Roberts and Hedges’ Clinical Procedures in Emergency Medicine and Acute Care

Commonly Used Formulas and Calculations

Introduction This appendix presents a list of calculations commonly used by emergency physicians. It is not all-inclusive and purposely does not include decision tools or scales that do not require algebraic calculations. Many of these equations can be found in…

Procedures in the Setting of Anticoagulation

Introduction Performing an invasive procedure on an anticoagulated emergency department (ED) patient can be challenging for the emergency provider (EP). Regardless of the procedure, some anticoagulated patients are at potential significant risk of hemorrhage from the procedure. However, emergency reversal…

Radiation in Pregnancy and Clinical Issues of Radiocontrast Agents

The annual, population-wide exposure to ionizing radiation from medical sources increased a staggering 750% from 1980 to 2009, and medical imaging now comprises nearly one-half of Americans' radiation exposure. The World Health Organization classifies x-rays officially as carcinogens, and indeed…

Noncardiac Implantable Devices

In addition to cardiac pacemakers and defibrillators, a number of noncardiac devices have been developed for electronic neuromodulation and drug delivery. Although these devices are placed by a variety of subspecialists for the treatment of chronic illnesses, if the devices…

Physical and Chemical Restraint

Emergency clinicians often face the challenge of caring for agitated, uncooperative, combative, and violent patients who are unable to participate in their care, make rational health care decisions, and/or are a danger to themselves and others. Psychiatric illness, acute chemical…

Standard Precautions and Infectious Exposure Management

Contamination of health care workers (HCWs) with body fluids is a frequent occurrence in the emergency department (ED). A survey of ED and trauma staff found that almost half reported a needlestick injury within the preceding year. Body fluids often…

Bedside Laboratory and Microbiologic Procedures

Assessment of Urine Obtaining a Urine Specimen Several methods are available for obtaining a urine specimen. They can be found in Table 67.1 and are listed in order of increasingly precise collection techniques. They come at the cost of increasing…


Bedside ultrasound has become an indispensable tool in the emergency department (ED). It has enabled physicians to make a rapid diagnosis at the bedside and formulate a plan of care. Perhaps most importantly, ultrasound has revolutionized procedures performed in the…

Procedures Pertaining to Hypothermia and Hyperthermia

Procedures Pertaining to Hypothermia With an increase in outdoor activities, changing weather patterns, and the growing epidemic of homelessness in our country, issues pertaining to hypothermia remain in the forefront. Hypothermia is not only a common diagnosis in rural areas…

Emergency Dental Procedures

Complaints pertaining to the teeth and supporting maxillofacial structures are common, and patients frequently go to the emergency department (ED) for evaluation. Complaints may range in scope from a simple chipped tooth to an odontogenic deep space infection or a…