Cervical Disk Disease (Cervical Spine Disease)


  • Incidence in USA: 12,000 deaths/y; 70 million with cervical disk disease, spondylosis, or trauma

  • Disk disease a consequence of aging (3rd-5th decades)

  • Present in RA, ankylosing spondylitis, and other rheumatic disorders

  • Trauma, especially motor vehicle accidents

  • M:F ratio: 3:2

Perioperative Risks

  • Mortality (acute) 1–5% (depending on associated injuries)

  • Spinal cord damage with C-spine movement

  • Difficulty intubating or reintubating postextubation

  • Swelling or hematoma after neck surgery, which can cause obstruction of airway

  • Steroid-induced complications

Worry About

  • Airway management; C-spine movement during or after intubation

  • Exacerbating or causing spinal cord damage with neck motion

  • Osteoarthritis with osteophytes impinging on nerve roots


  • Neck pain: Present in 30% of adults in USA

  • Can cause radiculopathy, which can be aggravated by neck extension

  • Root:

    • C3: Unusual

    • C4: Numbness rare; pain at root of neck

    • C5: Numb over shoulder to lateral aspect of upper arm (“epaulet” area)

    • C6: Second-most common radiculopathy; pain across top of neck, along biceps muscle into tips of thumb and index finger, as well as biceps muscle weakness

    • C7: Most common herniation, resulting in pain across back of shoulder triceps and into middle finger, as well as loss of triceps reflex

    • C8: Numb small finger; weak interossei

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