Central Nervous System Dysfunction After Cardiopulmonary Bypass

Key Points

  • 1.

    Despite a progressive decrease in cardiac surgical mortality, the incidence of postoperative neurologic complications has remained relatively unchanged over the decades.

  • 2.

    The risk for stroke in patients undergoing coronary artery surgery increases progressively with increasing age, ranging from 0.5% for patients younger than 55 years to 2.3% for those older than 75 years.

  • 3.

    Neurologic events in cardiac surgical patients are associated with increased postoperative mortality, prolonged intensive care unit stay, longer hospital stay, decreased quality of life, and decreased long-term survival.

  • 4.

    Mechanisms for neurologic injury in cardiac surgery include some combination of cerebral embolism, hypoperfusion, and inflammation, associated vascular disease, and altered cerebral autoregulation, rendering the brain more susceptible to injury.

  • 5.

    While occlusive carotid disease is associated with increased risk of perioperative stroke, such stroke is not infrequently contralateral, and concomitant perioperative carotid endarterectomy may increase risk of stroke and other major adverse events.

  • 6.

    Perioperative risk factors for neurologic complications include renal dysfunction, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, prior cerebrovascular disease, aortic atheromatosis, manipulation of ascending aorta, complex surgical procedures, bypass time longer than 2 hours, hypothermic circulatory arrest, hemodynamic instability during and after bypass, new-onset atrial fibrillation, hyperglycemia, hyperthermia, and hypoxemia.

  • 7.

    Routine epiaortic scanning before instrumentation of the ascending aorta is a sensitive and specific technique used to detect nonpalpable aortic atheromatosis.

  • 8.

    In patients with significant ascending aorta atheromatosis, avoidance of aortic manipulation (“no-touch technique”) is associated with decreased perioperative stroke.

  • 9.

    Strategies to decrease the impact of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) on embolization, inflammation, and coagulation will decrease neurologic complications.

  • 10.

    Cerebrovascular disease renders patients who experience wide hemodynamic perturbations during CPB at greater risk for perioperative stroke.

  • 11.

    Cerebral near-infrared spectroscopy (cerebral oximetry) can detect cerebral ischemia and is associated with decreased incidence of stroke and improved outcomes after cardiac surgery.

  • 12.

    There is a greater incidence of early postoperative cognitive dysfunction in patients exposed to conventional CPB compared with off-pump and noncardiac surgical patients.

  • 13.

    The incidence of late cognitive dysfunction and stroke appears to be similar between groups undergoing conventional CPB, percutaneous coronary intervention, or medical management, implying progression of underlying disease and atrial arrhythmias as primary mechanisms of late stroke.

From 2001 to 2011, coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) procedures decreased by nearly 50% to 213,700 procedures, whereas percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) decreased by more than 25% to 560,500 procedures in 2011. Although these trends may reflect a variety of environmental, lifestyle, and therapeutic factors, overt and subclinical perioperative cerebral injury remains a compelling problem and continues to influence the debate over optimal strategy for coronary revascularization. Accordingly, the risk factors, causes, and potential for mitigation of perioperative stroke and neurobehavioral outcomes associated with cardiac surgery and cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) are the topic of this chapter.

Categorization of Central Nervous System Injury

In a seminal study, central nervous system (CNS) injury was classified into two broad categories: type I (focal injury, stupor, or coma at discharge) and type II (deterioration in intellectual function, memory deficit, or seizures). Cerebral injury can also be broadly classified as stroke, delirium (encephalopathy), or postoperative cognitive dysfunction. Stroke is defined clinically as any new focalized sensorimotor deficit persisting longer than 24 hours, identified either on clinical grounds only or, ideally, as confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography, or other form of brain imaging.

  • Transient ischemic attack (TIA) is defined as brief neurologic dysfunction persisting for less than 24 hours. Neurologic dysfunction lasting longer than 24 hours but less than 72 hours is termed a reversible ischemic neurologic deficit.

  • Delirium is described as a transient global impairment of cognitive function, reduced level of consciousness, profound changes in sleep pattern, and attention abnormalities.

