Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Introduction ‘The dangerous efflux is occasioned by everything that hinders the emptied uterus from contracting … in these cases such things must be used as will assist the contractile power of the uterus and hinder the blood from flowing so…
Introduction Obesity has become a new epidemic, affecting all ethnic and racial groups. In the developed world, its incidence is persistently increasing, resulting in higher rates of overweight and obesity than normal body mass index (BMI) in some countries. In…
‘No greater boon has ever come to mankind than the power thus granted to induce a temporary but complete insensibility to pain’. Howard Wilcox Haggard Devils, Drugs, and Doctors. The story of the science of healing from medicine-man to doctor.…
‘Pulmonary embolism by the particulate matter contained in amniotic fluid which gained entrance to the maternal circulation has been demonstrated by us at autopsy in 8 cases in which it seemed to be the cause of death…Having gained entrance to…
Introduction Pregnancy is a significant risk factor for venous thromboembolism (VTE), which remains a leading direct cause of maternal death in developed countries. There is good evidence that thromboprophylaxis reduces the incidence of VTE in at-risk groups. Heparin, a naturally…
‘After floodings, women sometimes die in a moment, but more frequently in a gradual manner; and over the victim, death shakes his dart, and to you she stretches out her helpless hands for the assistance which you cannot give, unless…
Placenta Praevia The term placenta praevia refers to implantation of the placenta in the lower uterine segment that overlies or abuts the internal os ( Fig. 28.1 ). The incidence of placenta praevia is 4 per 1000 deliveries, with evidence…
Salpingectomy Sterilization is a common procedure performed at caesarean section. An increasing awareness of the tubal origin of serous carcinoma has led to an increased focus on opportunistic salpingectomy as a risk-reducing measure for ovarian cancer. The incidence of salpingectomy…
Introduction Caesarean section (CS) is a common operation of which the majority are straightforward. This risks a relaxed attitude to the procedure, and its occasional complexities can catch out the unwary. This chapter highlights important anatomical and surgical principles relevant…
Caesarean section represents the most significant operative intervention in all of obstetrics. Its development and application has saved the lives of countless mothers and infants. However, its inappropriate use can be a direct and avoidable cause of maternal mortality and…