Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology

Contraction of Skeletal Muscle

About 40% of the body is skeletal muscle, and perhaps another 10% is smooth and cardiac muscle. Some of the same basic principles of contraction apply to all these muscle types. In this chapter, we mainly consider skeletal muscle function;…

Membrane Potentials and Action Potentials

Electrical potentials exist across the membranes of virtually all cells of the body. Some cells, such as nerve and muscle cells, generate rapidly changing electrochemical impulses at their membranes, and these impulses are used to transmit signals along the nerve…

Transport of Substances Through Cell Membranes

Figure 4-1 lists the approximate concentrations of important electrolytes and other substances in the extracellular fluid and intracellular fluid. Note that the extracellular fluid contains a large amount of sodium but only a small amount of potassium. The opposite is…

The Cell and Its Functions

Each of the trillions of cells in a human being is a living structure that can survive for months or years, provided its surrounding fluids contain appropriate nutrients. Cells are the building blocks of the body, providing structure for the…