Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
I Basal Cell Carcinoma A General 1. Most common skin malignancy 2. Originates from epidermis: basal epithelial cells and hair follicles 3. Clinical presentation a. Waxy or cream-colored b. Classically described with pearly, rolled borders c. Central ulceration common; slow,…
I Anatomy And Physiology A Anatomy Basics 1. Modified sweat glands of ectodermal origin. Develop along the bilateral mammary ridges, where accessory breasts (polymastia) or nipples (polythelia) may be found, if intrauterine reabsorption is incomplete 2. Enveloped by superficial and…
I Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma A Epidemiology 1. Fourth most common cause of adult cancer mortality in the United States (8th leading cause worldwide) 2. Approximately 50,000 new cases/year nationally with high expected mortality 3. Slight male sex predominance; 1.3:1 male/female ratio…
I Colorectal Cancer: Epidemiology A Each Year in the United States, 135,000 Cases of Colorectal Cancer will be Diagnosed 1. Colon cancer: 95,000 2. Rectal cancer: 40,000 B Almost 50,000 People Die of Colorectal Cancer Annually in the United States…
I Epidemiology A Incidence 1. Although the small intestine comprises 90% of the surface area of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, less than 3% of primary GI neoplasms occur in this region. Theories for this discrepancy include: a. The dilute and…
I Adenocarcinoma of the Stomach A Epidemiology 1. Comprises 95% of all gastric tumors 2. Fourth most common gastrointestinal (GI) malignancy worldwide 3. Second cause of cancer mortality worldwide (behind lung cancer) 4. Approximately 25,000 cases reported in United States…
I Esophageal Anatomy 1. The esophagus is a muscular pump bordered by two sphincters, the upper esophageal sphincter (UES) and lower esophageal sphincter (LES). Its function is to transport food and liquids in a unidirectional movement, and it possesses no…
I Epidemiology 1. Worldwide, it is estimated that 300,000 people are living with oral cavity and pharynx cancer. Approximately 48,000 head and neck cancers are diagnosed in the United States annually, representing nearly 3% of cancers diagnosed in North America…
I Self-Sufficiency in Growth Signals Mitogens are chemicals that trigger cell mitosis. In contrast with healthy cells, cancer cells have a reduced dependence on mitogens and external growth factors for replication. A Growth Factors 1. Tumor cells and stroma produce…
I Epidemiology of Morbid Obesity A Definitions 1. Overweight—body mass index [(BMI) = weight in kg/height in m 2 ] greater than 25–29.9 2. Obese (Class I)—BMI greater than 30–34.9 3. Severe obesity (Class II)—BMI greater than 35–39.9 4. Morbid…