Classification and diagnosis of anemia in children and neonates

Classification and diagnosis

Anemia is defined as a reduction in hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit, or red cell mass by more than two standard deviations below the mean for age and sex for the normal population. The normal ranges are also affected by geographic ancestry; African Americans have lower hemoglobin concentration on average (by ~0.5 g/dL) than people of European ancestry. As a result, 2.5% of the general population and up to 10% of African Americans will be classified as anemic, especially if race-specific normal ranges are not used. Also note that children with cyanotic congenital heart disease, chronic respiratory insufficiency, arteriovenous pulmonary shunts, or hemoglobinopathies that alter oxygen affinity can be functionally anemic with hemoglobin levels in the normal or reference range.

  • Anemia can be an isolated abnormality or be a part of multiple cell line abnormalities (red cells, white cells, and platelets). Abnormalities of two- or three-cell lines may indicate one of the following:

    • bone marrow involvement (e.g., infections, aplastic anemia, leukemia, toxicity from medications);

    • autoimmune disorders (e.g., connective tissue disease, Evans syndrome);

    • sequestration (e.g., hypersplenism) or intravascular trapping and destruction (e.g., thrombotic microangiopathy).

  • Anemia can be classified based on morphology (e.g., size and shape of RBCs) or physiology (i.e., mechanism of anemia). Physiologically, anemia can be categorized into:

    • disorders of decreased red cell formation: this can be due to failure of erythropoiesis in which there is an absolute erythroblastopenia and reticulocytopenia (e.g., marrow failure diseases) or due to ineffective erythropoiesis in which the marrow has many erythroblasts but with defective maturation (e.g., thalassemias);

    • disorders of erythrocyte destruction (hemolysis);

    • loss of red blood cells (hemorrhage).

Table 3.1 presents an etiologic classification of anemia and the diagnostic features.

  • The blood smear is an essential first step in the diagnosis of anemia. Anemia can be classified based on RBC morphology and RBC size into microcytic [decreased mean corpuscular volume (MCV)], normocytic (normal MCV), and macrocytic (high MCV). The mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) and MCH concentration (MCHC) are calculated values and have complementary diagnostic value. The MCH usually parallels the MCV. The MCHC is a measure of cellular hydration status. A high value (>35 g/dL) due to membrane loss is characteristic of spherocytosis, and a low value is commonly associated with iron deficiency. Fig. 3.1 delineates the causes of anemia based on peripheral blood morphology, and Table 3.2 shows the cause of anemia based on MCV and red cell distribution width (RDW), an index of the variation in red cell size (anisocytosis).

    Figure 3.1, An approach to the diagnosis of anemia by examination of the blood smear.

    Table 3.2
    Classification of nature of the anemia based on mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and red cell distribution width (RDW).
    From Lanzkowsky, P., 2016. Lanzkowsky’s Manual of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, sixth ed. Elsevier.
    MCV low MCV normal MCV high
    RDW normal Microcytic homogeneous Normocytic homogeneous Macrocytic homogeneous
    Heterozygous thalassemia Normal Inherited bone marrow failure syndromes
    Chronic disease Chronic disease "Preleukemia" or myelodysplastic syndrome
    Chronic liver disease
    Chronic myelocytic leukemia
    Hereditary spherocytosis
    RDW high Microcytic heterogeneous Normocytic heterogeneous Macrocytic heterogeneous
    Iron deficiency Early iron or folate deficiency Folate deficiency
    HbS/β-thalassemia Mixed deficiencies Vitamin B 12 deficiency
    Hemoglobin H Hemoglobinopathy (e.g., Hb SS) Immune hemolytic anemia
    Red cell Fragmentation disorders MyelofibrosisSideroblastic anemia Cold agglutinins
    Abbreviations: Hb , hemoglobin; HbS/β-thalassemia , sickle-beta-thalassemia; Hb SS , homozgous sickle cell anemia.

  • In addition, the blood smear may show specific morphologic abnormalities suggestive of red cell membrane disorders (e.g., spherocytosis, stomatocytosis, or elliptocytosis) or hemoglobinopathies (e.g., sickle cell disease and thalassemia). Table 3.3 lists the differential diagnosis of anemia based on the specific red cell morphological abnormalities.

    Table 3.3
    Specific red cell morphologic abnormalities.
    From Lanzkowsky, P., 2016. Lanzkowsky’s Manual of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, sixth ed. Elsevier.
    Target cells— Increased surface/volume ratio (generally does not affect red cell survival)

    • 1.

      Thalassemic syndromes

    • 2.


      • a.

        Hb C trait or Hb C disease

      • b.

        Sickle cell disease

      • c.

        Hb E trait or Hb E disease

      • d.

        Hb D trait

    • 3.

      Liver disease

    • 4.

      Postsplenectomy or hyposplenic states

    • 5.

      Severe iron deficiency

    • 6.

