Anthrax Vaccines

Anthrax, a zoonotic disease caused by Bacillus anthracis , has three forms: cutaneous, inhalational, and gastrointestinal. Mortality in untreated cutaneous cases is approximately 20%, but less than 1% if antibiotics are promptly given. Inhalational anthrax is almost 100% fatal if untreated, and gastrointestinal cases have an untreated mortality rate of 25–75%. Meningitis may be a complication of any of the three forms of disease. Natural cases are primarily associated with industrial, agricultural, or laboratory exposure. The natural disease is not a major global public health problem, although occasional epidemics occur. However, the intentional use of B. anthracis as a bioweapon in the fall of 2001 in the United States irrevocably altered our views of public health, not just for anthrax, but also for many other infections with bioterrorism potential.

Historically, anthrax is considered to have been the fifth and sixth plagues described in Exodus (circa 1491 bc ). Hippocrates described the disease in approximately 300 bc . Europeans recorded epizootics and epidemics in the 16th century. Between 1750 and 1850, detailed descriptions of the disease in both humans and animals were reported and the causative organism was characterized. An epidemic of presumed gastrointestinal anthrax occurred in 1770 in Haiti and involved approximately 15,000 people that was attributed to the ingestion of contaminated beef during a famine.

In the 1870s, Koch cultured B. anthracis on artificial media and demonstrated definitively for the first time the microbial etiology of an infectious disease. In 1881, Pasteur attenuated the organism and conducted a successful field test of this attenuated vaccine strain administered to livestock. Simultaneously Greenfield performed similar work. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, cases of cutaneous and inhalational industrial anthrax involved rag pickers in Germany and woolsorters in England. The term woolsorters’ disease referred to inhalational anthrax. Because of the large number of reported cases in England, a wool disinfection station was established in Liverpool. All incoming wool and other animal fibers were disinfected using formaldehyde baths before being further processed. Subsequently, the number of cases of anthrax among these workers decreased significantly.

Cases of human anthrax have been reported from almost every country. However, the actual number of cases in the world is at best an estimate. In 1958, Glassman estimated the annual worldwide incidence at 20,000–100,000 cases. In the 1980s and 1990s, the total global reported disease decreased to an estimated 2000 cases annually but the actual incidence is not precise due to poor reporting.

Industrial cases occur primarily in European and North American countries, and are associated with the processing of animal materials, such as hair, wool, hides, and bones. Agricultural cases occur primarily in Asian and African countries and result from contact with diseased domesticated animals or their products, such as hair, wool, hides, bones, and carcasses, including meat.

In the United States, the initial reports of animal anthrax came in the early 1700s from what is now Louisiana. Sporadic animal cases were reported later from almost every state. Areas with more regularly reported animal cases are now called anthrax districts and primarily include the Great Plains states. Human anthrax was first reported from Kentucky in 1824. Human cases subsequently occurred throughout the United States, with the majority reported from industrialized states in the Northeast. However, as the textile industry moved to other parts of the country, human cases arose in new locations.

Several unusual epidemics have been reported since the late 1970s. The largest epidemic in modern times occurred in Zimbabwe, with approximately 10,000 human cases reported between 1979 and 1985, including approximately 7000 cases occurring in 1979 and 1980. Most people had cutaneous lesions, but some gastrointestinal cases were also reported. The source of the infections was infected cattle.

Another unusual epidemic occurred in Sverdlovsk, Russia, part of the Soviet Union, in 1979, after an accidental release of spores from a military microbiology facility. In this epidemic, at least 77 human cases of inhalational anthrax with at least 66 deaths occurred among people exposed to aerosolized B. anthracis organisms. , Some cases also occurred in sheep and cattle grazing as far as 50 km downwind from the facility, possibly resulting from the same release, although natural anthrax outbreaks previously had been reported from the region. In 1995, Iraq admitted to the United Nations that it produced weapons containing anthrax spores and was prepared to launch them during the 1991 Persian Gulf War.

