomal recessive; AD, autosomal dominant; CNS, central nervous system; CDP, chondrodysplasia punctate; gm, germline mosaicism; SEDC, spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita; XLR, autosomal recessive; XLD, X-linked dominant.

Clues to the Diagnosis of Skeletal Anomalies

Risk factors for skeletal anomalies include:

  • Family history

  • Drugs in early pregnancy

  • Maternal disease

  • Abnormal findings on routine ultrasound

Family History

Clearly, diagnosis in families in which there has already been an affected child or when one parent is affected with a dominantly inherited condition can be more straightforward than interpretation of findings that arise de novo . For some dominantly inherited conditions, one parent may manifest mildly or subclinically because of somatic (alteration in the DNA that occurs after conception) mosaicism but be at high risk for a more severely affected offspring who has inherited the mutation constitutively (nonmosaic), examples including osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) and spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita (SEDC).

Knowledge of the sonographic features and natural history of the condition can aid prenatal diagnosis, but parents do need to be aware that some conditions (e.g., achondroplasia) may present relatively late and not be amenable to sonographic diagnosis until well into the second trimester. Others are more variable (e.g., hypochondroplasia) and are not obvious until after birth or in early childhood. For these reasons, molecular diagnosis may be preferable in families in which the gene has been identified before pregnancy. In the past, this required an invasive test (chorionic villus sampling) with its small risk for iatrogenic miscarriage to obtain fetal genetic material for testing. However, technical advances have made noninvasive prenatal diagnosis (NIPD) based on analysis of cell-free fetal DNA in maternal blood possible for several skeletal dysplasias. If the precise mutation is known before pregnancy, then bespoke NIPD may be possible.

With rapid advances in molecular genetics, the underlying genetic aetiology for many of these conditions is known, and it is imperative that tissue is available from affected pregnancies if parents are subsequently to be given the opportunity of early testing. Many conditions are heterogeneous (meaning that the causative mutation(s) may reside in any one of a number of different genes) so that extensive genetic analysis before pregnancy may be required before prenatal molecular testing can be offered. Many families may wish to avoid the risks associated with invasive prenatal testing. The advent of noninvasive prenatal testing using free fetal DNA in the maternal plasma means that parents are increasingly able to get a diagnosis without risk as this technology progresses. Nonetheless, genetic workup before pregnancy will be required for this technology as well as for traditional invasive testing.

Drugs in Early Pregnancy

Although drugs are now extensively tested before release onto the market, there are still those used regularly that may result in skeletal malformations if taken in early pregnancy ( Table 34.4 ). Furthermore, there is good evidence that some recreational drugs, if used in early pregnancy, can cause skeletal anomalies, a postulated vascular effect being responsible for some drugs (e.g., cocaine).

TABLE 34.4
Skeletal Anomalies Associated With Drug Use in Early Pregnancy
Drug or substance Skeletal anomalies Other sonographic findings
Warfarin Rhizomelic shortening of limbs, stippled epiphyses, kyphoscoliosis Flat face; depressed nasal bridge; renal, cardiac and CNS anomalies
Sodium valproate Reduction deformity of arms, polydactyly, oligodactyly, talipes Cardiac and CNS anomalies, spina bifida, orofacial clefting
Methotrexate Mesomelic shortening of long bones, hypomineralised skull, syndactyly, oligodactyly, talipes CNS anomalies, including neural tube defects, micrognathia
Vitamin A Hypoplasia or aplasia of arm bones or digits CNS and cardiac anomalies, spina bifida, cleft lip and palate, diaphragmatic hernia, exomphalos
Phenytoin Stippled epiphyses Micrognathia, cleft lip, cardiac anomalies
Alcohol Short long bones, reduction deformity of arm bones, preaxial polydactyly of hands, oligodactyly, stippled epiphyses IUGR, cardiac anomalies
Cocaine Reduction deformities of arms +/- legs, ectrodactyly, hemivertebrae, absent ribs CNS, cardiac, renal anomalies, anterior abdominal wall defects, bowel atresias
CNS, Central nervous system; IUGR, intrauterine growth restriction.

