Grainger & Allison's Diagnostic Radiology Essentials

Joint Disease

Introduction Clinical and Radiological Findings in Joint Disease Condition Site of involvement Discriminatory findings Primary osteoarthritis (F>M ▸ > 45 years) Hands PIP and DIP joint involvement (Heberden's and Bouchard's nodes) ▸ no osteopenia Large joints (e.g. hip, knee) Joint…

Metabolic and Endocrine Skeletal Disease

Osteoporosis Osteoporosis Definition A systemic skeletal disease characterized by a low bone mass and micro-architectural deterioration of the bone tissue with a consequent increase in bone fragility and an associated susceptibility to fracture It is the most common metabolic disorder…

Malignant Bone Tumours

Chondroid Origin Chondrosarcoma Definition A malignant cartilage-producing tumour – it generally has a better prognosis than an osteosarcoma (due to late metastases) Classification: ▪ Central (intramedullary) vs peripheral ▪ Primary vs secondary (e.g. arising in a pre-existing bone lesion such…

Benign Bone Tumours

Chondroid Origin (En)Chondroma Definition Chondroma: a benign intramedullary neoplasm consisting of mature hyaline cartilage ▸ it is commonly centrally located (and then referred to as an enchondroma) It is the 2 nd commonest benign chondral lesion (after an osteochondroma) Clinical…

Soft Tissue Imaging

Localized Calcification and Ossification Localized Calcification and Ossification Definition Deposition of calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate or calcium hydroxyapatite within soft tissues is called mineralization or calcification Metastatic: the result of abnormal calcium metabolism Calcinosis: occurring with a normal calcium metabolism Dystrophic:…

Paediatric Fractures

Specific Paediatric Fractures Greenstick/Torus Fracture/Plastic Bowing Definition In the paediatric skeleton the soft bone tends to bend and partially break (greater elasticity) Greenstick fracture: the bone cortex and periosteum break on the convex side of a long bone only Torus…

Skeletal Trauma

Introduction General Considerations XR Two orthogonal views are required ▸ it is poor at soft tissue assessment Displacement and obliteration of the normal fat pads can be a clue to an acute fracture haematoma or joint distension ▸ a lipohaemarthrosis…

Paediatric Genitourinary Disorders

Duplex Kidney Duplex Kidney Definition A congenital abnormality where drainage of the kidney is via two collecting systems (occurring in 3% of individuals) ▪ Partial < complete ▪ Bilateral > unilateral Complete duplication ▪ The ureters draining the two moieties…

Male Reproductive System

Cryptorchidism and Testicular Torsion Cryptorchidism (Undescended Testes) Definition The testis is normally drawn caudad towards the inguinal canal by the gubernaculum, which is attached to its lower pole – differential growth between the gubernaculum and abdominal wall may account for…