ENT Secrets

Orbital Surgery

Key Points 1. Endoscopic sinus surgical techniques have advanced to include the treatment of select orbital pathology due to the close proximity of the orbit to the paranasal sinuses, advances in surgical instrumentation, and a working relationship with ophthalmologists. 2.…

Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

Key Points 1. The goals of sinus surgery include atraumatic surgical technique, mucosal preservation, and restoration of normal sinus physiology. 2. The most common major complications of sinus surgery include hemorrhage, intracranial injury/cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak, and intraorbital injury. 3.…

Septoplasty and Turbinate Surgery

Key Points 1. The various approaches to septoplasty include endonasal (Killian, hemitransfixion, transfixion incisions), open, endoscopic, and endoscopic-assisted. Many techniques exist for performing inferior turbinate reduction. Surgery on nondiseased middle turbinates is not commonly performed. 2. During septoplasty, care should…

Chronic Rhinosinusitis

Key Points 1. Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) in both adults and children is defined based on specific guidelines including both subjective and objective criteria. 2. CRS is a multifactorial inflammatory process characterized by a dysfunctional host–environment interaction. 3. Medical management of…

Acute Rhinosinusitis and Infectious Complications

Key Points 1. Antibiotics are frequently administered to treat acute rhinosinusitis. Guidelines for appropriate antibiotic use should be followed. 2. Infectious complications of rhinosinusitis extending beyond the paranasal sinuses are rare. These include orbital, intracranial, and, less commonly osseous complications.…

Rhinitis, Immunotherapy, and Biologics

Key Points 1. Allergic rhinitis can present with seasonal or perennial symptoms. 2. Beta 2- transferrin present on nasal discharge indicates cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak. 3. Rhinitis medicamentosa is associated with the use of over-the-counter intranasal decongestants that contain α-adrenergic…


Key Points 1. Anterior epistaxis is the most common and often originates from Little’s area in Kiesselbach’s plexus, whereas posterior bleeds commonly originate from the sphenopalatine artery distribution. 2. The most important initial evaluation is a rough gauge of epistaxis…

Radiation and Systemic Therapy for Head and Neck Cancer

Key Points 1. Radiation therapy (RT) uses ionizing radiation to locally treat cancers, while systemic therapy uses cytotoxic chemotherapy or molecular targeted biologics to systemically treat cancers. 2. Compared to surgical treatment of head and neck (HN) cancers, radiation potentially…