In late September 2001, a Florida man developed inhalational anthrax, the first case in the United States since 1976 and subsequently died. Initially, it was regarded as an isolated case, but it became the first among 11 confirmed inhalational cases, and seven confirmed and four suspected cutaneous cases of anthrax reported from Florida, New York, New Jersey, the District of Columbia, and Connecticut. Exposure to contaminated mail was the confirmed or apparent source of infection in all these patients. Among cutaneous cases, lesions developed on the forearm, neck, chest, or fingers. Of the 11 inhalational cases, the median age was 56 years (range: 43–94 years). The presumed incubation period from exposure to onset of symptoms ranged from 4 to 6 days. Additional details of these cases will be subsequently described.

An unusual epidemic of anthrax cases arising secondary to heroin injection began in Europe in 2009 and continues. Since the first report of injectional anthrax in a heroin addict in 2000, there have been more than 70 laboratory confirmed cases with a 37% case fatality rate reported from four European countries. Unusual clinical presentations associated with the outbreak included cases with compartment syndrome, necrotizing fasciitis and acute abdominal pain and signs of peritonitis, associated with groin heroin injection. In most cases, the typical lesion consisting of an initial papule progressing to eschar, as described below, was absent.

The incidence of human anthrax in the developed world is extremely low. However, the impetus for the development of an improved human vaccine is the threat of B. anthracis used as a biological weapon. This worrisome possibility was given credence by the 1979 Sverdlovsk incident and the 1991 Iraqi experience, and prompted the U.S. Department of Defense to begin anthrax vaccinations for some members of the U.S. Armed Forces on March 10, 1998. The 2001 bioweapon attacks in the United States confirmed fears and heightened interest in the effort to develop new vaccines. The specter of anthrax spores used as a bioweapon against civilian populations on a larger scale than that yet experienced poses potential catastrophic consequences. Given that spores can persist in experimentally infected animals after treatment with antibiotics for well over 30 days, the major efforts directed to the management of such an event include early diagnosis and postexposure prophylaxis with antibiotics and vaccination.


Clinical Description

There are three primary forms of anthrax: cutaneous, inhalational, and gastrointestinal. Secondary meningitis can occur with all three forms but is most often observed with inhalational anthrax. Rarely, meningitis has been reported without a primary site identified. In the United States, approximately 95% of reported cases of clinical anthrax have been cutaneous and 5% inhalational.

Cutaneous Anthrax

The incubation period for cutaneous anthrax is 1–7 days (usually 2–5 days). The lesion is first noted as a small, pruritic papule. Within several days, the papule develops into a vesicle 1–2 cm in diameter. Occasionally, the initial papule is surrounded by a ring of vesicles, which coalesce to form a large vesicle. The vesicular fluid is clear or serous colored and contains numerous B. anthracis organisms and a paucity of leukocytes. Nonpitting edema and erythema may develop around the lesion. Pain is not present unless there is secondary infection. The vesicle may enlarge to 2–3 cm in diameter, sometimes becoming hemorrhagic. Systemic symptoms are usually mild and include malaise and low-grade fever. There may be regional lymphangitis and lymphadenopathy. Approximately 5–7 days after the skin lesion, the vesicle ruptures, revealing a straight-edged, depressed ulcer crater that develops a black eschar. During a period of 2–3 weeks, the eschar loosens and falls off, usually without leaving a scar. The evolution of the eschar is not affected by antibiotic treatment.

The lesions most often occur on an exposed part of the body, such as the face, neck, or arm. Large, irregularly shaped cutaneous lesions have been reported in some industrial cases after many organisms were rubbed into the skin. Occasionally, extensive ocular involvement occurs, with orbital involvement leading to damage to the lids and ductal system.

More severe cutaneous involvement is referred to as malignant edema, in which multiple bullae surround the site of the initial lesion with extensive local edema, induration, and toxemia present. At times, the edema may be massive, extending from a primary lesion on the neck to the groin. Rarely, multiple cutaneous lesions have been reported after multiple inoculations of spores through the skin. Reinfections have been rarely reported, but not confirmed.

