Pediatric Secrets

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Clinical issues 1 What is an antinuclear antibody (ANA)? ANA is made up of circulating γ-globulins directed against several known and unknown nuclear proteins. Unfortunately, the classic immunofluorescence technique is being replaced by a still nonvalidated enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)…


Acknowledgment The editor gratefully acknowledges contributions by Drs. Robert W. Wilmott, Bradley A. Becker, Ellen R. Kaplan, Carlos R. Perez, William D. Hardie, Barbara A. Chini, and Cori L. Daines that were retained from previous editions of Pediatric Secrets .…


Acknowledgment The editors gratefully acknowledge contributions by Drs. Francis Y. Lee, John P. Dormans, Richard S. Davidson, Mark Magnusson, David P. Roye, and Joshua E. Hyman that were retained from earlier editions of Pediatric Secrets . Clinical issues 1 If…


Acknowledgments The editors gratefully acknowledge contributions by Drs. Peter Adamson, Richard Aplenc, Emily Lipsitz, and Kerice Pinkney, as well as from all of the previous authors, that were retained from prior editions of Pediatric Secrets . Chemotherapy and radiation therapy…


Acknowledgment The editors and the author gratefully acknowledge contributions by Drs. Kent R. Kelly, Douglas R. Nordli Jr., Peter Bingham, and Robert R. Clancy that were retained from earlier editions of Pediatric Secrets . Antiepileptic drugs 1 Should treatment with…


Acknowledgment The editors gratefully acknowledge contributions by Drs. Michael Norman, Thomas Kennedy, James Prebis, and Stephen J. Wassner that were retained from the first editions of Pediatric Secrets . Acid–base, fluids, and electrolytes 1 How do you assess a child…


Acknowledgment The editors gratefully acknowledge contributions by Drs. Philip Roth, Mary Catherine Harris, Carlos Vega-Rich, and Peter Marro that were retained from the previous editions of Pediatric Secrets . Delivery room issues 1 When should the umbilical cord be clamped…

Infectious diseases

Acknowledgment The editors gratefully acknowledge contributions by Drs. Jennifer Duchon, Alexis M. Elward, David A. Hunstad, Lisa Saiman, and Joseph W. St. Geme III that were retained from previous editions of Pediatric Secrets. Anti-infective therapy Key Points: Anti-Infective Therapy 1.…


Acknowledgment The editors gratefully acknowledge contributions by Dr. Anne F. Reilly, Dr. Greg A. Holländer, and Dr. Anders Fasth that were retained from previous editions of Pediatric Secrets . Bone marrow failure 1 What are the types of bone marrow…