Cutaneous smooth muscle tumors

Benign tumors and hamartomas

Smooth Muscle Hamartoma


  • A hamartomatous lesion composed of a dermal proliferation of mature smooth muscle cells growing in haphazardly arranged bundles

Clinical features


  • Slight male predominance

  • Prevalence of 1 in about 2700 live births

  • The majority of the lesions are congenital

  • Familial occurrence exceptional, with autosomal-dominant inheritance reported in some families


  • Skin-colored indurated patch, plaque, follicular papules, or variably pigmented macules; occasionally associated with hypertrichosis

  • Usually asymptomatic, but can be pruritic

  • Stroking of the lesion can result in transient elevation of the affected area and piloerection due to smooth muscle contraction (pseudo-Darier sign)

  • Induration, hyperpigmentation, and hypertrichosis diminish over time

  • Unusual clinical presentations include linear, atrophic, or a morphea-like plaque

  • Multiple lesions or a generalized presentation very rare

  • The generalized variant occasionally part of the “Michelin-tire baby” syndrome, characterized by deep circumferential skin folds over the trunk and limbs with distinctive clinical appearance, mental retardation, and other developmental abnormalities

  • Predilection for lumbosacral area and proximal extremities

  • Uncommon sites include the head and neck, conjunctiva, nipple, and genital area

  • Rare associated conditions include Becker nevus, congenital melanocytic nevus, and basal cell carcinoma, with the latter two conditions likely to be coincidental

Prognosis and treatment

  • No treatment generally required

  • Surgical excision or laser treatment usually for cosmetic reasons



  • Localized in the dermis, with occasional extension into the subcutis

  • Mature smooth muscle cells, growing in haphazardly arranged bundles

  • Mitotic activity absent

  • Association with morphologically normal hair follicles in about 40%

  • Prominent nerve fibers and collagen bundles usually present among smooth muscle bundles

  • Overlying epidermis normal or displays mild hyperkeratosis, acanthosis, and hyperpigmentation of basal keratinocytes

Immunohistochemistry/special stains

  • Smooth muscle actin, calponin, desmin, and h-Caldesmon positive

Main differential diagnoses

  • Becker nevus

  • Pilar leiomyoma (more orderly proliferation of smooth muscle bundles arranged in ramifying fascicles, intervening collagen more discrete)

Fig. 1, Smooth muscle hamartoma.

Fig. 2, Smooth muscle hamartoma.

Pilar Leiomyoma


  • A benign smooth muscle tumor composed of interlacing fascicles of bland spindle cells displaying typical features of smooth muscle differentiation (e.g., cigar-shaped or blunt-ended nuclei and bright eosinophilic cytoplasm)

  • Believed to arise from or differentiate toward the arrector pili muscle

  • Lesions can be solitary or multiple and develop either as a sporadic or inherited condition

Clinical features


  • Most commonly develops in the second and third decades of life

  • Female predominance for multiple lesions, whereas solitary tumors occur more commonly in males

  • Congenital occurrence exceptional, likely overlapping with or representing a variant of congenital smooth muscle hamartoma

  • A subset of pilar leiomyoma(s) occurs in the familial setting, the so-called Reed syndrome or multiple leiomyomatosis

    • Autosomal-dominant mode of inheritance

    • Associated with germline mutation(s) of the fumarate hydratase ( FH ) gene on chromosome 1q42.3-43 acting as a tumor suppressor gene

    • Combination of multiple pilar and uterine leiomyomas, additionally complicated by development of a solitary multifocal or bilateral papillary renal cell carcinoma in roughly up to 20% of patients


  • Firm and smooth, skin-colored, red-brown to violaceous papule(s) or nodule(s)

  • Multiple lesions

    • More common than solitary lesions

    • Size of individual lesion usually up to 1 cm in diameter

    • Often tender or painful, either spontaneously or in response to cold, pressure, or emotional stimuli

    • Show predilection for extensor surface(s) of the extremities and trunk

    • Distribution can be segmental, dermatomal, linear, zosteriform, or more widespread/diffuse

