Continuous Renal Replacement Therapies for Acute Kidney Injury

Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a clinical syndrome characterized by an abrupt decrease in kidney function. It leads to the inability of the kidney to excrete waste products, manage electrolytes, regulate fluid balance, and maintain acid-base status. Based on the Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) definition, the most recent epidemiological studies estimate that AKI occurs in 21% of hospital admissions, and overall, 11% of patients with AKI will require dialysis. AKI is associated with an increased risk of mortality, reaching greater than 50% in severe AKI and up to 80% when renal replacement therapy (RRT) is required in the ICU. Continuous RRT (CRRT) has been increasingly used, especially in the Intensive Care setting. This chapter reviews the basic techniques of CRRT and its applications, dosing, and outcomes in AKI.

Basic Principles and Operational Characteristics

CRRT is actually an umbrella term for four different continuous modalities: slow continuous ultrafiltration (SCUF), continuous venovenous hemofiltration (CVVH), continuous venovenous hemodialysis (CVVHD), and continuous venovenous hemodiafiltration (CVVHDF). The type of modality chosen depends on the goal of therapy and experience of the center. Treatment may be used for solute removal, fluid removal, or both. Solute clearance through a dialysis filter occurs by diffusion, convection, or combination, called hemodiafiltration ( Tables 67.1–67.3 and Fig. 67.1 ).

Table 67.1
The Four Principle Modalities Used for Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy
From Galvagno SM Jr, Hong CM, Lissauer ME, et al. Practical considerations for the dosing and adjustment of continuous renal replacement therapy in the intensive care unit. J Crit Care. 2013;28(6):1019–1026.
Modality Urea Clearance (g/day) Replacement Fluid Dialysate Solute Transport UF Flow (mL/h) Dialysate Flow (mL/h)
SCUF 1–4 No No Convection 100–400 0
CVVH 22–24 Yes No Convection 500–4000 0
CVVHD 24–30 No Yes Diffusion 0–350 500–4000
CVVHDF 36–38 Yes Yes Convection + diffusion 500–4000 500–4000
CVVH , Continuous venovenous hemofiltration; CVVHD , continuous venovenous hemodialysis; CVVHDF , continuous venovenous hemodiafiltration; SCUF , slow continuous ultrafiltration.

Table 67.2
Mechanisms of Clearance for Various Solutes and Molecules in Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy
From Galvagno SM Jr, Hong CM, Lissauer ME, et al. Practical considerations for the dosing and adjustment of continuous renal replacement therapy in the intensive care unit. J Crit Care. 2013;28(6):1019–1026.
Molecular Size Small Solutes (< 300 Da) Middle Molecules (500–50,000 Da) Low-Molecular-Weight Proteins (5,000–50,000 Da) Large Proteins (< 50,000 Da)
Substances Urea, creatinine, amino acids Myoglobin, B 12 , vancomycin Inflammatory mediators Albumin
Clearance mechanism Convection/diffusion Convection Convection ± absorption High cut off filtration

Table 67.3
Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy Terminology
Adapted from Galvagno SM Jr, Hong CM, Lissauer ME, et al. Practical considerations for the dosing and adjustment of continuous renal replacement therapy in the intensive care unit. J Crit Care. 2013;28(6):1019–1026.
Term Definition
Ultrafiltrate (UF) Fluid collected in bag distal to hemofilter
Dialysate Fluid instilled into filter countercurrent to flow of blood
Effluent UF (+ dialysate)(+ replacement fluid)
(depending on which modality of CRRT is used)
Replacement fluid Fluid instilled pre- or postfilter to replace UF volume
Sieving coefficient (SC) Ability of substance to pass through filter
Ratio of solute concentration in filtrate to solute concentration in plasma
Solvent drag Free circulating, unbound solute carried with water during UF
Filter permeability/efficacy Ratio of effluent FUN to BUN < 1, decreased efficacy
Concentration polarization Accumulation of rejected solutes on the blood compartment side of the ultrafiltration membrane
Q b Blood flow rate
Q d Dialysate flow rate
Q r Replacement flow rate
Q uf UF rate
Q net Net fluid removal rate
Q bw Blood-water flow rate
= (1 – Hematocrit) × Q b
BUN , Blood urea nitrogen; CRRT , continuous renal replacement therapy; FUN , fluid urea nitrogen; UF , ultrafiltration.

