Pocketbook of Differential Diagnosis

Anorectal pain

Anorectal pain is a common presenting complaint. The majority of patients have an obvious cause, e.g. fissure-in-ano, perianal abscess or thrombosed haemorrhoids. Causes Acute ● Fissure-in-ano ● Perianal haematoma ● Thrombosed haemorrhoids ( Fig. 3 ) ● Anorectal abscess (i.e.…

Abdominal swellings

Abdominal swellings are a common surgical problem. Abdominal swellings may be divided into generalised and localised swellings. Generalised swellings are classically described as the ‘five Fs’, namely fat, faeces, flatus, fluid or fetus. For the purpose of description of localised…