Autoimmune and Chronic Cholestatic Disorders of the Liver


The three most common liver syndromes with a putative autoimmune cause are autoimmune hepatitis (AIH), primary biliary cholangitis (PBC), and primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC). Overlap syndromes involve various combinations of these disorders. Other chronic cholestatic disorders discussed in this chapter include hepatobiliary involvement by immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4)-related disease. Some uncommon noncongenital chronic biliary diseases that can mimic PBC and PSC are reviewed as well as post–COVID-19 cholangiopathy. Pediatric cholestatic disorders (e.g., biliary atresia) are discussed in Chapter 54 , and transplantation-related aspects of autoimmune liver disorders are covered in Chapter 52 .

Autoimmune Hepatitis

Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) is an immune-mediated chronic hepatitis that primarily affects women and is associated with polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia and a variety of circulating tissue-directed autoantibodies. There is a strong association with several common human leukocyte antigen (HLA) subtypes, including HLA DR3 (DRB1∗0301), DR4 (DRB1∗0401), and DR7 (DRB1∗0701), as well as with other genetic disorders that lead to immune dysregulation. Although a favorable response to corticosteroid-based immunosuppressive therapies is characteristic, AIH can progress to cirrhosis, and advanced fibrosis may, in fact, be present at the time of initial presentation ( Box 48.1 ).

BOX 48.1
Key Features of Autoimmune Hepatitis

  • Immune-mediated chronic hepatitis associated with circulating autoantibodies and hypergammaglobulinemia

  • More common in women, with incidence peaks around 70 years of age and in young adulthood

  • Considerably less common in children

  • Associated with certain HLA haplotypes

  • Associated with predominantly hepatitic pattern of liver injury

  • Patients may be asymptomatic, but up to one-third present with established cirrhosis

  • Diagnosis generally requires exclusion of infectious etiology, exposure to hepatotoxic medications, and significant alcohol intake

  • Interface hepatitis, regenerative hepatocellular rosettes, and emperipolesis considered typical histological features

  • Large numbers of plasma cells, plasma cell clusters, and Kupffer cell hyaline globules also frequently seen

  • Generally very good clinical response to immunosuppressive medical therapy, including during disease relapse

AIH can be subclassified based on the specific complement of autoantibodies detected by serological testing ( Table 48.1 ). AIH type 1 more commonly affects adults and is associated with circulating antinuclear antibodies (ANAs) and anti–smooth muscle antibodies (ASMAs) that target a variety of intermediate filaments and microfilaments, including F-actin. In contrast, AIH type 2 primarily affects the pediatric population. It lacks ANAs and ASMAs and is instead associated with liver-kidney microsomal antibodies (LKM1, LKM3) and liver cytosol antibodies (LC-1) that target the metabolic machinery of hepatocytes. The presence of circulating antibodies to soluble liver antigen/liver pancreas antigen (SLA/LP), which targets components of the transfer ribonucleoprotein complex SEPSECS, has been referred to as AIH type 3 in the literature. Although AIH type 3 affects a similar demographic as and clinically resembles AIH type 1, recognition of SLA/LP-positive patients may have clinical significance as this population is significantly more likely to relapse following the withdrawal of immunosuppressive therapy.

TABLE 48.1
Subtypes of Autoimmune Hepatitis
Type of AIH Autoantibody Molecular Target
Type 1 ANA Chromatin, ribonucleoproteins
SMA Cytoskeletal components, F-actin
Type 2 LKM1 CYP2D6
AIH, Autoimmune hepatitis ; ANA, antinuclear antibody ; CYP1A2, cytochrome P-450 1A2 ; CYP2D6, cytochrome P-450 2D6 ; FTCD, anti-formiminotransferase cyclodeaminase ; LC-1, liver cytosol 1 antibody ; LKM, anti–liver-kidney microsomal antibody ; LM, liver microsomal antibodies ; SEPSECS, Sep (O-phosphoserine) ; SLA/LP, anti-soluble liver antigen/liver pancreas antigen ; SMA, anti–smooth muscle antibody ; TRNA:Sec, (selenocysteine) , UGT, anti-uridine diphosphate glucuronosyltransferase .

The histological features of AIH are not specific and show significant overlap with a variety of different chronic liver diseases, including viral hepatitis, drug-induced liver injury (DILI), Wilson disease, toxic/metabolic injury, and chronic cholestatic liver disease. As such, knowledge of the patient’s clinical history and previously performed laboratory studies is essential for appropriate interpretation of liver biopsy samples. At a minimum, attempts should be made to exclude the presence of viral hepatitis, recent exposure to hepatotoxic drugs, and significant alcohol intake before entertaining a diagnosis of AIH. A hepatitic pattern of elevated liver enzymes coupled with hypergammaglobulinemia and the presence of serum autoantibodies also supports a diagnosis of AIH, but again lacks specificity. ,

Standardized diagnostic criteria for AIH were initially developed by the International Autoimmune Hepatitis Group in 1992 for therapeutic and research purposes. These criteria incorporated patient demographic data, serum biochemical and serological studies, and histology to assign an aggregate score designed to predict a patient’s likelihood of having AIH. The scoring system was revised and modified by the same group in 1999 and has been demonstrated to have excellent diagnostic accuracy and effectively excludes AIH in patients with PBC and PSC ( Table 48.2 ). The system was further modified and simplified in 2008 with the development of a scoring system that was more applicable to routine clinical practice ( Table 48.3 ). Further modifications to the simplified criteria were published in 2021 that incorporated modern laboratory techniques like enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and immunofluorescence testing for disease-associated autoantibodies in human epithelioma-2(HEp-2) cells rather than in frozen rodent tissue sections.

TABLE 48.2
Diagnostic Criteria for Autoimmune Hepatitis: Minimum Required Parameters
From Alvarez F, Berg PA, Bianchi FB, et al. International Autoimmune Hepatitis Group report: review of criteria for diagnosis of autoimmune hepatitis. J Hepatol . 1999;31:929-938.
Parameters Score
  • Sex

    • Female

    • +2

    • Male

    • 0

  • Alcohol average consumption

    • <25 g/day

    • +2

    • >60 g/day

    • −2

  • History of hepatotoxic drug use

    • Yes

    • −4

    • No

    • +1

  • Other autoimmune diseases

    • Present

    • +2

    • Absent

    • 0

Serum biochemical studies
  • Serum ALP/ALT ratio

    • <1.5

    • +2

    • >3.0

    • −2

  • Serum total globulin, γ-globulin, or IgG

    • >2× normal

    • +3

    • 1.5-2× normal

    • +2

    • 1.0-1.5× normal

    • +1

    • Normal

    • 0

Serology studies
  • ANA, ASMA, or LKM1

    • >1:80

    • +3

    • 1:80

    • +2

    • 1:40

    • +1

    • <1:40

    • 0

  • AMA

    • Negative

    • 0

    • Positive

    • −4

  • Viral hepatitis markers

    • Negative

    • Positive

  • Other autoantibodies

    • Present

    • Absent

  • HLA-DR3 or -DR4

    • Present

    • Absent

Treatment response
  • Complete remission

  • Remission with subsequent relapse

  • Interface hepatitis

  • Lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate

  • Hepatocyte rosetting

  • None of the above

  • Biliary changes

  • Other changes

Interpretation of aggregate scores
  • Before therapy

    • >15

Definite AIH
    • 10-15

Probable AIH
  • After therapy

    • >17

Definite AIH
    • 12-17

Probable AIH
AIH, Autoimmune hepatitis ; ALP, alkaline phosphatase ; ALT, alanine aminotransferase ; AMA, antimitochondrial antibody ; ANA, antinuclear antibody ; ASMA, anti–smooth muscle antibody ; HLA, human leukocyte antigen ; LKM1, liver-kidney microsomal antibody 1 .