Fig. 67.1, (A) Convection occurs when solutes are transported across a semipermeable membrane with plasma water in response to a hydrostatic pressure gradient that is created on the blood side of the hemofilter. Convection enhances the removal of low- and middle-molecular-weight molecules. As shown in panel (B), in diffusion, movement of solute across a semipermeable membrane is driven by a concentration gradient between the blood and the dialysate. Solutes move from the side with the higher concentration of particles to the side with the lower concentration. Diffusion is best for clearing low-molecular-weight solutes, such as urea and creatinine.

Convective techniques (ultrafiltration [UF] and hemofiltration) rely on solvent drag, whereby dissolved molecules are dragged along with ultrafiltered plasma water across a semipermeable membrane in response to a hydrostatic or osmotic force. The process of forcing fluid against a membrane is called ultrafiltration; the fluid collected after it passes through a membrane is the ultrafiltrate. Depending on the amount of UF, fluid replacement is required to prevent hemodynamic instability associated with fluid removal. Solute removal depends on the size of the pores in the membrane, the size and weight of the molecule, the transmembrane pressure, and the UF rate (UFR; Q uf ). Middle- and large-molecular-weight solutes are more effectively cleared by convection. SCUF and CVVH only use convective transport for removal of solutes.

Diffusive techniques (dialysis) rely on a solute concentration gradient between the blood and the dialysate for clearance across a semipermeable membrane. Solute removal depends on the size of the pores in the membrane, the size and weight of the molecule, and the magnitude of the concentration gradient. The gradient is affected by the dialysate, dialysate infusion rate (Q d ), and blood flow rate (Q b ). The dialysate runs countercurrent to the blood and can be customized to promote the diffusion of specific molecules. This is the same technique used in intermittent hemodialysis (IHD), but Q d is much slower than Q b , so complete saturation of the dialysate can be reached. Therefore, the Q d is the rate-limiting factor for solute removal. The smaller the size and weight of the solute and the greater the gradient, the more efficiently solute clearance occurs. CVVHD uses diffusion to remove solutes.

CVVHDF combines both convection and diffusion to clear solutes, utilizing both dialysate and replacement fluids. This modality allows for removal of small- and middle-sized molecules. Solute clearance for this combination technique is equal to the sum of the convective and diffusive clearances. The clearance is the product of a solute's sieving coefficient (SC; ratio of solute concentration in filtrate to solute concentration in plasma) and effluent flow rate (dialysate plus ultrafiltrate). A solute with an SC of 1 means that it can pass freely through a filter; if the SC is 0, then a solute cannot pass through the filter at all.

Technical Issues

Vascular Access

The location and size of the vascular access are important for ensuring successful CRRT. The optimal site for catheter location is determined by the risks of the catheter placement procedure and the possibility of thrombosis, stenosis, and infection. The right internal jugular (IJ) vein is preferred for temporary catheters because it allows for a more direct route to the superior vena cava as compared to the left jugular vein, which can cause reduced blood flow in patients with head movements. Double lumen uncuffed central venous catheters or tunneled cuffed catheters can be used. Cuffed catheters are preferred in patients expected to require prolonged RRT duration, more than 7 days. They provide significantly better catheter survival and fewer infectious and thrombotic complications. On the other hand, they require more time for insertion and have an increased risk of hematoma formation. CRRT circuit survival is improved when a larger bore catheter is used because it allows for higher Q b rates. The diameter of the catheter has more influence on flow resistance than the length of the catheter. For adults, catheter diameters range from 11 to 14 Fr. See Table 67.4 for suggested catheter sizes in pediatric patients. A longer catheter does allow placement into a larger vessel, such as the femoral vein. A single-center randomized trial found that placement of a longer (20–24 cm) soft silicone short-term catheter into the right atrium from the IJ or subclavian vein improved dialyzer life span and daily dialysis dose compared with a shorter (15–20 cm) catheter placed in the superior vena cava. Catheters should be placed with the use of ultrasound guidance because this allows for higher success of placement on the first attempt, less time for insertion, and fewer complications (see later section, Complications).

