Insall & Scott Surgery of the Knee

Osteochondral Autograft Transplantation

Introduction The treatment of symptomatic focal articular cartilage defects continues to present a clinical dilemma for many orthopedists. Surgical approaches to this problem can be categorized into those that attempt to resurface focal defects through tissue repair or regeneration and…

Articular Cartilage: Biology, Biomechanics, and Healing Response

Articular cartilage is a remarkable tissue with a unique functional architecture that supports multiplanar motion under a wide variety of loading conditions. In the absence of injury, and when allowed to function within its “zone of homeostasis,” human articular cartilage…

The Asian Knee

Introduction Five decades of knee arthroplasty in the Western world have seen periodic modifications in implant design and technique to suit and match the requirements of the white population. The past two decades have seen an unprecedented surge in the…

Knee Wear

* Acknowledgments: We especially appreciate the work of the many surgeons who dedicated time and effort to collaborating with the Dartmouth Biomedical Engineering Center Implant Retrieval Laboratory by sending retrieved devices. Without their commitment to this enterprise of continuing study…

Wear Simulation of Knee Implants

Wear simulation testing of knee replacements allows the influence of various design and condition variables on the wear performance to be examined in a controlled environment. One million cycles is considered to represent a full year in vivo; however, this…

In Vivo Mechanics and Vibration of the Knee Joint

Knee joint injuries are among the most prevalent musculoskeletal problems, and there are a number of potential reasons for these injuries. In younger adults, sports tend to be a major cause of injury, whereas arthritic degeneration, such as rheumatoid arthritis…