Master Techniques in Rhinoplasty

Repair of Acute Nasal Fracture

The nasal bones are the most commonly fractured bones in the face. Acute nasal fractures may result in both nasal deformity and nasal airway obstruction. However, some controversy still surrounds the management of acute nasal fractures, in that a review…

Nasal Septal Perforation Repair

The nasal septum plays a critical role in both the function, as well as the aesthetics, of the human nose. Structurally, the septum forms the foundation of the nasal pyramid and acts as the central support element of the nose, providing support for…

Nasal Reconstruction

The nose occupies a central position both anatomically and aesthetically in determining the overall appearance of the face. Surgery for reconstruction of the nose has a long history, dating back at least to 2000 bc . In India, nasal reconstruction…

Nasal Airway Obstruction

The nasal airway is of paramount importance to the astute rhinoplasty surgeon. Often, great aesthetic results are combined with poor functional outcomes, leading to dissatisfaction and the need for further intervention. This problem is curtailed by careful consideration and analysis…

Cleft Lip Rhinoplasty

The cleft lip nasal deformity is a complex, three-dimensional problem that challenges any rhinoplasty surgeon. The extent of the nasal deformity is related to the severity of the original cleft malformation and ranges from mild to severe. The secondary cleft…

Rhinoplasty in the Aging Patient

Aesthetic and reconstructive rhinoplasty is commonly acknowledged as the most demanding and difficult of the plastic surgical procedures. Although many technical advances have occurred throughout the past century, its fundamental philosophy remains constant. This philosophy involves significant planning and conservative…

Mestizo Rhinoplasty

Most individuals have an interest in being perceived by others as attractive, regardless of their ethnic heritage, racial background, or country of origin. Over time, migratory movements have contributed to the ethnic and racial melting pot responsible for the diversity…

Middle Eastern Rhinoplasty

Aesthetic rhinoplasty in patients of Middle Eastern extraction poses a specific set of challenges for the rhinoplasty surgeon. As is true in other geoethnic groups, several unique anatomic features define the appearance of the “Middle Eastern nose” and require a…

African American Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty in the African American population presents a unique set of challenges, including skin and soft tissue envelope thickness, alar base width, and inherent ethnic considerations. A delicate balance of patient satisfaction, achieving an aesthetically pleasing result, and maintaining a…

Asian Rhinoplasty

Cosmetic surgery for the Asian nose stands in marked contradistinction to that for the Western nose in that its objectives can be the opposite in many cases (i.e., augmentation rather than reductive rhinoplasty). However, an Occidental ideal for rhinoplasty has…