Applied Knowledge in Paediatrics: MRCPCH Mastercourse


After reading this chapter you should: primary and secondary immunodeficiency understand the presentation and management of autoimmune disorders The impact of an infection depends on many factors including those of the host, those of the infecting organism and those of…


After reading this chapter you should be able to: to assess, diagnose and manage allergies Allergic conditions can present in a wide variety of ways from mild episodic rashes through to dramatic, rapid-onset, life-threatening illness. Many symptoms are common to…

Infection control

After reading this chapter you should: be able to follow the UK national guidelines on notification of communicable diseases know the principles of infection control be able to advise on immunisation in children with certain medical conditions know about the…

Infectious diseases

After reading this chapter you should: be able to assess, diagnose and manage infections acquired in the UK and overseas Infections acquired in the UK Infections present at all ages, in any organs and can cause mild or life-threatening illness.…


After reading this chapter you should be able to: recognise the different presentations of abuse assess and manage abuse and fabricated illness know the emotional and behavioural consequence of abuse and neglect Safeguarding children is the responsibility of everyone Parents,…

Fluids and electrolyte management

After reading this chapter you should: be able to assess, diagnose and manage fluid and electrolyte disturbances be able to assess, diagnose and manage disorders of acid-base balance (included elsewhere) An understanding of fluid and electrolyte requirements in children and…

Unintentional injuries and poisoning

After reading this chapter you should be able to assess, diagnose and manage: unintentional injuries including trauma and drowning life-threatening haemorrhage head and spinal injuries burns and scalds life- or limb-threatening injuries injuries that can be managed less urgently and…

Emergency medicine

After reading this chapter you should be able to assess diagnose and manage: cardiac arrest shock anaphylaxis and acute upper airways obstruction acute seizures acute neurological emergencies Children and young people frequently present to emergency departments with overwhelming and life-threatening…

Behavioural medicine and mental health

After reading this chapter you should: be able to assess, diagnose and manage common emotional and behavioural problems know about the effects of physical diseases on behaviour and vice versa know and understand the presentation of conduct disorders and antisocial…


After reading this chapter you should be able to assess, diagnose and manage: problems arising during the establishment of infant feeding regimes malnutrition, obesity and their complications specific vitamin, mineral and micronutrient deficiencies The assessment of nutrition in paediatric practice…