Cutaneous anthrax in heroin users, arising mainly from IM injection of heroin, has been associated with varying clinical findings from more typical self-limiting skin lesions to atypical abscesses, cellulitis, compartment syndrome, and necrotizing fasciitis with accompanying systemic toxicity and sepsis. The cases of sepsis may result from coinfection with other organisms in the setting of traumatized tissue.

Inhalational Anthrax

In 1–5 days after inhaling an infectious dose of B. anthracis organisms, non-specific symptoms develop that include malaise, fatigue, myalgia, slight temperature elevation, and minimal nonproductive cough, usually without symptoms of an upper respiratory infection. There may also be a feeling of precordial tightness. Auscultation of the chest may reveal rhonchi. A slight improvement may occur within 2–4 days, but then severe respiratory distress develops suddenly, including dyspnea, cyanosis, stridor, and profuse diaphoresis. In some cases, subcutaneous (SC) edema of the neck and chest may be present. Physical examination reveals a toxic patient with an elevated pulse, respiratory rate, and temperature. Physical examination may reveal signs of a pleural effusion. Widening of the mediastinum on radiographic examination of the chest is frequently seen, as are pleural effusions, that may be hemorrhagic. The leukocyte count may be moderately elevated. Shock may develop terminally, and death usually occurs within 24 hours of respiratory distress. Death likely is caused by lymphatic/vascular obstruction in the mediastinum, with pulmonary hemorrhage and edema associated with large hemorrhagic pleural effusions and systemic toxicity.

The patients treated in the 2001 U.S. outbreak frequently reported chills, prolonged and profound fatigue, nausea or vomiting, and chest discomfort. All had abnormal chest radiographs ( Table 12.1 ), with paratracheal and hilar fullness, and pleural effusions, infiltrates or both. In some patients, the initial findings were subtle. Among all eight patients who had not received antibiotics before diagnosis, B. anthracis grew in blood cultures drawn at initial examination. Of the 11 patients, six (55%) survived with aggressive supportive care and multidrug antibiotic regimens. , All five patients with fulminant signs of illness, severe respiratory distress or hypotension, or meningitis at initial examination, died despite receiving appropriate intravenous antibiotics and supportive care. , In all fatal cases, autopsy revealed classical edematous mediastinitis with hemorrhage.

TABLE 12.1
Initial Clinical Findings in 10 Patients With Bioterrorism-Related Inhalational Anthrax, October to November 2001
Chest Radiography Findings
Any abnormality 10/10
Mediastinal widening 7/10
Infiltrates/consolidation 7/10
Pleural effusion 8/10
Chest Computed Tomography Findings
Any abnormality 8/8
From Jernigan JA, Stephens DS, Ashford DA, et al., for the Anthrax Bioterrorism Investigation Team. Bioterrorism-related inhalational anthrax: the first 10 cases reported in the United States. Emerg Infect Dis. 2001;7:933–944.

A literature review of articles published from 1900 to 2005, some of which include the patients from the 2001 U.S. outbreak, reports the clinical features of 82 cases of inhalational anthrax from 106 reports. The symptoms and clinical features in the 2001 patients were similar to cases but they were more likely to have had therapy initiated during the prodromal phase, to have received multiple antibiotics, and to have had pleural fluid drainage. Additional cases occurred in drumhead makers in 2006 , and 2008 and in 2011 in a man who traveled throughout the Western United States but had no identified source for the infection.

Gastrointestinal Anthrax

Symptoms of gastrointestinal anthrax develop 2–5 days after the ingestion of contaminated meat. The initial symptoms of disease consist of nausea, vomiting, anorexia, and fever followed by abdominal pain and diarrhea, which may be bloody. Hematemesis, sometimes severe, may develop. In some cases, the presentation is that of an acute abdomen and has prompted surgical exploration of the abdomen. Physical examination reveals an elevated temperature, pulse, and respiratory rate. Sepsis with toxemia, shock, and death may develop.