      LCAT deficiency: congenital disorder of lecithin/cholesterol acyltransferase deficiency (corneal opacifications, proteinuria, target cells, moderately severe anemia)

    • 7.


    Spherocytes— Decreased surface/volume ratio, hyperdense (>MCHC)

    • 1.

      Hereditary spherocytosis

    • 2.

      ABO incompatibility: antibody-coated fragment of RBC membrane removed

    • 3.

      Autoimmune hemolytic anemia: antibody-coated fragment of RBC membrane removed

    • 4.

      G6PD deficiency

    • 5.

      MAHA: fragment of RBC lost after impact with abnormal surface

    • 6.

      Sickle cell disease: fragment of RBC removed in reticuloendothelial system

    • 7.


    • 8.

      Burns: fragment of damaged RBC removed by spleen

    • 9.


    • 10.

      Pyruvate kinase deficiency

    Acanthocytes (spur cells)— Cells with 5–10 spicules of varying length; spicules irregular in space and thickness, with wide bases; appear smaller than normal cells because they assume a spheroid shape

    • 1.

      Liver disease

    • 2.

      Disseminated intravascular coagulation (and other MAHA)

    • 3.

      Postsplenectomy or hyposplenic state

    • 4.

      Vitamin E deficiency

    • 5.


    • 6.

      Abetalipoproteinemia: rare congenital disorder; 50–100% of cells acanthocytes; associated abnormalities (fat malabsorption, retinitis pigmentosa, neurologic abnormalities)

    • 7.

      Malabsorptive states

    Echinocytes (burr cells)— 10–30 spicules equal in size and evenly distributed over RBC surface; caused by alteration in extracellular or intracellular environment

    • 1.


    • 2.

      Renal failure

    • 3.


    • 4.

      Liver disease

    • 5.

      Pyruvate kinase deficiency

    • 6.

      Peptic ulcer disease or gastric carcinoma

    • 7.

      Immediately after red cell transfusion

    • 8.

      Rare congenital anemias due to decreased intracellular potassium

    Pyknocytes— Distorted, hyperchromic, contracted RBC; can be similar to echinocytes and acanthocytes
    Schistocytes— Helmet, triangular shapes, or small fragments. Caused by fragmentation upon impact with abnormal vascular surface (e.g., fibrin strand, vasculitis, artificial surface in circulation)

    • 1.


    • 2.

      severe hemolytic anemia (e.g., G6PD deficiency);

    • 3.


    • 4.

      hemolytic uremic syndrome;

    • 5.

      prosthetic cardiac valve, abnormal cardiac valve, cardiac patch, coarctation of the aorta;

    • 6.

      connective tissue disorder (e.g., SLE);

    • 7.

      Kasabach–Merritt syndrome;

    • 8.

      purpura fulminans;

    • 9.

      renal vein thrombosis;

    • 10.

      burns (spheroschistocytes as a result of heat);

    • 11.

      thrombotic thrombocytopenia purpura;

    • 12.

      homograft rejection;

    • 13.

      uremia, acute tubular necrosis, glomerulonephritis;

    • 14.

      malignant hypertension;

    • 15.

      systemic amyloidosis;

    • 16.

      liver cirrhosis; and

    • 17.

      disseminated carcinomatosis.

    Elliptocytes— Elliptical cells, normochromic; seen normally in less than 1% of RBCs; larger numbers occasionally seen in a normal patient

    • 1.

      hereditary elliptocytosis;

    • 2.

      iron deficiency (increased with severity, hypochromic);

    • 3.

      sickle cell disease;

    • 4.

      thalassemia major;

    • 5.

      severe bacterial infection;

    • 6.

      sickle cell trait;

    • 7.

      leukoerythroblastic reaction;

    • 8.

      megaloblastic anemias;

    • 9.

      any anemia may occasionally present with up to 10% elliptocytes; and

    • 10.


    Teardrop cells— Shape of drop, usually microcytic, often also hypochromic

    • 1.


    • 2.

      Thalassemia major

    • 3.

      Leukoerythroblastic reaction

    • 4.

      Myeloproliferative syndromes

    • 5.

      Bone marrow infiltration

    Stomatocytes— Has a slit-like area of central pallor

    • 1.

      Normal (in small numbers)

    • 2.

      Hereditary stomatocytosis/xerocytosis

    • 3.


    • 4.


    • 5.

      Acute alcoholism

    • 6.

      Rh null disease (absence of Rh complex)

    • 7.

      Liver disease

    • 8.


    Nucleated red blood cells— Not normal in the peripheral blood beyond the first week of life

    • 1.

      Newborn (first 3–4 days)

    • 2.

      Intense bone marrow stimulation

    • a.

      Hypoxia (especially postcardiac arrest)

    • b.

      Acute bleeding

    • c.

      Severe hemolytic anemia (e.g., thalassemia, sickle cell disease)

    • 3.

      Congenital infections (e.g., sepsis, congenital syphilis, CMV, rubella)

    • 4.