TABLE 48.3
Simplified Diagnostic Criteria for Autoimmune Hepatitis
From Hennes EM, Zeniya M, Czaja AJ, et al; International Autoimmune Hepatitis Group. Simplified criteria for the diagnosis of autoimmune hepatitis. Hepatology . 2008;48(1):169-176.
Variable Cutoff Points
ANA or SMA ≥ 1:40 1
ANA or SMA ≥ 1:80 2
or LKM ≥ 1:40
or SLA Positive
IgG > Upper normal limit 1
> 1.10 times upper normal limit 2
Liver histology (histological evidence of hepatitis is a necessary condition) Compatible with AIH 1
Typical AIH 2
Absence of viral hepatitis Yes 2
Aggregate Score
≥6 Probable AIH
≥7 Definite AIH
ANA, Antinuclear antibody; SMA, smooth muscle antibody; LKM, liver-kidney microsomal antibody; SLA, soluble liver antigen antibody; IgG, immunoglobulin G; AIH, autoimmune hepatitis .

Clinical Features and Epidemiology

Although there are significant regional differences, the worldwide incidence of AIH appears to be increasing. A nationwide registry-based cohort study performed in Denmark between 1994 and 2012 showed an AIH incidence of 1.68 per 100,000 population per year, though it doubled over the course of the study period. In Japan, the point prevalence of AIH increased from 8.7 per 100,000 in 2004 to 23.9 per 100,000 in 2016. A similar registry-based cohort study in Finland reported an incidence of 1.1 per 100,000 person-years and showed an overall point prevalence of 14.3 per 100,000 at the end of 2015. In this work, 76% of AIH cases occurred in women, which is similar to the proportion described in other studies. A population-based study from Korea showed a similar incidence rate of 1.07 per 100,000 persons, or a prevalence of 4.82 per 100,000 persons, while others performed in Alaskan Natives showed a point prevalence of 42.9 per 100,000, again highlighting marked regional variation in the incidence of AIH. ,

Patients of any age may be affected by AIH. For AIH type 1, there appears to be an incidence peak at around 70 years of age, along with a smaller peak in young adults between 10 and 25 years of age. Overall, AIH is rare in children, with an incidence of only 0.23 per 100,000. Nevertheless, in the juvenile population AIH type 1 is the most common form of AIH and is diagnosed 5.5 times more frequently than AIH type 2. There are important differences between AIH type 1 and AIH type 2 with regard to patient demographics and clinical course. AIH type 2 patients with LKM1 antibodies are more likely to present at a younger age (median age 7.4 years) and frequently exhibit more aggressive, severely active disease than those with classical AIH type 1. It is also extremely rare in adults in the United States, but fairly common in southern Europe and the United Kingdom, likely reflecting differences in genetic susceptibility as a result of regional variations in major histocompatibility complex (MHC) hapoltypes. ,

Though not performed routinely for diagnostic purposes, AIH is strongly associated with certain HLA types. In northern European and North American populations HLA DRB1∗0301 (DR3) appears to be the primary susceptibility haplotype, with DRB1∗0401 (DR4) also showing a strong association with AIH type 1. In a large Dutch cohort, 75% of AIH patients were HLA DR3 and DR4 positive. These patients had significantly higher serum IgG levels than those with other HLA haplotypes, and patients with HLA DR3 were more likely to require liver transplantation. In addition to DR3, DRB1∗1301 is frequently associated with AIH in some South American populations, while association with DRB1∗0404 and DRB1∗0405 has been reported in Mexican and Japanese populations. , A single-nucleotide polymorphism in the 3’ untranslated region of HLA-DPB1 (rs9277534), which has been associated with the clearance of hepatitis B viral infection as well as the development of acute graft-versus-host disease following hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, may also contribute to AIH susceptibility, at least in Japanese populations.

AIH type 2 is associated with somewhat different HLA haplotypes than AIH type 1. Like AIH type 1, HLA DR3 is significantly associated with susceptibility to AIH type 2 in one cohort (relative risk 4.25). However, the HLA DQB1∗0201 allele appears to be the primary genetic determinant of AIH type, conferring the highest relative risk (6.40) of the HLA DR and DQ phenotypes in this study.

Common polymorphisms in other non-MHC genes, including those coding for TNF-α and CTLA-4, have also been implicated as risk factors for the development of AIH. The CTLA-4 gene includes a single base-exchange polymorphism at position 49 in exon 1. The G allele at this position is more common in patients with AIH type 1 than in controls, and the GG genotype may be associated with higher mean serum transaminase levels in patients with AIH. Though not universal, this association appears to hold true across multiple ethnic backgrounds and may be related to deficient CTLA-4–mediated inhibition of T-lymphocyte proliferation in patients with the GG genotype. ,

Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy (APECED) is a monogenic disorder caused by biallelic point mutations in the autoimmune regulator gene AIRE that is characterized by chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis, hypoparathyroidism, and adrenal insufficiency related to loss of self-tolerance to endocrine organ tissue-specific antigens. Historically, APECED-associated hepatitis (APAH) was thought to be a relatively rare manifestation of this disorder. However, a recent study identified APAH in 42% of the APECED patients in their cohort, with about one-third showing histological and biochemical evidence of liver injury before exhibiting other features of systemic immune dysfunction. In contrast with other forms of AIH, antinuclear and anti-smooth muscle antibodies are rare in the setting of APAH. Rather, liver microsomal antibodies (LMs) targeting CYP1A2 appear to be highly specific for APAH, but lack sensitivity, somewhat limiting their diagnostic utility. Despite difference with classic AIH, the majority of patients with APAH respond to typical immunosuppressive induction and maintenance regimens.

The clinical presentation of AIH is remarkably protean and ranges from completely asymptomatic to fulminant hepatic failure. Approximately 25% of patients present with nonspecific signs and symptoms that resemble acute viral hepatitis and include fatigue, abdominal pain, nausea, fever, and jaundiced mucus membranes and skin. During periods of activity, serum transaminases are frequently markedly elevated and may exceed 1000 IU/mL. In contrast, serum alkaline phosphatase levels usually fall within the normal range or are only mildly elevated. Hypergammaglobulinemia and elevated serum IgG are frequently present and are considered to be defining features of AIH, though this is not universal, even in cases presenting with fulminant hepatitis.

Acute severe AIH resulting in massive hepatic necrosis and acute liver failure associated with coagulopathy and encephalopathy is a relatively rare manifestation of AIH. An immune-mediated process should, however, be considered in the differential diagnosis of all patients presenting with fulminant hepatic failure, as a dramatic response to immunosuppressive medical therapy is possible, and delay in the administration of corticosteroids has been associated with poor outcomes. Histological features alone are, unfortunately, not sufficiently specific to diagnose this entity, though the presence of prominent zone 3 necroinflammatory activity and a plasma cell–rich inflammatory infiltrate is said to be characteristic. , Correlation of these histological features with the presence of circulating autoantibodies along with careful exclusion of infectious, toxic, and metabolic etiologies may improve diagnostic accuracy.

At the other end of the spectrum, approximately one-third of patients with AIH are asymptomatic at the time of diagnosis. Patients with asymptomatic AIH are more likely to be men and have significantly lower bilirubin and transaminase levels compared with their symptomatic counterparts, though histological changes including degree of necroinflammatory lobular activity and fibrosis are similar. Approximately 70% of asymptomatic AIH patients eventually develop clinical symptoms. Response to immunosuppression is excellent, slightly better than that seen in symptomatic populations, with no treatment failures observed, although relapse following cessation of therapy occurs at a similar rate.

Approximately 34% of patients with AIH have established cirrhosis at the time of presentation, highlighting the chronic nature of this disease. The proportion of symptomatic and asymptomatic patients that have histologically confirmed cirrhosis during their initial workup is similar and is, perhaps not surprisingly, associated with poorer 10-year survival than those without advanced fibrosis. A similar proportion of children with AIH have established cirrhosis at the time of presentation. ,


AIH is chronic inflammatory syndrome associated with a defect in suppressor T-cell function that leads to loss of self-tolerance and the development of a T-cell–mediated immune response that primarily targets hepatocytes. Although most cases occur de novo without a clear triggering event, some medications and infections appear to be associated with development of AIH. Hepatitis A virus (HAV) infection, in particular, is strongly suspected to be a trigger for AIH. In genetically susceptible individuals, abnormal T-helper activation and the production of antibodies targeting the asialoglycoprotein receptor (ASGPR) continue to occur following viral clearance. A similar association has been found with the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). Other possible hepatotropic and non-hepatotropic viral triggers have been suggested but have a less clear association with the development of subsequent immune-mediated liver injury. ,

An ever-expanding list of drugs have been cited as proposed triggers of autoimmune liver disease. True drug-induced AIH (DI-AIH) is a self-perpetuating process that develops in patients not previously diagnosed with AIH. In one large series, nitrofurantoin and minocycline were the most common medications associated with DI-AIH and produced a clinical syndrome virtually indistinguishable from de novo AIH. DILI may also occur in the setting of methyldopa or hydralazine use, although only one-half of these cases show an immune-mediated phenotype resembling AIH with associated hypergammaglobulinemia and circulating autoantibodies. More recently, DI-AIH has been linked with biological agents targeting TNF-α such as infliximab, adalimumab, and etanercept and was reported as a serious adverse event in a large international pharmacovigilance database. Although drug discontinuation and the administration of corticosteroids frequently result in clinical improvement, as with de novo AIH, long-term immunosuppression may be required, and DI-AIH–related deaths have been reported.