Oral or oropharyngeal anthrax occurs when ingested organisms gain entrance to the subcutaneous tissues. In these cases, local ulcers, fever, anorexia, cervical or submandibular lymphadenopathy, or edema may develop.


B. anthracis , the causative agent of anthrax, is a large, Gram-positive, spore-forming, nonmotile bacillus (1.0 to 1.5 × 3 to 10 mm). The organism grows readily on sheep blood agar aerobically and is nonhemolytic under these conditions. The colonies are large, rough, and gray-white in color, with irregular, tapered, curving outgrowths that cause the typical “medusa head” appearance. A loop drawn up through a colony makes the disturbed part of the colony stand upright like whipped egg white. In the presence of high concentrations of carbon dioxide, the organisms form antiphagocytic capsules and two exotoxins, and colonies are noted to be smooth and mucoid. In tissue, the bacteria are encapsulated and appear singly or in chains of two or three bacilli. Bacterial identification is confirmed by the production of toxin, lysis by a specific γ bacteriophage, the presence of a capsule and cell wall polysaccharide confirmed by fluorescent antibody testing, and confirmed virulence when injected in mice and guinea pigs. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests for toxin and capsule genes are also confirmatory. Genetic analyses of different isolates reveal that B. anthracis is one of the most monomorphic, homogeneous bacterial species known. ,

The spores are quite resistant to environmental extremes and may survive for decades in soil (see “Epidemiology” below). Recent evidence also suggests that B. anthracis infected with lysogenic bacteriophage can survive in soil and colonize earthworm intestines for prolonged periods in the vegetative state and may serve as a source of infectious spores. Viable spores were reported to persist for weeks to months within the lungs of rhesus monkeys after inhalation, while receiving antibiotic treatment. After the cessation of antibiotic treatment, residual spores remain viable and can cause fatal disease.


The major pathogenic virulence determinants of B. anthracis are the capsule and two protein exotoxins, lethal toxin and edema toxin. More recently, additional factors have been shown to contribute to virulence, although to a lesser degree than the capsule and toxins. These other factors include a capsule depolymerase responsible for attachment of the capsule to the cell wall peptidoglycan, a manganese adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-binding cassette transporter, siderophore biosynthesis genes, nitric oxide synthase, a caseinolytic protease component (ClpX), a surface protein that may be involved in cell adhesion (BslA), and a high temperature requirement A gene involved in the bacterial response to stress.

The importance of the capsule was appreciated early in the 20th century when Bail demonstrated that organisms without a capsule were avirulent. However, extensive studies by Sterne and others in the 1930s showed that nonencapsulated strains could induce immunity to anthrax. The strains developed by Sterne have proved remarkably effective as live vaccines for domesticated animals and are used worldwide.

As is true for many bacterial virulence factors, the genes encoding the anthrax capsule are carried on an extrachromosomal 96-kb plasmid (pX02). , Anthrax strains lacking the capsule plasmid fail to produce capsule and are attenuated. The capsule is a homopolymer of poly- d -glutamic acid and enhances virulence by making the organism resistant to phagocytosis and to lysis by cationic proteins. , Capsule released from the surface may also interfere with resistance, maturation of antigen presenting cells resulting in reduced chemotaxis to chemokines, and encapsulation inhibits human dendritic cell responses.

A role for toxins in anthrax pathogenesis was suspected from the earliest studies by Koch, but it was not firmly established until 1954, when Smith and Keppie demonstrated that sterile plasma from experimentally infected guinea pigs was lethal when injected into other animals. Evans and Shoesmith showed that B. anthracis culture filtrates produced edema after injection into the skin of rabbits. Additional work in the 1950s and 1960s evaluated the impact of toxins in disease and immunity. , Since the mid-1980s, many advances have been made in the understanding of the molecular biology of the toxins and their effects on multiple cell types in vivo and in vitro. Nevertheless, their precise role in pathogenesis remains undefined. Anthrax disease has been characterized by some as being due to a large bacterium that produces a feeble toxin. Although it is clear that anthrax is an invasive disease and that anthrax lethal toxin, when given intravenously, is relatively impotent compared with other bacterial toxins, the lethal and edema toxins are essential for virulence and thought to be important in the establishment of disease by impairing host defenses.

