Textbook of Adult Emergency Medicine


Essentials 1 Dysbarism is the term given to medical complications of exposure to gases at higher than normal atmospheric pressure. It includes barotrauma and decompression illness. 2 An understanding of the pathophysiology of dysbarism requires an understanding of the gas…


Essentials 1 Hypothermia is categorized into mild (32°C to 35°C), moderate (29°C to 32°C) and severe (<29°C) on the basis of a rectal or other core temperature reading. 2 Moderate-to-severe hypothermia produces progressive delirium and coma, hypotension, bradycardia and failure…

Heat-related illness

Essentials 1 Exercise-associated collapse is the most common heat- and exercise-related illness. It is due to an impaired compensation for the drop in blood pressure that occurs when muscle pumping ceases and venous return drops at the cessation of exercise.…

Magnetic resonance imaging in emergency medicine

Essentials 1 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is becoming more readily available in Australian hospitals and is becoming part of many imaging diagnostic algorithms. 2 The most common indication for MRI in the emergency department (ED) is suspected acute spinal cord…

Computed tomography scanning in emergency medicine

Essentials 1 Computed tomography (CT) scans are a major diagnostic modality in emergency medicine. 2 Emergency physicians are ordering CTs more frequently than previously for a variety of reasons. 3 Artefacts are occasionally encountered in CT scans, and clinicians should…

Emergency department ultrasound

Essentials 1 Ultrasound examination, interpretation and clinical correlation should be available in a timely manner 24 hours a day for emergency department patients. 2 Emergency physicians providing emergency ultrasound services should possess appropriate training and hands-on experience to perform and…

Emergency department procedural sedation

Essentials Emergency physicians and nurses should all be trained to provide effective procedural sedation in the emergency department (ED). Plan and prepare yourself, and assess the risk-benefit of each individual procedure. Assess the timing and nature of recent oral intake,…

Local anaesthesia

Essentials 1 Local anaesthetic infiltration and nerve blocks may be used as a supplement to oral, inhaled or parenteral analgesia. 2 Also, they may be the primary method of achieving analgesia, particularly where pain is localized to a digit or…

General pain management

Essentials 1 Acute pain is the most common symptom in the emergency setting. 2 Pain is a complex, multidimensional, subjective phenomenon. 3 Effective pain management involves both accurate assessment and timely treatment. 4 Patient self-reporting is the most reliable indicator…

Organ and tissue donation

Essentials 1 Organ donation should be considered for all patients where death is expected. Suitability for donation should be discussed with an organ donation specialist. 2 A substantial numbers of missed potential organ and tissue donors can be identified in…