Numerous circulating autoantibodies have been identified in patients with AIH, but these lack specificity and play only a minor role in disease pathogenesis. ANAs targeting chromatin and ribonucleoprotein complexes are identified in nearly 80% of patients with AIH, but are also found in patients with other chronic liver diseases, including PBC, PSC, and NASH, dramatically limiting their diagnostic utility. ASMAs show somewhat higher specificity for AIH than ANAs and are moderately sensitive in the diagnosis of AIH. ASMAs target cytoskeletal components, including the microfilament F-actin, and are found in approximately 70% of AIH patients. Higher autoantibody titers (greater than 1:40) have better diagnostic specificity, but the presence of ASMAs in otherwise asymptomatic patients with normal liver function tests generally does not portend the development of AIH. As discussed earlier, the presence of ANAs and ASMAs defines AIH type 1.

In contrast, AIH type 2 is defined by the presence of anti-LKM1 antibodies, targeting CYP2D6; anti–LC-1 antibodies, targeting the folate-metabolizing enzyme formiminotransferase cyclodeaminase (FTCD); and LKM3, targeting uridine diphosphate glucuronosyltransferase (UGT), which is involved with drug and bilirubin metabolism. , Anti-LKM1 antibodies are generally found in children in the absence of other autoantibodies. As previously discussed, the HLA DQB1∗0201 allele is the strongest genetic modifier conferring susceptibility to AIH type 2, although circulating LKM1 may also be associated with the DRB1∗0701 allele. , Interestingly, DRB1∗0701 is also associated with persistent HCV infection, at least in northern European Caucasian populations, and low titers of anti-LKM1 may be seen in individuals with chronic HCV, again suggesting the possibility of an infectious trigger in genetically susceptible individuals. However, these antibodies appear to target a different epitope than those present in de novo AIH type 2. Currently, the role of the humoral immune response as a mediator of hepatocellular injury in AIH is thought to be limited, at best.

Hepatic injury in AIH is, instead, believed to be primarily a T-cell–mediated process. Impairment of regulatory T-cell (T-reg) function results in a loss of immune tolerance to hepatocellular self antigens, leading to the initiation and propagation of an effector T-cell response. Decreased activity and lower numbers of T-regs in patients with AIH result in an increase in the proliferation of effector T cells as well as their production of proinflammatory cytokines like interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) and IL-4. Although the targeted self antigen is not known for most cases of de novo AIH, CYP2D6, SEPSECS, and FTCD have been well-characterized as the antigenic targets of both B cells and effector T cells in AIH type 2. , These observations have led some to hypothesize that molecular mimicry (i.e., when an immune response directed against pathogenic organisms or xenobiotics inadvertently targets structurally similar self antigen) may contribute to the development of AIH. , For example, there is significant sequence homology between CYP2D6 residues 193 to 212 and the HCV and CMV epitopes displayed by antigen-presenting cells, suggesting that viral infection is capable of initiating an inflammatory cascade that leads to a sustained immune response to self antigen. Further work is needed to clarify the complex interplay among the genetic, environmental, and immunological factors that play a role in the pathogenesis of AIH.


Gross Findings

Gross examination of the explanted liver for AIH is typically uninformative. Established cirrhosis is present in approximately one-third of AIH patients at the time of initial presentation and frequently shows a mixed micronodular/macronodular pattern that is indistinguishable from that seen in the setting of chronic viral hepatitis or burnt-out steatohepatitis. The surface of the liver appears shrunken and nodular. Sectioning reveals tan-brown to bile-stained regenerative nodules that are enveloped by variably prominent, firm, gray-white fibrous tissues ( Fig. 48.1A ). The gross appearance of the liver in the setting of a fulminant clinical presentation is similarly nonspecific and is indistinguishable from toxic/drug-mediated injury and viral hepatitis. The hepatic capsule may appear contracted or shriveled. The cut surface frequently shows large areas of hemorrhage and soft necrosis. Islands of residual/regenerating hepatocellular parenchyma are occasionally identifiable in an otherwise necrotic liver ( Fig. 48.1B ).

FIGURE 48.1, The liver in autoimmune hepatitis shows no specific gross features.

Microscopic Findings

The histological appearance of the liver in AIH shows a great deal of variability with respect to grade and stage of the disease, but it tends to show a chronic hepatitis pattern of injury with elements of interface and lobular activity. The portal inflammatory infiltrate is typically rich in both lymphocytes and plasma cells, although variable numbers of histiocytes, eosinophils, and neutrophils may also be present. Plasma cells, in particular, are conspicuous in most cases, frequently forming clusters of greater than 5 cells and outnumbering the lymphocytic component of the inflammatory infiltrate. These plasma cells tend to be immunoreactive for IgG. Although some authors have suggested that a preponderance of IgG-producing plasma cells supports a diagnosis of AIH over PBC, these observations are not specific to AIH, and interpretation of IgG:IgM ratios are challenging, limiting their practical application in routine clinical practice. , Importantly, the absence of a plasma cell–predominant infiltrate does not exclude a diagnosis of AIH and is occasionally encountered in otherwise typical cases of AIH.

Bile duct inflammation may be seen as a component of AIH, but it does not necessarily imply the presence of an overlap syndrome (see later discussion). In one series, approximately 24% of patients with otherwise classical AIH showed biliary changes, including destructive cholangitis and ductopenia, but responded well to immunosuppression and lacked other histological and serological features of PBC. , Typically, bile duct changes in AIH are characterized by the presence of occasional mononuclear inflammatory cells with focal, if any, appreciable epithelial injury and the absence of florid duct lesions ( Fig. 48.2 ). Cholestasis is generally not a feature of AIH , though it may be seen in severe cases with marked necroinflammatory activity.

FIGURE 48.2, Native common bile duct branches may be infiltrated by occasional lymphocytes in otherwise typical autoimmune hepatitis. If present at all, bile duct injury is typically mild. Duct loss and florid duct lesions are not typical.

In mildly active cases of AIH, there may be only a subtle, mild increase in portal lymphocytes and plasma cells associated with focal interface activity ( Fig. 48.3 ). With increasing disease activity, more portal inflammatory cells breech the limiting plate of hepatocytes to involve the periportal lobular parenchyma ( Fig. 48.4A ). In areas of interface hepatitis, evidence of hepatocellular injury, characterized by cellular swelling and ballooning degeneration, should be evident ( Fig. 48.4B ). Overt periportal hepatocellular necrosis and acidophil bodies ( Fig. 48.4C ) may also be identified and has historically been referred to as piecemeal necrosis. Collectively, more than 80% of AIH cases show at least focal interface hepatitis involving most portal areas (Ishak grade A2). However, this histological finding alone is insufficiently specific to discriminate AIH from non-immune causes of acute hepatitis, which exhibit interface activity with a similar frequency. The presence of abundant plasma cells and plasma cell clusters appears to be a better indicator of immune-mediated injury ( Fig. 48.5 ).

FIGURE 48.3, Autoimmune hepatitis with mild expansion of portal tract by lymphoplasmacytic inflammatory infiltrate and focal interface hepatitis.

FIGURE 48.4, Autoimmune hepatitis with severe interface hepatitis characterized by diffuse, circumferential activity and associated hepatocellular injury (A). Injured hepatocytes in foci of interface hepatitis show cellular swelling and may exhibit ballooning degeneration (B). Acidophil bodies are frequently seen in foci with interface activity (C).