      Postsplenectomy or hyposplenic states: spleen normally removes nucleated RBC

    • 5.

      Leukoerythroblastic reaction: seen with extramedullary hematopoiesis and bone marrow replacement; most commonly leukemia or solid tumor—fungal and mycobacterial infection may also do this; leukoerythroblastic reaction is also associated with teardrop red cells, 10,000–20,000 WBC with small-to-moderate numbers of metamyelocytes, myelocytes, and promyelocytes; thrombocytosis with large bizarre platelets

    • 6.

      Megaloblastic anemia

    • 7.

      Dyserythropoietic anemias

    Blister cells —Red cell area under membrane free of hemoglobin, appearing like a blister

    • 1.

      G6PD deficiency or unstable hemoglobinopathy (during hemolytic episode)

    • 2.

      Sickle cell disease (rare)

    • 3.

      Pulmonary emboli (rare)

    Basophilic stippling— Coarse or fine punctate basophilic inclusions that represent aggregates of ribosomal RNA

    • 1.

      Hemolytic anemias

    • 2.

      Iron deficiency anemia

    • 3.

      Lead poisoning

    Howell–Jolly bodies— Small, well-defined, round, densely stained nuclear-remnant inclusions; 1 mm in diameter; centric in location

    • 1.

      Postsplenectomy or hyposplenia

    • 2.


    • 3.

      Megaloblastic anemias

    • 4.

      Dyserythropoietic anemias

    • 5.

      A variety of types of anemias (rarely iron-deficiency anemia, hereditary spherocytosis)

    Cabot’s ring bodies— Nuclear-remnant ring configuration inclusions

    • 1.

      Pernicious anemia

    • 2.

      Lead toxicity

    Heinz bodies— Denatured aggregated hemoglobin

    • 1.

      Normal in newborn

    • 2.


    • 3.


    • 4.

      Chronic liver disease

    • 5.

      Heinz body hemolytic anemia

    Abbreviations: CMV , cytomegalovirus; Hb , hemoglobin; SLE , systemic lupus erythematosus.

  • The reticulocyte count is an important indicator of the physiology of anemia ( Fig. 3.2 ). An elevated reticulocyte count suggests blood loss or hemolysis, while a normal or decreased count suggests impaired red cell formation. With acute blood loss or sequestration, the elevation of the reticulocyte count may take many hours to become apparent and several days (4–5) to reach its maximum. The reticulocyte count must be interpreted in the context of the degree of anemia, using either the absolute reticulocyte count or reticulocyte index, to assess the adequacy of erythropoiesis. In patients with bleeding or hemolysis, the reticulocyte index should be at least 3%, whereas in patients with anemia due to decreased production of red cells, the reticulocyte index is <3% and frequently <1.5%.

    Figure 3.2, Approach to the diagnosis of anemia by MCV and reticulocyte count.

Table 3.1
Etiologic classification and major diagnostic features of anemia in children.
From Lanzkowsky, P., 2016. Lanzkowsky’s Manual of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, sixth ed. Elsevier.
Etiologic classification Diagnostic features
  • 1.

    Impaired red cell formation

    • a.

      Nutritional deficiency

      • i.

        Decreased dietary intake [e.g., excessive cows’ milk (iron-deficiency anemia), vegan (vitamin B 12 deficiency)]

      • ii.

        Increased demand [e.g., growth (iron); hemolysis (folic acid)]

      • iii.

        Decreased absorption

        • 1.

          specific: intrinsic factor (vitamin B 12 )

        • 2.

          generalized: malabsorption syndrome (e.g., folic acid, iron)

      • iv.

        Impairment in red cell formation can result from one of the following deficiencies:

  • a.

    Iron deficiency

Hypochromic, microcytic red cells; low MCV, low MCH, low MCHC, high RDW, a low serum ferritin, high FEP
  • b.

    Folate deficiency

Macrocytic red cells, high MCV, high RDW, megaloblastic marrow, low serum, and red cell folate, high homocysteine and normal methylmalonic acids
  • c.

    Vitamin B 12 deficiency

Macrocytic red cells, high MCV, high RDW, megaloblastic marrow, low serum B 12 , decreased gastric acidity, high homocysteine, and high methylmalonic acids
  • d.

    Vitamin C deficiency

Clinical scurvy
  • e.

    Protein deficiency

  • f.

    Vitamin B 6 deficiency

Hypochromic red cells, sideroblastic bone marrow, high serum ferritin
  • g.

    Thyroxine deficiency

Clinical hypothyroidism, low free T 4 , high TSH
  • b.

    Bone marrow failure

    • i.

      Failure of a single cell line

      • Megakaryocytes

Amegakaryoctic thrombocytopenic purpura with absent radii (TAR) Limb abnormalities, thrombocytopenia, absent megakaryocytes
  • Red cell precursors

Congenital red cell aplasia (Diamond–Blackfan anemia) Absent red cell precursors
Acquired red cell aplasia (TEC) Absent red cell precursors
  • White cell precursors

Congenital neutropenias Neutropenia, recurrent infection
  • ii.

