Sleisenger and Fordtran's Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease


Given the intimate relationships that are known to exist between what happens in the lumen of the GI tract and various homeostatic phenomena, both locally in the intestine and throughout the organism, it should come as no surprise that considerable…

Anal Diseases

Anatomy The anal canal is about 4 cm long in adults, and is the terminal and most inferior part of the large intestine. It begins where the rectal ampulla narrows abruptly below the level of the U-shaped sling formed by…

Other Diseases of the Colon

Cathartic colon and the effect of laxatives on the colon The original suggestion that irritant laxatives, predominantly anthraquinones (cascara, aloe, senna), damage the colon was based on studies in laboratory animals and in colons resected from laxative abusers. Although mucosal…

Colorectal Cancer

Cancer of the colon and rectum (colorectal cancer [CRC]) is a major cause of cancer-associated morbidity and mortality in North America, Europe, and other regions with similar lifestyles and dietary habits. CRC is the fourth most common newly diagnosed internal…

Tumors of the Small Intestine

Small intestinal (SI) tumors (tumors of the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum) are uncommon in comparison with those occurring elsewhere in the GI tract. Whereas the SI is approximately 20 ft long and comprises 75% of the length of the GI…

Ileus and Pseudo-Obstruction Syndromes

Ileus and pseudo-obstruction refer to intestinal dysmotility syndromes that have signs, symptoms, and the radiologic appearance of obstruction (i.e., a dilated viscus) in the absence of a mechanical cause. These conditions—which may be acute, chronic, or acute on chronic—affect the…

Intestinal Obstruction

Severe narrowing or occlusion of the intestinal lumen results in the accumulation of air and fluid in the bowel proximal to the point of obstruction and is associated with a range of clinical signs and symptoms. The location of the…