FIGURE 48.5, The presence of numerous plasma cells, including plasma cell clusters, is characteristic of autoimmune hepatitis.

More recently, the presence of hyaline droplets in the cytoplasm of Kupffer cells has been described as a novel diagnostic clue that is highly specific for the diagnosis of AIH. In the initial series, well-circumscribed bodies with a glassy appearance were identified in the cytoplasm of Kupffer cells in all of the AIH patients in their cohort and showed outstanding specificity. These hyaline globules are periodic acid–Schiff (PAS) positive, diastase resistant ( Fig. 48.6A ), and immunoreactive for various immunoglobins, including IgG. Similar results have been reported by other groups, some of which advocate for the inclusion of Kupffer cell hyaline globules as a typical histological feature in the simplified diagnostic criteria for AIH. ,

FIGURE 48.6, The presence of hyaline droplets within Kupffer cells is believed to be highly specific for autoimmune hepatitis. These hyaline droplets may be visible on hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)-stained tissue sections, but can be highlighted with a periodic acid-Schiff special stain with diastase digestion (A). Emperipolesis (intact lymphocytes and plasma cells within the cytoplasm of hepatocytes) is identified in most cases of autoimmune hepatitis, though it can be seen in other settings as well (B).

The presence of intact lymphocytes and plasma cells within the cytoplasm of viable hepatocytes (emperipolesis) is identified in the majority of AIH cases ( Fig. 48.6B ). Data from some groups indicate that emperipolesis is significantly more common in the setting of AIH than it is in chronic viral hepatitis, going so far as to suggest that it is superior to the presence of plasma cells and interface hepatitis as a histological indicator of AIH. Others contest that emperipolesis is difficult to reliably interpret in routine clinical practice and is, instead, correlated with inflammatory grade, regardless of etiology. , Nevertheless, emperipolesis is currently included with the presence of interface hepatitis and the formation of hepatocyte rosettes as “typical” histology for AIH in the simplified scoring system for AIH (discussed further later).

In addition to increased portal inflammation and interface hepatitis, AIH is typically associated with an element of lobular necroinflammatory activity as well. In cases with mild lobular activity, occasional aggregates of lymphocytes, plasma cells, and ceroid-laden Kupffer cells are identified in association with small foci of hepatocellular dropout ( Fig. 48.7A ). Acidophil bodies may also be encountered in the lobules, along with swollen hepatocytes with pale, rarefied cytoplasm and usually have no zonal predilection. In cases with severe lobular activity, more extensive lymphoplasmacytic inflammation is typically encountered and may be associated with large swaths of bridging or confluent hepatocellular necrosis ( Fig. 48.7B ). Regenerative hepatocellular rosettes may also be seen in cases with severe necroinflammatory lobular activity and are considered to be a typical histological feature of AIH that is purported to aid in its discrimination from chronic viral hepatitis ( Fig. 48.8 ). The significance of hepatocellular rosettes has, however, been called into question by one group who identified unequivocal rosettes in only 33% of AIH cases as well as in a similar proportion of cases without AIH. Further refinement of the histological criteria considered to be typical or compatible with AIH will undoubtably occur in the future.

FIGURE 48.7, Lobular necroinflammatory activity is present in most cases of autoimmune hepatitis.

FIGURE 48.8, Regenerative hepatocellular rosettes are a typical histological feature of autoimmune hepatitis according to the simplified criteria. True hepatocellular rosettes have a clearly delineated central lumen.

AIH occasionally presents with a centrilobular-predominant pattern of hepatocellular injury that may or may not be accompanied by increased lymphoplasmacytic portal inflammation and interface hepatitis, but responds well to immunosuppressive therapy ( Fig. 48.9 ). Some have hypothesized that this centrizonal pattern of injury represents an early form of the disease with the potential to progress to more classic AIH, although the recurrence of a predominantly centrizonal pattern of injury during periods of relapse suggests that it may be a distinct variant of immune-mediated liver injury. Prominent centrilobular changes, namely the presence of a plasma cell–enriched inflammation and central perivenulitis, with massive hepatocellular necrosis may also be seen in the setting of AIH-associated acute liver failure. Recognition of this pattern of injury is essential because initiating immunosuppressive therapy early dramatically improves prognosis.

FIGURE 48.9, Centrilobular necroinflammatory injury may also be present in autoimmune hepatitis. It can be seen in isolation or in addition to otherwise typical interface hepatitis. Perivenular necroinflammatory activity may also be seen in the setting of acute-onset autoimmune hepatitis.

Although cases of acute-onset AIH undoubtably exist, AIH is generally considered to be a chronic disease, and fibrosis is often present at the time of initial clinical presentation. The natural history liver fibrogenesis in AIH follows a similar pattern to that seen in chronic viral hepatitis, beginning with mild expansion of the portal tracts ( Fig. 48.10A ) and progressing to periportal and bridging fibrosis, and ultimately established cirrhosis ( Fig. 48.10B ). From a histological perspective, it is often not possible to differentiate cirrhosis that has developed in the setting of AIH from other etiologies, although interface hepatitis and a plasma cell–rich inflammatory infiltrate may occasionally persist. Attempts should, nevertheless, be made to accurately characterize the immune-mediated nature of the disease, as fibrogenesis is a dynamic process, and there is mounting evidence that immunosuppressive medical therapy can stabilize or reduce fibrosis stage in a subset of patients. ,

FIGURE 48.10, Autoimmune hepatitis is a chronic disease that leads to the development of liver fibrosis. Fibrosis progresses from a mild expansion of the portal tracts to periportal fibrosis (A), bridging fibrosis linking anatomically distinct structures, and ultimately, established cirrhosis (B) (Masson trichrome stains).

The surgical pathologist’s role in the diagnosis of AIH is relatively straightforward, as the histological pattern of injury is only one of the components used to predict a patient’s likelihood of having the disease. According to the simplified diagnostic criteria for AIH, typical histological features of AIH include the presence of interface hepatitis, emperipolesis, and hepatocellular rosette formation, while features compatible with AIH are characterized by a chronic hepatitis pattern of injury, but fall short of that which is considered to be typical (see Table 48.3 ). Correlating these histological findings with laboratory studies for circulating AIH-associated antibodies and serum IgG has excellent specificity for the diagnosis of AIH. Other groups have proposed modified scoring systems that consider prominent plasma cells and Kupffer cell hyaline globules as typical features of AIH or require exclusion of biliary features using copper special stains and immunohistochemical stains for CK7, which purportedly identify cases of AIH that would have been misdiagnosed by applying the simplified score. , Further validation is, however, required, particularly in the setting of overlap syndromes in which features of biliary injury and chronic cholestasis coexist with typical features of AIH.

Differential Diagnosis

The pattern of injury seen in AIH is insufficiently specific to render a diagnosis based on histological findings alone. As such, the clinical exclusion of infectious, toxic, and metabolic etiologies is an essential component to the diagnostic workup of a patient with suspected AIH. Acute-onset AIH frequently shows extensive lobular and perivenular activity as well as perivenular necrosis. The differential diagnosis for an acute hepatitis pattern of injury includes infectious etiologies, such as acute viral hepatitis A, B, and E, as well as infection with the Epstein-Barr virus and other nonhepatotropic viruses. Acute viral hepatitis A, in particular, may show a pronounced plasma cell–rich portal inflammatory infiltrate, along with interface activity and periportal necrosis ( Fig. 48.11 ). Acute viral hepatitis E is also characterized by an expansion of the portal tracts by a dense inflammatory infiltrate, although it is typically largely lymphocytic and associated with bile duct injury and cholestasis. The presence of centrizonal necrosis may also cause diagnostic confusion with acute-onset AIH. Complicating matters further, patients previously diagnosed with AIH more frequently have antibodies to the hepatitis E virus than patients with other immune disorders and other forms of chronic viral hepatitis, and infection may contribute to severity of hepatocellular injury. Although application of the modified and simplified International Hepatitis Group scoring systems can effectively discriminate AIH from acute viral hepatitis, this is rarely a diagnostic dilemma because serological studies for circulating antibodies and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) testing for viral genetic material can reliably identify an active infection. , ,

FIGURE 48.11, Viral infection can produce histological changes virtually indistinguishable from autoimmune hepatitis. Acute viral hepatitis A infection may show expansion of the portal tracts by a plasma cell–rich inflammatory infiltrate and interface hepatitis. The exclusion of an infectious etiology is essential to the diagnosis of autoimmune hepatitis.

