
Pathophysiology of Telangiectasias

The term telangiectasia was coined in 1807 by Von Graf to describe a superficial vessel of the skin visible to the human eye. These vessels measure 0.1–1 mm in diameter and represent an expanded venule, capillary or arteriole. Telangiectasias that originate…

Pathophysiology of Varicose Veins

Essentially, three components of the venous system of the leg act in concert: deep veins, superficial veins and perforating-communicating veins. Dysfunction in any of these three systems results in dysfunction of the other two ( Fig. 3.1 ). When the…

Adverse Sequelae and Complications of Venous Hypertension

Pathogenesis Chronic venous insufficiency, which must be semantically distinguished from venous disease or disorder, may be defined as relative impedance of venous flow back to the heart and may be responsible for clinical consequences. When this occurs in the lower…


Introduction The anatomy chapter in a modern text devoted to sclerotherapy is traditionally not the most fascinating aspect, as the anatomy rarely changes and is very similar to that described in older texts. Anatomy chapters are rarely consulted because readers…