Massachusetts General Hospital Handbook of General Hospital Psychiatry

Patients With Disordered Sleep

Overview Scholars have long sought the cause and nature of sleep and sleep disorders, yet theories have far exceeded clear facts. Plato, for example, believed that sleep was caused by vapors arising from the stomach and condensing in the head,…

Patients With Abnormal Movements

Overview Psychiatrists encounter patients with abnormal movements in various clinical settings. Recognizing and correctly labeling motor phenomena in each setting helps to create a differential diagnosis that serves as the basis for optimal treatment, since abnormal movements can be the…

Patients With Seizure Disorders

Overview The structure and function of the central nervous system (CNS) is altered by many neurologic disorders. Because the CNS controls affect, behavior, and cognition, neurologic disorders can lead to neuropsychiatric symptoms that resemble those found in primary psychiatric conditions.…

Pain Patients

Overview Of all human experience, pain is, as long as it lasts, the most absorbing; it is the only human experience that when it comes to an end, automatically confers a sense of relief and joy. Moreover, by its very…

Patients With an Eating Disorder

Overview Eating disorders are serious psychiatric illnesses, with high rates of morbidity and mortality. They are most common in young women, but affect people of all ages, genders, races, ethnicities, and socioeconomic statuses. Individuals with eating disorders can develop serious…

Patients With Substance Use Disorders

Overview Without a doubt, substance use disorders (SUDs) present one of the gravest difficulties currently facing the United States healthcare system. Over the past two decades, the number of patients treated for substance use-related problems in the United States has…