Table 67.4
Suggested Temporary Catheter Sizes for Pediatric Patients Based on Weight
From Sutherland SM, Alexander SR. Continuous renal replacement therapy in children. Pediatr Nephrol . 2012;27(11):2007–2016.
Patient Weight or Size Catheter Size
Neonate Dual-lumen 7 Fr
3–6 kg Dual-lumen 7 Fr
6–15 kg Dual-lumen 8 Fr
15–30 kg Dual-lumen 9–10 Fr
> 30 kg Dual- or triple-lumen 11.5–12.5 Fr

The best access, according to KDIGO recommendations, is as follows: right IJ vein, femoral vein, left IJ vein, and subclavian vein. Some studies have shown a higher incidence of complications, including infection, when the femoral vein is used. In adult intensive care unit (ICU), patients’ jugular access does not appear to reduce the risk of catheter-related infections compared with femoral access, except in patients with a high body mass index. The subclavian vein should be avoided as the increased contact of the catheter with the wall of the vessel is associated with a higher risk of thrombosis and or stenosis. In children, a catheter in the IJ has been associated with better circuit survival compared with catheters placed in the femoral or subclavian vessels. Arteriovenous fistulas and grafts are not recommended for use in CRRT. The lower flow for a prolonged time can increase the risk of thrombosis, trauma, and needle dislodging, leading to bleeding. If a fistula or graft is used, plastic needles should be used and taped securely to prevent tears in the access site.

Common complications after catheter placement include hematoma, hemothorax and pneumothorax, thrombus formation, pericardial tamponade, air embolism, and retroperitoneal hemorrhage. Therefore, ultrasound guidance should be used for line placement, and before using an IJ or subclavian line, a chest radiograph should be obtained to check for correct positioning. Catheter-line infections are also a concern and should be avoided by placement under sterile technique and appropriate dressing and catheter care. The use of topical antibiotics at the skin insertion site and use of antibiotic locks are not suggested because they may promote fungal infections and antimicrobial resistance.

Dialyzer Membranes

Semipermeable hollow-fiber dialyzers are the standard of care for use during CRRT. All membranes lead to some degree of bioincompatibility with complement activation, proinflammatory marker release, and oxidative stress. In the past, older membranes made of cuprophane or unmodified cellulose could cause severe reactions leading to vasodilation, hypotension, hypoxia, fever, and leukopenia. The newer membranes are made of modified cellulose or synthetic materials such as polyacylnitrile, polysulfone, or polymethylmethacrylate, which are rarely associated with such reactions. Membranes are also classified as low and high flux. High-flux or high-permeability hemofilters have larger pores that can clear larger solutes (filter cut points of more than 60 kDa as opposed to 20–30 kDa) and allow for higher rates of fluid removal. KDIGO recommends the use of a biocompatible membrane or modified cellulose acetate membrane.

Of note, one of the biocompatible membranes, the AN-69 membrane, has been associated with the bradykinin release syndrome when blood priming of the extracorporeal circuit is needed (e.g., in small children when the extracorporeal volume is > 10%–15% of their blood volume). The syndrome is self-limited and pH dependent; it manifests more prominently in patients with severe acidosis, when banked blood is used, and in patients receiving angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. When the membrane is exposed to blood, bradykinin is released and leads to vasodilation, which can cause extreme hypotension within 5–10 minutes after starting CRRT; ACE inhibitors prevent the breakdown of bradykinin, leading to prolonged hypotension. Because of the potential for this serious complication, use of this membrane is generally avoided. However, other measures, such as normalizing banked blood pH or giving the patient (rather than the circuit) the blood prime, can prevent or decrease the reaction if no other membrane options are available.