    Failure of multiple cell lines (characterized by pancytopenia and acellular or hypocellular marrow)

  • Congenital

Fanconi anemia Multiple congenital anomalies, chromosomal breakage
Familial without anomalies Familial history, no congenital anomalies
Dyskeratosis congenita Mucosal and cutaneous abnormalities
  • Acquired

Idiopathic No identifiable cause
Secondary History of exposure to drugs, radiation, household toxins, infections (parvovirus B19, HIV) associated with immunologic disease
  • iii.


  • Benign (e.g., osteopetrosis, storage diseases)

  • Malignant primary (e.g., leukemia, myelofibrosis)

Bone marrow: morphology, cytochemistry, immunologic markers, cytogenetics, molecular features
  • Secondary (e.g., neuroblastoma, lymphoma)

VMA, imaging studies, skeletal survey, bone marrow
  • iv.

    Dyshematopoietic anemias (decreased erythropoiesis, decreased iron utilization)

  • Anemia of chronic disease

Evidence of systemic illness
  • Renal failure and hepatic disease

kidney and liver function tests
  • Disseminated malignancy

Clinical evidence
  • Connective tissue diseases

Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Malnutrition

Clinical evidence
  • Sideroblastic anemias

Hypochromic anemia, ring sideroblasts
  • 2.

    Blood loss

    Overt or occult blood positive

  • 3.

    Hemolytic anemia

  • a.

    Corpuscular (intrinsic)

Splenomegaly, jaundice
  • i.

    Membrane defects (spherocytosis, elliptocytosis)

Morphology, osmotic fragility
  • ii.

    Enzymatic defects (pyruvate kinase, G6PD)

Enzyme assays
  • iii.

    Hemoglobin defects

  • Heme

  • Globin

Qualitative (e.g., sickle cell)Quantitative (e.g., thalassemia) Hb electrophoresisQuantitative HbF, HbA 2 content
  • b.

    Extracorpuscular (extrinsic)

  • i.


Direct antiglobulin test (Coombs’ test)
  • Isoimmune

  • Autoimmune

Decreased C 3 , C 4 , CH 50 , positive ANA
Idiopathic Direct antiglobulin test, antibody identification
Immunologic disorder (e.g., lupus)
One-cell line (e.g., red cells) Anemia—direct antiglobulin test positive
Multiple cell line (e.g., white blood cells, platelets) Evans syndrome: neutropenia—autoimmune neutropenia, thrombocytopenia—ITP
  • ii.

    Nonimmune (idiopathic, secondary)

Abbreviations: ANA , Anti-nuclear antibody; FEP , free erythrocyte protoporphyrin; G6PD , glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase; Hb , hemoglobin; ITP , idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura; MCH , mean corpuscular hemoglobin; MCHC , mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration; MCV , mean corpuscular volume; RBC , red blood cell; RDW , red cell distribution width (see definition); TAR , thrombocytopenic purpura with absent radii; TEC , transient erythroblastopenia of childhood; VMA , vanillylmandelic acid.

a RDW—coefficient of variation of the RBC distribution width (normal between 11.5% and 14.5%).

Table 3.4 lists various laboratory studies helpful in the investigation of a patient with anemia.

  • The investigation of anemia entails the following steps:

    • Detailed history . Table 3.1 lists the various causes of anemia with the associated diagnostic laboratory and clinical features.

    • Complete blood count to establish whether anemia is isolated or part of a multilineage abnormality (abnormality of red cell count, white blood cell count, and platelet count). Determination of the morphologic characteristics of the anemia based on blood smear ( Fig. 3.1 and Table 3.3 ) and consideration of the MCV ( Fig. 3.2 and Table 3.2 ) and RDW ( Table 3.2 ) and white blood cell and platelet morphology .

    • Reticulocyte count as a reflection of erythropoiesis ( Fig. 3.2 ).

    • Determination of whether there is evidence of a hemolytic process by:

      • consideration of the clinical features suggesting hemolytic disease ( Table 3.5 ),

        Table 3.5
        The clinical features suggestive of hemolysis.
        From Lanzkowsky, P., 2016. Lanzkowsky’s Manual of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, sixth ed. Elsevier.
        • Ethnogeographic factors: high incidence of sickle trait in people of African ancestry, high incidence of thalassemia trait in people of Mediterranean ancestry, and high incidence of G6PD deficiency among Sephardic Jews.

        • Age factors: anemia and jaundice in an Rh-positive infant born to a mother who is Rh negative or a group A or group B infant born to a group O mother (setting for a hemolytic anemia)

        • History of anemia, jaundice, or gallstones in family

        • Persistent or recurrent anemia associated with reticulocytosis

        • Anemia unresponsive to iron or vitamin supplements

        • Intermittent bouts or persistent indirect hyperbilirubinemia

        • Splenomegaly

        • Hemoglobinuria

        • Presence of gallstones

        • Chronic leg ulcers

        • Development of anemia or hemoglobinuria after exposure to certain drugs

        • Dark urine due to dipyrroluria: unstable hemoglobins, thalassemia, and ineffective erythropoiesis

        Abbreviation: G6PD , Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.

