Surgery of the Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands

Laryngeal Examination in Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery

Video 15.1 Fiberoptic Laryngeal Exam: Laryngeal Anatomy and Function. Introduction Thyroid and parathyroid surgery is undertaken by surgeons from a variety of surgical disciplines and backgrounds. The implications of this type of surgery on the voice are a frequent patient…

Ultrasound of the Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands

Video 13.1 Ultrasound of the Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands: Equipment and Techniques. Introduction The clinical utilization of ultrasound (US) continues to expand, with increasing applications in the head and neck. US remains the primary imaging tool for the thyroid gland.…

Fine-Needle Aspiration and Molecular Analysis

Video 12.1 Introduction to [CR] , Fine-Needle Aspiration and Molecular Analysis. Introduction Ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy is the gold standard for diagnostic assessment of thyroid nodules, yet cytologic evaluation may be limited, with up to 30% of samples classified…

The Evaluation and Management of Thyroid Nodules

Video 10.1 Introduction to [CR] , The Evaluation and Management of Thyroid Nodules. Introduction Thyroid nodules are common and may be found in up to two-thirds of the population. By definition, thyroid nodules are discrete lesions contained within, yet radiologically…

Reoperation for Benign Thyroid Disease

Introduction Thyroid disease is broadly divided into hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, structural abnormalities of the thyroid, and neoplasia of the thyroid gland (see Chapter 6 , Surgery of Cervical and Substernal Goiter). Thyroid cancer is a relatively uncommon malignancy in most countries,…

Surgical Management of Hyperthyroidism

Introduction Primary hyperthyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland synthesizes and secretes inappropriately high levels of thyroid hormone(s), causing signs and symptoms of hypermetabolism and excess sympathetic nervous system activity. The term hyperthyroidism is distinct from thyrotoxicosis, a…