Dialysate and Replacement Solutions

Many solutions are currently commercially available for use in CRRT. These solutions have varying amounts of sodium, potassium, chloride, glucose, phosphate, calcium, and magnesium ( Table 67.5 ). The choice of solution should be based on the capacity to restore acid-base balance and physiologic electrolyte concentrations for the individual patient. Electrolyte adjustments may be needed depending on specific circumstances (e.g., hyperkalemic patients will initially need a solution with 0–2 mmol/L concentration of potassium). The pharmacy can also add electrolytes to customize the electrolyte composition, but there is a chance for error when this is done. Calcium is not included in solutions that contain phosphate because an insoluble precipitate may form. A buffer anion is also necessary in solutions because bicarbonate is lost through the hemofilter. Bicarbonate, acetate, lactate, and citrate are available, but bicarbonate is the preferred buffer (see later section, Correction of Acid-Base Abnormalities).

Table 67.5
Composition of Commercial Replacement and Dialysate Solutions
Updated from Claure-Del Granado R, Bouchard J. Acid–base and electrolyte abnormalities during renal support for acute kidney injury: recognition and management. Blood Purif. 2012;34(2):186–193.
PrismaSate PrismaSol PrismOcal Baxter Premixed Duosol Bicarbonate 35 Dialysate 0K/3Ca Duosol Bicarbonate 35 Dialysate 2K/3Ca Duosol Bicarbonate 25 Dialysate 2K/0Ca Duosol Bicarbonate 32 Dialysate 2K/0Ca Duosol Bicarbonate 35 Dialysate 4K/3Ca Duosol Bicarbonate 25 Dialysate 4K/0Ca multiBic Miltiplus Ci-CaDialysate Ci-Ca Dialysate Plus MuilLac
Ca No Ca Ca No Ca
Intended use D D RF RF D/RF D for HDF D D D D D D RF RF D D RF
Sodium (mEq/L) 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 136 136 140 136 140 140 133 140
Chloride (mEq/L) 109.5–113 108–120.5 109–113 106.5–110.5 106 117 109 111 115 107.5 113 117 109-11-112-113 111 115.75 113
Bicarbonate (mEq/L) 32 22–32 32 32 32 0 35 35 25 32 35 25 35 35 20 35
Lactate (mEq/L) 3 3 3 3 3 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Potassium (mEq/L) 0–4 2–4 0–4 0–4 0 2 0 2 2 2 4 4 0-2-3-4 2 2-4 4
Calcium (mEq/L) 2.5–3.5 0 2.5–3.5 0 0 3.5 3 3 0 0 3 0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Magnesium (mEq/L) 1–1.5 1–1.5 1–1.5 1–1.5 1 1.5 1 1 1.5 1.5 1 1.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Dextrose (mmol/L) 0–6.1 0–6.1 0–5.6 0–5.6 0 5.6 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
Phosphate (mmol/L) 1.25
SID 35 25–35 35 35 32 29
Number of compartments 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2
Base in small compartment N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Ca , Calcium; D , dialysate; K , potassium; N/A , not available; RF , replacement fluid; SID , strong ion difference, assuming that lactate is transformed into bicarbonate.


When blood comes into contact with the surface of the extracorporeal circuit, the intrinsic and extrinsic coagulation pathways and platelets become activated. Some form of continuous anticoagulation is, therefore, needed to prevent dialyzer or hemofilter clotting. Anticoagulation is recommended for AKI patients if they do not have an increased risk of bleeding or impaired coagulation or are not already being given systemic anticoagulation. If there are no contraindications to regional citrate, its use is recommended rather than heparin. When there are contraindications to citrate, unfractionated or low-molecular-weight heparin should be used. If heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) occurs, heparin should be stopped, and a direct thrombin inhibitor (argatroban) or factor Xa inhibitor (danaparoid or fondaparinux) should be used instead. Prefilter replacement fluid can be used to prevent filter clotting when anticoagulation is not or cannot be used. More details on anticoagulation can be found in Chapter 68 .