      • laboratory demonstration of the presence of hemolysis ( Table 3.4 ), and

      • determination of the precise cause of the hemolytic anemia by special hematologic investigations ( Table 3.4 ).

    • Bone marrow aspiration and biopsy , if required, to examine erythroid, myeloid, and megakaryocytic morphology to determine whether there is normoblastic, megaloblastic, or sideroblastic erythropoiesis and to exclude marrow pathology (e.g., aplastic anemia, leukemia, and benign or malignant infiltration of the bone marrow) ( Fig. 3.3 ).

      Figure 3.3, Causes of normoblastic, megaloblastic, and sideroblastic bone marrow morphology.

    • Determination of underlying cause of anemia by additional tests ( Table 3.4 ).

Table 3.4
Laboratory studies in the investigation of a patient with anemia.
From Lanzkowsky, P., 2016. Lanzkowsky’s Manual of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, sixth ed. Elsevier.
Usual initial studies

  • 1.

    Hemoglobin and hematocrit

  • 2.

    Erythrocyte count and red cell indices, including MCV, MCH, MCHC and RDW

  • 3.

    Reticulocyte count (absolute and relative)

  • 4.

    Peripheral blood smear

  • 5.

    Leukocyte count and differential count

  • 6.

    Platelet count

Suspected iron deficiency

  • 1.

    Serum ferritin, iron, and TIBC levels

  • 2.

    Stool for occult blood

  • 3.

    Meckel’s diverticulum scan—if indicated

  • 4.

    Endoscopy (upper and lower bowel)—if indicated

Suspected vitamin B 12 or folic acid deficiency

  • 1.

    Serum vitamin B 12 level

  • 2.

    RBC and serum folate level

  • 3.

    Serum methylmalonic acid level

  • 4.

    Serum homocysteine level

  • 5.

    Bone marrow examination—if indicated

Suspected hemolytic anemia

  • 1.

    Evidence of hemolysis

    • a.

      blood smear—red cell fragments (schistocytes), spherocytes, target cells;

    • b.

      increased unconjugated bilirubin;

    • c.

      lower or absent serum haptoglobin;

    • d.

      raised plasma free hemoglobin level;

    • e.

      increased urinary urobilinogen;

    • f.


    • g.

      hemosiderinuria (due to sloughing of iron-laden tubular cells into urine);

    • h.

      increased methemoglobin level;

  • 2.

    Evidence of increased erythropoiesis (in response to hemoglobin reduction)

    • a.

      reticulocytosis—frequently up to 10–20%; rarely, as high as 80%;

    • b.

      increased MCV due to the presence of reticulocytosis and increased RDW as the hemoglobin level falls;

    • c.

      NRBCs in peripheral blood (beyond the third day of life);

    • d.

      specific morphologic abnormalities—sickle cells, target cells, basophilic stippling, irregularly contracted cells (schistocytes), and spherocytes;

    • e.

      erythroid hyperplasia of the bone marrow—erythroid/myeloid ratio in the marrow increasing from 1:5 to 1:1;

    • f.

      expansion of marrow space in chronic hemolysis resulting in:

      • i.

        prominence of frontal bones;

      • ii.

        broad cheekbones;

      • iii.

        widened intertrabecular spaces, hair-on-end appearance of skull radiographs;

      • iv.

        biconcave vertebrae with fish-mouth intervertebral spaces.

  • 3.

    Evidence of type of intrinsic hemolytic anemia

    • a.

      membrane defects

      • i.

        blood smear: spherocytes, ovalocytes, pyknocytes, stomatocytes;

      • ii.

        osmotic gradient ektacytometry;

      • iii.

        RBC cation studies.

    • b.

      hemoglobin defects

      • i.

        blood smear: sickle cells, target cells;

      • ii.

        hemoglobin analysis (e.g., electrophoresis, HPLC);

      • iii.

        quantitative hemoglobin F determination;

      • iv.

        F-cell analysis by flow cytometry;

      • v.

        heat-stability test for unstable hemoglobin;

      • vi.

        globin gene analysis.

    • c.

      enzymes defects

      • i.

        Heinz body preparation;

      • ii.

        specific enzyme assay.

      • iii.

        genetic testing.

  • 4.

    Evidence of type of extrinsic hemolytic anemia

    • a.


      • i.

        direct antiglobulin test: IgG (gamma), C (complement), or both

      • ii.

        flow cytometric analysis of red cells with monoclonal antibodies to GPI-linked surface antigens for PNH;

      • iii.

        Donath–Landsteiner antibody;

      • iv.


