Essence of Anesthesia Practice

Anorexia Nervosa

Risk Primarily in white adolescent females from middle- or upper-class families; 4% to 10% males. More common in models, ballet students, and professions demanding high achievement. Occurs in 5-10 per 100,000 population; mortality rate 5-10%. Bimodal peak age of onset:…

Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Drainage

Risk One percent of all congenital heart defects. TAPVD, the severe form, or PAPVD, the less severe form, exists when pulm veins drain into the venous circulation. M:F 4:1 in infradiaphragmatic type. Perioperative Risks Rapid CV deterioration secondary to hypercapnia…

Ankylosing Spondylitis

Risk 1:2000 incidence in Caucasians; rare in non-Caucasians M:F 10:1; more severe in males 18-50% incidence in Native Americans Perioperative Risks Difficult airway and atlantoaxial instability “Bamboo spine” with potential for fracture during airway manipulation Rigid chest with difficult ventilation…

Anhidrosis (Congenital Anhidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia)

Risk Rare: 1:125,000,000 Clusters in Japan and Israel Perioperative Risks Impaired thermoregulation (risk of fatal hyperpyrexia in infants) Postop chest infections Worry About Absence of sweat leads to impaired thermoregulation. Insensitivity to superficial and deep painful stimuli with intact tactile…

Angina, Chronic Stable

Risk Incidence in USA: 3 million. Annual rates per 1000 new episodes of angina for non-African American men are 28.3 for ages 65–74, 36.3 for ages 75–84, and 33.0 for age 85 and older. For non-African American women in the…

Anemia, Megaloblastic

Risk Prevalence: Estimates ranging from 1.7-3.6%. Most common cause is vitamin deficiency: 65% vitamin B12; 12% combined folate/vitamin B12; 6% folate. Pernicious anemia is less common: 1 in 7500 people in USA develops pernicious anemia each year. Prevalence increases with…

Anemia, Hemolytic

Risk Autoimmune disorders (SLE, RA, scleroderma, cold agglutinin disease). Lymphoproliferative disorders (CLL, NHL). Prosthetic heart valves (ball-and-cage, and bileaflet valves). Usually subclinical, but can be severe in up to 15% of pts. Family history of hemoglobinopathies or RBC membrane defects…

Anemia, Chronic Disease/Inflammation

Risk Incidence in USA: 5%; incidence in surgical population: 5% to 75%. Historically thought to be due to chronic infectious, inflammatory, or malignant conditions. Now known to occur with severe trauma, DM, aging, and acute immune activation. More than 130…

Anemia, Aplastic

Risk Incidence in USA: 2000 new cases Per million up to age 9. Southeast Asia and South Africa have 10-20 times higher incidence. Within USA, related to agricultural areas or petrochemical industry and chemical exposures. Perioperative Risks Infection Hemorrhage LV…


Risk Lifetime prevalence of anaphylaxis is 0.05% to 2%, most common triggers being food, stings, and iatrogenic causes. Occurs in approximately 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 20,000 anesthetic procedures, and 1 in 6500 administrations of neuromuscular blocking agents (NMDAs).…