The anthrax lethal and edema toxins, like many bacterial toxins (e.g., diphtheria, tetanus, botulinum), have a binding domain by which they bind to target cell receptors and an active domain that is responsible for the biochemical and usually enzymatic activity of the toxin. However, the anthrax toxins are unusual in that the binding and active domains exist in two distinct proteins, and the two active domain proteins share the same binding protein. This binding protein is called protective antigen (PA). PA combined with a second protein called lethal factor (LF) constitutes the anthrax lethal toxin, which is lethal when injected into experimental animals. , The same PA combined with a third protein, edema factor (EF), constitutes the edema toxin, which causes edema when injected into experimental animals , and can also be lethal for some animals. The edema toxin is responsible for the massive edema that may be present in cases of anthrax, whether in the skin or mediastinum. The 89-kDa EF is a calmodulin-dependent adenylate cyclase that raises intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate (AMP) levels. The 85-kDa LF is a zinc metalloprotease that inactivates mitogen-activated protein kinase and also inhibits the phosphoinositide-3-kinase pathway, thus interfering with multiple host cell signaling pathways. , Toxicity for macrophages appears to be mediated through activation of caspase-1, requires a specific inflammasome protein, and results in lysosomal permeabilization. Consistent with this model, each of the individual proteins alone lacks biologic activity.

The crystal structures of PA, LF, and EF have all been determined. The current model, based on cell culture studies, proposes that PA first binds to a host cell toxin receptor ( Fig. 12.1 ). Two of these receptors have now been identified, , tumor endothelial marker 8 and capillary morphogenesis gene 2. Both receptors have an extracellular van Willebrand factor A domain involved in binding of PA and additional cell-surface proteins may modulate their activity. , PA then is cleaved by a cell-surface protease, releasing a 20-kDa aminoterminal fragment. The cell-bound 63-kDa carboxyterminal fragment oligomerizes to a heptamer or octamer and creates a second binding domain to which either or both of the active proteins (LF or EF) binds. The complex then enters the cell through endocytosis with LF and EF passing through a PA channel induced by the low pH of the endosome, recently visualized by cryoelectron microscopy, , to exert their intracellular toxic effects. PA may also be cleaved by proteases in the circulation to form oligomers with LF and EF, which then bind to cell receptors. An alternative pathway has recently been described whereby LF within extracellular vesicles or exosomes can enter and intoxicate cells independently of the PA receptor.

Fig. 12.1, Model of anthrax toxin action. Protective antigen (PA) secreted by Bacillus anthracis binds to a membrane protein receptor (ATR) (1) , two of which have been described. The PA is then cleaved by the protease furin (2) with release of a 20-kDa fragment and oligomerization of the remaining 63-kDa monomer (3) . The PA 63 oligomer then binds edema factor (EF) or lethal factor (LF) (4) . The complete toxin is then endocytosed (5) and trafficked to endosomes. At the low pH of the endosomes, the oligomer inserts into the membrane resulting in translocation of EF/LF to the cytosol (6) . EF causes an increase in cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) (7) , while LF cleaves mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKKs) (8) resulting in host cell damage and death of some cell types. PA can also be cleaved by proteases in the circulation to the 63-kDa monomer and form oligomers with EF/LF which then bind to host cell receptors.

The genes for toxin production are carried on a second 182-kb plasmid (pX01). Strains deleted of the plasmid coding for the toxin genes remain encapsulated, but are attenuated. , Of historical significance, it appears that the veterinary vaccine strains produced by Pasteur through passage at high temperature lacked the plasmid for the toxin genes, explaining their attenuation. It is thought that vaccine preparations consisted of a mixture of organisms, most of which lacked the toxin plasmid together with small numbers of fully virulent organisms that retained the toxin plasmid and were responsible for the vaccine’s efficacy. Further work has shown that deleting the PA gene alone eliminates the organism’s virulence, thus confirming the central role of PA in the activity of the two toxins and their role in virulence.

