Conversion tables

Fahrenheit and centigrade (celsius) temperature conversion

To convert degrees Fahrenheit (°F) into degrees centigrade (°C, or Celsius), subtract 32, then multiply by 5, then divide by 9. To convert degrees C into degrees F, multiply by 9, then divide by 5, then add 32. For extrapolation into “subzero” (below 0°F) range, be aware that 1 Fahrenheit degree represents the temperature change of 5⁄9 of a centigrade degree, or 1 centigrade degree represents 1.8 times the temperature change of a Fahrenheit degree. For example, to obtain the centigrade number equivalent to 0°F, subtract 32 from 0° (which yields −32), then multiply by 5⁄9, which yields −17.8 centigrade. However, recall that when most people use the phrase 17 below, they are referring to below 0 on the Fahrenheit scale.

Degrees Centigrade Degrees Fahrenheit
−17.8 0
−17 1.4
−16 3.2
−15 5.0
−14 6.8
−13 8.6
−12 10.4
−11 12.2
−10 14.0
−9 15.8
−8 17.6
−7 19.4
−6 21.2
−5 23.0
−4 24.8
−3 26.6
−2 28.4
−1 30.2
0 32.0
1 33.8
2 35.6
3 37.4
4 39.2
5 41.0
6 42.8
7 44.6
8 46.4
9 48.2
10 50.0
11 51.8
12 53.6
13 55.4
14 57.2
15 59.0
16 60.8
17 62.6
18 64.4
19 66.2
20 68.0
21 69.8
22 71.6
23 73.4
24 75.2
25 77.0
26 78.8
27 80.6
28 82.4
29 84.2
30 86.0
31 87.8
32 89.6
33 91.4
34 93.2
35 95.0
36 96.8
37 98.6
38 100.4
39 102.2
40 104.0
41 105.8
42 107.6
43 109.4
44 111.2
45 113.0
46 114.8
47 116.6
48 118.4
49 120.2
50 122.0
100 212.0

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