Abdominal Imaging

Image-Guided Therapy

Increasing emphasis on tailoring of cancer treatment strategies to individual patients (i.e., personalized medicine) has enabled development of multiple therapeutic options in the management of malignant diseases of the abdomen and pelvis. In particular, in patients with malignant hepatic and…

Abdominal Wall Hernias

Etiology Abdominal wall hernias, or external hernias (where abdominal contents protrude beyond the abdominal cavity), include inguinal, femoral, umbilical, incisional, spigelian, epigastric, lumbar, and obturator hernias. All abdominal wall hernias consist of a peritoneal sac that protrudes through a weakness…

Imaging of Disorders of the Male Urethra

Trauma Etiology Urethral trauma may result from blunt, penetrating, or iatrogenic injury. The spectrum of urethral injuries includes contusion, partial or complete disruption, and urethral injury and may involve either the anterior or posterior urethral segment. Blunt anterior urethral injuries…

Imaging of Disorders of the Female Urethra

Urethral Diverticulum Etiology A urethral diverticulum is a focal outpouching of urethral tissue into the urethrovaginal space. It is thought to be due to postinflammatory dilatation and rupture of the periurethral glands (of Skene) into the urethra. Most urethral diverticula…

Benign and Malignant Testicular Lesions

Benign Testicular Lesions Etiology and Clinical Presentation Benign scrotal or testicular swellings and masses have many etiologies and different clinical presentations, as listed in Tables 78-1 and 78-2 . Of palpable nodules, 31% to 47% are benign at surgery. TABLE…

Imaging of the Scrotum

Technical Aspects Scrotal imaging has been one of the undeniable success stories of modern radiology. The scrotum is predominantly imaged for two clinical indications: the painless scrotal mass and the acute scrotum. Both conditions predominantly affect young men in the…