Zitelli and Davis' Atlas of Pediatric Physical Diagnosis

Fundamentals of Pediatric Radiology

Introduction Children have special needs and unique disease processes, and thus the diagnostic imaging approaches are also different. Pediatric imaging should be problem oriented. Communication between the referring physician and the pediatric radiologist is encouraged. The essential components of a…


Acknowledgments The authors acknowledge and thank Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, Department of Radiology, and University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Department of Neuroradiology, for providing many of the radiographs and CT scans in this chapter. Supplemental videos are available at…

Pediatric Plastic Surgery

The word “plastic” is derived from the Greek word for “moldable.” Therefore, plastic surgery refers to surgery that focuses on form and function. Form is often related to appearance, which is why aesthetics usually plays an important role in plastic…


Children with musculoskeletal injuries and afflictions are brought for care because of pain, deformity, or loss of function. Because of their rapid physical growth and the special properties of their developing bones, children often pose special problems for the clinician.…

Oral Disorders

Assessment Techniques Because oral and oropharyngeal problems and disorders are common and cause a wide variety of symptoms, routine and thorough oral examinations are an essential component of a complete physical examination; this enables the practitioner to make an appropriate…


The pediatrician may be faced with a child who is systemically well or systemically unwell and has a common eye or visual problem, OR a child who is systemically well or unwell with an uncommon eye or visual problem. In…

Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology

Acknowledgment The authors gratefully acknowledge Pamela Murray and Gina Succato for all of their work on previous versions of this chapter, as well as for contributing all the photographs not otherwise attributed. Supplemental videos are available at expertconsult.com . Normal…


Introduction General pediatric surgery encompasses a wide spectrum of disorders and malformations that overlap with other medical and surgical specialties. All pediatricians will undoubtedly be faced with conditions that warrant the involvement of a surgeon. The emphasis of this chapter…

Pulmonary Disorders

Introduction Respiratory diseases are among the most common reasons for pediatric patients to seek medical attention. Signs and symptoms can be subtle, and a careful history and physical examination are useful in assessing pediatric patients with respiratory complaints. Diseases of…


Acknowledgment The authors wish to thank Rajiv Varma and Shelley D. Williams for their work on this chapter in the previous edition. Neurologic Examination The primary objective of the neurologic examination is to assess the functional integrity of the central…