  • Cognitive dysfunction is defined as a decrease in score falling below some predetermined threshold, such as a decrease in postoperative score of magnitude 1 standard deviation or more derived from the preoperative performance.

  • Seizure is categorized as either convulsive or nonconvulsive and may be related to overt CNS injury or, alternatively, may reflect transient biochemical or pharmacologically mediated neuroexcitation.

The incidence of stroke or type I injury after closed-chamber cardiac procedures is generally considered to be approximately 1%. For isolated single valve surgical repair or replacement, a stroke rate of 1.6% is reported and this increases to 2.9% for combined CABG and valve surgery. The incidence of cognitive dysfunction (type II) is reported as ranging in rate from 30% to 80% in the early postoperative period. The difference in the incidence of cerebral injury after cardiac surgery is related to the type and complexity of the procedure, whether it is off-pump coronary artery bypass (OPCAB), CABG, open chamber, combined CABG and valvular surgery, or aortic arch and related procedures. The increasing usage of minimally invasive valvular and coronary revascularization techniques, as well as the expanding role for catheter-based valve replacement, has independently impacted the risk of CNS injury. Overall, the increased length of stay and increased mortality rates associated with any form of cerebral complication in cardiac surgical patients are striking. Predictors of both types of cerebral complications included advanced age of older than 70 years and a history or the presence of significant hypertension. Predictors of type I deficits include the presence of proximal aortic atherosclerosis, a history of prior neurologic disease, use of the intraaortic balloon pump, diabetes, a history of hypertension, a history of unstable angina, and increasing age. Perioperative hypotension and the use of ventricular venting were also weakly associated with this type of outcome.

Early, Delayed, and Late Stroke

In considering the incidence of perioperative stroke it is apparent that distinguishing stroke as early (ie, neurologic deficit apparent on emergence from anesthesia), delayed (ie, neurologic deficit developing more than 24 hours postoperatively), or late (ie, stroke developing more than 30 days postoperatively) is important to better discriminate causative factors and potential risk reduction strategies. Such an analysis facilitates identification of potentially causal intraoperative events (eg, hypotension, atherosclerotic aorta) from perioperative occurrences (eg, atrial fibrillation) and later progression of underlying disease (eg, cerebrovascular atherosclerosis).

Studies strongly indicate that patient comorbidities, particularly aortic atherosclerosis, in concert with intraoperative factors, whether associated with CABG, OPCAB, or PCI, fundamentally impact the incidence of early stroke and are thus potentially modifiable, whereas late stroke reflects progression of comorbid disease and atrial arrhythmias.

Age-Associated Risk for Central Nervous System Injury

In a review of 67,764 cardiac surgical patients, of whom 4743 were octogenarians, and who underwent cardiac surgery at 22 centers in the National Cardiovascular Network, the incidence of type I cerebral injury was 10.2% in patients older than 80 years versus 4.2% in patients younger than 80. Although global mortality for cardiac surgery in octogenarians was greater than in younger patients, the researchers reported that, when octogenarians without significant comorbidities were considered, their mortality rates were similar to those of younger patients.

In addition to the age-related factor, reports from Europe and North America consistently describe previous cerebrovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, peripheral vascular disease (including carotid disease), aortic atherosclerosis, renal dysfunction, infarction or unstable angina within 24 hours before surgery, and intraoperative and postoperative complications as being additional factors increasing the incidence of cerebral injury in cardiac surgical patients ( Box 31.1 ). Determining the impact of age-associated cerebral injury in cardiac surgery is becoming more relevant because of the progressive increase in the average age of the general population and, in particular, of the cardiac surgical population. The presence of preoperative comorbidities is increasingly recognized as the primary determinant of the age-associated risk for CNS complications. As overall survival and quality of life after cardiac surgery continue to improve in older patients, advanced age alone is no longer considered a deterrent when evaluating a patient for cardiac surgery. The presence and extent of comorbidities should be considered as being of equal or greater importance than age itself as a risk factor for cerebral injury in cardiac surgical patients.

