Category Gastrointestinal Imaging

Neuroendocrine Tumors

KEY FACTS Terminology Terms such as carcinoid and islet cell tumor are decreasing in use, in favor of well-differentiated (low-grade) or poorly differentiated (high-grade) NETs GI tract: Most common primary site (74%), followed by bronchopulmonary (24%) Small bowel most common…


KEY FACTS Terminology Alveolar rupture caused by elevated transalveolar pressure during mechanical ventilation Imaging CT is the definitive test for presence & source of extraluminal gas Pleural spaces, mediastinum, subcutaneous, intra- and retroperitoneal, bowel wall Radiographic findings Pneumothorax – Radiolucent…

Foreign Bodies

KEY FACTS Imaging Ingested foreign bodies Commonly affect children, developmentally challenged or psychiatric patients, and inebriated adults Most ingested foreign bodies traverse GI tract without problem: < 1% cause obstruction or perforation – Elongated or sharp objects may impact at point…