Textbook of Physical Diagnosis: History and Examination

The Peripheral Vascular System

Videos 15.1 Palpating the radial artery pulse 15.2 Palpating the brachial artery pulse 15.3 Auscultating the carotid artery pulse 15.4 Palpating the femoral artery pulse and evaluating for coarctation of the aorta 15.5 Palpating the popliteal artery pulse 15.6 Palpating…

The Heart

Videos 14.1 Assessing blood pressure 14.2 Determining blood pressure by palpation 14.3 Determining blood pressure by auscultation 14.4 Evaluating for orthostatic hypotension 14.5 Evaluating for supravalvular aortic stenosis 14.6 Determining cardiac rate 14.7 Evaluating the carotid artery pulse 14.8 Evaluating…

The Chest

Videos 13.1 Assessing respiratory rate and pattern 13.2 Palpating the posterior chest for tenderness 13.3 Evaluating excursion of the posterior chest 13.4 Evaluating tactile fremitus of the posterior chest 13.5 Percussing the posterior chest 13.6 Auscultating the posterior chest 13.7…

The Oral Cavity and Pharynx

Videos 12.1 Examining the oral cavity 12.2 Palpating the tongue 12.3 Palpating the floor of the mouth 12.4 Testing cranial nerve XII (hypoglossal) 12.5 Inspecting the pharynx 12.6 Examination of the oral cavity General Considerations Individuals use the mouth and…

The Ear and Nose

Yet it was not possible for me to say to people, “Speak louder, shout, for I am deaf.” … Alas! how could I declare the weakness of a sense which in me ought to be more acute than in others—a…

The Eye

Videos 10.1 Assessing visual activity (CN II–optic) 10.2 Assessing visual fields 10.3 Assessing ocular movements 10.4 Evaluating the cardinal positions of gaze (CN III–oculomotor; CN IV–trochlear; CN VI–abducens) 10.5 Evaluating the pupillary light reflex 10.6 Examining the external eye structures…

The Head and Neck

Videos 9.1 Palpating the head and neck 9.2 Palpating the thyroid gland 9.3 Palpating for supraclavicular nodes General Considerations The appearance of the head and face, their contours and texture, often provides the first insight into the nature of illness.…

The Skin

General Considerations The skin, which is the largest organ of the body, is one of the best indicators of general health. Even a person without medical training is capable of detecting changes in skin color and texture. The trained examiner…

Assessment of Nutritional Status

Video 7.1 Counseling a Patient about Health Issues Nutrition is one of the most important factors regarding development and treatment of disease in individuals because it affects almost every system. It has been shown that dietary habits contribute in important…

The Physical Examination

The Basic Procedures In the previous chapters, the general rules for mastering the art of taking the history are discussed. The specific skills necessary to perform a proper physical examination are discussed in this chapter. The four principles of physical…