Suspected aplastic anemia or leukemia

  • 1.

    bone marrow (aspiration and biopsy)—cytochemistry, immunologic markers, chromosome analysis;

Other tests often used especially to diagnose the primary disease

  • 1.

    Viral testing, for example, HIV

  • 2.

    ANA, complement profile

  • 3.

    Renal, hepatic, and thyroid testing

  • 4.

    Tissue biopsy (skin, lymph node, liver)–if indicated

Abbreviations: ANA , antinuclear antibody; GPI , glycosylphosphatidylinositol; HPLC , high performance liquid chromatography; MCV , mean corpuscular volume; NRBC , nucleated red blood cell; PNH , paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria; RDW , red cell distribution width; TIBC , total iron binding capacity.

Neonatal anemia

Anemia during the neonatal period can be caused by:

  • hemorrhage : acute or chronic;

  • hemolysis : congenital hemolytic anemias or due to immune hemolytic anemias; and

  • hypoplasia : failure of red cell production in inherited bone marrow failure syndromes, for example, Diamond–Blackfan anemia (pure red cell aplasia) or congenital infections.

Table 3.6 lists the causes of anemia in the newborn.

Table 3.6
Causes of anemia in the newborn.
From Lanzkowsky, P., 2016. Lanzkowsky’s Manual of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, sixth ed. Elsevier.
  • 1.


    • a.


      • i.

        Transplacental fetomaternal (spontaneous, traumatic amniocentesis, external cephalic version)

      • ii.


      • iii.


      • iv.

        Twin-to-twin transfusion

    • b.


      • i.

        Umbilical cord abnormalities

        • rupture of normal cord (unattended precipitous labor);

        • rupture of varix or aneurysm of cord;

        • hematomas of cord or placenta;

        • rupture of anomalous aberrant vessels of cord (not protected by Wharton’s jelly);

        • vasa previa (umbilical cord is presenting part); and

        • inadequate cord tying

      • ii.

        Placental abnormalities

        • multilobular placenta (fragile communicating veins to main placenta);

        • placenta previa—fetal blood loss predominantly;

        • abruptio placentae—maternal blood loss predominantly;

        • accidental incision of placenta during cesarean section;

        • traumatic amniocentesis; and

        • placental chorioangioma

      • iii.

        Hemorrhagic disorders

        • coagulation factor deficiency;

        • thrombocytopenia

    • c.


      • i.


        • bleeding from umbilicus;

        • bleeding from gut; and

        • iatrogenic (diagnostic venipuncture, postexchange transfusion)

      • ii.


        • cephalohematoma;

        • subgaleal (subaponeurotic) hemorrhage;

        • subdural or subarachnoid hemorrhage;

        • intracerebral hemorrhage;

        • intraventricular hemorrhage;

        • intraabdominal hemorrhage;

        • retroperitoneal hemorrhage (may involve adrenals);

        • subcapsular hematoma or rupture of liver;

        • ruptured spleen;

        • pulmonary hemorrhage

  • 2.

    Hemolytic anemia (see Chapter 7 : General Considerations of Hemolytic Diseases, Red Cell Membrane, and Enzyme Defects, and Chapter 8 : Extracorpuscular Hemolytic Anemia)

    • a.

      Congenital erythrocyte defects

      • i.

        Membrane defects (with characteristic morphology)

        • Hereditary spherocytosis

        • Hereditary elliptocytosis

        • Hereditary stomatocytosis

        • Hereditary xerocytosis

        • Infantile pyknocytosis

        • •.

          Hereditary pyropoikilocytosis

      • ii.

        Hemoglobin defects

        • α-Thalassemia syndromes

          three α-globin gene deletion/mutation [hemoglobin Barts (γ 4 )];

          four α-globin gene deletion/mutation (hydrops in utero and increased risk of death).

        • γ β-Thalassemia, others

        • Unstable hemoglobins (Hb Köln, Hg Zürich, HbF Poole, Hb Hasharon) (see Chapter 9 : Hemoglobinopathies)

      • iii.

        Enzyme defects

        • Glycolytic pathway

          pyruvate kinase deficiency;

          other enzymes, for example, glucose phosphate isomerase deficiency.

        • Hexose-monophosphate shunt

          G6PD deficiency with or without drug exposure;

          enzymes concerned with glutathione reduction or synthesis

    • b.

      Acquired erythrocyte defects

      • i.


        • maternal autoimmune hemolytic anemia;

        • isoimmune hemolytic anemia: Rh disease, ABO, minor blood groups (M, S, Kell, Duffy, Luther)

      • ii.


        • infections (cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis, herpes simplex, rubella, adenovirus, malaria, syphilis, and bacterial sepsis);

        • microangiopathic hemolytic anemia with or without disseminated intravascular coagulation: disseminated herpes simplex, coxsackie B infections, Gram-negative septicemia, and renal vein thrombosis;

        • toxic exposure (drugs, chemicals)±G6PD±prematurity: synthetic vitamin K analogs, maternal thiazide diuretics, antimalarial agents, sulfonamides, naphthalene, aniline-dye marking ink, and penicillin;

        • vitamin E deficiency; and

        • metabolic disease (galactosemia, osteopetrosis).