Distinguishing AIH from DILI is complicated because some commonly prescribed medications have the potential to induce immune-mediated liver injury. DI-AIH can occur unpredictably, occasionally many months after initial exposure, and ongoing injury can be sustained following drug withdrawal. Although some authors have proposed models that incorporate portal inflammation, portal plasma cells, intraacinar eosinophils, hepatocellular rosette formation, and cholestasis as a means to discriminate AIH from DILI, this may be challenging in routine clinical practice ( Fig. 48.12 ). , The clinical exclusion of recent exposure to known or suspected hepatotoxic drugs and the application of the well-validated modified scoring system almost certainly have better performance characteristics than histological assessment alone.

FIGURE 48.12, Distinguishing autoimmune hepatitis from drug-induced liver injury may be impossible. Nitrofurantoin, in particular, can induce an immune-mediated pattern of injury with numerous plasma cells and interface hepatitis.

The clinical differential for a patient with metabolic risk factors and increased transaminases will frequently include both nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and AIH. This is, at least in part, caused by the fact that ANAs and ASMAs are significantly more common in patients with NAFLD than they are in the general population. Autoantibody titers are, however, generally lower in patients with NAFLD than that seen in the setting of AIH, although there is significant overlap. In situations in which there is diagnostic uncertainty, liver biopsy may be performed and shows good diagnostic accuracy. , The distinction between AIH and uncomplicated steatosis is typically straightforward because the presence of steatotic hepatocytes associated with minimal portal and lobular inflammation is not a typical feature of AIH. Discriminating AIH from nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) may be more challenging in some instances because portal inflammation is increased in progressive NAFLD and NASH, which may also show concurrent lobular inflammation and associated hepatocellular injury. Interface hepatitis and plasma cell clusters would, however, be unusual in NASH. Conversely, the presence of hepatocellular ballooning and zone 3–predominant pericellular (“chicken wire”) fibrosis is said to favor a diagnosis of NASH, as these findings are not typical for AIH. Of course, given the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome in Western populations, AIH may coexist with NAFLD/NASH, which poses additional diagnostic challenges that are not adequately addressed by current scoring systems. ,

Cases of AIH with prominent portal inflammation and less lobular activity may mimic chronic viral hepatitis. As discussed previously in the context of acute viral hepatitis, the exclusion of infection is easily accomplished with serological and PCR-based studies, so this is rarely a clinical question. Nevertheless, there are several morphological clues that may be helpful in suggesting the proper diagnosis if these studies have not been performed or are not yet available. The portal inflammatory infiltrate in chronic viral hepatitis C is typically rich in lymphocytes. Lymphoid aggregates are often particularly prominent and may have well-developed germinal centers. Interface hepatitis is often present, but it is usually only mild and focal, and lobular injury is nearly always minimal ( Fig. 48.13A ). In contrast, lobular and interface activity is usually prominent in AIH ( Fig. 48.13B ). The presence of numerous or clustered plasma cells is also said to be relatively specific for AIH, although they may also be seen in the setting of chronic viral hepatitis C. ,

FIGURE 48.13, There is significant overlap between the histological features of chronic viral hepatitis and autoimmune hepatitis.

In contrast with chronic viral hepatitis C, interface and lobular activity is often quite robust in chronic viral hepatitis B(HBV), particularly during the phase of immune clearance, or following the emergence of viral mutants or superinfection with the hepatitis D virus. , In these scenarios, periportal inflammation with interface hepatitis is often marked, and lobular necrosis can be extensive. Plasma cells are, again, thought to be uncommon in chronic viral hepatitis B compared with AIH, and viral surface and core antigen may be identifiable on H&E-stained tissue sections as cytoplasmic ground-glass inclusions and sanded nuclei, respectively. , These viral antigens can be identified with immunohistochemical stains performed on slides cut from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue, but quantifying HBV DNA in a blood sample by qPCR is the most reliable means of detecting infection. Again, both the modified and simplified scoring systems are able to differentiate chronic viral hepatitis from AIH.

Given significant differences in treatment guidelines, AIH must be differentiated from PBC and PSC. From a biochemical standpoint, this is often not a challenge as AIH presents with a hepatitic pattern of liver injury, whereas PBC and PSC are characterized by cholestatic liver chemistries. The ratio of serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP) relative to transaminase levels is, in fact, a component of the modified scoring system, with lower AP levels favoring a diagnosis of AIH. The absence of significant periportal copper deposition and large numbers of CK7-positive intermediate hepatobiliary cells also argue against a chronic cholestatic process in newer AIH scoring schemes. Serum antimitochondrial antibodies (AMAs), particularly those targeting PDH-E2, are extremely sensitive and specific for PBC, although other AMAs may occasionally be detected in patients with AIH. From a histological perspective, although focal bile duct inflammation is not infrequently encountered in AIH, destructive cholangitis with bile duct loss and florid duct lesions is not a feature of this disease and readily distinguishes it from PBC in most cases. Similarly, the presence of concentric fibrosis with obliterative bile duct scarring and loss is seen in PSC but not in AIH. Abnormal cholangiographic studies demonstrating bile duct strictures also strongly favor a diagnosis of PSC.

Variant forms of AIH with superimposed chronic cholestatic features (overlap syndromes) are discussed later in this chapter.

Grading and Staging

No grading and staging scheme has been developed for AIH. The system developed by Batts and Ludwig in 1995 is still routinely used in clinical practice to grade disease activity in chronic hepatitis, including AIH. The degree of interface hepatitis and lobular inflammation and necrosis are separately graded based on the intensity and distribution of necroinflammatory activity, with the more severe lesion determining the overall grade ( Table 48.4 ). The degree of fibrosis is considered separately, with mild fibrous expansion of the portal tracts being characterized as stage 1, periportal fibrosis with fine strands of fibrosis in zone 1 as stage 2, septal fibrosis with connective tissue bridges linking anatomically distinct structures as stage 3, and established cirrhosis with nodular remodeling as stage 4.

TABLE 48.4
Grading of Disease Activity in Chronic Hepatitis
From Batts KP, Ludwig J. Chronic hepatitis. An update on terminology and reporting. Am J Surg Pathol . 1995;19(12):1409-1417.
Grading Terminology Criteria
Semiquantitative Score Descriptive Interface Hepatitis Lobular Inflammation and Necrosis
0 Portal inflammation only; no activity None None
1 Minimal Minimal, patchy Minimal; occasionally spotty necrosis
2 Mild Mild; involving some or all portal tracts Mild; little hepatocellular damage
3 Moderate Moderate; involving all portal tracts Moderate; with noticeable hepatocellular change
4 Severe Severe; may have bridging necrosis Severe; with prominent diffuse hepatocellular damage

When a discrepancy exists between criteria, the more severe lesion should determine overall grade .

Other scoring systems such as the Scheuer system, French METAVIR system, Knodell system, and Ishak system may also be used with the choice being dictated by the specific needs of the treating hepatologist and the pathologist’s experience with each system.

Natural History and Treatment

The majority of cases of AIH respond to immunosuppressive medical therapy, which should be considered in all patients with active hepatic inflammation and elevated transaminases. Induction immunosuppression therapy is typically corticosteroid-based with either prednisone or prednisolone. More recently, budesonide, a synthetic corticosteroid with high first-pass metabolism, has been shown to be highly efficacious at treating AIH while showing fewer steroid-specific side effects than prednisone. The utility of budesonide is severely limited, however, in patients with significant portosystemic shunting, including those with established cirrhosis.

Azathioprine may also be started at the initiation of induction therapy, although most centers delay administration for 2 weeks until steroid responsiveness is confirmed and testing for thiopurine methyltransferase activity excludes patients at high-risk for therapy-induced myelosuppression. Corticosteroids are gradually weened following normalization of serum aminotransferases and IgG. After 6 months, most patients can be maintained on azathioprine alone or another steroid-sparing agent like mycophenolate mofetil. ,

Historically, AIH relapse following the withdrawal of immunosuppression was common. Patients with 2 years of sustained biochemical remission on monotherapy appear to have a greater likelihood of successfully discontinuing immunosuppression, although remission still occurs in approximately one-half of these patients. Higher serum transaminase levels during maintenance appears to be associated with a greater risk for relapse. Most cases of relapse occur during the first 3 months following cessation of immunosuppression, although late relapses may also occur. Biochemical response to further immunosuppressive therapy is typical following relapse.