Early studies showed that crude toxin preparations or combinations of edema and lethal toxins inhibited neutrophil killing, chemotaxis, or phagocytosis, and that edema toxin inhibited neutrophil phagocytosis and priming of the respiratory burst of neutrophils. The toxins have effects early in infection on inhibiting the host innate immune responses and later during infection have systemic effects on the cardiovascular and other systems when toxin levels are greatly elevated but the relevance of studies with isolated toxins to the changes during infection remain to be confirmed. At low concentrations, lethal and edema toxins also appear to block the production of proinflammatory cytokines from macrophages, , directly inhibit macrophage chemotaxis, and interfere with the early protective inflammatory response. At high concentrations, lethal toxin is cytolytic for macrophages from some mouse strains. These mouse studies have shown that strains with macrophages and neutrophils resistant to lethal toxin, as seen in human cells, are more resistant to infection, with neutrophils more important for resistance than macrophages. However, the relevance of these studies in mice with attenuated unencapsulated strains to the mechanism of toxin pathogenesis of human disease remains to be determined. Lethal and edema toxins also have deleterious effects on a multitude of other cells, including lymphocytes and dendritic cells, endothelial cells, glucocorticoid receptor–positive cells, and cardiac myocytes, but the physiologically important cell target(s) in the infected host remains to be established. In terms of pathogenesis, the greater importance of lethal toxin versus edema toxin was demonstrated with a mouse model in which an anthrax strain producing the lethal toxin alone retained some virulence, whereas a strain producing only edema toxin was avirulent; the parent strain producing both toxins was the most virulent. More recent studies show that lethal toxin, but not edema toxin, is essential for virulence in nonhuman primates. In contrast, studies in rabbits show that strains producing either lethal or edema toxin are equally virulent but both toxins are necessary for full virulence. These results demonstrate the variability in pathogenesis in different animal models and the caution that must be used in extrapolating results in animals to humans.

In cutaneous anthrax, infection begins when a spore is introduced through the skin. At the local site, the spore germinates into the vegetative bacillus, which produces the antiphagocytic capsule. The edema and lethal toxins produced by the organism impair leukocyte function and contribute to the distinctive findings of tissue necrosis, edema, and relative lack of leukocytes in the local lesion. If not contained, the bacilli spread to the draining regional lymph nodes, allowing further production of toxins and induction of the typical hemorrhagic, edematous, and necrotic lymphadenitis. From the lymph nodes, the bacteria continue to multiply and enter the bloodstream, producing a systemic infection.

In inhalational anthrax, spores ingested by alveolar phagocytes and lung dendritic cells are transported to the tracheobronchial and mediastinal lymph nodes, where they germinate. , Local production of toxins by extracellular bacilli leads to the massive hemorrhagic, edematous, and necrotic lymphadenitis and mediastinitis characteristic of this form of the disease. The bacilli then spread to the blood, causing septicemia. In approximately half the cases there may be hemorrhagic meningitis. PA and LF are detectable in the blood early and at high concentrations later, , with the lethal toxin occurring as a complex of PA and LF at late stages of disease. Capsule is also present at high levels. The site of action and the role of lethal and edema toxins in the mechanism of death from infection remain obscure. Death is a result of respiratory failure with overwhelming bacteremia that is often associated with meningitis and subarachnoid hemorrhage.


A diagnosis of cutaneous anthrax should be considered after the appearance of a painless, pruritic papule that develops into a 1- to 2-cm vesicle, revealing a black eschar at the base of a shallow ulcer. Examination by Gram stain or culture of the vesicular fluid should confirm the diagnosis, but prior antibiotic therapy quickly renders the infected site culture-negative. Biopsy at the lesion edge, examined by Gram stain, immunohistology, and PCR, may be useful in people who have been treated with antibiotics. The latter two tests are available through the Laboratory Response Network (see below). In addition, there should be a history of exposure to materials contaminated with B. anthracis .

