Principles and Practice of Pediatric Infectious Diseases

The Common Cold

Acknowledgments The author wishes to highlight the dominant contribution of J. Owen Hendley to our understanding of respiratory viruses and to this chapter. The pediatric infectious diseases community recognizes our great loss with his death. The common cold, also known…

Infections of the Oral Cavity

Immediately following birth, the mouth has a substantial microflora living in symbiosis with a healthy host. , Molecular methods of 16S DNA amplification reveal a tremendously diverse bacterial environment, largely uncharacterized. Odontogenic Infections Tooth Infections Caries is the most prevalent…

Musculoskeletal Symptom Complexes

Musculoskeletal pain is a common presenting complaint in young children and adolescents. The usual cause of musculoskeletal pain is trauma or strain to joint, bone, or muscle. Often, the etiology is never determined, and symptoms resolve with symptomatic treatment. The…

Neurologic Syndromes

The child manifesting symptoms referable to the nervous system is challenging for the clinician and requires a thoughtful approach and evaluation. Often the presence of an infectious disease is not readily apparent. This chapter focuses on the most common presenting…

Abdominal Symptom Complexes

Acknowledgments The author acknowledges substantial use of the work of I. Kaur in the previous editions of this chapter. Approach To guide the clinical approach, abdominal pain is classified as either acute or chronic Acute abdominal pain demands rapid diagnosis…

Respiratory Tract Symptom Complexes

Mucopurulent Rhinorrhea Mucopurulent rhinorrhea (i.e., purulent nasal discharge) denotes nasal discharge that is thick, opaque, and colored. It occurs at any age and usually is a manifestation of a self-limited and uncomplicated viral upper respiratory tract infection (URI). Mucopurulent rhinorrhea…

Abdominal and Retroperitoneal Lymphadenopathy

Lymphadenopathy, the abnormal enlargement of lymph nodes, can result from a wide variety of infectious and noninfectious causes. Acute enlargement of superficial lymph nodes caused by infection can occur over a period of days, accompanied by pain and tenderness to…

Mediastinal and Hilar Lymphadenopathy

Anatomy of the Mediastinum The mediastinum is the space between the pleural cavities that contains the heart and all chest viscera except the lungs. Consisting of loose areolar tissue and organs, the mediastinum is more a potential space than an…

Cervical Lymphadenitis and Neck Infections

Epidemiology Neck masses in children, unlike those in adults, seldom represent ominous disease. Most (95%) masses are acute, enlarged, or inflamed lymph nodes and are transient in nature. In one series, 44% of children younger than 5 years had palpable…