Maternal Disease

The most common maternal conditions that can result in fetal musculoskeletal anomalies ( Table 34.5 ) include:

  • Diabetes

  • Myasthenia gravis

  • Myotonic dystrophy

TABLE 34.5
Sonographic Clues in the Fetal Skeleton to Maternal Disease
Sonographic findings Maternal condition Maternal diagnosis
Caudal regression
Femoral hypoplasia
Diabetes Glucose tolerance test
Multiple joint contractures (arthrogryposis) Myasthenia gravis Anti–acetylcholine receptor antibodies
Talipes and polyhydramnios Myotonic dystrophy Examine for signs of myotonia, facial appearance, genetic referral
Short limbs, stippled epiphyses, depressed nasal bridge Systemic lupus erythaematosus Autoimmune screen, history

Other conditions such as systemic lupus erythaematosus (SLE) and hypothyroidism can also cause skeletal changes but less commonly. Poorly controlled, insulin-dependent diabetes is the most common maternal condition that can result in significant skeletal anomalies in fetuses, which include developmental field defects of the spine, vertebral segmentation defects, caudal regression syndrome and deficiencies of the limbs (particularly femoral hypoplasia, tibial hemimelia, preaxial hallucal polydactyly) as well as anomalies of other viscera, in particular the heart and urogenital tract.

In maternal myasthenia gravis, transmission of acetylcholine receptor antibodies to the fetus can result in generalised arthrogryposis and neonatal or infant death. In some instances, the antibodies are specific to the fetal subunit of the acetylcholine receptor, and the mother may be asymptomatic.

Myotonic dystrophy is an autosomal dominantly inherited condition which, when transmitted maternally to the fetus, can result in congenital myotonic dystrophy (CMD). Mothers with clinically detectable neuromuscular manifestations of myotonic dystrophy have between a 10% and 50% risk for having a baby with CMD. In pregnancy, characteristic sonographic findings include talipes, decreased fetal movements or breathing and polyhydramnios. Affected neonates are very floppy and often have respiratory problems requiring ventilatory support, and the mortality rate is high (20%). Most survivors have significant developmental delay and a reduced life expectancy. The finding of talipes and polyhydramnios in a euploid fetus should prompt examination of the mother for signs of myotonic dystrophy.

Maternal SLE can cause a variety of problems in fetuses, including limb shortening with stippled epiphyses; facial anomalies, in particular a depressed nasal bridge; and an abnormal appearance of the spine secondary to extra calcification. Other findings can include bradycardias, growth retardation and hydrops.

Abnormal Findings on Routine Ultrasound

The first clue that there may be a skeletal anomaly present is often the identification of a short femur at the time of a scan for another reason, either a routine fetal anomaly scan at around 20 weeks’ gestation or a scan later in pregnancy for other indications. Careful examination of the rest of the fetal anatomy can reveal further signs of a skeletal dysplasia ( Table 34.6 ). If limb shortening appears to be isolated, then intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) must be considered as a possible aetiology. In these circumstances, review of maternal serum screening results for levels of pregnancy-associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A), β-human chorionic gonadotrophin (β-hCG) and maternal serum alphafetoprotein (MSAFP) and assessment of fetal and maternal Dopplers can be useful diagnostic aids. In a 4-year period at University College London Hospital of 130 fetuses referred with ‘abnormal’ femora (short, bowed, hypoplastic), 42 fetuses were thought to have short, straight femurs or limbs with no other sonographic abnormalities detected. Only 2 of these had a skeletal dysplasia. Many were normal and had either had an incorrect assignment of gestational age or familial short stature, but 31% had IUGR.