  • Solitary lesions

    • Most commonly develop on the limbs

    • Tend to be larger than multiple tumors

    • Frequently asymptomatic

    • Rarely presentation may be with an indurated plaque

Prognosis and treatment

  • Complete surgical excision curative, but difficult to achieve in multiple tumors

  • Recurrence rate as high as 50% for multiple lesions



  • Dermal-based proliferation, extension into the subcutis infrequent

  • Poorly circumscribed and infiltrative, less often nodular and well circumscribed

  • Interweaving/interlacing fascicles of bland spindle cells displaying typical features of smooth muscle differentiation

    • Cigar-shaped or blunt-ended nuclei

    • Low mitotic activity present in roughly 30% of the lesions (fewer than 1 mitosis per 10 high-power fields)

    • Bright eosinophilic cytoplasm

  • Histological variants

    • Epithelioid

    • Symplastic

      • Pleomorphic cells with large, multilobated, hyperchromatic nuclei; macronucleoli; and intranuclear cytoplasmic pseudoinclusions, usually scattered among bland spindle cells

      • Multinucleated giant cells not uncommon

      • Mitotic activity low (usually fewer than 1 per 10 high-power fields)

      • Necrosis absent

      • Represents degenerative phenomenon

Immunohistochemistry/special stains

  • Positive for smooth muscle actin, desmin, calponin, and h-Caldesmon

  • A small percentage of cases express keratin

Main differential diagnoses

  • Cutaneous leiomyosarcoma

  • Metastatic leiomyosarcoma

  • Cellular dermatofibroma

  • Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans with myoid nodules

Fig. 1, Pilar leiomyoma.

Fig. 2, Pilar leiomyoma.

Fig. 3, Pilar leiomyoma.

Fig. 4, Pilar leiomyoma.

Fig. 5, Pilar leiomyoma.

Genital Leiomyoma


  • A variant of leiomyoma arising from superficial smooth muscles at genital locations, including scrotum, vulva, and nipple

Clinical features


  • Predilection for middle-aged adults


  • Solitary, slowly growing papule or nodule, less often a pedunculated lesion with surface ulceration

  • Multiple lesions most uncommon

  • Lesions can increase in size during pregnancy

  • Most of the lesions are asymptomatic

  • Nipple leiomyomas

    • Tend to be smaller (generally less than 2 cm)

    • Poorly circumscribed

  • Vulvar and scrotal leiomyomas

    • Size generally between 3 and 5 cm in diameter

    • Well circumscribed

  • Vulvar leiomyoma(s) can be associated with synchronous or metachronous development of esophageal leiomyoma(s), a condition known as esophagovulvar syndrome

Prognosis and treatment

  • Complete surgical excision curative



  • Histological features essentially similar to pilar leiomyomas, including the so-called symplastic change representing a degenerative phenomenon (see corresponding section on pilar leiomyoma)

  • Certain morphological features occur more commonly at genital sites (see below)

  • Vulvar and scrotal leiomyomas

    • More cellular than pilar leiomyomas

    • Tend to be better circumscribed and more nodular but not encapsulated

    • Focal or more widespread epithelioid morphology common

    • Myxoid change frequent, especially during pregnancy

    • Hyalinization of the stroma can be prominent

    • Variably intense perivascular inflammatory cell infiltrate composed of lymphocytes, histiocytes, and eosinophils

Immunohistochemistry/special stains/cytogenetics

  • Smooth muscle actin, calponin, desmin, and h-Caldesmon positive

  • Variable positivity (over 50%) for estrogen and progesterone receptors

  • Androgen receptor positivity in scrotal leiomyomas

  • No consistent cytogenetic change in vulvar leiomyomas, yet the data is limited

Main differential diagnoses

  • Angiomyofibroblastoma

  • Aggressive angiomyxoma

Fig. 1, Nipple leiomyoma.

Fig. 2, Nipple leiomyoma.

Fig. 3, Nipple leiomyoma.

Fig. 4, Nipple leiomyoma.



  • A benign tumor composed of vascular smooth muscle cells and blood vessels

  • Alternatively designated as a vascular leiomyoma or angiomyoma

  • This tumor is now regarded as part of the spectrum of pericytic (perivascular) tumors that include glomus tumor and its variants, and myopericytoma and its variants

Clinical features

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