CREST Syndrome


  • Pts with Hx of exposure to silica dust or PVC.

  • Usual age group is 30–50 y.

  • Fourfold to ninefold higher incidence in women than men; seen in all races.

  • In USA systemic sclerosis has an estimated incidence of 19 cases per million and prevalence of 240 cases per million (range: 138–286).

Perioperative Risk

  • Pts more likely to have compromised renal function at baseline

  • Hypoxia from pulm Htn and/or restrictive lung disease

  • Difficult intubation from narrow mouth opening

Worry About

  • Reflux and thereby aspiration, renal crises, restrictive lung disease, CHF, pulm Htn, difficult intubation due to small mouth opening, and keeping patient warm to avoid Raynaud phenomenon


  • C alcinosis, R aynaud phenomenon, E sophageal dysmotility, S clerodactyly, and T elangiectasia (CREST).

  • Symptoms involved in CREST or limited cutaneous systemic sclerosis are associated with the generalized form of systemic sclerosis.


  • Exact etiology of systemic sclerosis is unknown; the following pathogenic factors are always present: Endothelial cell injury, fibroblast activation, and cellular and humoral immunologic derangement.

  • Environmental factors, such as silica, industrial solvents, and radiation exposure, are all triggers or accelerators.

  • CMV, HHV5, and parvovirus are possible viral accelerators.

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