The role of liver biopsy before the withdrawal of immunosuppressive therapy is somewhat controversial. Although the 2019 American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD) practice guidelines acknowledge the utility of liver biopsy at excluding the presence of clinically unsuspected inflammation, histological examination is not mandatory in adults. This is, at least in part, due to the fact that in one study, nearly one-half of patients with a sustained biochemical response on maintenance therapy and an absence of active inflammation at the time of biopsy experience disease relapse. In contrast, prewithdrawal biopsy is still recommended in pediatric populations because the absence of inflammation appears to be associated with a greater likelihood of sustained remission.

Treatment protocols for AIH continue to evolve but are effective at inducing remission in most instances. Nevertheless, approximately one-third of AIH patients have established cirrhosis at the time of initial presentation, and AIH is considered to be an appropriate indication for liver transplantation. Graft and patient survival in this population is generally very good. However, AIH is reported to recur in 17% to 34% of allografts, but it can usually be managed with increased immunosuppression. ,

Primary Biliary Cholangitis

The term primary biliary cirrhosis was introduced by Ahrens and colleagues in 1950. Most patients showed advanced fibrosis at diagnosis, hence for many decades the term primary biliary cirrhosis was accepted. In retrospect, this term is a misnomer because cirrhosis is not present in most patients at clinical presentation. This term primary biliary cholangitis has thus replaced the original term, and fortunately the acronym PBC stands unchanged. PBC is a chronic bile duct–destructive disease that results in progressive cholestasis and cirrhosis. Although the precise pathogenesis remains uncertain, considerable evidence indicates that it is an autoimmune disease that occurs in genetically predisposed individuals after stimulation by an environmental factor. The diagnosis of PBC is based on cholestatic liver function tests, positive AMAs, and liver histology that is compatible with PBC. However, a biopsy is not an absolute requirement; the combination of abnormal liver chemistry and AMA has a sensitivity and specificity of >95%.

Clinical Features and Epidemiology

The incidence of the disease ranges from 0.9 to 5.8 per 100,000 people. The key features of PBC are listed in Table 48.5 and compared with other cholestatic liver diseases. Approximately 90% of patients with PBC are female between 40 and 60 years of age (range, 20 to 80 years) ( Box 48.2 ). PBC occurs worldwide, and all races are susceptible. , There is some familial clustering of PBC, although less than 1% of first-degree relatives of patients with PBC develop the disorder.

TABLE 48.5
Comparison of Key Clinical, Laboratory, and Radiological Features of Autoimmune Hepatitis, Primary Biliary Cholangitis, Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis, and IgG4-Related Sclerosing Cholangitis
Demographics Female predominant (4:1) and all ages Female predominant (9:1); usually >50 yr Male predominant (7:3); classically diagnosed in 40s, associated with inflammatory bowel disease Male predominant (4:1) Adults typically >40 yr
Symptoms Commonly asymptomatic; symptomatic patients report jaundice, upper abdominal pain, and fatigue Commonly asymptomatic; symptomatic patients report fatigue, pruritus, and occasionally xanthoma Commonly asymptomatic; symptomatic patients report pruritus, abdominal pain, or jaundice Painless jaundice
Liver function tests Elevated ALT/AST Elevated ALP, γ‐GT Elevated ALP, γ‐GT Elevated ALP, γ‐GT
Dominant immunoglobulin IgG IgM Mild IgG or IgM increase IgG4
Autoantibodies ANA, ASMAs (type 1 AIH) LKM1 (type 2 AIH), LC-1 (type 2 AIH), SLA/LP AMA No specific associations, frequently ANA/SMA positive No specific associations, ANA may be positive
Cholangiogram Normal Normal Strictures, beaded appearance Strictures, beaded appearance
Key histology Interface hepatitis, plasma cells Florid duct lesion, lymphocytic cholangitis Periductal onion-skin–like fibrosis Portal-based inflammatory nodules, increased IgG4 cells
Therapy Steroids and azathioprine as first line UDCA No proven therapy Steroid and rituximab
Survival Excellent UDCA responders have normal life expectancy Symptomatic patients ∼50% chance of need for transplant over 15 years Excellent
AIH, Autoimmune hepatitis ; ALP, alkaline phosphatase ; ALT, alanine transaminase ; AMAs, antimitochondrial antibodies ; ANAs, antinuclear antibodies ; ASMAs, anti‐smooth muscle antibodies ; AST, aspartate transaminase ; γ‐GT, γ‐glutamyltransferase ; IgG4-RSC, IgG4-related sclerosing cholangitis ; LC-1, anti‐liver cytosol 1 ; LKM1, anti–liver kidney microsomal 1 ; PBC, primary biliary cholangitis ; PSC, primary sclerosing cholangitis ; SLA/LP, soluble liver and pancreas antigen ; UDCA, ursodeoxycholic acid .

BOX 48.2
Key Features of Primary Biliary Cholangitis

  • >90% of patients are women

  • Positive antimitochondrial antibody is the key serological test positive in >95% of patients

  • Cholestatic liver chemistry with elevated alkaline phosphatase and γ‐glutamyltransferase

  • Florid duct lesions represent key histological feature

  • Differential diagnosis includes primary sclerosing cholangitis, drug-induced bile duct disease, and other causes of granulomatous hepatitis

  • Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) is first-line treatment

Many patients with PBC are asymptomatic at presentation, detected primarily by the report of abnormal liver function tests. The early phase of disease is insidious, and symptomatic patients primarily report itching and fatigue. In later stages, the signs and symptoms of disease are either related to progressive cholestasis or cirrhosis. Among the former are pruritus, xanthomas, jaundice, and osteoporosis. The signs and symptoms of cirrhosis in PBC are the same as for other causes of cirrhosis: esophagogastric varices, ascites, spider angiomas, and splenomegaly.

PBC coexists with other autoimmune diseases; the strongest recognized associations are with connective tissue disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, CREST syndrome ( c alcinosis, R aynaud disease, e sophageal dysmotility, s clerodactyly, and t elangiectasia), systemic lupus erythematosus, Sjögren syndrome, dermatomyositis, interstitial lung disease, and autoimmune thyroid disease. ,


The etiology of PBC is favored to be related to an interaction between genetic predisposition and environmental triggers.

Genetic Predisposition

Genetic predisposition is evidenced by a higher incidence in family members; 1.2% children of affected patients develop this disease, although the risk is highest among daughters of women with PBC. A concordance rate of 60% in monozygotic twins has been described. A strong linkage has been identified between HLA alleles and primary biliary cholangitis. DRB1∗08, DR3, DPB1∗0301, DRB1∗08-DQA1∗0401, and DQB1∗04 are associated with susceptibility to the disorder, while DRB1∗11 and DRB1∗13 confers protection. Genome-wide studies have identified associations between PBC and genes that involve myeloid cell differentiation and antigen presentation. The evidence for environmental triggers comes in the form of geographic clustering; case clusters have been identified at sites of toxic waste disposal and low-income areas.

There is strong evidence that PBC represents an autoimmune attack directed toward autoantigens on biliary epithelium. PBC is thought to be initiated when tolerance to the 2-oxo-acid dehydrogenase complex (2-OADC), particularly the E2 subunit of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDC-E2), is lost, resulting in development of these specific autoantibodies. The mechanisms underlying the development of these antibodies remains unknown. However, given that these mitochondrial proteins are highly conserved during evolution, molecular mimicry across bacterial organisms and loss of self tolerance resulting in autoantibody formation represents one plausible hypothesis for the development of these antimitochondrial antibodies (AMA).

The diagnosis of PBC typically requires a combination of positive AMA and elevated alkaline phosphatase in a patient without other causes of intrahepatic or extrahepatic cholestasis. A liver biopsy is not considered necessary to establish a diagnosis of PBC. Liver biopsy is considered essential only when the serology is atypical (i.e., negative AMA, a biochemical profile that shows a mixed cholestatic and hepatitic pattern) and when concurrent hepatic injury such as nonalcoholic steatohepatitis is considered.

