Category Plastic Surgery

Hispanic Nose

The Problem In the author’s primary rhinoplasty practice, at least 40% of patients are of Hispanic origin. There is a large diversity of presenting issues as well as requisite surgical techniques. Rather than classify by country of origin, I will…

African American Nose

The Problem The patient desires an aesthetic change of the African American nose. The Background The African American nose has unique features such as a wide nasal base with a wide nasal sill, flaring alar, wide nasal bridge, and weak…

The English Nose

The Problem The common presentation is of a young woman, with a simple nasal hump in mid-profile and with a straight septum and normal tip. Many would consider these to be excessive concerns ( Fig. 66.1 ). Usually there had…

Northern European Nose

The Problem Slightly deprojected Northern European nose with boxy tip, ill tip definition, middle vault hump, bony and cartilaginous, and incontinuous dorsal aesthetic contour lines. The Background Rhinoplasty is recognized by the majority of facial plastic surgeons as one of…

Russian Nose

The Problem Aesthetic rhinoplasty for the nose that fits the typical Eastern Slavic face. The stereotype of a Slavic young woman is as follows: wide round face; widely spaced big eyes; straight or concave dorsum with the nasal tip rotated…

Rhinoplasty in the Caucus Nose

Background The Caucasus is a complex geographical area that includes a wide variety of landforms from mountains and plateaus to rivers, lakes, and marshes. There are 50 distinct peoples that inhabit the area and who form various communities, numbering anywhere…

Grecian Nose

The Problem From the outset, one might have a predisposed perception, based on Hellenistic period artifacts and images of a straight-lined nose joining the forehead to the nasal dorsum when seen in profile view. Or one of a feature distorted…

Latino Nose

The Problem The term “mestizo” means mixed. In Colombia, although the term initially meant the mixture of European and Native Indian blood, today, mestizos are considered a mixture of European (White), native Indian, and Black African descent people. In the…

The Middle Eastern Nose

The Clinical Problem The presentation is of a young man, with a nasal hump in mid-profile and with a relatively straight septum, ptotic tip, and medium to thick skin; he presents no complaints of airway issues. Patient is in his…