TABLE 34.6
Sonographic Examination Required When Suspecting a Skeletal Abnormality
Anatomical part Features
Long bones Length
Pattern of shortening

  • Short trunk vs short limbs predominantly

  • Rhizomelic vs mesomelic vs acromelic

  • Symmetrical vs asymmetric

Which bones
Bowing or evidence of fractures
Epiphyses for stippling

Spine Length
Alignment (hemivertebrae)
Organisation (stippling)
Cranium Shape
Mineralisation (acoustic shadow)
Face Profile: frontal bossing

  • Depressed nasal bridge

  • Micrognathia

Cleft lip
Cleft palate
Orbital diameters for hypo- or hypertelorism

Chest Size
Ribs: length

  • Shape

  • Beading (fractures)

Hands Short fingers (trident hand)
Feet Size
Joints Contractures
Radial club hand
Associated abnormalities Cardiac abnormalities
Renal anomalies
Intracranial abnormalities
Genital anomalies
Fetal and maternal Dopplers Screen for IUGR
IUGR, Intrauterine growth restriction.


The skull should normally be rugby ball in shape and cast a good acoustic shadow, indicating normal mineralisation. Decreased mineralisation is indicated by an anechoic skull vault, which casts little or no acoustic shadow ( Fig. 34.3 ). Furthermore, the intracranial contents will be more clearly visualised than normal, and because the cerebral hemispheres appear relatively anechoic, the appearances are not infrequently mistaken for cerebral ventriculomegaly. Careful examination will reveal the characteristic and hyperechoic, normally located, choroid plexus (see Fig. 34.3 ). In conditions associated with hypomineralisation in later pregnancy, the skull shape can readily be deformed by pressure from the transducer. Variation in skull shape can be seen rarely in some craniosynostosis syndromes, and a cloverleaf skull is also seen in thanatophoric dysplasia type II.

• Fig. 34.3, Anomalies of the fetal skull. Ultrasound images of a fetus with osteogenesis imperfecta type IIa showing profound hypomineralisation and lack of an acoustic shadow, resulting in very clear visualisation of the intracranial anatomy.


The spine should be examined carefully in all three orthogonal planes. There may be absent or decreased mineralisation, but it must be remembered that ossification of the cervical and sacral vertebral bodies is a late event; the sacral vertebral bodies are not ossified until 27 weeks’ gestation. Vertebral segmentation anomalies (hemivertebrae, butterfly vertebrae, fused vertebrae) ( Fig. 34.4A and B ) can occur with or without associated rib anomalies. The appearance of general disorganisation may indicate ectopic calcification seen in some chondrodysplasia punctates (see Fig. 34.4B and C ) or bony developmental abnormalities as in Jarcho-Levin syndrome and other spondylocostal dysplasias, VACTERL association (vertebral anomalies, anorectal malformations, cardiovascular anomalies, tracheoesophageal fistula, oesophageal atresia, renal (kidney) or radial anomalies and limb defects) and maternal diabetes (see Fig. 34.4E ).

• Fig. 34.4, Spinal anomalies. A, Coronal view of a fetal spine showing multiple hemivertebrae. B, Three-dimensional image of hemivertebrae. C, Coronal view of a spine in a fetus with brachytelephalangic chondrodysplasia punctata. D, Radiograph showing lateral view of the spine in this neonate with brachytelephalangic chondrodysplasia punctata. E, Radiograph of a fetus with Jarcho-Levin syndrome.


Many skeletal dysplasias have associated facial anomalies. The face should be examined in the coronal view to exclude a cleft lip, which in some conditions, such as oral facial digital syndrome type IV or Ellis-van Creveld syndrome, can be very small and difficult to detect ( Fig. 34.5 ). An axial view of the palate should be visualised in order to detect significant degrees of cleft palate, which can be associated with several dysplasias. A sagittal view will reveal micrognathia, flattening of the facial profile, frontal bossing or a depressed nasal bridge. Measurement of the mandible and orbital diameters can be useful but may be more difficult to achieve in later pregnancy with increasing acoustic shadowing from surrounding bony structures.

• Fig. 34.5, Small midline cleft lip as may be found in Majewski, oral facial digital (OFD) syndrome type IV or Ellis-van Creveld syndrome. A, Three-dimensional ultrasound image of the same fetus. B, Coronal view after birth.