  • 3.

    Failure of red cell production

    • a.

      Congenital ( Chapter 6 : Bone Marrow Failure)

      • i.

        Diamond–Blackfan anemia (pure red cell aplasia)

      • ii.

        Fanconi anemia

      • iii.

        Mitochondriopathies (e.g., Pearson syndrome)

      • iv.

        Sideroblastic anemia

      • v.

        Congenital dyserythropoietic anemia

    • b.


      • i.

        Viral infection (hepatitis, HIV, CMV, rubella, syphilis, parvovirus B19)

      • ii.


      • iii.

        Anemia of prematurity

Abbreviations: G6PD , Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase; Hb , hemoglobin.


Blood loss may occur during the prenatal, intrapartum, or postnatal periods. Prenatal blood loss may be transplacental, intraplacental, or retroplacental or may be due to a twin-to-twin transfusion.

Prenatal blood loss

Fetomaternal, intraplacental, and retroplacental hemorrhage

Fetal red blood cells can be demonstrated in the maternal circulation in up to 50% of pregnancies; however, a clinically significant hemorrhage (>30 mL) is seen in only 1–2% of pregnancies. Significant fetomaternal hemorrhage is commonly seen following procedures such as diagnostic amniocentesis or external cephalic version. Also, intraplacental blood loss from the fetus may occur when there is a tight umbilical cord around the neck or body or when there is delayed cord clamping. Retroplacental bleeding from placental abruption is diagnosed by ultrasound or intraoperatively. Fetomaternal blood loss may be acute or chronic. Table 3.7 lists the characteristics of acute and chronic blood loss in the newborn.

Table 3.7
The characteristics of acute and chronic blood loss in the newborn.
Adapted from Brugnara C., Oski F.A., Nathan D.G., 2015. Diagnostic approach to the anemic patient. In: Orkin, S.H., Fisher, D.E., Look, T., Lux, S.E., Ginsburg, D., Nathan, D.G., et al. (Eds.), Nathan and Oski’s Hematology and Oncology of Infancy and Childhood, eighth ed., WB Saunders, Philadelphia, PA. p. 293.
Characteristic Acute blood loss Chronic blood loss
Acute distress; pallor; shallow, rapid, and often irregular respiration; tachycardia; weak or absent peripheral pulses; low or absent blood pressure; no hepatosplenomegaly Marked pallor disproportionate to evidence of distress. On occasion signs of congestive heart failure may be present, including hepatomegaly
Venous pressure Low Normal or elevated
Hemoglobin concentration May be normal initially; then drops quickly during the first 24 h of life Low at birth
Red cell morphology Normochromic and normo- or macrocytic Hypochromic and microcytic, anisocytosis, and poikilocytosis
Serum iron Normal at birth Low at birth
Course Prompt treatment of anemia and shock Generally uneventful
Treatment Intravenous fluids or packed red blood cells. If indicated, iron therapy Iron therapy. Packed red blood cells on occasion

Fetomaternal hemorrhage is diagnosed by demonstrating fetal red cells by flow cytometry using an antibody against HbF (fetal hemoglobin)] in the maternal circulation. Less commonly, an older, differential acid elution technique (Kleihauer–Betke method) may still be used. Diagnosis of fetomaternal hemorrhage may be missed in situations in which red cells of the mother and infant have incompatible ABO blood groups. In such instances the infant’s incompatible red blood cells are rapidly cleared from the maternal circulation by maternal anti-A or anti-B antibodies. In these cases an increase in maternal immune anti-A or anti-B titers in the weeks after delivery, if measured, may be a diagnostic clue. The optimal timing for demonstrating fetal cells in maternal blood is within 2 hours of delivery and no later than 24 hours following delivery. These techniques are not reliable when maternal HbF is raised for other reasons (e.g., maternal thalassemia, sickle cell anemia, or hereditary persistence of HbF). In the presence of these conditions, other techniques based on differential agglutination have been used, but the fetomaternal hemorrhage is usually a clinical diagnosis (a diagnosis of exclusion) in such cases.

Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome

Significant twin-to-twin transfusion occurs in at least 15% of monochorionic twins. Velamentous cord insertions are associated with increased risk of twin-to-twin transfusion. The hemoglobin level differs by 5 g/dL and the hematocrit by 15% or more between individual twins compared to discrepancy ≤3.3 g/dL in cord blood hemoglobin between dizygotic twins. The donor twin is anemic, pale, and smaller and may have evidence of oligohydramnios and show evidence of congestive heart failure and shock. The recipient is polycythemic and larger, with evidence of polyhydramnios, and may show signs of hyperviscosity syndrome: hypoglycemia, central nervous system injury, hypocalcemia, disseminated intravascular coagulation, hyperbilirubinemia, and congestive heart failure.