A disproportionately elevated alkaline phosphatase relative to serum aminotransferases is a characteristic feature of PBC. All classes of serum immunoglobulins may be elevated, although a disproportionate increase in serum IgM is another characteristic feature of PBC. Total bilirubin is typically normal, elevated only in the end stage of disease. ANA positivity is seen in approximately one-third of patients.

AMA constitutes the single most useful assay for the diagnosis of PBC at a titer of >1:40. AMAs can be detected using either immunofluorescence or ELISA to the specific antigens.

AMA is identified in 95% of patients with PBC. AMA is also a highly specific test, identified in less than 1% of healthy individuals. Notably, a significant proportion of “healthy” patients with a positive AMA will eventually develop primary biliary cholangitis. AMA targets the 2-oxo-acid dehydrogenase complexes (2-OADC), an enzyme complex present on the inner mitochondrial membrane. This complex includes pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDC-E2), branched chain 2-oxo-acid dehydrogenase (BCOADC-E2), and 2-oxo-glutaric acid dehydrogenase (OADC-E2). Other antibodies that could be helpful in the context of PBC are anti-gp210 and anti-sp100, both ANAs. These are particularly helpful in the context of AMA-negative PBC. ANAs are detected in a minority of patients, and their presence has been linked with a poor prognosis.


Gross Pathology

In early-stage PBC, the liver is often slightly enlarged and variably bile stained. In later stages, macronodular cirrhosis develops and is often associated with an intense green hue that reflects progressive cholestasis ( Fig. 48.14 ). In contrast with PSC, cholangiectases and cholangitic abscesses are not seen.

FIGURE 48.14, Gross appearance of stage 4 primary biliary cholangitis.

Microscopic Pathology

Early and Intermediate Phase of Disease

The hallmark lesion of PBC is destructive cholangitis that affects interlobular and septal bile ducts (<70 to 80μm in diameter) and ultimately results in duct loss. Unlike PSC, the large and extrahepatic ducts are spared. The term nonsuppurative destructive cholangitis accurately describes these lesions, but the more succinct term florid duct lesion is more commonly used ( Figs. 48.15 to 48.18 ). Because these lesions are usually focal, they may be missed on liver biopsy. The florid duct lesion is characterized by an ill-defined cluster of epithelioid histiocytes (granuloma) accompanied by lymphocytes that are centered on septal and interlobular bile ducts, with histological evidence of bile duct damage and destruction. Well-formed sarcoidal-type granulomas are uncommon.

FIGURE 48.15, Granulomatous duct destruction in primary biliary cholangitis.

FIGURE 48.16, Lymphocytic cholangitis in primary biliary cholangitis (PBC).

FIGURE 48.17, Primary biliary cholangitis. Low-power image highlights the patchy nature of the disease. The inflamed portal tracts are highlighted by the arrows .

FIGURE 48.18, Primary biliary cholangitis. A florid duct lesion is shown. The bile duct (arrow) shows histological evidence of damage as evidenced by the irregular outline and cytoplasmic eosinophilia of biliary cells. The duct is surrounded by histiocyte-rich infiltrate. Also note the dense portal lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate (arrowhead).

The bile duct damage in florid duct lesions is usually segmental in the longitudinal axis of the duct and in cross-section, with only a portion of the duct affected at one time. Granulomas are often poorly defined and tend to be associated with the bile duct in an eccentric fashion, although concentric involvement may also be seen. Granulomas may also be found in portal structures without an obvious connection to a bile duct. Less commonly, they may be found in hepatic lobules. Additional characteristic features, but with a less dramatic form of bile duct injury, include disruption of the bile duct basement membrane (highlighted on a PAS/D stain), intraepithelial lymphocytes and plasma cells, biliary epithelial cytoplasmic vacuolization, and occasional mitotic figures.

The result of the destructive cholangitis is disappearance of the duct, frequently leaving a lymphoid aggregate and sometimes periodic acid Schiff–positive amorphous basement membrane material as remnants of the lost duct. Because the bile ducts typically run parallel to hepatic artery branches, the finding of an unaccompanied artery in >50% of portal tracts is presumptive evidence of a vanishing bile duct disease. All of these changes are typically accompanied by bile ductular proliferation.

Bile duct changes are also typically accompanied by a dense portal lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate (see Fig. 48.17 ; Fig. 48.19 ), which is typically patchy in early stages and may contain lymphoid aggregates and follicles, conspicuous plasma cells, and a few eosinophils. Plasma cells may be particularly conspicuous, mimicking AIH. Biliary damage is likely primarily caused by the T-cell infiltrates, but B cells appear to participate, primarily in the early stages. When comparing AIH and PBC in terms of plasma cell subsets, IgG-positive cells strongly predominate over IgM-positive cells in AIH, but in PBC, IgM-positive plasma cells are much more conspicuous and may predominate. However, subtyping of immunoglobulin subclasses is seldom performed in clinical practice. The portal lymphocytic infiltrate may spill over into the lobules, mimicking interface hepatitis, the so-called biliary type piecemeal necrosis (see Fig. 48.19 ). Unlike AIH, hepatocyte necrosis at the interface is exceptionally uncommon.

FIGURE 48.19, Portal inflammation in primary biliary cholangitis.

The hepatic lobules usually do not show significant histological changes. In some cases, clusters of lymphocytes and plasma cells may aggregate in the lobules, although acidophil bodies are absent or inconspicuous ( Fig. 48.20A ). Scattered, usually small, noncaseating, lobular granulomas may be seen as well on occasion ( Fig. 48.20B ).

FIGURE 48.20, Hepatic lobule findings in primary biliary cholangitis (PBC).Although the hepatocytes usually are quiescent, some degree of sinusoidal lymphocytosis is common in PBC (A), and occasional granulomas may be seen (B).

A subtle form of nodular regenerative hyperplasia has been observed in almost 50% of patients with early-stage disease, and it may be prudent to perform a reticulin stain in select cases. These changes may reflect portal venule damage by granulomas and contribute to the early development of portal hypertension. Portal hypertension may develop in noncirrhotic PBC patients, and some are associated with nodular regenerative hyperplasia.

Late Phase of the Disease

Regenerative nodules in PBC and PSC are usually not as regular and round as in other forms of cirrhosis. The nodules often have a garland-shaped, irregular outline, not unlike pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. A progressive loss of ducts may occur early in the course of disease, with ductopenia usually being prominent in the later phase of the disease ( Figs. 48.21 and 48.22 ). Florid duct lesions become less common with advancing stage, presumably reflecting loss of the target biliary epithelium.

FIGURE 48.21, Primary biliary cholangitis with cirrhosis. Florid duct lesions are absent in the late phase of the disease. Bile ducts were essentially absent in this biopsy. Note the pale cytoplasm of periseptal hepatocytes, a finding secondary to the accumulation of bile salts, referred to as cholate cholestasis.

FIGURE 48.22, Cholate stasis in chronic biliary disease.

Periportal hepatocyte feathery degeneration, which is thought to reflect bile acid (cholate) stasis, helps distinguish PBC and PSC from chronic hepatitis resulting from autoimmune, viral, or drug causes. Additional changes associated with cholestatic liver include Mallory bodies and deposition of copper in periportal/periseptal hepatocytes (see Fig. 48.22C ,D). The combined low-magnification effect of these features is a characteristic halo-like pattern surrounding regenerative nodules (see Fig. 48.22E ).

Staging Primary Biliary Cholangitis

Although liver biopsy remains the gold standard for staging fibrosis, noninvasive methods such as transient elastography have emerged as viable alternatives because of the issues related to sampling errors and the risk of serious adverse effects, albeit rare, associated with liver biopsies. Clinically, patients are often characterized as early-, intermediate- (bridging fibrosis), and late-stage disease. There are several more complex staging systems that are less often used in the clinic and more often applied in the context of clinical trials. The three histological grading systems are illustrated in Table 48.6 . The heterogeneity with regard to inflammation and fibrosis that is so characteristic of PBC compounded by sampling errors significantly limits the accuracy of these staging systems.

