Pediatric Liver Transplantation

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Future of Liver Transplantation in Children

Introduction Liver transplantation was a dream only a century or so ago. The idea of replacing a diseased organ with a new one was a matter of science fiction. However, innovations in surgery, the development of intensive care and anesthesia,…

Prospects for Immune Tolerance

Introduction The extraordinary success of liver transplantation (LT) as a treatment for end-stage liver diseases has resulted in the need to redirect research priorities and clinical resources toward improving the health and well-being of what are now thousands of long-term…

Chronic Graft Injury

Introduction Patient and graft survival after pediatric liver transplantation (LT) has improved significantly: children undergoing LT have a patient survival of 79% and graft survival of 63% 10 years post-transplant, according to the European Liver Transplant Registry data . In…

Psychosocial Outcomes After Pediatric Liver Transplantation

Introduction Liver transplantation (LT) is a lifesaving treatment for children with end-stage liver disease (ESLD). As immunosuppressive and surgical techniques have improved over time, long-term patient and graft survival rates have continued to increase. With recent 5-year patient survival rates…

Pediatric Liver Transplantation in Asia

Introduction The history of surgery begins with traditional medicine in India (Ayurveda since 2000 BCE) and China (Yin-Yang since 3000 BCE). Surgery began with the first attempt to control bleeding from a vessel. A compelling body of evidence indicates that…

Liver Retransplantation

Incidence and Indications—Early and Late Liver Retransplantation The incidence of graft failure after pediatric liver transplantation has been decreasing with surgical and medical progress, but still reaches 10% to 15% in the first year, about 20% within 5 years, and…

Metabolic Conditions

An inherited metabolic disorder is an increasingly common indication for liver transplantation (LT), accounting for more than 15% of pediatric cases worldwide and up to 30% in some specialist centers. Urea cycle disorders are now the most common indication in…