Pediatric Imaging for the Emergency Provider

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Imaging acronyms

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Imaging pathways

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Who let the dogs out? Croup

Case presentation A 14-month-old, previously healthy child presents to the Emergency Department in the middle of the night with respiratory distress, hoarseness, and a barky cough. He has had mild congestion and a low-grade fever for a day. On physical…

What is this? Bone cyst

Case presentation A 5-year-old male presents with left arm pain after a fall. He was playing soccer when he fell and landed on his left shoulder. He immediately complained of upper arm pain. His examination is significant for focal tenderness…

Not those Ewings: Ewing sarcoma

Case presentation A 9-year-old male presents with a 4-month history of right upper arm pain. Over the past 2 months, he and his parents have noted the development of swelling to the arm as well. The patient is active in…

My knee won’t stop swelling! Osteosarcoma

Case presentation A 6-year-old female presents with persistent, worsening right knee swelling for the past 2 months. The area has become painful over the past few weeks, especially at night. There has been no fever, erythema, or swelling of the…

Hurtn’ to stand: Discitis

Case presentation An 18-month-old female presents with 1 to 2 weeks of fussiness and not wanting to ambulate. She has not had any fevers, vomiting, or diarrhea. There is no report of trauma. About 2 weeks prior, she had a…