Category Sports Medicine

The Team Physician

Being a Team Physician: A Special Privilege, an Awesome Challenge Special Role Team physicians have a unique responsibility of leadership while taking care of athletes. Core skills include leadership; team building; shared decision-making and collaboration; good communication; and a mission…

Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome

Introduction Chronic exertional compartment syndrome (CECS) most commonly affects the young, military, and athletic populations and can be debilitating for active individuals. Typical symptoms include pain, paresthesias, muscle weakness, and discomfort described as squeezing or cramping that occur during exercise…

Stress Fractures

Introduction Stress fractures are relatively common overuse injuries occurring in individuals participating in a variety of physical activities. They have been reported to account for up to 20% of all injuries seen in sports medicine clinics. As an overuse injury,…

Concussions in the Female Athlete

Introduction Female athletes are more likely to sustain sport-related concussion than male athletes when playing equivalent sports. Studies on middle-school to high-school females demonstrate that female athletes are at a higher risk of sustaining a concussion than their male counterparts.…

Overuse Injuries in Females

Introduction Overuse injuries result from cumulative trauma or many repetitive minor insults, such that the body does not have adequate time to heal properly. These types of injuries typically occur in low-contact sports that require long training sessions and repetitive…