Textbook of Physical Diagnosis: History and Examination

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Clinical Ethics and Professionalism

Introduction Bioethics is the study of the ethical issues emerging from advances in science and medicine. This includes moral deliberation on the intersection of societal views of health care, law, and moral philosophy. The field of bioethics is quite expansive,…

The Focused History and Physical Examination

Videos 29.1 A focused history and physical exam General Considerations The focused history and physical examination constitute a modality that is important to master to explore a patient's needs and to educate the patient within a short period. It is…

The Clinical Record

Putting the History and Physical Examination Together Until this point, this book has dealt separately with the history and the physical examination. Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5 give an in-depth analysis of history-taking techniques. Chapter…

The Acutely Ill or Injured Patient

The objective of this chapter is to provide a practical approach to acutely ill and injured patients. The emphasis is on a prioritized assessment and diagnostic considerations, not on therapy. The chapter is for those who provide care in traditional…