Box 31.1
Factors Related to Cerebral Injury in Cardiac Surgery

  • Age

  • Aorta atheromatosis

  • Carotid disease

  • Diabetes mellitus

  • Hypertension

  • Peripheral vascular disease

  • Renal dysfunction

  • Stroke or cerebrovascular disease

  • Recent unstable angina or acute myocardial infarction

  • Preoperative low output/low ejection fraction

  • Combined/complex procedures

  • Redo surgery

  • Prolonged cardiopulmonary bypass time

  • Intraoperative hemodynamic instability

  • Postoperative atrial fibrillation

Risk factors consistently reported for perioperative cerebral injury in cardiac surgery patients; see discussion in the text.

Retrospective Versus Prospective Neurologic Assessment

The detection of CNS injury depends critically on the methodology used, and retrospective studies have been demonstrated as insensitive in various studies. A retrospective chart review is inadequate as an assessment of the overall incidence of postoperative neurologic dysfunction. The reasons for the inability of retrospective chart audit to detect the majority of patients with neurologic dysfunction are readily apparent and include incompleteness of records, a reluctance to document apparently minor complications, and, most important, an insensitivity to subtle neurologic dysfunction. The timing, thoroughness, and reproducibility (single examiner) of the neurologic examinations, as well as the incorporation of a preoperative assessment for comparison, all determine the sensitivity and accuracy with which postoperative CNS injury can be detected. Many of the types of neurologic impairment now being documented are subclinical and not readily detectable by a standard “foot-of-the-bed” assessment and have currently unknown implications for longer-term patient outcomes.

Neuropsychologic Dysfunction

Compared with stroke, cognitive dysfunction (neurocognitive dysfunction) is a considerably more frequent sequela of cardiac surgery and has been demonstrated in up to 80% of patients early after surgery. The pathogenesis of cognitive dysfunction after cardiac surgery is still uncertain. Variables that have been postulated to explain the development of postoperative neurocognitive decline include advanced age, concomitant cerebrovascular disease, and severity of cardiovascular disease, as well as progression of underlying disease. Various intraoperative factors, such as cerebral emboli, hypoperfusion or hypoxia, activation of inflammatory processes, aortic cross-clamp or CPB time, low mean arterial pressure (MAP), and cerebral venous hypertension, have all been implicated. In many instances, subtle signs of neuropsychological dysfunction are detectable only with sophisticated cognitive testing strategies, although depression and personality changes may be noted by family members. It should be recognized that formalized cognitive testing is reproducible and quantifiable and represents an objective outcome measure; as such, it can act as a benchmark to assess various therapeutic interventions (eg, the efficacy of putative cerebroprotectants, equipment modifications, pH management strategies). In addition, a number of studies have made correlations between early postoperative cognitive dysfunction and intraoperative cerebral oxygen desaturation, as well as new ischemic lesions on MRI. Assessment of early cognitive dysfunction can be used to discriminate between various intraoperative treatment modalities (eg, pH management, use of cell saver, epiaortic scanning [EAS]). However, whether early postoperative cognitive dysfunction represents permanent neurologic damage remains controversial.

Several more recent studies have demonstrated similar incidences of later cognitive dysfunction whether patients underwent CABG, off-pump surgery, PCIs, or were managed medically. These results strongly imply that underlying comorbidities and progression of cerebrovascular disease are the most relevant factors in late postoperative cognitive dysfunction rather than cardiac surgery per se.

Mechanisms of Brain Injury

Determining which factor or, more likely, which combination of factors is responsible for postoperative neurologic or behavioral dysfunction in patients undergoing cardiac surgery using CPB is problematic ( Box 31.2 ). From the few studies in which a surgical control group has been used, it appears that elements inherent to CPB are causative, particularly in dysfunction occurring in the immediate postoperative period. How much of this dysfunction is as a direct result of exposure to CABG and CPB or occurs as a result of underlying comorbid disease is an area of active ongoing investigation. Based on postmortem studies, as well as correlative analyses of intraoperative events with neurologic outcomes, two primary mechanisms appear to be responsible for brain injury in otherwise uncomplicated cardiac operations: cerebral hypoperfusion and cerebral emboli.