Treatment Dosing

The surrogate of solute removal in CRRT is the effluent rate that can be expressed in milliliters per kilogram per hour. Based on randomized controlled trials (RCTs), KDIGO guidelines recommend delivering an effluent dose of 20 to 25 mL/kg/h for patients with AKI; other references recommend a dose of 25 to 30 mL/kg/h. In 2000, Ronco and colleagues performed a prospective, randomized trial of CRRT UF dosing that compared doses of 20 mL/kg/h, 35 mL/kg/h, and 45 mL/kg/h in AKI ICU patients. They demonstrated that a dose of at least 35 mL/kg/h improved survival at 15 days after stopping CRRT compared with the lower dose; there was no significant difference in survival between patients receiving 35 mL/kg/h and those receiving 45 mL/kg/h. After this study, a dose of 35 mL/kg/h became the standard dose widely used.

These concepts changed after two large studies were published. The Veterans Affairs/National Institutes of Health Acute Renal Failure Trial Network (ARFTN) performed a large, multicenter study comparing standard-dose CVVHDF of 20 mL/kg/h with high-intensity CVVHDF of 35 mL/kg/h in critically ill AKI patients; it demonstrated no significant difference in 60-day all-cause mortality, rate of recovery of renal function, and duration of RRT. The Randomized Evaluation of Normal vs. Augmented Level (RENAL) Renal Replacement Therapy Study was another large, multicenter study comparing a CVVHDF effluent flow of 40 mL/kg/h to 25 mL/kg/h to see if there was a difference in 90-day mortality and continued need for RRT in ICU patients with AKI; there was no significant difference in either outcome between the two groups.

An international survey of intensivists reported that use of CRRT hemofiltration doses of at least 45 mL/kg/h was prescribed for septic AKI patients despite little recent evidence supporting this. As stated earlier, there is no difference in outcomes when using high-volume hemofiltration (HVHF) versus standard-volume hemofiltration in these patients.

An important caveat in assessing dose based on effluent volume is that during therapy, there is a progressive filter fouling and clotting that can lower the efficacy of solute removal. Thus, the true dose delivered may be significantly less than that estimated from the effluent volume. Measuring solute removal in the effluent and calculating clearance based on the mass extracted should be the gold-standard method to assess delivered dose. When considering the results of the studies on dialysis dose improving outcomes, it is important to remember that greater than or equal to 85% of the prescribed dose was delivered to AKI patients. This is usually much more than what is delivered in clinical practice (see Table 67.6 for factors that affect dose delivery). Therefore, when prescribing a treatment dose, clinicians should have at least a 25% safety margin; prescribing a dose of 30 to 35 mL/kg/h may then deliver an adequate dose.

Table 67.6
Factors Affecting Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy Dose Delivery
  • Filter clotting or type of anticoagulation

  • Decreased sieving coefficient

  • Secondary membrane formation

  • Filtration Fraction and Concentration polarization

  • Changing catabolic rate/urea generation in AKI and critically ill patients

  • Catheter-related problems (type of catheter, site of placement, hygiene, etc.)

  • Circuit down-time (routine filter changes)

  • Time off for diagnostic procedures and therapeutic interventions

AKI , Acute kidney injury.