Intrapartum blood loss

Hemorrhage may occur during birth as a result of various obstetric accidents, malformations of the umbilical cord or the placenta, or a bleeding disorder (e.g., coagulation factor deficiency or thrombocytopenia; Table 3.6 ).

Postnatal blood loss

Postnatal hemorrhage may occur from a number of sites and may be internal (enclosed) or external. Hemorrhage may be due to:

  • traumatic deliveries (resulting in intracranial or intraabdominal hemorrhage)

  • coagulation factor deficiencies (see Chapter 13 : Disorders of Coagulation)

    • congenital—hemophilia or other coagulation factor deficiencies

    • acquired—vitamin K deficiency, disseminated intravascular coagulation

  • thrombocytopenia (see Chapter 12 : Disorders of Platelets)

    • congenital—Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome, Fanconi anemia, thrombocytopenia absent radius syndrome

    • acquired—neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia, maternal immune thrombocytopenia, sepsis

    • rare causes—neonatal adenovirus infection, fetal cytomegalovirus infection, vascular malformations

When hemoglobin is catabolized in a resorbing hematoma, hyperbilirubinemia may develop after several days.

Clinical and laboratory findings of anemia due to hemorrhage

The clinical and laboratory manifestations of hemorrhage depend on the volume of the hemorrhage and the rapidity with which it occurs.

  • 1.

    Anemia—pallor, tachycardia, and hypotension (if severe, e.g., ≥20 mL/kg blood loss). Nonimmune hydrops can occur in severe anemia.

  • 2.

    Liver and spleen not enlarged (except in chronic transplacental bleed).

  • 3.

    Jaundice absent (except after several days in entrapped hemorrhage).

  • 4.

    Laboratory findings:

    • a.

      reduced hemoglobin (as low as 2 g/dL has been observed),

    • b.

      increased reticulocyte count,

    • c.


    • d.

      nucleated RBCs raised,

    • e.

      fetal cells in maternal blood (in fetomaternal bleed), and

    • f.

      direct antiglobulin test (DAT) negative.


  • 1.

    Severely affected

    • a.

      Transfusion of packed red blood cells.

    • b.

      Crossmatch blood with the mother. If unavailable, use group O Rh-negative blood or intravenous fluids, temporarily for shock, while awaiting available blood.

  • 2.

    Mild anemia due to chronic blood loss

    • a.

      Ferrous sulfate (4–6 mg elemental iron/kg body weight per day) for 3 months.


Hemolytic anemia in the newborn

Hemolytic anemia in the newborn is usually associated with an abnormally low hemoglobin level, an increase in the reticulocyte count, and unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia. The degree of reticulocytosis may be less than anticipated depending on the age of neonate or infant, because any hemolytic anemia will be superimposed on the physiologic anemia of infancy. The hemolytic process is often first detected as a result of investigation for jaundice during the first week of life. The causes of hemolytic anemia in the newborn are listed in Table 3.6 .

Congenital erythrocyte defects

Congenital erythrocyte defects involving the red cell membrane, hemoglobin, and enzymes are listed in Table 3.6 and discussed in Chapter 7 , General Considerations of Hemolytic Diseases, Red Cell Membrane, and Enzyme Defects, and Chapter 8 , Extracorpuscular Hemolytic Anemia. Any of these conditions may occur in the newborn and manifest clinically with:

  • hemolytic anemia (low hemoglobin, reticulocytosis, increased nucleated red cells, morphologic changes);

  • unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia; and

  • DAT negative.

Infantile pyknocytosis

The cause of this condition has not been clearly defined and should only be contemplated when other established causes of pyknocytes in the blood have been excluded such as glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency, pyruvate kinase deficiency, microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, neonatal hepatitis, vitamin E deficiency, neonatal infections, and hemolysis caused by drugs and toxic agents. It is a congenital but not a constitutional disorder; that is, one is born with it (congenital) but it is not an ongoing, lifelong, or necessarily genetic condition (not constitutional). Infantile pyknocytosis is characterized by:

  • Hemolytic anemia—DAT negative (nonimmune).

  • Distortion of as many as 50% of red cells–dense, contracted cells (pyknocytes) with several to many spiny projections (up to 6% of cells may be distorted in normal infants). Abnormal morphology is extracorpuscular in origin, and transfused red blood cells from normal donors can acquire pyknocytosis.

  • Disappearance of pyknocytes and hemolysis by the age of 6 months. This is a self-limiting condition.

  • Hepatosplenomegaly.


The developmental changes in globin proteins uniquely impact the presentation of hemoglobinopathies in neonates. For example, anemia due to gamma-hemoglobinopathies resolves spontaneously, whereas beta hemoglobinopathies are clinically inapparent at birth and manifest only after a few months. Anemia from alpha-hemoglobinopathies can occur throughout life (prenatal and postnatal) (see Chapter 9 : Hemoglobinopathies).

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