Box 31.2
Risk Factors for Neurologic Complications in Cardiac Surgery

  • Hemodynamic instability

  • Diabetes mellitus

  • Advanced age

  • Combined/complex procedures

  • Prolonged cardiopulmonary bypass time

  • Prior stroke/cerebrovascular disease

  • Aortic atheromatosis

  • Renal dysfunction

  • Peripheral vascular disease

Intraoperative cerebral embolization of particulate and microgaseous elements has a significant role in the genesis of cerebral events in postoperative cardiac surgical patients. Increasing attention is also being paid to the role of perioperative hypoperfusion, particularly in patients with intracranial and extracranial atherosclerosis, and to the effect of inflammatory processes triggered during exposure to surgery and CPB.

More recent evidence is also focusing on new-onset postoperative atrial fibrillation (POAF) as being associated with increased long-term mortality and stroke. Formerly, POAF was thought to be relatively benign and self-limited, whereas a recent meta-analysis identified new-onset POAF following CABG as associated with significantly higher risk of mortality in short- and long-term follow-up and higher rates of stroke and other complications.

Watershed Infarctions

Watershed, or boundary zone, infarcts are ischemic lesions that are situated along border zones between the territories of two major cerebral arteries (eg, the middle and posterior, or the anterior and middle cerebral arteries) where terminal arteriolar anastomoses exist ( Fig. 31.1 ).

Fig. 31.1, Hatched areas showing the most frequent locations of boundary area, or watershed zone infarcts in the brain, situated between the territories of major cerebral or cerebellar arteries.

By the same rationale, however, these areas are also highly susceptible to ischemia because of end-artery embolization, and it is also recognized that, although severe hypotension is the most common cause, showers of microemboli may lodge preferentially in these areas and cause infarcts in the underlying brain. As such, although they commonly arise from profoundly hypotensive episodes, watershed lesions are not pathognomonic of a hypotensive episode and may be the result of cerebral emboli. Embolization and hypoperfusion acting together play a synergistic role and either cause or magnify the brain damage of cardiac surgical patients.

Cerebral Emboli and Outcome

Cerebral emboli during CPB can be arbitrarily differentiated into macroemboli (eg, calcific or atherosclerotic debris) and microemboli (eg, microgaseous bubbles, microparticulate matter). Overt and focal neurologic damage likely reflects the occurrence of cerebral macroemboli (eg, calcific and atheromatous debris generated during valve tissue removal or instrumentation of an atheromatous aorta), whereas less focal neurologic dysfunction has been ascribed to cerebral microemboli. Microemboli appear to have some role in diffuse, subtle neurologic and cognitive disturbances, whereas macroemboli likely produce clinically apparent catastrophic strokes. Whatever the nature of the cerebral insult, however, it seems that coexistent inflammatory processes can exacerbate the magnitude of injury.

Gaseous emboli are not innocuous. It has been demonstrated that the effects of air emboli on the cerebral vasculature not only are due to bubble entrapment with direct blockage of cerebral vessels but also represent the effects that such bubbles have on vascular endothelial cells. Ultrastructural examinations of pial vessels exposed to cerebral air emboli demonstrated severe injury to endothelial plasmalemma, leading to loss of cellular integrity and endothelial cell swelling. Such endothelial damage produces disruptions of vasoreactivity. Air embolism also produces changes in blood elements leading to formation of a proteinaceous capsule around the bubbles, marked dilation of pial vessels, platelet sequestration, and damage to endothelial cells. Air-induced mechanical trauma to the endothelium causes basement membrane disruption, thrombin production, release of P-selectin from intracellular vesicles, synthesis of platelet-activating factor, and a reperfusion-like injury with perturbations in inflammation and thrombotic processes. These phenomena likely impair nitric oxide production, causing alterations in cerebral microvascular regulation. Whether heparin anticoagulation during CPB mitigates the impact of cerebral gas embolization as demonstrated during cerebral angiography remains speculative.

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