Factors That Impact Dialysis Dose

As noted earlier, filter permeability decreases over time; thus, effluent volume (derived from blood-based kinetics) can overestimate delivered clearance. Exposure of the membrane to plasma leads to adsorption and deposition of proteins on the membrane. Concentration polarization results from the accumulation of solute rejected by the UF membrane. Both phenomena result in a concentrated layer along the membrane, causing resistance to mass transfer. Higher filtration fraction and high volume of UF accelerate this process. Transmembrane pressure needs to be increased to maintain an adequate Q uf to overcome this and lower the concentration of important solutes in the effluent. A second factor is progressive filter clotting, which decreases the SC and filters permeability. The decrement in permeability can be measured by the ratio of effluent fluid urea nitrogen (FUN) to blood urea nitrogen (BUN), which at the beginning of the filter life is equal to 1 and progressively decreases with filter clotting. The CRRT machine measures effluent volume but cannot take into account changes in filter permeability ( Fig. 67.2 ). The FUN-to-BUN ratio should be measured at least daily to assess the dose in the CRRT. Table 67.7 shows the calculations to assess dialysis dose in CRRT. These calculations help correct dialysis prescriptions with regard to small solute clearance, but changes in filter permeability also affect middle molecule clearance. It has been suggested that future studies include measured clearances of small and middle molecules to determine the actual delivered dose. Because the effluent rate provides only an inaccurate estimate of the delivered dose, in 2012, Claure-Del Granado et al. actually recommend measuring and expressing the delivered dose as urea clearance (K D or K urea ), derived from dialysate-side kinetics. This is the ratio of mass removal rate to blood concentration and is calculated using the formula: K delivered = (FUN × EV)/BUN, where FUN is urea nitrogen in the effluent (mg/dL), BUN is urea nitrogen in the plasma (mg/dL), and EV is the effluent volume (mL/min). K D takes into account filter function, duration, and effective time of treatment. They also suggest that the equivalent renal urea clearance (EKR), based on urea kinetic modeling, provides a good estimate of delivered dialysis dose (please see reference for calculating EKR) and can be used as a tool to compare different types of therapies. These recommendations are based on findings evaluating six different methods of assessing and expressing CRRT delivered dose (three equations from blood-side kinetics and three equations from dialysate-side kinetics) in critically ill AKI patients treated with predilution CVVHDF and regional citrate anticoagulation. The dialysate-side measurement ensures delivery of dose, and the blood-side measurement helps determine if changes need to be made in the prescription.

Fig. 67.2, The effect of concentration polarization and clotting on delivered dialysis dose. Filter efficacy declines over time; protein fouling and filter clotting occur on the membrane and decrease the surface available for diffusion or convection, which reduces the amount of dose being delivered. These important factors must be frequently monitored during continuous renal replacement therapies. BUN , Blood urea nitrogen; FUN , effluent fluid urea nitrogen; Q d , dialysate fluid rate; Q net , net fluid removal rate; Q r , replacement fluid rate; S , FUN/BUN ratio.

Table 67.7
Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy Dose Assessment
Adapted from Macedo E, Claure-Del Granado R, Mehta RL. Effluent volume and dialysis dose in CRRT: time for reappraisal. Nat Rev Nephrol . 2012;8(1):57–60.
  • Prescribed dose = Q r + Q net

  • Delivered dose = (Q r + Q net ) × (FUN/BUN)

  • Prescribed dose = Q r + Q d + Q net

  • Delivered dose = (Q r + Q d + Q net ) × (FUN/BUN)

  • Correcting for predilution effect

  • Delivered dose = Q net × ([Q bw /{Q bw + Q r }] + Q d × [Q bw /{Q bw + Q r }]) × (FUN/BUN)

  • Q bw = (1 – hematocrit) × Q b .

BUN , Blood urea nitrogen; CVVH , continuous venovenous hemofiltration; CVVHDF , continuous venovenous hemodiafiltration; FUN , effluent fluid urea nitrogen; Q bw , blood-water flow rate; Q d , dialysate fluid rate; Q net , net fluid removal rate; Q r , replacement fluid rate.

Other factors can also affect the delivered dose. The use of predilution is a third factor, which may decrease urea clearance by as much as 15%. Using replacement fluid prefilter reduces the concentration of solutes in the plasma and decreases solute clearance. Table 67.6 lists other factors impacting dose delivery.

Fluid Management

CRRT is highly effective for fluid control. Fluid balance can be maintained without compromising metabolic–solute balance because they can be dissociated from each other. Fluid removal in CRRT is achieved through manipulating the UFR, which can be tailored to individual needs. The net ultrafiltrate is the difference between total ultrafiltrate (the plasma water removed) and total substitution (the fluid given to the patient) through the CRRT machine. CRRT machines balance all the fluids removed and replaced across the dialysis circuit in order to generate a net amount of fluid removal. All intakes and outputs need to be included to achieve patient fluid balance and integrated into machine and patient fluid prescription and delivery.

