Behçet Disease

Behçet disease (BD) is classified as a primary variable vessel vasculitis , emphasizing the involvement of any size and type (arterial, venous) of blood vessel. BD is also recognized as an autoinflammatory disease. Originally described with recurrent oral ulcerations, uveitis, and skin abnormalities, the BD spectrum is much broader.


Behçet disease has a high prevalence in countries along the Silk Road, extending from Japan to the eastern Mediterranean. It is increasingly recognized among people of European ancestry. BD has a prevalence of 5-7 per 100,000 adults, which makes it more frequent than the other vasculitides such as granulomatosis polyangiitis (Wegener disease). The increased disease recognition might have had a role in the rising prevalence of BD as well as the immigrations of the 20th century. Prevalence in children is probably not more than 10% of the adult counterparts in eastern Mediterranean countries; boys and girls are equally affected. Family history of BD is present in approximately 20% of the cases. Onset in children is 8-12 yr of age. Newborns of affected mothers have demonstrated symptoms of BD.

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