Schmidek and Sweet: Operative Neurosurgical Techniques

Management of Sacral Fractures

The sacrum is integral to the biomechanical and neuroprotective roles of the spinal column and pelvic ring. Although injuries to the sacrum have historically been relatively overlooked within the realm of spine trauma, sacral fractures may result in deformity, chronic…

Thoracolumbar Anterolateral and Posterior Stabilization

Background The thoracic and lumbar regions are the most common anatomic sites for vertebral fractures. The thoracolumbar area is especially susceptible to trauma, accounting for 52% of all thoracic and lumbar fractures. The most common fracture types in the thoracolumbar…

Stabilization of the Subaxial Cervical Spine

The cervical spine is the most mobile portion of the spinal column, and its stabilization has unique features. Cervical spine stabilization may be performed using anterior, posterior, or combined techniques. Fusions by anterior approaches have been widely used in cervical…

Atlantoaxial Instability and Stabilization

The atlantoaxial junction is a delicate anatomic complex that involves an intricate relationship between the atlas and the axis to allow flexion, extension, rotation, and lateral bending. The interrelation of osseous, ligamentous, neural elements, and articulations make the atlantoaxial junction…

Transoral Approaches to the Cervical Spine

Introduction Multiple anterior approaches to the craniocervical junction have been described to allow exposure to the midline and lateral aspects of both the cranial base and upper cervical spine. The transoral-transpharyngeal approach, a technique well known to many spine surgeons,…

Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty

Vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty are minimally invasive, percutaneous procedures in which a fast-setting polymer is injected into a pathologic vertebral body with the goal of relieving pain or disability. These treatments have been applied to painful osteoporotic compression fractures, painful neoplasms,…

Minimally Invasive Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion

Introduction Traditional transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF) is performed through a large midline open incision on the back. With this approach the surgeon must dissect and retract the paraspinal musculature in order to access the target level This can lead…