• Fig. 34.6, Clues to the diagnosis that may be found in the hands and feet. A, Ultrasound image of preaxial polydactyly of the feet in Greig acrocephalopolysyndactyly. B, The view of this foot after birth. C, Ultrasound image showing the syndactyly resulting in the mitten hand seen in Apert syndrome. D, The same hand as in C but visualised using three-dimensional ultrasound. E, Rocker bottom foot.

• Fig. 34.7, Sonographic findings in achondrogenesis. A, Radiograph of a fetus with achondrogenesis type II. B, Very short, straight leg bones, showing mesomelic shortening. C, Coronal view of the spine showing the ‘tram-line appearance’ caused by hypomineralisation of vertebral bodies. D, Transverse section through the lower thorax showing very short ribs.

• Fig. 34.8, Sonographic findings in hypophosphatasia. A, Image of an acutely angulated femur in a fetus with hypophosphatasia at 14 weeks’ gestation. B, Image of the same fetus at 14 weeks’ gestation showing the hypomineralisation of the skull.

Long bones

Length of long bones should be checked against appropriate charts of long bones length. The pattern of shortening is a useful diagnostic aid. There may be generalised shortening of all long bones (micromelia). It may be more marked in the proximal long bones (rhizomelia) or the forearms and lower legs (mesomelia). In some conditions, the changes may be confined to the legs (e.g., campomelic dysplasia) or arms (e.g., Holt Oram syndrome). Deformation of the bones is a very useful diagnostic feature. The position and degree of bowing or fracturing should be noted. Bones may appear short, thick and crumpled, indicating severe degrees of fracturing and undermodelling (see images of fetuses with OI in Fig. 34.9 ). Deformity; hypoplasia; or absence of tibia, fibula, radius or ulna may be present. The ends of the bones should be carefully examined to exclude epiphyseal stippling that might indicate a chondrodysplasia punctata. If stippling is identified, various metabolic and cytogenetic investigations can be done to define the underlying aetiology (see section on chondrodysplasia punctata and Fig. 34.20 for examples). Expanded metaphyses may be seen in Kniest syndrome.

• Fig. 34.9, Sonographic findings in the osteogenesis imperfecta types IIA and IIC. A, Hypomineralised skull. Note the lack of acoustic shadow and clarity of intracranial contents. B, Hypomineralised facial bones. C, Hypomineralisation is also clearly seen in the sagittal view of the head, which also shows the relatively flat profile. D, Short, beaded ribs. E, Bent distal leg. Note the relatively normal length foot with absent mineralisation. F, Radiograph of a fetus with osteogenesis imperfecta type IIC.


The joints may be abnormal in a wide range of skeletal, neurologic and neuromuscular conditions as well as a heterogeneous group of hereditary distal arthrogryposes. Talipes in particular can be a feature of several dysplasias. The presence of webbing or pterygia may be helpful diagnostically.

Hands and feet

Polydactyly, either pre- or postaxial, can be a feature of a number of conditions ( Fig. 34.6A and B ). Oligodactyly, ectrodactyly and syndactyly are less common features ( Fig. 34.6C and D ) but are good clues to the diagnosis when present. Rocker bottom feet are seen in trisomy 18 and some of the contractural syndromes ( Fig. 34.6E ).

Limb girdles

The limb girdles, shoulder and pelvis can be more difficult to examine. However, some skeletal dysplasias have hypoplastic clavicles (cleidocranial dysostosis, pycnodysostosis) or scapulae (camptomelic dysplasia).