The diagnosis of inhalational anthrax is more difficult but should be suspected in cases with a history of exposure to an aerosol containing B. anthracis , followed by an initial phase during which symptoms are non-specific. Once the acute stage develops, a widened mediastinum seen on chest radiograph, often with pleural effusions, should suggest the diagnosis. In untreated cases, culture of blood and pleural effusions will readily establish the diagnosis, and more rapid detection methods, including PCR for the PA gene, immunoassay for capsule antigens, and mass spectrometry for LF or lethal toxin, and PA may all be useful. , , These tests are available through the Laboratory Response Network and state health departments ( ). In cases previously treated with antibiotics, these assays for toxin and capsule in blood and pleural fluid, as well as immunohistologic examination of pleural fluid or transbronchial biopsy specimens, are of particular value , , , and may be positive as long as 6–8 days after initiation of antibiotic therapy. , Because primary pneumonia is not a feature of inhalational anthrax, sputum examinations do not aid in the diagnosis. The radiographic differential diagnosis should include histoplasmosis, sarcoidosis, tuberculosis, and lymphoma. A computed tomography scan of the chest may be helpful to detect hemorrhagic mediastinal lymphadenopathy and edema, peribronchial thickening, and pleural effusions.

Gastrointestinal anthrax is difficult to diagnose because of its rarity and similarity to other more common severe gastrointestinal diseases. An epidemiologic history of ingesting contaminated meat, particularly in association with other similar outbreak cases, suggests the diagnosis. Microbiologic cultures are not helpful in confirming the diagnosis unless bacteremia is present. The diagnosis of oral–oropharyngeal anthrax can be made from the clinical and physical findings, but the role of bacteriologic cultures in confirming this diagnosis remains unclear.

Treatment and Prevention With Antibiotics

Mild cases of cutaneous anthrax may be treated effectively with oral penicillin, fluoroquinolone, doxycycline, or another antibiotic, depending on antimicrobial susceptibility. If rapid spread or prominent systemic symptoms are present, high-dose parenteral therapy as for inhalational anthrax (see below) should be given until there is a clinical response. Effective therapy reduces the edema and systemic symptoms but does not change the evolution of the skin lesion. In injectional anthrax parenteral antibiotic therapy as for inhalational anthrax (see below) should be initiated and surgical debridement and fasciotomy may be required.

Treatment of inhalational anthrax requires high-dose intravenous therapy (ciprofloxacin or another fluoroquinolone) with at least one or more antibiotics with good central nervous system penetration, for example, meropenem and linezolid, because of the high incidence of meningitis. , , , This approach also applies to gastrointestinal anthrax. Regimens should be altered based on susceptibility testing available at the Laboratory Response Network and state health departments along with the clinical status. The successful treatment of six of the 11 inhalational cases in the 2001 bioweapon attacks suggests that, with rapid antibiotic treatment and modern supportive care, including aggressive management of respiratory distress and pleural effusions, mortality is similar to that of other causes of sepsis.

After exposure to an aerosol of anthrax, postexposure prophylaxis or presymptomatic treatment should include oral antibiotics for 60 days or more, depending on individual circumstances (e.g., extent of exposure, vaccination status; see later text). , Ciprofloxacin or doxycycline are recommended. Other oral antibiotics, including other fluoroquinolones, clindamycin, or amoxicillin or penicillin VK if the strain is susceptible, are alternatives. Levofloxacin is indicated as a second-line drug because of limited safety data beyond 30 days. Amoxicillin is recommended for children and pregnant or lactating women, depending on microbial resistance. , Pre-exposure or postexposure vaccination may enable shorter courses of antibiotics (see later text). , Postexposure vaccination alone would not be expected to protect quickly enough to be effective.

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