Comprehensive Gynecology

Anal incontinence: Diagnosis and Management

Key points Estimates of fecal incontinence range from 11% to 20% of community-dwelling women older than 64 years. More than 30% of women reporting urinary incontinence also report fecal incontinence, known as dual incontinence. The internal anal sphincter, under autonomic…

Lower urinary tract function and disorders: Physiology of Micturition, Voiding Dysfunction, Urinary Incontinence, Urinary Tract Infections, and Painful Bladder Syndrome

Key points Continence is determined by the balance between forces that maintain urethral closure and those that affect detrusor function. Parasympathetic nervous system activity via the neurotransmitter acetylcholine stimulates receptors in the bladder wall to activate detrusor contraction. Sympathetic nervous…

Endometriosis: Etiology, Pathology, Diagnosis, Management

Key points Endometriosis is a benign, usually progressive, and sometimes recurrent disease that invades locally and disseminates widely. Causes include retrograde menstruation, coelomic metaplasia, vascular metastasis, immunologic changes, iatrogenic dissemination, and a genetic predisposition. Endometriosis lesions produce estrogen locally and…

Contraception and abortion

Key points Approximately 45% of all pregnancies in the United States are unintended, and among women who experience unintended pregnancy, more than half are not using contraception. By age 45, at least half of U.S. women will experience an unintended…