Craniovertebral Junction



  • Craniocervical junction (CCJ) = C1, C2, and articulation with skull base



  • Craniocervical junction comprises occiput, atlas, axis, their articulations, ligaments

Components of Craniocervical Junction

  • Bones

    • Occipital bone

      • Occipital condyles are paired, oval-shaped, inferior prominences of lateral exoccipital portion of occipital bone

      • Articular facet projects laterally

    • C1 (atlas)

      • Composed of anterior and posterior arches, no body

      • Paired lateral masses with their superior and inferior articular facets

      • Large transverse processes with transverse foramen

    • C2 (axis)

      • Large body and superiorly projecting odontoid process

      • Superior articulating facet surface is convex & directed laterally

      • Inferior articular process + facet surface is typical of lower cervical vertebrae

      • Superior facet is positioned relatively anteriorly; inferior facet is posterior with elongated pars interarticularis

  • Joints

    • Atlantooccipital joints

      • Inferior articular facet of occipital condyle: Oval, convex surface, projects laterally

      • Superior articular facet of C1: Oval, concave anteroposteriorly, projects medially

    • Median atlanto axial joints

      • Pivot-type joint between dens + ring formed by anterior arch + transverse ligament of C1

      • Synovial cavities between transverse ligament/odontoid & atlas/odontoid articulations

    • Lateral atlantoaxial joints

      • Inferior articular facet of C1: Concave mediolaterally, projects medially in coronal plane

      • Superior articular facet of C2: Convex surface, projects laterally

  • Ligaments (from anterior to posterior)

    • Anterior atlantooccipital membrane : Connects anterior arch C1 with anterior margin foramen magnum

    • Odontoid ligaments

      • Apical ligament: Small fibrous band extending from dens tip to basion

      • Alar ligaments: Thick, horizontally directed ligaments extending from lateral surface of dens tip to anteromedial occipital condyles

    • Cruciate ligament

      • Transverse ligament: Strong horizontal component between lateral masses of C1, passes behind dens

      • Craniocaudal component: Fibrous band running from transverse ligament superiorly to foramen magnum and inferiorly to C2

    • Tectorial membrane : Continuation of posterior longitudinal ligament; attaches to anterior rim foramen magnum (posterior clivus)

    • Posterior atlantooccipital membrane

      • Posterior arch C1 to margin of foramen magnum

      • Deficit laterally where vertebral artery enters on superior surface of C1

  • Biomechanics

    • Atlantooccipital joint: 50% cervical flexion/extension and limited lateral motion

    • Atlantoaxial joint: 50% cervical rotation

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