Central Nervous System Cysts


  • Benign developmental thin-walled cysts defined by type of epithelium and location

  • Examples: epidermoid, dermoid, colloid, arachnoid, endodermal, and ependymal

Clinical Features


  • Constitute about 1% of intracranial masses

  • Affect all ages

  • No gender predominance

  • Believed to result from developmental “entrapment”; rarely acquired

    • Epidermoid and dermoid cysts may arise by inclusion of ectoderm into surrounding tissue

    • Colloid cysts derived from endodermal epithelium in the rostral dorsal third ventricle

    • Arachnoid cysts believed to arise as developmental abnormality or secondary to leptomeningitis or trauma

    • Endodermal (“neurenteric,” “respiratory epithelial”) cysts arise from entrapped endoderm of respiratory or gastrointestinal tract

    • Ependymal (glioependymal) cysts believed to arise from entrapped neural tube

  • Pineal and choroid plexus cysts are most often incidental findings

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