TABLE 48.6
Three Histological Staging Systems for Primary Biliary Cholangitis
From Ludwig J, Dickson ER, McDonald GS. Staging of chronic nonsuppurative destructive cholangitis (syndrome of primary biliary cirrhosis). Virchows Arch A Pathol Anat Histol . 1978;379(2):103-112; Sherlock S, Scheuer PJ. The presentation and diagnosis of 100 patients with primary biliary cirrhosis. N Engl J Med . 1973;289(13):674-678.
Stage Scheuer (Sherlock and Scheuer, 1973) Ludwig (Ludwig, Dickson, and McDonald, 1978)
1 Florid duct lesions
Portal inflammation
Portal inflammation
2 Ductular proliferation
Portal expansion
Interface hepatitis
Interface hepatitis
3 Scarring
Paucity of bile ducts
Fibrous septa
4 Cirrhosis Cirrhosis

Differential Diagnosis

PBC typically causes a chronic cholestatic disease with insidious onset, a long asymptomatic phase, and slow progression over the course of years. A patient presenting with acute onset of jaundice is unlikely to have PBC. One of the challenges associated with the histological diagnosis of PBC lies in the patchy nature of the disease; thus sampling error is always a consideration when PBC is considered clinically. A positive copper stain is often helpful in establishing the cholestatic nature of the disease, although it does not distinguish PBC from other cholestatic diseases such as PSC.

Primary Biliary Cholangitis versus Autoimmune Hepatitis

Based solely on morphological grounds, the portal changes seen in AIH may overlap with those of PBC. However, the two diseases are invariably associated with distinctive clinical and serological findings. Although normal or mild elevation of transaminases and elevated alkaline phosphatase is characteristic of PBC, this pattern is reversed in AIH. The classic serology of AIH, ANA-positive, SMA-positive, and AMA-negative, is seen in the vast majority of cases. However, PBC may show ANA positivity, typically at low titers. Both diseases often feature a dense lymphocyte and plasma cell–rich infiltrate. Florid duct lesions are not seen in patients with isolated AIH. A copper stain could be helpful in this context, particularly in cases that lack bile duct injury. Copper within periportal hepatocytes would support a chronic cholestatic disease, and by extension, PBC. It should be emphasized that the diagnosis of PBC and its distinction from AIH must be based on a combination of clinical, biochemical, serological, and histological findings. This is also seen AIH/PBC overlap.

Primary Biliary Cholangitis versus Bile Duct Obstruction

Unlike PBC, the portal tracts in patients with obstructed bile duct(s) are edematous and lack the dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltration seen in PBC.

Primary Biliary Cholangitis versus Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis

The two diseases share in their often insidious presentation, elevated alkaline phosphatase, and histological evidence of bile duct injury. PBC thus shares many histological features with PSC. The pathognomonic florid bile duct lesion of PBC is less prevalent in late-stage disease, and the pathognomonic fibrous obliterative cholangitis lesion of PSC is typically focal and may not be sampled in needle biopsies of the liver ( Table 48.7 ). However, it is notable that portal inflammation usually is more intense in PBC than in PSC. In the absence of pathognomonic histological features, clinical and serological findings often provide more reliable evidence in distinguishing the two diseases, with PBC characterized by antimitochondrial antibodies, while PSC shows a sclerosing and beaded appearance of cholangiogram (see Table 48.5 ).

TABLE 48.7
Histological Features of Primary Biliary Cholangitis and Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
Feature Primary Biliary Cholangitis Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
Bile duct damage Present, interlobular ducts Present, large and small ducts
Florid duct lesions Present Absent
Fibro-obliterative bile duct lesions Absent Present
Loss of bile ducts Late stage of disease Late stage of disease
Copper Present, periportal hepatocytes Present, periportal hepatocytes

Primary Biliary Cholangitis versus Drug-Induced Liver Injury

The cholestatic pattern of DILI may show features that overlap with PBC. Positive AMA and florid duct lesions would support a diagnosis of PBC. An acute onset with jaundice developing within weeks of starting the drug would favor DILI.

Primary Biliary Cholangitis versus Viral Hepatitis

In the early stages, histological manifestations of PBC and PSC may be indistinguishable from viral hepatitis (B or C) or AIH. All of these disorders may have a chronic active hepatitis pattern with portal and periportal inflammation (see Table 48.3 ). The presence of individual necrotic hepatocytes at the interface is not a hallmark feature of PBC or PSC. In contrast, hepatocyte necrosis with acidophil bodies, particularly at the interface, are a common feature of active chronic viral hepatitis or AIH. A duct-centric pattern of injury is exceptionally uncommon in viral hepatitis; rarely this is observed in patients with hepatitis C infection. A positive copper stain often provides compelling evidence of a chronic cholestatic disease; biopsies from patients with viral or autoimmune forms of chronic hepatitis are negative for copper.

Granulomatous Hepatitis

Hepatic granulomas, both with or without evidence of bile duct injury, should prompt a broad differential diagnosis. Sarcoidosis can mimic PBC because of duct loss and duct-centric granulomas. The granulomas in sarcoidosis are usually better developed, often confluent, and more numerous than in PBC. Granulomas are only randomly associated with bile ducts and are commonly located within the hepatic lobules in sarcoidosis. The degree of portal inflammation usually is more intense in PBC compared with sarcoidosis. Florid duct lesions have rarely been described in hepatitis C. Uncommonly, drugs may cause lesions that mimic the type of florid duct lesion seen in PBC. Carbamazepine may cause a granulomatous type of hepatitis and acute cholangitis.

Natural History

Asymptomatic patients with early-stage disease have a longer time to transplantation or disease-related death. Before widespread screening, the median survival of patients was 6 to 10 years. With most patients diagnosed early in the course of the disease and the introduction of ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA), the overall median survival has significantly increased.

Hepatocellular carcinoma develops in 6% of patients with PBC per year, although the risk is probably not as high as that seen in cirrhosis from other causes, such as viral hepatitis, hemochromatosis, or alcohol. Surveillance is recommended every 6 to 12 months. Older patients, male gender, advance histological stage, and inadequate response to UDCA are associated with an elevated risk for developing hepatocellular carcinoma.


The initial therapy of choice for PBC is long-term treatment with UDCA. Improvement in alkaline phosphatase is typically observed within 3 months of starting UDCA. , Approximately one-third of patients have an inadequate biochemical response. , UDCA is associated with a long-term survival benefit. In a systematic review, of 4845 patients, UDCA was associated with higher rates of transplant-free survival at 5, 10, and 15 years compared with no treatment.

The mechanisms underlying this favorable response with UDCA include (1) increased hydrophilic index of the circulating bile acid pool, (2) stimulation of hepatocellular and ductular secretions and thus elimination of bile acids, (3) protection against bile acid injury, and (4) immunomodulation and antiinflammatory effects of UDCA. Obeticholic acid is used for patients with an inadequate biochemical response to UDCA. Obeticholic acid can be used in combination with UDCA.

Of note, prior treatments included immunosuppressive drugs (e.g., azathioprine, d -penicillamine, corticosteroids, cyclosporine, methotrexate) and the antifibrotic agent colchicine, and they met with little success.

For patients with decompensated cirrhosis, orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) has emerged as the most effective form of therapy. OLT is associated with excellent short-and long-term survival rates with 1-year survival rates of 90% to 95% (see Chapter 52 ). PBC may recur in the allograft. In one study of 571 patients who had liver transplantation for PBC, the rates of recurrence at 5 and 10 years were 18% and 31%, respectively, and recurrence was associated with higher risk of graft loss.

Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis

PSC is a slowly progressive idiopathic cholestatic disease that is characterized by persistent and progressive biliary inflammation and fibrosis and variable outcomes. In some patients, end-stage liver disease necessitates liver transplantation. PSC typically involves both the intrahepatic and extrahepatic biliary system, although in 5% of cases the disease is confined to the small ducts, the so-called small-duct PSC. The disease may overlap with AIH, although this syndrome is seen more often in children: 35% of children with PSC, but only 5% of adults show features of both PSC and AIH.

The diagnosis of PSC is based on a combination of clinical features, a cholestatic biochemical pattern, and characteristic cholangiographic findings. By definition, a diagnosis of PSC requires exclusion of secondary sclerosing cholangitis (SSC), biliary diseases that often share clinical and radiological and sometimes morphological features of PSC, but features an identifiable underlying disease process.

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