Netter's Obstetrics and Gynecology

Myofascial Syndromes

Introduction Description: Myofascial syndrome is characterized by muscular and fascial pain and is associated with localized tenderness and pain referred to sites that are often remote. Myofascial pain syndromes and fibromyalgia frequently demonstrate trigger-point involvement. These syndromes may present as…


Introduction Description: Benign proliferations of melanocytes (junctional nevi) are often referred to as melanomas. Malignant melanoma is the malignant degeneration of cells from the melanocytic (pigment) system. Although generally a skin lesion, malignant melanomas may arise in any pigmented tissue…

Low Back Pain

Introduction Description: Pain located in the lower portion of the back (generally between the level of the iliac spines and the lower ribs) with radiation to the abdomen, pelvis, legs, or trunk. In women, gynecologic processes are often implicated (correctly…

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Introduction Description: A functional syndrome of intermittent abdominal pain, constipation, and diarrhea related to hypermotility of the gut in the absence of any organic cause. Prevalence: 15% of the population. First described in 1818 and accounts for 50% of all…

Infertility: General Considerations

The Challenge The challenge is to assist couples who experience difficulty conceiving through normal means. Scope of the Problem: The inability to conceive and bear children affects 6%–12% of the American population. Under ordinary circumstances, 80%–90% of normal couples conceive…


Introduction Description: Reduced or inadequate circulating levels of thyroid hormone. Women are 5–10 times more likely to suffer from hypothyroidism than men. Menstrual disturbances may be the first indication of this abnormality. Some women develop a transient (3–4 months) hypothyroid…


Introduction Description: Hyperthyroidism is the excess production of thyroid hormone. It is three times more common in women than in men and may result in menstrual irregularity or fertility disturbances or may complicate pregnancy. It may occur because of Graves…


Introduction Description: A hemorrhoid is a symptomatic dilation of the hemorrhoidal venous plexus that results in perianal swelling, itching, pain, hematochezia, and fecal soiling. The dentate line demarcates internal and external hemorrhoids. Prevalence: Present in 50%–80% of all Americans. Predominant…


Introduction Description: Hematuria is the presence of blood, either microscopically or macroscopically, in the urine. Hematuria is only a symptom and requires further evaluation to establish a cause. Hematuria should be considered an indication of malignancy until proven otherwise for…

Headache: Migraine

Introduction Description: Migraine headaches are recurrent severe headaches that last for 4–72 hours and are accompanied by neurologic, gastrointestinal, and autonomic changes. These may or may not be preceded by a characteristic aura. Prevalence: Migraine headaches affect 15%–20% of women…