Bouchard and Mehta describe three techniques for achieving fluid balance with CRRT ( Table 67.8 ). The level 1 technique is to vary the net UFR (Q uf ) to meet the anticipated fluid balance needs over 8 to 24 hours; for example, a patient may have a total anticipated fluid intake of 3 L with desired 1-L net loss over 24 hours; the Q uf would be set at − 170 mL/h (3 L + 1 L = 4 L/24 h). This may not be the best technique to use because there may be unanticipated changes in clinical status and fluid needs, leading to a different net ultrafiltrate that is different from the desired fluid balance. In addition, effluent volume and treatment dose will vary because net Q uf is not constant with this method.

Table 67.8
Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy Fluid Balance Techniques
Adapted from Bouchard J, Mehta RL. Volume management in continuous renal replacement therapy. Semin Dial. 2009;22(2):146–150.
Variable Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Intake Variable Variable Variable
Non-CRRT output Variable Variable Variable
Ultrafiltration rate Variable to achieve fluid balance Fixed to achieve target effluent volume Fixed to achieve target effluent volume
Substitution fluid rate Fixed = or < Q uf Postdilution replacement varies to achieve −, zero, or + fluid balance Postdilution replacement varies to achieve −, zero, or + fluid balance
Fluid balance Achieved by varying Q uf Achieved by adjusting amount of substitution fluid Targets the hourly fluid balance to achieve a predefined hemodynamic parameter
Key difference Output varies to accommodate changes in intake and fluid balance goals Output is fixed to achieve desired solute clearance and allow flexibility in accommodating varying intake Output is fixed to achieve desired solute clearance and allow flexibility in accommodating varying intake
Patient factors Strategy similar to fluid removal in intermittent dialysis Solute clearance is constant. Allows variation in intake. Individualizes prescription. Solute clearance is constant. Allows variation in intake. Individualizes prescription.
CRRT factors Fluid balance calculations can be deferred to longer intervals (every 8–12 hours) Clearance requirements dissociated from fluid balance. Decreases interactions with CRRT pump to adjust UFR. Regimen simplified for caregiver. Clearance requirements dissociated from fluid balance. Decreases interactions with CRRT pump to adjust UFR. Regimen simplified for caregiver.
Patient factors Patient assumed to be in static state. Similar to ESRD prescription. Intake may fluctuate. Fluid boluses not accounted for. Commonly over- or undershoot. Fluctuations in solute clearance, especially when dependent on convection. Requires hourly calculations for the amount of fluid replacement to be given. Potential for fluid imbalances if balance sheet not used. Requires hourly calculations for the amount of fluid replacement to be given. Potential for fluid imbalances if balance sheet not used. Requires scale be made for hemodynamic parameter targets.
CRRT factors Requires frequent interactions with CRRT pump to adjust UFR. Underutilizes CRRT for fluid removal only. Requires use of external pump to achieve fluid regulation. Requires use of external pump to achieve fluid regulation.
CRRT , Continuous renal replacement therapy; CVVH , continuous venovenous hemofiltration; CVVHD , continuous venovenous hemodialysis; CVVHDF , continuous venovenous hemodiafiltration; Q uf , ultrafiltration rate; SCUF , slow continuous ultrafiltration.

The level 2 method of maintaining fluid balance is to vary the amount of postdilution replacement fluid administered; the net ultrafiltrate stays the same and exceeds the anticipated hourly intake. With this technique, the postdilution fluid is not given through the CRRT pump but through a separate pump. A patient can be maintained in negative fluid balance by decreasing the amount of postdilution fluid received to be less than the total output, in positive fluid balance by increasing postdilution replacement to be greater than all output, or in even balance by having equal postdilution replacement and total output. This method allows for variation in intake and a predetermined convective clearance because net ultrafiltrate does not vary as in the first technique.

The level 3 technique is similar to the second, but fluid balance is tailored to achieve a targeted hemodynamic parameter every hour. Predefined targets are set for parameters, such as central venous pressure (CVP), mean arterial pressure (MAP), or pulmonary arterial wedge pressure, and algorithms are used to achieve these targets. For example, if the CVP is to be maintained between 8- and 12-mm Hg when this is achieved, the algorithm would determine that net fluid balance be set to zero. If the CVP is above target, the algorithm would call for fluid removal; if CVP is below target, then fluid would be added. This technique allows for greater flexibility and maximally uses CRRT as a fluid regulatory device.

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