DeLee, Drez, & Miller's Orthopaedic Sports Medicine

Heel Pain and Plantar Fasciitis: Hindfoot Conditions

Posterior Heel Pain Pain in the posterior, superior portion of the calcaneus may be multifactorial, ranging from retrocalcaneal bursitis, enlargement of the superior bursal prominence of the calcaneus, insertional Achilles tendinosis, to inflammation of an adventitious bursa between the Achilles…

Articular Cartilage Injuries and Defects

Osteochondral Injuries and Defects in the Foot and Ankle Osteochondroses of the foot and ankle are found in multiple locations, including the talus, tibia, metatarsals, navicular, cuneiforms, and calcaneus. The cause of osteochondrosis is varied and complex, and has been…

Tendon Injuries of the Foot and Ankle

Anterior Tibial Tendon Injuries Acute injuries to the anterior tibial tendon are uncommon and are often the result of open injuries or lacerations. Chronic ruptures are decidedly more common, but they usually occur in an older population either as a…

Ligamentous Injuries of the Foot and Ankle

The ankle is a highly specialized joint that allows us to propel ourselves in an efficient manner during multiple activities. The mortise shape facilitates transmission of 1.5 times the body weight when walking, and up to four times the body…

Sports Shoes and Orthoses

Sports Orthoses Foot orthoses—also commonly called orthotics, arch supports, and inserts—have been applied to the treatment of pathologic musculoskeletal conditions for more than a century. The term foot orthosis refers to any orthotic device that is distal to the ankle.…

Ankle Arthroscopy

Historically, the ankle joint was believed to be unsuitable for arthroscopy because intra-articular access of this joint is narrow. Tagaki and later Watanabe described techniques and pioneered the use of arthroscopy in the examination of the ankle. Compared with open…

Peripheral Nerve Entrapment Around the Foot and Ankle

Introduction Athletes may suffer from chronic lower limb pain, which could be caused by peripheral nerve entrapment. Compared with other problems of the lower limb, this entity is quite rare, with a heterogeneous group of nerve disorders and multiple, sometimes…

Leg Pain and Exertional Compartment Syndromes

Exertional leg pain (ELP) is a common problem encountered in recreational and competitive athletes. Although its incidence in the general population is unknown, ELP is thought to affect between 12.8% and 82.4% of athletes. Specifically, at least 45% of runners…

Imaging of the Foot and Ankle

Radiographs Radiographs are often the initial imaging study performed for any patient presenting with a problem related to the foot and ankle. Radiographs are clearly beneficial when evaluating for suspected arthritis, osteonecrosis, tumors, nonunion, or trauma. In addition, the alignment…