Many lethal dysplasias are associated with thoracic abnormalities. Nomograms of thoracic circumference are available, but a small chest can often be identified by observation alone. In normal circumstances, the thorax and abdomen should be approximately the same size viewed in the axial plane, and sonographic comparison can help indicate a small chest as, for example, in OI and thanatophoric dysplasia (see Figs. 34.10 and 34.12 in these sections for examples). The heart should normally occupy one third of the chest. If the ribs are short, the heart will appear to occupy a greater proportion of the chest when viewed in the axial plane and, when there is extreme shortening of the ribs, as, for example, in thanatophoric dysplasia, the heart may appear to lie outside the thoracic cavity (see Fig. 34.12 ). In the sagittal section, the thorax will be narrow and the abdomen protuberant, a configuration that has given rise to the expression ‘champagne-cork appearance’. The chest can also be small secondary to a short spine, as in some of the spondylodysplasias. In these situations, the chest may appear small in a sagittal plane but, when viewed in the axial plane, the ribs appear of normal length and the heart occupies the appropriate proportion of the thoracic cavity (see Fig. 34.14 ). The ribs themselves should be examined carefully as they may be short, thick, thin, beaded or irregular in organisation or number. Short ribs (extending less than halfway around the chest in transverse section) can be viewed in the axial plane (see Figs. 34.7, 34.10 and 34.12 for examples), and they should be examined in a longitudinal plane to exclude beading, which is indicative of fracturing (see Figs. 34.9 and 34.10 ). Disorganisation of the ribs (and spine) may be features of conditions such as Jarcho-Levin syndrome (see Fig. 34.4E ).

• Fig. 34.10, Sonographic findings in osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) type IIB. A, Axial view comparing the size of the thorax and abdomen demonstrating the slightly small chest. B, Axial view through the thorax shows flaring of the ends of the ribs. C, The femur is short and angulated. D, The tibia and fibula are short, but foot length is preserved. E, Fetal femur size chart showing the normal range with measurements from fetuses with OI IIA, IIB, III and IV plotted.

• Fig. 34.11, Sonographic findings in osteogenesis imperfecta type VIII. A, Short slightly bowed humerus. B, Slightly hypomineralised skull. Note how clearly the intracranial anatomy is visualised.

• Fig. 34.12, Sonographic findings in thanatophoric dysplasia. A, Chart of femur length showing the size of the femurs in thanatophoric (closed black dots ) dysplasia and achondroplasia (open black circles) plotted on centile charts for normal fetuses. B, Sagittal view of the thorax showing the typical ‘champagne cork’ appearance. C, Axial view showing the comparison between the thorax and abdominal circumferences. Note how short the ribs appear in this plane, finishing halfway around the thorax such that the heart has no protection from the ribs. D, View of the short legs in the typical ‘froglike’ position. E, The ‘trident hand’ viewed with three-dimensional ultrasound. F, Profile at around 22 weeks’ gestation showing marked frontal bossing.

• Fig. 34.13, Sonographic findings in fetus with a short ribbed polydactyly syndromes (SRPS) at 16 weeks’ gestation. A, Longitudinal view through the thorax of a fetus with SPRS demonstrating the extremely short ribs. B, The thorax of a fetus with achondroplasia viewed in the axial plane with the heart appearing to lie virtually outside the thorax. Note the comparison with the abdominal size. C, Axial view through the abdomen in this fetus with SRPS and obstructive uropathy. D, Views of another fetus with SRPS and large echogenic kidneys. The very short femora are also visible. E, Three-dimensional view of a fetus with SRPS showing the short limbs and polydactyly of the feet.

• Fig. 34.14, Sonographic findings in spondylo-epiphyseal dysplasia congenita (SEDC). A, Sagittal view of a fetus with SEDC at 18 weeks’ gestation, demonstrating micrognathia but no frontal bossing and a short thorax. B, Axial view through the chest and abdomen at 18 weeks’ gestation. Note that the chest appears slightly small, but the heart only occupies one third of the chest, and the ribs are of normal length. C, A hand in SEDC with normal length fingers compared with those seen in thanatophoric dysplasia at around the same gestation. D, Long bone growth in two fetuses with SEDC plotted on charts of normal size. Note the difference in size compared with measurements in thanatophoric dysplasia in Fig. 34.12A.

Increased nuchal translucency and oedema

One of the earliest signs of a musculoskeletal problem is an increased nuchal translucency (NT), which has been reported in many skeletal dysplasias. Later in pregnancy, this is represented by an increased nuchal fold and generalised skin thickening, as the skin appears to outgrow the bones. In some conditions frank hydrops can also occur.

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